INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD George ANTOS Michele ARESTA Jean-Marie BASSET Matthias BELLER Michael CLAYES Gabriele CENTI Donald DE PAOLO Gernot KLOTZ Francesca DE FERRA Claude FUSSLER Michel GIMENEZ John Bølgid HANSEN Milton HEARN Richard HEYN Andrew ISAACS Jean JOUZEL Chang-Jun LIU Benoît LEGUET Thomas E. MÜLLER Ryoji NOYORI Rajendra PACHAURI Martina PETERS Sang-Eon PARK Martyn POLIAKOFF Alessandra QUADRELLI G. K. SURYA PRAKASH Imura RYO Philippe SOUCAILLE Narasi SRIDHAR National Science Foundation (US) CIRCC (I) King Abdullah University ST (SA) Leibniz Institute (G) University of Cape Town (ZA) Università di Messina (I) Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab (US) CEFIC (B) ENI (I) Cleantech Advisor Lafarge (F) Haldor Topsœ (DK) Australian Research Council (AU) Sintef (N) UC Berkeley (US) Climate KIC Tianjin University (CN) Mission Climat, CDC (F) CAT Catalytic center, RWTH (G) RIKEN and Nagoya University (J) IPCC Bayer Technology Services (G) INHA (KR) Royal Society (UK) CPE Lyon and CNRS* U. of South California (US) Hitachi (J) Metabolic explorer (F) Det Norske Veritas (US) and Helge WESSEL (European Commission) as Observer ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Danielle BALLIVETTHATCHENKO Daniel CLEMENT Claude DE BELLEFON Jean-Luc DUPLAN Robert GRESSER Laurent FORTI Caroline FELIX Gérard PIGNAULT Bernard SILLION Yves VANDENBERGHE CNRS* and Université de Bourgogne ADEME CPE Lyon and CNRS* Axelera Solvay Research & Innovation IFP Energies Nouvelles University Lyon 1 CPE Lyon Société Chimique de France DOW France CONFERENCE CHAIR Alessandra QUADRELLI Chair Claude FUSSLER Vice chair CPE Lyon and CNRS* Cleantech Advisor The CO2 Forum International Forum on Sustainable CO2 Chemical and Biochemical Utilization SUPPORT TEAM Christine LEGRAND Lorraine CHRIST Anne GIROIR-FENDLER Catherine PINEL Chloé THIEULEUX François BAYARD Charline ROLLAND CPE Lyon University of Lyon 1 University of Lyon 1 CNRS* and Institut Chimie Lyon CNRS* and Institut Chimie Ecole Normale Sup. Lyon Lyon CPE Lyon and CNRS* IRCELYON LIP *CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ORGANIZER The CO2 Forum is an initiative of the Sustainable Development Chair of CPE Lyon. Through this chair, started in partnership with Dow France, the school is committed to meet the values of sustainable development and integrate them in the curricula and the working environment of its engineers-in-training, its personnel and its stakeholders. KEY DATES « Large-Volume CO2 Utilization : Enabling Technologies for Energy and Resource Efficiency» 3rd Edition nd 2 CO2 Forum: September 25-26, 2014 th Submission of Abstracts Deadline: July 14 , 2014 th Regular Registration Deadline: Sept 8 , 2014 CONTACT and INSCRIPTIONS Information and Application form available at Contact: [email protected] th Registration fees: Early bird (before July 14 ) : 230 €. Regular: 280 €. Student :140 € Subsidized for master and Ph.D. students from Université de Lyon (ED chemistry) and CPE Lyon personnel. CONFERENCE VENUE The CO2 Forum will take place in Lyon, France at CPE Lyon Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69100 VILLEURBANNE France. MAJOR PARTNERS and SPONSORS§ § as of January, 2014 How can we transform large volumes of CO2 into materials and fuels needed for quality of life and sustainable development? How does the field of CO2 recycling contribute to the current policy objectives in the field of climate change mitigation? The Forum will address the latest answers from leading international academic, industrial and policy-influencing actors to assess the emerging chemical, bioengineering, and process innovations based on renewable energy sources. September 25-26, 2014 Lyon, France AIM CO2 chemical and biochemical recycling is a desirable environmental solution and a viable business and research opportunity. The CO2 Forum aims at reinforcing such position by bringing together relevant policy orienters, corporate business, and academia researchers in an open 2-day conference for an update on three main topics: Current policy and environmental context (CO2 taxation, CO2 regulation, socio economic analyses) Business opportunity (“negative cost” chemical) Scientific and technologic innovation with sustainable energy source. INTRODUCTION Sustainability requires that anthropogenic over-production of CO2 should be recycled as much as possible to useful and harmless products. Science is therefore confronted to this challenge: transform this stable molecule into useful and safe products with energy from sustainable sources. This requires chemical, bio-engineering, and process innovations. These innovative solutions will be facilitated by frequent interdisciplinary exchanges at the highest scientific and technological level. In this context, the Sustainable Development Chair of CPE Lyon organizes the biannual CO2 forum on the subject by bringing together : Policy orienters and scientific experts (academia and industry) in CO2 utilization Pioneers in chemical and biochemical science and engineering Specialists in sustainable energy sources. This regular forum intends to complement the ongoing efforts around the mitigation of CO2 emission and CO2 capture and storage. PARTICIPANTS The CO2 Forum will gather participants and speakers from the academic and industrial research and innovation community. The Forum will also interest climate policy experts from governement and civil society as well as cleantech investment funds. Large-volume CO2 Recycling to Fuels and Materials PROGRAMME The programme is based on leading keynote speakers who will provide science, technology and policy perspectives. Oral communications, poster, panel and round-table sessions as well as a dedicated brokerage event will expand on the major themes. CONFIRMED PLENARY SPEAKERS and CHAIRS as of January, 2014 Simon BENNETT International Energy Agency Daniel CURRULA-FERRE Total (F) Donald DARENSBOURG Texas A&M University (US) Donald DE PAOLO Lawrence Berkeley Nat Lab (US) Marc FONTECAVE Collège de France (F) Eglantine FLOTTES IDEEL (F) John Bøgild HANSEN Haldor Topsøe (DK) Colin HILLS University of Greenwich (UK) Michel GIMENEZ Lafarge (F) Taekwon KWON SK International (SK) Walter LEITNER RWTH, Aachen U (D) Lothar MENNICKEN Federal Ministry BMBF (D) Narasi SRIDHAR DNV (US) Walter STAHEL Club of Rome K-C TRAN CRI (IS) POSTER and ORAL SESSION Poster presentations are encouraged. Selected posters will give a short oral communication during a plenary session. SESSIONS THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND POLICY CONTEXT Up-date on the climate negotiations, outlook and the role of carbon capture and carbon emission pricing. Opening Session : CO2 : The context. Keywords : Circular economy; Climate mitigation, CO2 taxes, quotas and prices. KEYNOTE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATIONS Review of the major pathways and recent developments from CO2 to materials and fuels. Session 1: Materials from capture. Keywords : Mineral carbonation, cement. Session 2 : Fuels. Keywords : Power-to-Gas, Power-to-Liquid, r-MeOH, DME. Session 3: Organic Keywords : Polycarbonates. Carbnonates . Session 4 : renewable energies and artificial leaves Keywords : photocatalysis, artificial enzyme. OUTLOOK Highlight innovations in chemical, biochemical science and engineering on connected fields such as energy production, and cost analyses that can contribute to the CO2 recycling challenge. Concludion session: Business, cost analyses and Funding opportunities. LCA, techno-economic analyses, funding bodies. PANELS, ROUNDTABLES AND BROKERAGE EVENT In depth review and discussion to identify potential volumes, needs for resources and possible timetables with fruitful interdisciplinary dialog. SATELLITE “SCOT”* EVENT A satellite event will take place on Friday afternoon organized by the SCOT consortium* . The event will report the latest advancement on their writing up of the Strategic European Research Agenda. * “Smart CO2 transformation” FP7-Regions framework
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