• « . * M? A ' a . * * * * •.*.-. « t «» • • . . . . •1" 1 *\ /• U. S. Increases Arhor Hill Allocation to 8.Vi73.(MM) / | " Th« Kn, c k.rbo<k„ Newt * • Albony, Wed. June 24, l»64 Washington — The -federal!to $3,375,000, Representative|Redevelopment Department di-\r\g real property acquisition Urban Renewal Administration 'Le» W. O'Brien. Albany Demo-1 rector. costs. Mr O'Brien said the addi- The additional land will be has reserved an additionaljcra:. announced today, $298,334 for Albany's Arbor Hill i The increase*over the original tional funds are intended to used for public housing and to ., . i n . 1 , i Permit the citv to increase the improve the grade of the land, D Lrban Renewal Project 1. in-1 gran, reserve was requested, £ o j c c t a r e a b y 7 . 3 a c r e s t o he said. creasing the project allocation I by r. Joseph Leone. Albany! 162 acres and to meet increas- u ....... „ _ ^hy don't YOU l>aiik at Mhf=,too? . . . your MhF5 checking account gives you so niuclx convenience at so small a cost The Kruikerbociwr News Pnoto BUWLD HEADS—Albany High graduates, some shown above, bow their beads a sthe invocation is given by the Rev. W. Bernard Grossman, minister of Trinity Methodist Church, to begin commencement exercises at the Palace Theater today. You'll really enjoy the extra service and convenience of an M & F Checking Account. Just look at some of the time and money-saving advantages you get for only pennies a month: 2 Sides of Learning 'Coin, Told To 470 Albany High Graduates ^k5 ^ •ba! Judith A. Ruper. Marilyn Ryan, Shir Healy, Susan Louise Hitdebraadt. Claud Both sides to the "coin" of The graduates are: y Ryan. George L Sabey 3rd. DorisJ etU Hillei, Lawrence M. Hilts. Frances learning were stressed to 470 Jail A. Alfred, Gene J. Amorelh, Robe- '. Saltzman. Jana Sax. Evelyn J Srbal- Louise Homeii. David Allan Hornberger M. Amsel, Paul C Aposto!. Richard P ~r, Helen Scharf. Eric Schenck. Edward Margaret L'll an Houfhton. Robert LawAlbany High School graduates Aupperle I. Scher. Klaus Schnitzer. Muriel A. eoce Howe. \melia Emily Hunsinger, Jr., Richard A Bajjg. Swltar, Roger S. Barkin. Susan A -choendorf. Carl A. Schraver, Howard Jean Law Hunter. Carol Lee Hutson. at commencement exercises to- Balahtsis, Robert Will am Ingersoll. Victoria Susan Baitcn, Stuart Berke, Russell W. Bock. '. Schulman. Francine S. Schuster. Ar- Jimpson. Gail Alane Johnson, pwendolFrederick J. Bockis Jr , Gerald C lene F. Schwadron, David L. Serson. 'yn Louise Johnson, Leslie Ann Jones day in the Palace Theater. Boileau, Charles L. Bowman. Diane L Mark H Shelofsky. Ira M. Shep^rd Laura Mere Kaye. John L. KeHy. Wil Edward M. Brand. Robert S Adela Silberman. Susan A. Sluyter, her- Ham Edward Kelly. Jr., Suzanne Janet Mary Good Krone, president Bradley, Bray II, Albert H. Broadwater. Colemar .e Sorkin. Thomas W. Spinrad. Robert Kenderian. Parbara Jean Kindlon, Peter \ Stolusky. Linda I. Strauss. Jack Susof the New York State Civil G. Broderick, Stanley A. Brown. Douglas s«r. David H. WSwyer, Alan Tabachneck. J Kolber. l a n c e J Koreman, Diance E. Bruins. Robert J. Bruno. Phyllis I Marie Koren. Martha V. Kroury. Marie Service Commission, address- Bruman, Barbara A. Caprood. Payl H. Marcia S Teper Kunker. Thomas Charles Lacy. Peter F. Toby Lynn Teper, Noela M. Thomas, ing the graduates, noted that H. Carmichael, Suzanne Chait. Saniord Ellen Tier. Robert P Tmkelman, J>a\ id LaJeunesse. John Ralph Lanese. Richard Marilyn Cohen. Ted Cohen, Bruce Langtion. Danial James LaPoint they initially needed a formal J.LindaChorst. L. Cohn. Sheila B. Coyle, Mary- E. Tompkins. Robert D. Bracy. Karen J r . Loraine Larsen. Barry Lee I.autenL. I'ngerman Roger Van Denburg. Linda Daley. Laurence S. Denison. James N schlager. Lyi.n Mary Lavenia education to insure a "full Diamond, Robert E Doling. Roger T B. Venter. Brian K Wagner. Malcolm A. Wagner. Fred B Wander, Joyce I. Evelyn Leu, Christine Lehman. Thomas share of the benefits of Amer- Conlan. Michael J. Ellen tuck. David S. Warshau. Diane S. Weinberg. Margaret Lippiit. B u r y Lippman. Eugene LipsEpstein Laura Eringer. Hairy J. Winslow. Joyce P. Wise, Michael R. comb. Josi-ph Lissandrello. Francis I^ochican citizenship" for them- Ermides, Richard T K a base. Larry A. M. ncr. Donna Lombardo. Mary Lupe. John Fader. Gerald W. Kausel. Michael E. Zedek, Barry J. Zusman selves. James C. Aube. Martha M. Bologno, McGraw. f.'iole McKay. Thomas Mc Finkelstein, Janice H. Firsty, Michael S Donna J. Gable, Victor J. Gigliardi. Carol A. Brimhall. Patricia A. Cazasta, Tague. Ron mary MacDonald John MaThe graduates' other respon- Fox. Chandler, Marcia L, Clow, gee. C h a r i - M u'uire. Thomasina Main, Bruce M. Gans, Etherl R Gerbei- Jineen Erlene Elizabeth Mur.wilier. Alan Marohn. Thomsibility for learning, she said S. Gerson, Marsha A. Gersowjlz." Diane Evelyn I. Donnelly. Linda M as Jeiome Martin. Kathleen MarFamsworth.Barbara R. Globerson, ThomL. Gilbert. Eileen Gilbert. Steven D in verbally flipping the coin, Ginpburg, Rhoda C. Goldberg. Kenneth H. as R. Jacob. Kathleen Jennings, Antio- tin. Marsh, Mario 1 Martini. Barbara Marx, Gail nette I. AHLT. Patricia A. McGarry .Swit Mayakis. Ronald Mason. Lawerence Mayis "to assure the perpetuationGoidblatt, Richard L. Goldiag,Ralph J. lana Matwijiw. Beverly K. Miller, Andrea bin, Lla Michaelson. Martin Mitchel. Gonzalex, David M. Goodnch. Herman R. and progress of the system of Green. 'Nancy E. Griffs. Wayne E J. Nicklas. Barbara C. O'Brien. Patricia William Witter. Ronald Mooney. RayAnna M Relyea. Da\id mond Moo.e Mary Moscheo. John Murgovernment which we now*, Griffith, Diane K .Grossman, Beverly JA. Potrzuski. Russo. Reginald S Saunders, Joseph rav. Donna Nagengast, William Nawholu. J. Hallock, Charles J. Hamill, Susan Nautel. Lee Newbury. Martha have and which most of us are F. Hartmann, Richard G. Hasenbein, W. Snider. Joanne Swierczyncki, Nancy Josephine L. Switaiski, Christine J. Szala. Virginia Newcomb. Fi»nk Oliver. James Oison. inclined to take too much for Raymond F. Heil/nian. Robert Alan M Wagoner, Donna L Wayiett. Eliza- Frank Orn<4id. Richard Osterhout. RobHeiskovitz, Lois Herskowitz. William C ert Osterhmit. I^eroy Owens. Edward granted." Higgins, R«4a L. Horowitz. Dormnick J. beth A. Weingarden. George E. White, Parker V:i)'(» Paslawski. Roland C. Abare. Ruth Aktinol. Alan Istorico, Nancy A. Iwaneczko. Russell M. Miss Krone urged the gradCvnthia Payette. Carol Pelton. AnStephen K. Jaffe. Richard A. J Albright. Sharon G. Aldi. Charles J uates to 'obtain and retain Jaffe. Jay, Dorothy A. John-win. Richard K. \modeo J r . Frederick S. Asprion. Rob- drew Phelai;, Joel Philips. Catherine ert J. Aaprion. Edwin J Barbagallo, l'ickel. Ro'iert Pietrocola. Robert Pixley. Thomas Jones Jr , Robert every bit of formal education Johnson, Kantor, Barry M. Kapf, Lois A. Knee, Edward J Beauparlant, Mary D Bel- Dianne Plae. Mark Pollock. William Rochelte L. Benjamin, Richard Pratt, Davit Ratta. Margaret Ravida. of which he or she is capable." Donna L. Knoll, Laurie A. Koerber, Cmonte, Bennett. Mary E. Bleichert, Desiree Gail Reed. Kathleen Rekuc. Joseph Res Diane J. Kobn. Karen Krell, Helen Kress, "Those who do not," she Lynne M. LaFontaine. Donna J. Lang. E Gogart, Frederick E. Brady, Leonard tifo. Dana Ret. Donna Rickert. Donna M. Bi jhiman. Constance J. Brooks, Rob- Kiwello. \ur.a Robelotto. Leonard Rob warned, "are at a serious dis- Paul B Langwig, Susan C Lasker, Anne ert E. Bubbnia. Stephen J Bubonia, elotto. Robert Rokoff. Linda Rosen. Nile* L. Laven, Pul K. Leary, Robert S. advantage, an almost catast- Lett, Andrew M. Levin, Marcia R. Le-vine, Beverly E. Burkins. Dorothy F. Burleigh. Rosenberg. Susan Rosenberg. Holly Ross. Larabee B. Butler. Vonda L. Cannon. Edward Rossman. Qeorge Ruche!. Virrophic disadvantage. They will Nina M Levy, Arlene M. Lewin. Cath" E. Caprood, Barbara J. Cardin, ginia Ruche!. Gerald Ryan, Ruth Ryder. Edward P. Lewis Jr.. Laura R. Linter. S i c - o . Paul St. Yves. Donna just not be able to compete Roberta MM. Liss. Alan S. Lobel, Ira CJames R Casperson, Juanita Chapman, William Michael Sansalone Martin John M Cichon, John J. Cleary, Linda K. Salamida, equally with their contempor- Lupu. Ruth M. Mandel. Dona I. Mar- Clow. Schecter. Mary Schreiber. Joseph SharVivian J. Cole, Lois J. Coleman, key, John Sifterly, Michael Slocum. Cargohus, Peter E. Maynard. Eileen R John W. Conarpe. Harry W. Connors, aries." Meiner. Barbara A. Meyers. Elizabeth Randall Coon Michael S. Cowan, Ber- olyn Smith. Janet Smith. Lynda Smith. "Let's face it," she said, A. Miller. Sandra B Montague, Wayne nadine A. Criscone, DavM J. Curran, William So-nmers, Sharyo Stevens. RonMoody, Lois S. Moore, Robert W. Patrick T. Czajkowski. Linda Lee Decker, nie Stoddard. "those with bacclaureate de- L. Morgan, Sheila M. Morgenstern. Caryl Henry A. Degener. Douglas A. D E Lisle, Catherine Stohker. Loretta Stolz. grees start work at salaries A. Morris. Constance D. Ciappa. Patricia A De- Charles Stumpf, Lillian Surgjck. Paul Jon B Nachison, Forrest E Newcomb. Marco. Peter F De-Marco Jr , Donna M Surgick. I.(.and Sweeney. Roger Syhigher than those with associ- Nancy Janice-D New mark. DeMura. Particia DiScipio. Thomas J. monds. Peti- Tabacco. Carroll Taylor. ate degrees, and young people Jeffrey T. S.Newman, Nyfnan, Seal N. Nyman. Donnelly, Mary L. Doulin, Thomas A Lynne Thrnnas. Mary Thompson. RayMaureen B. Dugan. Linda Dunn mond Thompson. William Tibbitts. Paul with associate degrees earn Charles E. Oliver J r . Sally A. Oster Doyle. Robert A. Endres, Joseph M. Fahd Jr Tomismano Gail Traver. Ernest Tubbs, bout, Steven C. Ostroif. Zoe H. Paley more money than high school James E. Palmer, Gary R. Pelton. Thalia David E Farnan^jphyllis A. Fedor, Shir- Mern.'-Lee Turner, Booth L'pton. Theresa L. Ferguson, Nancy E. Flack, Paul Uzzo, Nico a Valente. Carole Van Camp graduates. And those salary Perdaris. Michael T. Perkins, Leonard ley E. Galib. Sharon Ganance, Janice E. Margaret Vanden G*rgh, Marc Vener. T. Perlniutter, Kathy A. Phillips, Linda Gardner. Jacqueline R. Garrett, Michael Gary Vigg;^ro Elena Villasenor. Carol differences are not just a short D. Pogoda, Gail I. Pozefsky, Paul Gdula, Petrina Gerasia, Vlad R. Ghiu- Vitetta. J.MR Volk, Susanne Watkins. term thing; they grow as AL. Rabin.n Joh W. Radzyminski. Judith iamila. Christine Gilbert. Jeanne Ginrtonde. Judy Weed. Harry Weedmark. Richard J. Michael White, Pamelo Whit young people build careers. . ." R. Rappaport, Bernard II Rasow-sky, Lin Gerald L. Goldfarb, Barbara J Gulliver. Weiss. Gaile E. Gulliver, Darrell Haizlip, De ney, John W ber, Iandale Wilcox, Marion da E. Reynolds, Robert A. Richman Wilcox. Christopher Wilkes. Charles Wil Dr. Arthur J. Wallingford, Cheryl R. Rickman, Robert A. Rifen- nean Elois Haizlip, Ellen R. Hall, Joyce son. Emma Woodard, Helen Young, Hansen, board of education president, berick, Patricia A. Robeloito, Christine A. Marie Jane Hansen. John William Karen Zirrh, Norma Ziliox. William Root. Carol R. Rosenthal. Sheryl Rosen Hayes, Judi'h Ann Healey. Ellen Karen Zoll. Thoma* Zostant Donald Zucchelli awarded the diplomas. s s>" ' ^^^" \ /J u • Pay bills by mail, any time, any place. • Handle most f i n a n c i a l matters in your own home. • Receive regular monthly statements showing all transactions. • Have complete records for tax purposes. • Cancelled checks for permanent receipts. • Personalized checks available. / / All these conveniences for a truly low cost with a n M & F Checking Account. y To be sure . . . at Downtown: 63 State Street Uptown: 1084 Madison Avenue Stuyvesant Plaza: Western Avenue at Fuller Road B A N K Off A L B A N Y M s m b o r f s d s ' o l Dopoiit Iniuronco C o r p o r a t i o n ond) Fsdsrol R o t a r y * System CHOICE OF decorator-styled Hollywood beds, complete with choice of any style headboard, Sealy mattress, box spring, set of legs Lowest price we've EVER seen f o r such q u a l i t y ! What a selection, and what a saving! 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