物品貸出申請書 Japanese Material Lending Form

Japanese Material Lending Form
Consular Office of Japan in Portland
Phone 503-221-1811 ext 315
Fax 503-224-8936
E-mail : [email protected]
Name of Applicant 申請者氏名
Organization 団体名
Address 住所
Phone Number 電話番号
E-mail Address メールアドレス
Name of requested lending Items and numbers 貸出しを希望する物品の品名及び数量:
Requested lending period 貸出希望期間:
Purpose of use & Where to use 使用目的及び使用場所:
Reasons for requesting lending items 貸出しが必要な理由:
Plan for use 使用計画:
Signature (署名)
Notes (注意事項)
・ We refuse if these items are used for profit organization such a commercial purposes.
・If any items are damaged while in the borrowers' possession, the borrower may be held responsible for
restoration and or compensation.