Master Gardener Executive Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Fayette County Master Gardener Association
May 8, 2014
Present at the meeting: Ellyn Katen (President), Christine Parsons (Vice President), Kay
Fisher (Treasurer), Doris Settles (Secretary), Clare Farnau (Continuing Education Chair),
Linda Richardson (Nominating Committee Chair), Joanna Badagliacca (Volunteer Projects
Chair), Kelly Weber (Newsletter Chair), Kristi Durbin (Nominating Committee, Farmers’
Market Chair), Jamie Dockery
Call to Order and Welcome
Ellyn Katen called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the February 8, 2014 Meeting
As minutes had been electronically distributed and corrected, a motion to
approve the minutes was made, seconded and passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Kay Fisher presented the Treasurer’s report, which is
attached. 2013 taxes were filed on February 10/27/2014. Kay reported that
there are 97 FCMGA members, one honorary and counting. Doris moved that Kay
be allowed to replace her ancient stamp, it was seconded and approved.
a. Continuing Education—Clare Farnau reported that the website to view
course material (webinars) is available to everyone. Jim Wheeler had asked
that Doris Settles do a workshop for MGs on Edible Landscaping, and timing
was discussed. August 21 will be a Soil Workshop. Discussion on locating the
Annual Picnic at Shooting Star or another off-site location was met with
enthusiasm. Potential dates/days and times were discussed and the
committee will investigate further and report back at a future meeting.
b. Nominating—Linda Richardson asked for clarification of which offices
required nominations. Ellyn responded that all offices were nominated each
c. Volunteer Projects—Joanna Badagliacca reported that there are great
things going on in every facet of FCMGA activities, and submitted a report
which is attached. Linda Richardson’s report was added to Joanna’s (and also
attached). Linda spoke briefly about the Demonstration Herb Garden
activities, and upcoming toolbox classes both at the Arboretum and
Extension offices. Linda also requested she be allowed to purchase a portable
microphone/speaker unit for outdoor classes, as the numbers which attend
the toolbox classes at the Arboretum and ambient noise often makes it
impossible to hear the speaker. This launched procedural discussion, and
Linda was approved to make the purchase. Doris asked if Speakers Bureau
could purchase a home projector for speakers to use, as there have been
some problems with agents and speakers both needing the two owned by
Extension. Approval for a device $100 or less was approved. Jamie addressed
issues ongoing with the MG Helpline staffing and communication. A new
chair is needed at this time and possibilities were discussed. Potential fixes
for off years for the MG class were also discussed, as there is no current
requirement for ongoing MGs to participate and the possibility of not having
enough volunteers on Helpline could happen.
d. Newsletter—Kelly Weber noted the June newsletter deadline is May 15.
e. Farmers Market— Jamie reported that the Farmers Market Committee will
be participating at two locations. The first Saturday of each month is the
Lexington Farmers Market downtown and the third Saturday at the
Bluegrass Farmers Market on Richmond Road.
f. Follow the Food Farm Tour—Jamie Dockery reported that the Farm Tour
will likely be September 6 or 20 this year and will have fewer stops than last
year, with most of them within the town. He asked for suggestions and
several were given: Todd Clark’s farm, Bellaire Blooms, a vineyard.
Old Business
a. Christine Parsons reminded everyone that this year brings a new class of
MGs to the association. Christine is chairing the mentoring groups, Joanna is
chairing the in-class help, and Jamie noted that applications are coming in
fast and furious.
b. Ellyn Katen reported that the gift to the Arboretum Legacy Fund in honor of
Marcia Farris has been made and is greatly appreciated. With the new
director now in place, some changes have been suggested to the Arboretum
expansion plan to better utilize it as a public space.
New Business
a. The Audit Committee (Christine Parsons, Ellyn Katen, Nancy Meng and Karen
McVey) met on March 12, 2014, and reviewed the MG Treasurer’s financial
records for the prior fiscal year. All records were found to be well-organized,
complete and accurate.
b. Jamie reported that MGs can access webinars by accessing the website.
c. Clare Farnau made a motion to approve the revised handbook for the
association. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
Announcements – I put these in chronological order, except for next
meeting date
a. The next meeting date is August 7 at 1pm at the Extension Office.
b. The newsletter deadline is May 15 for the June 1 publication.
c. Cardinal Hill Plant Sale is May 22 from 10-2.
d. America in Bloom judges will be in town June 23-25.
e. Bookmarks were handed out for the Bluegrass Flower and Vegetable Show July 12-13.
f. August 15 is the newsletter deadline for the September 1 publication.
g. The Kentucky State MG Conference is September 11-12 in Shepherdsville.
h. CRAVE is September 13.
i. The Junior Horticulture Convention is October 10-13.
j. The 100 Anniversary of Extension Event is October 18.
k. Lexington in Bloom is taking applications now for awards.