Watertown Daily Times, Saturday, June 25,1966 jjt Morale of Soldiers in Viet Nam Said Best Since World War I A-.V-' By GEN S. L. A. MARSHALL lacks or acquires very slowly to beat the jungle. Their due caution and respect for main advantage is that they Military Affairs Analyst NHA T R A N G , SOUTH common sense preservation. know better now the trails VIET NAM—In 50 years of Shrewd use of ground and run. soldering and watching sol- bush cover, unless he is be- Tactically, they are creaing fired upon, is beneath his tures of habit—old dogs, rediers, I have dignity. On an approach peating old tricks. When never seen march or setting up for night breaking off an action or tryhigher morale ing to avoid one, they invardefense, he is noisy. than that of iably follOW aram IIOM soldier WPF* un » g « Unes. the U.S. array 1 1 WUHUKTO* UP Set up ambushes at the against an adroit and insidi in Viet Nam. ; WST | of confluence, and ously clever enemy, he might points Although the |N they blunder into them. Glye be a pigeon. But there Is none men are halfanother chance and such here. The American them way a r o u n d they will do the same thing fighter here can outwit, out- again. the world from their homes and realize that move and out-game anyone If these forces could manthus far thrown against him! everything they are doing Neither the Viet Cong nor euver, field artillery pieces AWARD WINNERS—Four graduates of Case Junior high school re" may be washed out by a po- the North Vietnamese are as did the C o m m u n i s t ceived awards at Friday's ceremonies. From left: David 0. Cox, D.A.R, Schuster, president of the P.T.A.; D. Andrew Pitz, P.T.A. scholarship litical riptide, they have an particularly durable. They Chinese in Korea and the award; John J. Condino, Amy E. Carter, D.A.R. award; Marcla L. Munk; award; Nancy-A. Cook, P.T.A. scholarship award; and John R. William- unfaltering belief in the are merely numerous and Viet Minh at Dlen Blen Phu, or three batteries could Mrs. Lawrence G. Walton, second vice regent of the D.A.R.; William E. son, principal. __ Tightness of their task. highly furtive. The North two crimp the American way. This is a more boisterous Vietnamese, being in large The total of any Joseph E. Richardson, Michael W i l - at Brown Mansion for Brownand combative U.S. army than part^city boys, are less at such h a r d absence l i a m Rivers. James R. Rutledge, w a r e bespeaks Michael F. R y a n . W i l l i a m J . Ryan- ville Civic association; July any since 1917. They came home in the jungle than are Gerald R. Savoy. David J . Schrytheir limitations. ver, Peter A . S c h w e n m a n n , M a r k 12 at Dexter grange hall for here to fight, and their main the well-trained Americans. E. Simon, Gregory L. Sims. A. Christopher Smith. Bruce E. Sopor. Dexter Universalist church. gripe, is that the enemy is They are also more easily David A . Spencer, Craig J . Starr. loath to come out of hiding. prey to tropical diseases, Gregory W . Steiner. Paul R. SterAlso: July 19 at St. Elizaritt. John L. Sullivan. Jr.. Preston L. Many of these youngsters though the difference probSummerville. Clyde R. Sumner, M a - beth's Catholic church, Dexeither reenlist or get 30 to 90- ably lies in immunization proson M . Swan, I I . Theodore M . Swan. SACKETS HARBOR—Miss James F. Thorne. L a w r e n c e - G . ter; July 25 at Immaculate day extensions just to 6tay cedures and medical care CLAYTON — Summer serTrombley. Morris John T y o , SanPamela Lou Cryder, daughter church, Brown- with a fight. Wounded, they The N o r t h Viet Nam vices at the Thousand Island ford H. Wallins. Thomas L. W a r d . Conception James Alan Watson, Charles P. ville; July 26 at Dexter Presof Mrs. Chester M. Cryder, will duck out of a hospital soldier gets lost more easily Park chapel will begin this Michael C Williams. One hundnred and fifty-one 317 East Main street, and the Two hundred and seventy- Weisenbach, the jungle,, and when Sunday with mass at 8 a.m. James C. Woodward. Kevin C. byterian church; Aug. 1 at before they are recovered to in r a y . Todd G. W r i g h t . W i l l i a m M . students were graduated from late Chester Cryder, was mar- two students were graduated WYoungs. strayed* from his unit he is Rev. Leo A. Wiley, assistant Brownville American Legion get back to the line. Nicholas W . Zaferis. from Case Junior High school more likely to starve, know- pastor of St. Mary's church, North Junior High school Fri- ried to Douglas A. Switzer, Donna Anderson. Sheryl Bacon, home; and Aug. 2 for DexBut they are not profesFriday afternoon. Karen E. Beach. Cindy L. Bentley. ing little about shifting for will officiate. day afternoon. M . Bidwell, Jacquelyn M . ter fire department auxili- sional killers. Their aggresson of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt A. The ceremony began with Sylvia himself. Bitfield. Margaret A. Blake, After the processional, Vin- Switzer, jr., Pulaski, this Patricia J . Bolton. V i c k y L. Brown, ary at a location to be an- siveness arises from pride in processional by the Case Cynthia M . Burns, M a r l e n e M . Bus- nounced. unit, the bond with their bud- Not one North Vietnamese cent R. Oliver, vice principal morning at 11 in St. Andrews to. Debbie L. Carpenter, Karen J . Junior High school band diCarpenter. A m y E. Carter, Joy L. Students should wear band dies and a wish to get the job soldier in a hundred knows gave a welcome and presenta- Catholic church, with Rev. Case, Jodie Anne Cassavaugh. M a r y anything about a map or has MANNSVILLE—The 16th tions of perfect attendance to Robert E. Hall, pastor of St. rected by Frank Sacci. After L. Cerow, M a r y A . C h a m b e r l a i n , uniforms or dark trousers or over. M a r t h a E. Conkey, Joanne C. Cona sense of distance. Space is annual banquet of MannsvJUeThe added zest and strongskirts and white shirts or Sherry Berry, James Hall, the flag salute and loyalty Ion, Nancy A. Cook. Mary's church, Oswego, officiDanny Mallon, Sally Mathews, oath, Nicholas Darling, out- Virginia M . Corgett, Claire M . De- blouses. Buses will pick up er try is where they differ measured by this soldier in Manor Central school alumni Cynthia M . D e M a r . Lyda W. band members in Glen Park from earlier crops. Possibly, terms of how far he can association will be July 2 at Susan Mathews, Melanle Re- ating. going student council presi- laney, Denney. Louise Marie Duffany, Christine A. Edwards. Karen E. Ed- and Brownville at 6:30 p.m. too, there's greater stamina, walk in a day or an h o u r , 7 p. m. at Tomacy's restaur? viere, Betty Rivers and Cynthia Escorted by her uncle, dent, spoke to the graduat- wards. M . F l o r a , Gail A . a derivative of harder train- which isn't very far. A four- ant, Adams. Fred Premo, the bride wore a ing class and guests. Choral Gaffney.Christine Tiff. Jane M . Gaffney, P a m e l a for rehearsals. Players will to-six mile march is about Class of 1941 and 1956 wiU Sue Gardner. Patricia M . Gebo, ing. be picked up at 7 p.m. on floor length sheath of ChanMost improvement certifiselections, "Thanks Be to Sheila M . George. Jo A n n M . G i l concert nights in Glen Park, But with these few excep- their limit. The Viet Cong be honored. A business meet> cates were given to Terry tilly lace and silk,' fashioned Thee" by Handel and "Turn bert. Polly S. Goodfriend, Gale M . Gotham. Young, John Hall, Sherry An- with a fitted bodice and a Balalaika" a folk song, were Kathrwn J . Greene, Yvonne M . and Brownville or Dexter, tions, the American soldier is regulars can perhaps better Ing, election of officers and gus, Mary Schneider, Jeanne n e c k l i n e scalloped with sung by the concert chorus, Habeeb, Cheryl A. Habib, Jacque- whichever is required for the the same happy-golucky G.I. that somewhat, but not much. program will be followed by A. Hanson, Sallie B. H a r d t e r , location of the concert. Ihis father was. He either They have no special magic dancing. Horeth, Craig Thomas, Thomas pearls. A removable sleeve- directed by Mrs. Frederick line Carman Ellen H a r r i g a n , Jayne F. H a r t , Christine A. Heavner, DeboVanCour, Leonard Myers, John less sling of silk, edged with Jones. rah A. Helmerci. Debra A. H i b b a r d , lace was worn over the gown. McCarthy, Marcella McConnell, Thomas H. Hefferson, vice Doreen M . Hibbard, Deborah H i g - ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ r ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - i ^ ^ t ^ ^ t t Lt^^^^<^^-t^>Ls.^^<Ls.s.s.i.^^i.'Lii^i^^\\i^T^'tS.^.^\\^\iit\\\i.is.ii.gar Janet L. Hodges, Sandra E. Francis McFaul, Michael El Her bouffant veil was held principal, presented perfect Rins, oke, Carol A . Jones. by a band of pearl, lace and liott, Charles Hollard and John y M a r t h a Jones, J a n T . Keegattendance awards to Patrick M a rJoan E. Keegan Nancy G. crystal. She caried a cascade Berkman, Gary Buckingham, an, Jones. Keeney, Suzanne L. K i e l l m a n , SuM . Kirby Kristlna I. K i r c h , Other awards were: Highest of white carnations, roses, David Cox, Michael Davis, san Deborah A. Klein Suzanne A. Kosand daisies, centered by an M a r y Koutoures. Elizabeth V . subject a v e r a g e to Susan Peter Schwerzmann, Gerald ter, Lake, Debbie A . L a P l a n t e , Patricia Thomas, Jeanne Horeth, Robert orchid. Savoy, Craig Starr, and Deb C. Lawrnce. Ann D. LeClair MadeJeffers, Betty Rivers, Bryan Miss Suellen Cring, Sackets bie Toth P r e s e n t a t i o n Of t h e ' • " • (Sue) Lister. Adele M . Lowe, Karen L. Lunderman, M o l l y MacRaymond, Carol Scanlon, Gary Harbor, was maid of Ijonor.: P.-T.A. Scholastic awards was Sherry. Debbie A. Marconi M a r y C. Celia M . M a r q u e t t e , Kathy Barber, Michael Damon, Robert Bridesmaids were Miss Pa made by William Schuster, Marino, Marshall Susan G. Maude, LaJuett, Robert Jeffers, Mary tricia Switzer, sister of the president of the P.-T.A., to M. Maureen McDonald. Jean L. McBarbara E. Metcalf. Sneider, Dawn Graham, Connie bridegroom, Pulaski, Miss Miss Nancy Cook arid An- Grath. Katharine A. Michaels, S a r a h J . Pratt, Jeanne Horeth, Susan Beth Gilmore, Schenectady, drew Pitz. M i l l a r d , Barbara L. M i l t o n , Danise M a r g a r e t A . N a g y , Nancy Thomas, Donna Lou Wise, Mi- and Miss Barbara Meyer, D.A.R. awards were pre- JE.. Morse, Neuroth, Kathleen M . Nolan, chael Elliott, Mark Smith, Paul Yonkers. Mr. Thomas O'Con- sented to David Cox and Sandra J . Oliver, B a r b a r a H. Karen M. Paclflcl, Melchelbeck, Gary Smith, Leon nor, Watertown, * was best Amy Carter by Mrs. Lawson Overacker, Cindy M . P a r k e r Deborah A . Pettinged. Melania A. Pfister, Knowlton, and Patricia Gart- man. Ushers were Edward G. Walton, assisted by Marcla A. Pledger, Donna R. Pond,Kathy Paland. Ford, Endicott, Gregory Swit- Munk and John Condino, mela E. Purcell. Ann E. RobllDonna JR. Robinson. Mrs. Earle M. Cass, regent, zer, brother of the bride- winners of the D.A.R. awards lard. Melissa A. Robinson, Mlchele A. Rogers, Jacqueline E. Rowell, presented D.A.R. awards to groom, Pulaski and William In 1965. C. Rubin, Jane A. Russell, Cynthia Tiff and Robert LaJu- Clifford, Albany. Leslie Swit- John R. Williamson, prin- Joyce Sandra J . Sassaman, Patricia M a Sayyeau. Virginia A. Sayers, ett. Music selections, "You'll zer, brother of the bride- cipal, and Mr. Hefferson gave rie Karen L. Schell. Sharon L. Schell, Never Walk Alone" and the Al- groom, was ring bearer. Schneider, Karen M . promotion certi fie a t e s to Suzanne M . Melody A. Schuster, ma Mater were sung by the A reception is being held graduates. The ceremony end- Schofield, Kathy M . Seery. A m y L. Shearman. Judy E. Simon, Darlene A. mixed chorus and graduating at the River Valley Inn, ed with a recessional by the Smith, Jan E. Soderquist, Diane M . class. Mannsville. After a trip to Ot- Case Junior band. Sprague, M a r y Stamos, Sue Ann Steblen, Deborah K. Stewart, M a r i Thor Ottersland, principal, tawa, Canada, the couple will The graduates were: anne Sullivan, Peggy E. Taylor, m e s , Andronikl Thomas, Jill L. Thurpresented the Charles A. Reilly live at 7389 Lake street, Pu- F r a n k Amello, F r a n k R AAshe, Gary J . Arseniult, Q*ry heimer, Deborah A. Toth. Betty scholarship award to Patricia laski. Glenn M . Augustus, G a r y P. Baker, T r i c k e y , Lynda Tucker, Yolanda A . Joel R. Bartlett, VanAlstyne, Charmaine E. VanStoller, girl with the highest ,Mrs. Switzer, a 1962 grad- Wesley C. Berkley. Beach, Carl Benway, Camp. M a r y L. Verne, Sharon K. r i three-year average, and Bryan uate of Hounsfield Central RP ai ct hr iacrkd B C. e r k m a n , Michael G . Blair, Vincent. Christine M. Walroth. D a v i d N . Blake, James Bleibtrey. Carlye L. Whitmore. Clarissa W . Raymond, boy with the highest school, was graduated from John R. Bocciolatt, Dean A . Bogar- Withrow. Carol Ann W i t w o r t h , Lin- ( three-year average. Oswego, State University col- dus.T i m o t h y Brady, G a r y F. Bucking- da L. Woodward. Carol Ann W i t w o r t h , Linda Mr. Ottersland presented the lege with a bachelor of h a m , R a y Burdick, John G . Calen- Withrow. L. Woodward. D a v i d P. Carpenter, W a l t e r promotion certificates to the science degree in elementary der. C a r r , Vincent J . C a v a l l a r l o , Pat graduates. ~ Chirico, Oavid Coleman, Leo Coleeducation. a n , J e f f r e y R. Collier. James B. The graduates were: i Mr. Switzer, a 1962 grad- mCosselman, David Cox, Wlliam M a r i Jo A b b s t t . Dims Adtit, i Cripp. Paul A . Cripp, Klaus D. Crosuate of Pulaski Academy and F r t d a r i c k A l l a n , John Allan, Sherry t ' bie, Steven J . Doyle. Nicholas W . > A l o a n . Sherry Angus, Gail Baker, Central school, was graduated D a r l i n g . Michael C. Davis. * Kip. Baker, Karen Ball. G a r y BarStephen B. Dick, D a v i d R. Donaldfrom LeMoyne college, Syra* . ber, T o m Baardtley, Sherry Berry, son, M a r c D. Donohue, B. Jeffery ,' t Paulette Blackman, Linda Black- cuse, with a bachelor of arts Ebbels, j r . , G. Ronald. Eliopoulos, nisr. Lace Blanchard, Sandra Richard J . Eno, J r . , Ronald^ J . Espo ltfnchard, Elaine .Boorai, Darlene degree in economics. He is slto. Pasquale S. F i n n , Robert S. t rough, Kenneth Bryant, Stephen employed by General Electric F l e m i n g , F r e d e r l c k ' T . F o w l e r , DanDEXTER—T h e s u m m e r ri . B r y t o n , Kevin Burke, G a r y Cattagiel J . FrezzoNSteven-A. Fults, David in Liverpool. n: . D. G a l s t e r . / Richard P. Gilligan, prograrn sponsored ii >, T i m o t h y Cavellier. Dean ChrisMark Gocota, Stephen Goldstein, b a n d • l e y , Rhonda Churchill, Colleen CorL a r r y N. G i o d w l n , T i m o t h y M . Gorr jointly by the Dexter Youth batt, Edith Corbett, J a m e i Corbett, gen, Peter G. Gregory, R a y m o n d A . Lawrence Corbett. Michael Damon, Susan Matthews, Paul Melchelbeck, Gregory. \ Recreation committee of the < Ronald D a v i t . Colleen Denner, Joyce Richard M a r r y m i n , Kay Monica, W i l l i a m Y J Hayden, G a r y A . Hemi Derouin, Teresa DeRouchle, Wynette John M o r a n , David Morrison, Leon- enway, N o r m a n D. Hicks, A r t h u r E. village and the board of edu- y i DeRouchie. Carol Desrosiers, Bar- ard M y e r s . Hodge. F. Andr%w Huck, Raymond b a r a Douglas, Toni Devito, Stanley Robar Nethkeh, Stephen Norton, I n g h a m , George G. I n g l e h a r t , cation of General B r o w n Eldridge. Michael Elliott, Richard Dennis O a t m a n , Branda O'Connor, T h o m a s M . Jennings, W i l l i a m R. Ennia, Stephen . Fayette. Jacalyn Christine Oddl. Richard Paddock, Jonas, David P. Kaine, Frederick Central school will start next F l a n a g a n . M a r y Jeari' Flansburg, Dennis Payne, Michael P e r r y , Nen- H. Kaiser, David Kallay, - John T . > David Kallay. John T . week. Evelyn Fleming. Larry F l e m i n g , etta Petrie, T e r r a n c a P a t r l t , P a t r i - Kaiser, L y n n F l e m i n g . Sherry F l o r a , Gregg cia Plenty. Connie P r a t t . D a w n Kavahaugh. Kevin J . Kehoe, Wayne Dick P. Case, director, has F r e d e r i c k , Karen Froysell. Puccia, Peter Rensome, Bryan Ray- D. Kline. Patricia Gartland, Sosan Gilligan, mond, Connie Repp, Melanle ReMichael G . Lachenauer, Lawrence announced the schedule of Pamela Godfrey, Dawn G r a h a m , viere, Goldie Rhesume, Linda Rice, L a F a v e , Leland L a m l t i e , G a r y LaStephen G r a h a m , Helena Gregory, Betty Rivers, Rita Sanderson, Carol P a t r a , F r a n k L a V a n c h a , Kenneth rehearsals and concerts. > John H a l l , J i m m y H a l l , Sharon H i n - Scanlin, Michael Scee, M a r y Sch- Leon, ' Peter Ligammari, David Rehearsals will be held at Patricia Sheitz, Vaughn Little. Charles W. Locke. Michael an, Charles Holland, Jeanne neider, ^ oreth, R r t i n Horth, Dan Jagaciaw- Shoen, Rebert Sister, G a r y Smith. J . Lustick M a r t i n G. M a n c a r i , Lee 7 p.m. in the Dexter elemen»Vi. Janice Jeffers, Robert Jeffers, M a r k Smith, W i l l i a m Smith, C a r l C. Matteson. Reginald C. M c l n t y r e . Tarl Sprague, Patricia Joanne Johnston, John Jones, No- Snyder, James R. Miller, M a r k E. Mink- tary school, June 27, Jujy 5, Stoller. rene Kenfiald, Alden Knowlton. ler. Charles F . Monica, Charles B. and July 18. W i l l i a m T a n n e r , M a r y T h i v l a r g e . Montgomery. Thomas N. M o r g i a . Harold LaJuatt, Robert LaJuett. Concerts, all at 7:30 p.m., T h o m a s , Susan Thomas, Thomas A . Morrison. Thomas M . Djana L a T r a y , Kathleen Lawrence C r a i g Thompson. Cynthia T i f f , Nadelen, Alfred J . Netto, Paul J . are as follows: J u n e 28 at Dalbert Leween, Jeanne Lewis, Danny Frederick Lister, Linda MacLeod, Patricia T r u e t d a l t . M a r y Loo T u r - Nutting, Jan R. O'Datte, T i m o t h y J . Dexter John M c C a r t h y , Marcella McCon- cott, M a r g a r e t Vallelunga Thomas O ' N e i l l . Richard D. O ' R i l e y , Brad- Dexter school f o r nell, Ada M c c r a c k e n , Francis Mc VanCour, Connie VanVleck, Michael dock S. Pearce, Richard Q. Pickett. Keyettes; July 6 at Dexter R i c h a r d Pietroskl, James R. PinsonF a u l , Glenn M c l n t y r e , T e r r y Mc- VanWaldick. Linda Webb, Stephen D. American Legion home for Donna Williams, Donna neault, John J . Pinsonnaault, Kee, Sandra M c M a n a m a n , Karen Webert, Macedone, Donald Mahon, Danny Wise, Robert W i t h e r e d . M a r y Wolf, Andrew Pitz. Bruce W . Pultz, Edr M a l l o n . Kathy Marcott. Caryl M a r Christopher Young, T e r r y Young, w a r d J . Queal. W i l l i a m C. Randall Dexter Free library; July 11 151 Students Sackets 272 Are Graduated at Girl W e d Graduated at Case Junior North Junior Summer Service Set Banquet Set r I1 t t Band Plans At Dexter Announced e i r' ,1 • i SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM r1 i r r FLY t TH t f FOURTH OF JULY t i n . F r e d Matthews, Sally Matthews : < * * f TO OBTAIN A BEAUTIFUL SO STAR FLAG, SIMPLY FILL OUT THE FORM AT THE RIGHT ANO SENO IT TO OUR OFFICE AT 260 WASHINGTON STREET. CUP AND MAIL ~ i J Enclosed you will find my check or money order to J i covtr tho cost of item checked ond the moiling i • i charge. i i :i ii i i •t i i i i ii •NAME • ADDRESS . . • atertmmt Satltj Qlmwfl — T i m e s Staff Photo AWARD WINNERS—Four member* of the graduating claw of North Junior high ichool received, twardi at Friday's ceremonlei. From left Cynthia Tiff, recipient of the D.A.R, award; Vincent R. Oliver, vice principal; Patricia Stoller, highest average for girls; Mrs. Earle M C u t , B ^ . R . regent; Robert LaJuett, D.A.R. award; Thor Ottersland, principal, and Bryan Raymond, highest average for boyi. Untitled Document // Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com { i Northern New York's One Great Newspaper" ] 4x6 Amtricon Flogs of $3.75 eoch \ to oddress below. 1 s ] 4x6 American Flags with 8 ft. pole { and holder at $6. to address below. \ /' . * » « • * • • « . . . . * • . . . . . . . . . i i i •. •.. . . . . . . ! 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