~ith Lyon lftrald—Whltniore Lake News—Thom., A~. 4, tees Section One — Page Three here’s Thursday Evening, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Televfslon Schedule FRIDAY THURSDAY 5:55 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 8:00 am. 4:00 p.S 6:15 a.m. 2—Morgus and the Weathçr; 2—Tiger Warm-up 6 p.m. 2—Electricity at Work; 4—In- 2—Twentieth Century; 4—Meet 2—News; 4—News; 9—Iluckle- 2—Meditations; Farm Front; 4—Carol Duvail , dustry on Parade; 7—Commu- the Press; 7—Big Show; 9— 12:30 p.m. News berry Hound. 6:00 p.m. 2.—Star Performance; 4—House nism, Myth vs. Reality Popeye and Pals 6:30 am. 6:10 p.m. 2—News; 4—News; 9-Mr. Ma- Detective; 7—American Band8:15 am. 630 p.m. Again this year the South points of the festivities. is a non-returnable snapshot 4—Feature Story 2-Summer Semester; 4—Class- goo stand; 9—En France 2—Off to Adventure; 4—Davey 2—Leave It To Beaver; 4— Lyon Junior Chamber of Entries for this year will photograph of the baby, his 6:15 p.m. room; 7—Funews 6:10 p.m. -. 1:00 p.m. and Goiiath; 9.—Sacred Heart Treasure Commerce Auxiliary will be accepted up to Thursday or her name and age and the 2—Editorial; Lanes Sports 7:00 tm. 4—Feature Story 2—Voice of the Fans; 4—Dep8:30 am. 7:00 p.m. sponsor a baby contest In August 20. They should bã name and address of the par- 4—Weather 2—News; Editorial; 4—Today; 0:15 p.m. uty; 9—Windsor Wrestling. 2—Mass for Shut-Ins; 4—Fron2—Lassie; 4-News; 9—Theatconjunction with the Jaycee mailed to: Baby Contest, 310 ents. 7—Johnny Ginger 6:20 p.m. 2—Editorial; Lanes Sports; 1:15 p.m. tiers of Faith; 7—Our World; er Nine Gala Days. West Lake street, South Cannisters for acceptance 2—Weather; 4—Sports 7:10 am. 4—Weather 2—Tiger Warmup 9—Temple Baptist Church. 7:15 p.m. Lyon. of money votes will be piac6:30 p.m. 2—Fun Parade 6:20 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4-Weather 0:00 am. Ainouncement of the conBabies aged six months to ed in local stores. A king 2—CBS News; 4—NBC News; 7:25 -a.m.2—Weather; 4—Sports 2—Basebatlr 4-Saturday Mat- 2...Let’iFInd OUtF4-Ctturch -- —ir20-p;m;~~ , test rules and procedures two and one-half years and and a queen will be crowned 7—News, Sports; 9—Follow the 4—Today on the Farm 4:30 p.m. inee; 7—Club 1270 at the Crossroads; 7—Exciting 4—Sports was made this week by pro- residents of South Lyon or during the Labor Day Gala Sun 8:00 a.m. 2—News; 4—NBC News; 7— 2:00 p.m. Years; 9—Oral Roberts ject chairman Mrs. Ronald Lyon township area are eli- Days weekend. First and 7:00 p.m. 7:34 p.m. 2—Capt. Kangaroo; 7—Big The• Deadline, 9—Stoney Burke# 9—World of Sport Evasic. Last yea?s Gala gible. Mrs. Evasic said that second prizes will be award- 2—Ripcord; 4—George Pierrot; ater 2—My Favorite Martian; 4— 0:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Days’ baby royalty were high all that is needed to enter ed she said. Walt Disney; 7—Empire 7—Michigan Outdoors 2—lb Dwell Together 8:25 a.m. 2—Celebrity Game; 4-At - the 7—Motor City Wrestling - 0:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 4—Today in Detroit Zoo; 7—Water Wonderland 3:30 p.m. 2—Let’s See; 4—Bow ~ 2—Ed Sulivan 2—Password; 4-News Analy8:30 am. 7:30 p.m. 2—Saturday Show; 7-State READERS SPEAK, Clown; 7—Three Stooges; 9— sis; 7—Flintstones; 9—Million- 7—Prize Movie 2—Masterpiece Movie; 4-In- Trooper b:3o p.5:.. Christophers. Dollar Movie 8:55 a.m. ternational Showtime; 7—Bur4—GrindI; 7—Arrest and TriaL 4:00 p.m. 9.—Mary Morgan 8:00 p.m. ke’s Law; 9—MillLon-Dollar Mo- 2—Western Open Golf Tourna10* am. 0:00 p.m. 2—Baseball; 7—Donna Reed. 8:00 am. vie. ment; 7—Summer Olympic Tn- 2—This- is the -Life; 7—Starlit 2—Naked City; 4—Bonanza; 8:30 p.m 2—Morning Show: 4—Living; 8:30 p.m. Stairway; 9—Cathedral of To- 9--Viewpoint Washingiat als; 9-Teen Talent 4—Dr. Kildare; 7~SMy Three 9—Kiddy Korner Kartouns 4—Bob Hope Theater; 7—Price morrow 030 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Fridayls the last day entries I.— _..t..a.4..A S... at,.. rd.. Sons 8~88am. O..~ U....S. A r.-...... A Is Right a.’a. am. ~—4ackLaLanne~ 9;00~~ rot; 7—World of Sport;; 9—En 2—Christophers; 7—Showplace 10:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. _tQ the Edltor~-think our venture was -s-sue- Daysr-Teet~aeenconrr 7—EiisigtfO’Tooie 0—Zero 10:00a.m. France ganizations, relatives and 2—Candid Camera; 4—Show of The Green Oak Township cess because we did not have 7—Football; 9—Eric Sykes Homes 4-Danny Thomas; 7—Girl 5:30 p.m. the Week; 7—Sunday Night Memocratlc Club wishes to take lines of people to register, we friends are urged not to miss One 8:34 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Talk; 9-Robin Hood Allen; 9—Rocky Movie; 9—Horizon this - opportunity to publicly ten people who did see many the 5:00 deadline. 2—Lee Marvin; 4—On Parade; 2—Steve 4-New Christy Minstrels; 7— am. a 2—With This Ring; 4-Fran Friends 10:34 p.m. thank the Township Clerk for people that day - feel we did -- ~A1LihaLiarequired is that Jimmy Dean; 9cMlt!Acfitand a—A!ae.. 10:34 Luçy~4—Word for 9-Telescope Harris. ~55p.m. 2—What’s My Line?; 9—’QuesspendIng 6 hours of valuable accomplish ajiiit deal. we the name address and tele~ 10:00 p.m. Word; 7—Price is Itiglit; 9 11;04-aa. 10:08 p.m. 4—Carol Duvalt time in the Town Hail August 1 found that many people do not phone number of a girl 16 years 4-World’s Fair Diary ; 92—Deputy Dawg; 4—House DeCoffee Time. 4-Jack Paar; 9-Place for 4:00 p.m. 13:00 p.m. at our request for the purpose know where the Town Hall is, old or older and a student in Windsor Wrestling. 11:55 a.m. Everything 4—News; 9—Popeye and Pals tective; 9—Herald of Truth 2—News; 4-News; 9—CRC of registering citizens to vote. nor how to register. We were South Lyon schools be submit4-NBC News 11:30 am. 10:30 p.m. 10:34 p.m. 4:15 p.m. News Although the clerk may not able to Inform many, there- ted along with the signature of 7—ABC News Reports. 11:00 am. 2—Faith for Today; 7—World 9-Kingfisher Cove 4—S.L..t Marshall 11:10 p.m. fore, that they had only two one of her parents,’ reminded 10:50 p.m. 2-The McCo3Is; 4—ConcentraAdventure; 9—Adventure 11:04 p.m. 4:25 p-a 9-Weather; -Sports days to regists for the pri- contest chairman Dennis Pa- 2—Baseball Scoreboard 12:00 Nooa tion; 7-Get the Message 2—News; 4-News; 7—Dead- 4—Sports 11:15 p.m. mary, and hopefully many of jot. 11:00 p.m. 11:30 a-rn. 2—Detroit Speaks; 4—UM Pre- 2-Sports; 4-Weather line; 9—CBC News these will have registered. sents; 7—Championship ‘Bowl2—News; 4—News; 7—Dead- 2—Pete and. Gladys; 4—Jeop4:34 pIn. 11:15 p.m. - 11:21 p.m. News 4—Surfside 6: 7—The Rebel ing. We - also found that even Entries for the Junior Cham- line; 9—CBC ardy; ?—Mhslng Links - 2—Editorial; Patrick’s Sports; 11:15 p.m. 2—Weather; 4—Sports; 9—Stat’ her of Commerce contest are Its Is a rundown on entry though tl’UWO!tatiOn to the 7:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon light desilMe dates for prospective registration place is offered, being accepted at the South 2—Editorial; Patrick’s Sports; 2—Love of Life; 4—Say When; 4-Weathr 9-News;. Sports 2—Death Valley Days; 7—I’m 12:38 p.m. 11:20 p.m. ,. 11:25 p.m. 2—Decisions; 4—Watch Mr. WIStats Fair participants. Dickens, He’s Fenster people have many good excus- Lyon Herald office. Entrants 4-Weather; 9-News; Sports 7—Father Knows Best; 9-MIle 2—Weather; 4—Sports zard 2—Best of Hollywood Because of the increased fa- es for not going at that time, will be announced next week 11:20 p.m. 7:39 p.m. De Paris 11:25 j,n. 1:10 p.m. 11:10 p.m. cUltist available in the new and that had five or so of us and voting by pennies will take 2—Weather 4—Sports 2—L4iêy-Desi - Comedy Hour; 9-Encore 12:25 p.m. 2—International Zone; 4-Thriller home Arts building, it has be- been deputized to register these place between now and the 4-The Lieutenant; 7—Hooten. 11:25 p.m. 2—News 11:34 p.m. come possible to accept more persons, we would have been Labor Day weekend extrava- 9—Encore anny; 9-Time for Adventure 4-Matinee; 7—Discovery; 9— 12:34p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2—Morgus Presents; - 4—ToBill Kennedy entries in this department and able to register another 100 ganza. 8:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 4—Groucho Marx 2-Search for Tomorrow; 4night; 7—Premiere 1:3* p.m. the deadline, orIginally set for peoplt 2—Defenders: 4—Joey Bishop; 2—Steve Allen;~4—TOnight1 Tñith or ConiequencEs~7— 1:00 am. 2-Detroit Lions Pre-Season July 31 has been exlêiided to 1:00 am. Tennessee Ernie Ford; 9-Peo- 2—Late, Late Show; 4—Grou- 7—Lawrence Welk; 9—Saturday Football; 7—Issues and Ans- 4—News Final Very truly yours August?. Feature ~ Crane 1:00 Var[êt[ am. pie in Conflict cho Marx wers Democratic Candidates for Entries for livestock, horses 0:00 p.m. 12:4-p.m 2—Peter Gunn; 4-Groucho 1:10 a.m. 1:30a.m. and agriculture must also be Green Oak Township Of4—SatUrdaLirlIte ---Movies — Marx; 9—Featurette 2—Guiding Light 2-With -ttU1t1hg~~~ 4-News Final; 7—Shock 7—State Trooper received by August 7, and Jufices 0:3* p.m. 1:15 a.m. 12:55 p.m. SATURDAY 2:30 p.m. Herbert L. ?4utizel nior Show exhibitors have until 7—After Hours 2—Summer Playhouse; 7—Hol- 7—Championship 1:30 am. 4—NBC News 4:15 ..m. Bridge Gerald Sixbey Augus( 14. 1:00 p.m. lywood Palace 2—News _____ -1:30 a-rn. 2—Meditations; Farm P’ront; 3:04—p.m.—---— 2—News; Meditations; 4—News 2—December Bride; 4—News; News 10:10 p.m. - 7—East Side Kids -1:35 an. FJnaJ 2—Gunsmoke t34a.mA 7—Hollywood - ThieaiffLj—Buli -- 3:30 p.m. 2—Meditations Kennedy An ejcamlnationior Postmas1:4Fàiff. 2—Summer Semester 1t:7$p.mt 9—Sunday Movie ter at Salem, Michigan. $5085 7—News; Consida ~ 7—Car 54; S—Twenty Twenty 1:15 a.m. - 7:04 am. 1:1* p.m. - 4:ISpa. a year, will be open for ac.cep11:10 p.m. 4—Eliot’s Almanac 2—Capt. Kangkroo 2—Western Open Golf Tourna- 7—News, - Weather, Meditations tance of ariilications until Au4-News; 7—Deadline; 3—CBC ment. 7:15 a.m. __ 1:15 p.m. 4—Ron Gamble gust 25, 1864, the Commission News 7—Americans At Work 4:04 p.S announced recently. 4-News headlines 7:25 am. 11:10 p.m. MRS. FRED FRIESENHAN JOHN I~.RANKIN 1:31 p.m. 4:30-p.m. Competitors for the postmas’ 9—Weather; Sports 2—As the World Turn!; 4- 4—First Edition News 4-NBC Spotts Special; 7—, A military funeral war~On-tdnrFntesenhan of 13355 tet vacancy in this city must 7:30 am. 11:15 p.m. Let’s Make a Deal WILL CLOSE AT P.M. Wanted Dead or Alive dueted July 27 for John Lau- West Ten Mile road-died--Au-- tavflrleast—ryear Qf ex’ f—Country Living; 7—Paint- 4-Weather 1:55 pa. 1:04 p.—. rence Rankln, who died July gust 2, at St. Joseph Mercy penience (education above high tt:2* p.m. SATURDAYS er’s Art. 4-NBC News -~ 4--Sunday; 7.—Checkiista hospital in Mn Arbor; school level niay be subMitut: 4—Sports; 9-4tarllght 2:4* p.m. 8:00 am. kS.-.. tack at~bla Rnrn to Albert and Mary B. .d—for&nzonths During oh. Month 1:30 p.m. of experience) Five youths who escaped 2—Password;- 4—Loretta Young 2-Fun Parade; 4—Bozo the 11:25 p.m. a-a-enner; S—Rocky & FritoHurley Marshall March 2, 1888 showing that they have - the from years of age. of August 7—PremIere the Willard J. Maxey 2:24 p.m. Clown; 7—Crusade for Christ In Livingston county,- she mar- ability- tomalntatn simple recdo 1l:31 p.m. 8:34 Am. Rankin, -a long-time--resident ried Fred J. Friesenhan De- ordsof a~countsor that it has Boys’ Triining School Friday 7Pat Morris 4—Lati 2-Il oclock Report; 7ffp about 9:00 p.m. were foiled in 7—Junior Sports Club 2:3, p.m. .4 the South Lyon area, lived cember 27, 1921 In Detroit. given them a knowledge of their runaway effort by defec- 2—Ifennesey; 4-The Doctors; Show 8:4* am. .. S Reed City In recent years. She attended the South Lyon postal procedures. 12:10 am. tive equipment. ~ieral services -were held at school system am) later be7—Day in Court 2—AlvIn; 7—House of Fnllon 9-ct “-‘n2-Best of Hollywood —, ‘‘It Phililpu Fun.rnl Hrra “ came an :nstructus tctt~l.lt.~ — site Live weic f.~.i ala .n, 1:10 am. South Lyon with the Rev. Nor- 24 years in Livingston, Wash- that they are of good reputa- drive down US-23 in a stolen 7—News 2-Tennessee Tuxedo; 4-Ruff 2—Lale~Late Show 3:00 p.m. man Rledesel of the Presby- tenaw and Oakland county tion and that they can meet-truck when Washtenaw county and Reddy SUNDAY 2-To Tell the Truth; 4-Anterian church officiating. Bur- schools. and deal with the public agree- sheriff’s patrolmen noticed the 10:00 am. ial was In South Lyon ceme- Her husband Fred survives, ably and effectively, truck had no -tail--lights. Upon other World; 7—General Hos- 2—Quick Draw McGraw; 4 8:30 a-a pital tery. _____ sq am neveral nieces and neph- _Adi~ant~n,,,oa Hector Heathcote; 7—Excluslv- 7—Making of Music taie, a -writ, checking the patrolmen found — Rinkhi was t~ii1- ~etobet ews. ely outdoors; 8—Long ionn bi!- 7Rl Newsreel, !he vnnthfnt driver had no . ten-lest ~ThosEwliupw.~,wlI ~—flew5 24, ~1001in Pennsylvania to - Funeral services_Wire convel• John and Caroline (McCaslin) ducted Wednesday, August 511 te_asaignetjinaL .ratlngs - 0n - -w* a~basis of this test- and on Two of the escapees-were no- 2—News ltankin He was married to A-— t_..._C& t...._lir.nthn. the 2—Meditations ak—I J Iha~.. 2—Mighty Mouse, 4—Fireball V 0.09 p.m. XLS; 7—Allakazam; 9-Hawk-Ilceo iy:ng :0 Inc Lear Ut IlIC Gertrude H. Msnkln In Howell Ho church. -Burial was In Cal7:25 am. for the position. They must truck. 2-Edge of Night; 4-You August 8, 1931. 2—News vary--cemetery in Brighton. -have resided within the delivDon’t Say; 7—Queen For a eye 4—First Edition News It may bs a IIisav.r - His - military service - dated The rosary was recited Tues- ery of the post office for one The deputies took all five to Day; 9-s-Vacation Time 1110 a-rn. 4:10 p.m. 2-fin Tin Tin; 4-Dentii~The 7:3* am. back to World - War 1. He serv-day evening at 8:15 at Phillips year Immediately preceding the county Jail where it was the closing date of the examin- learned that they had escaped 2-Secret Storm; 4-Match Menace; 7—Casper; 9—Rgbin 2—Gospel Time; 4-Cowitr~ U A borne without basic fkat-sd ~ for two years in the mer- Funeral home. Living; 7—Hour of St. Francis chant marine In addition to a a a ation. In addition, they must from the training school. a14911a S S a daaroua pamitlon. Game; 7—Trailmaster Hood . •. POe. DUANE CLUCKEY army duty and served for 18 have reached their i8th birth4:25 p.m. 11:30 a-rn. ma happen at any time, _SILF.OR_LI~_N!W years hi the Navy aboara tnt 057 un me VIUSIII5 uste :ur ac- &~LIICIlItfl atvav~’.’.p’.’. &~—‘flU7 I%!%CI L~ T—r UI y 9—V4DU views -Wfl-S-d-~-.esm an binMilitary funeral services REPUBLICAN SLATE IN 085 Idaho. He was a longceptance of applications. Per- the Willard J. Maxey Boys’ Beany and Cecil; ~t—Lancjscap4:30 p.m. held Monday at 1 p.m. at sons over 70 years of age can- Training School near Whitmore psmin aacflnin4 o( first-aid needs GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP atanding member of the Am- were 2—Early Show; 4-Mickey Mo- es II. the PhIllIps Funeral Home for ~a tape, antiseptic, burn ointLake Sunday. All were at large use Club; 9-Hercules erican Legion and belonged to Pfc. Duane E. Cluckey, 25, a not be appointed. Wilt, Goidsy, 13:00 nOok Monday. mats, a am ann, u~h Louis Teistler Post No. 47 In former resident who drowned 5:00 p.m. 2-Voice of the Fans; 4-BullAl! qualified applicants will Llntnsr and Raymond .1 Corns tock. lint aid an a’s llvfl, We oIS ins7—Rig wlnklp, - 7—Ri,gq R,,nnv 4_ July -23~at-SaIem~-Oregop-whiie z vvvivy—conslderstion--for-; em- —At—first—there—were—Just—two 4—George - Pierrot, ru ru. swy. Country Calendar pans to follow ~wfth a vimit to Surviving Rankin are his on leave from Fort Ord, Cali- ployment without regard to who stole away at 1:15 p.m. Show y~ doaom~0u* be S qualified to race, creed, color, or national Then five more left at 6:3G wife; two sons, John, Jr. of fornia. I p.m. and two left at 8:00 pm. ~LosAngeles,- and_Edwurd serv- He was born October 12, 1938 origin. juid the aniousnea of an h~zry a a a Mg In the 13.5. Navy In Japan; In South Lyon th&ion of Lau- Complete information about Attempts to locate all near lad pmeaètlb. propee medical are. two stepchildren, William R. rence and Edna Pickering the examination requirements the school were fruitless and — BRING IN ALL YOI.W KIDS — Nolan of South Lyon and Mrs. Cluckey. He married .Iadith and instructions for filing ap- an all-departments bulletins John (Helen) Stedman of Man-Sykes on November 3, 1062, In plicationifflW3T be—obtain-ed—ar was-- put—out—to— area—police ~ester; one sister, Mrs. Ray Salinas, California. the post office for which this forces. Miller of Ellwood City, Penn- Nc. Cluckey was a member examinationis being announc. - -sylvania; one brother, Harry of the Church of Christ. ed. Application forms must be by Humpty Dumpty at Rankin of Ellwood City, and He is survived by his wife; filed with the U.S. Civil Serhis parents of Urns Pier, Mich-vice Commission, Washington, nine grandchildren. S.. and igan; four brothers, Philip sf D.C. 20415, and must be reWayne, Ohio, Charles, Laur- ceived or postmarked not later -&-~ ANNA VAN WIE ence and Wesley at home; and than the closing date. C. ‘114EV OIS&IG2EED a sister, Mrs. Patricia Harden flow ~.wo TWAt South Lyon. .Mrs. Roy C. (Anna) Van- Delta, Ohio—---—~During Star. During Store L BUtcJOEANQWJFL Wie of 700 West Ten Mile road of Pfc. Cluckey was burled with Hura 120 E. Lake St Hours I AR~ STAMPING PAT died in her home July 30 of a full military rites, conducted heart attack after three months by the Army Reserve Center Portrait gifts from our studio are always fl~ess. of Ann Arbor, at the South Funeral services were held Lyon Cemetery. The Rev. Itorscsived with pleasure. catttt! ‘August 1 at the Phillips Fu- bert F. Yauberg will officiate neral Home in South Lyon, at funeral services. ~ -i éax with the Rev. Ferris-Woodruff wIIo&Draat-_a0I of the South Lyon Methodist church officiating. Burial was YOUtL FOND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TAKEN WITH COLOR FILM t&~z~ — a ~s ~ ~ruda S tnda all - I Wuodlawn cemetery, De ~ ------~TOMAKL MOTHER - AND BABY - HAPPY. aba Si ~ S -~a frolt. Sure enough, our fine, ~ •You are under No Obligation Mrs. VanWie was born in n ~ — ~a Canada to James and Lucy ‘Only One Per Family Y_ yaW mist — raaae Ia clean-burning Fuel Oil Loree. She married Roy C. The Detroit Tigers will preis the talk of the town I Colorful Clothing — No Pastala VanWie in Buffalo. She has sent official Little League bats I,ngs tw~::~~Better order YOURS toWE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Free Gift To Anyorie33ringing In This coupon to all boys and girls, 14 or unbeen a resident here for 40 hMyS~ ~ day! years, comIng from Buffalo. der, attending the double head(Is aflea S Sa) st_au c,%MERAMAN’S SERVICE CHARGE FILM FOR YOUR VACATION PICTURES She was an active honorary er with the Kansas City Athflits cameraman” s,-rvlc,r rhat-ge entitles brarer to receive enr member of the Order of the letics at Tiger Stadium Sunday, MCPHERSON OIL framed 5s7 multi color ptttatt of oar pereon. As estra (tIm Eastern Star Entrenous Chap- August 9. wit S chars, of $105 rot rrouPs. ter 298 and belonged to the Thousands are expected to turn out for the special event Alisea’. ~s ~ I.pad vote Olive Chapter in Buffalo. NAME — .-.-4 SurvIvors Include nmrermis and the stadium management is prepared to distribute bats ~ ~ 4 M.J.,I GES-44l1 ADDRESS nieces and nephews in Michi“Your RexalI Store” a~ Is 120 E. Lake gan nnd Canada. She was pre-to the youngsters as they pass Mob.lI.o GE77539 - P11 t,112 E. Lake S.vtb Ly*. ceded in death by her hus- through the turnatlies on fullSouth Lyon CITY - paid admission tickets. band in 1939. Seek Baby Royalty Registration Drive Needs More Deputies Deadline Tomorrow Pu. Dates Sean For State Fair SHa1eni Postniaster INeeded 0 bi t t1u ar y Some Caugh 4 NUGENT’S HARDWARE ~5()I7j(317rC’J ~! ii [i~ F I SPECIAL One Child-$laOO—Group-$2a00 ~CKLD’S-PHO OPORIRMT-- WaLt! mrs ~~WATER SOF1ENERS Bats Offered~ At Tiger Stadium FRIDAY SATURDAY DANCER’S SPENCER but DRUG AUGUST ----7 VISIT OUR BABY rr ~.0-;r~;~ M FRAMED S 7 In Color REYNOLDS a. it : RiYRRAIIN a 9 i4 DEPARTMENT SPENCER’S DRUG —
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