Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Under the Pastoral Care of The Order of the Friars Minor Conventual Parish Priest Friar Joseph Nguyen OFMConv Assistant Priest: Friar Joseph Truong Nguyen OFM Conv. HOMECOMING Fr. Marius Galea OFM Conv. died in Malta on Sunday, 16 Feb‐ ruary. Many of the older parishioners would remember Marius for his many years as Parish Priest of Kellyville, especially at the me of the building of the new Church in Kellyville. A memorial Mass honouring Fr Marius is on the Anniversary of the Dedica on of our Church at 7pm Wednesday 19 March. Please come along to pray for Fr Marius and celebrate the Parish Anniversary. 31ST ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF OUR CHURCH is on Wednesday 19 March. Come along to the evening Mass to celebrate the beautiful feast of St. Joseph and the anniversary of our parish. There will be a sausage sizzle after Mass. DIOCESAN WORKS FUND Thank you for the $3,631.50 collected towards this appeal so far. Our parish quota for the DWF is $10,303 in February. The next collection will be in May. All donations to this appeal are tax deductible. Please help us to reach our parish target. Envelopes are available in the pews and from the foyer of the Church through February. NEW PARISH HYMNAL The church will shortly receive brand new hymnals thanks to all who have contributed toward the cost of prin ng, in par c‐ ular, to Anthony Johnston for the $3000 dona on last week‐ end. While the ones to remain in the church will be printed in black and white, if we receive enough orders we may be able to have personal colour copies printed at a cost of $15 each. If anybody would like to order their own colour copy of our hym‐ nal, please contact Angela at the parish office. We only need your expression of interest at this stage to gauge the number required. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY If you are new to our parish and want to join or simply want to learn about how you can help, please take a New Parishioner Envelope from the foyer of the Church. Please introduce your family to our Parish Priest, Fr. Joe, or to one of the Friars. 8 Diana Ave (P O Box 21) Kellyville NSW 2155 Tel:(02) 9629‐2595 Fax: 9629‐9388 www.parra.catholic.org.au/olorparish [email protected] SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR? If in 2014 you will be celebrating your 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or longer wedding anniversary, the parish office would like to hear from you. We would need some of your details such as date and place of marriage, the maiden name of the wife in the relationship, whether overseas or local etc. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2014 BEGINS KID’S CHURCH Reconcilia on Informa on Evening (for to Year 5 is available at 9am and 11am Masses each Sunday. Children are invited to leave the Church for about 20 minutes during Mass with two teachers and will return before the Offertory. Please follow the prompts from the Priest. If you feel called to teach little ones in this ministry, please call the parish office to offer your help or send us an email at the address below. parents only) will be on Wed 12th March at 7.30pm in the Parish/School Hall of Our Lady of the Rosary. Compulsory Commitment Ceremonies for Reconcilia on will be on Sat 15 March at 6pm Mass OR Sunday 16 March at 11am Mass (choose one of the two ceremonies) Please email Tracy, our sacrament coordinator: [email protected] to register and/or offer assistance as a teacher or helper for the program. Please take a sacrament program from the foyer of the Church for all the dates etc. in 2014 PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES YMI AUSTRALIA (YOUNG MILITIA OF THE IMMACULATA) An interna onal movement under the patronage of Mary Im‐ maculate for young Catholic adults (19‐35) seeking to deepen their faith. Also an opportunity for fun and fellowship. Join us on Saturday 1 March at 7.30pm at the Shrine of the Holy Inno‐ cents in front of the friary. Contact Kris n: 0424 185 595 for more informa on. LENTEN GROUP EACH TUESDAY DURING LENT Ash Wednesday on 5 March begins the Season of Lent. There will be a Lenten program on Tuesday evenings a er 7pm Mass beginning Tuesday 11 March. Please come along and join Br. Louis and Br. Giles as we prepare ourselves for Easter. INTERNET ADDICTION Do you worry about the effects of this problem in your home and environment? How would you define Internet Addiction? Do you know how this creates specific brain pathways which affect maturity, motivation and happiness in the human brain? Would you like to know the link between drug addiction and non drug addiction? Come to the parish hall on Thursday 27 March at 7.30pm to hear Dr. John Poon discuss the above and much more. BASKETBALL GAME IN THE CHURCH CAR PARK Come along if you would like to play basketball and form a team for Our Lady of the Rosary. Age groups: teenagers (high school) and adults (19 and older). Please meet Thursday 7.30pm in the car park. Faith Forma on Group Please join us in the parish office each Tuesday at 7.45pm to enjoy Scripture and inspira on together. Everyone most welcome. Parish Office open 9am‐3.00pm Monday ‐Friday. Office Manager: Angela Barlow Assistant Parish Secretary: Catherine Bareham Sacrament Co‐ordinator: Tracy Mans [email protected] Project Compassion Boxes are available. This is one way of fulfilling an obliga on to give alms and show compassion for the poor and needy. Weekly envelopes and forms for credit card dona ons to Caritas are also available. Project Com‐ passion this year will donate to the following countries: Brazil, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Solo‐ mon Islands and Australia Mass times with Intentions for the week 22 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2014 Sat. 22 Sun. 23 Mon. 24 has begun for the term. Scripture for children up PASTORAL PLANNING “Faith in our Future” books are available from the foyer of the Church. Please take one per family and read about how to be involved. Visit www.faithinourfuture.org.au and discuss the Plan with family and friends. SCHOOL OPEN DAYS Please see the Church noticeboard for the dates of different school Open Days such as: OLMC - Sunday 2 March 10am - 2pm Marian College - Tuesday 11 March 2014, 4pm - 5.15pm Santa Sabina - 25 February 2014 ANNUAL SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR STUDENT FRIARS A collection will be held at all Masses on the FIRST Sunday of Lent 8/9 March to support our Student Friars with education expenses. Please be generous in your giving. DAY OF RETREAT FOR FATHERS All fathers are warmly invited to attend a day of spiritual reflection on their roles as husbands and fathers. The retreat will be led by Bishop Terry Brady and will feature guest speaker Mr Robert Falzon (menALIVE). The day begins with Mass, includes a BBQ lunch, and confession and spiritual guidance will be available. WHEN: Saturday 15 March, from 8:45am till 3:00pm WHERE: Marymount Mercy Centre, 36 David Road, Castle Hill. Faith at the Fiddler: 13 March 8am Violet Peters A forum for young people aged 18-35 to gather together to discuss 6pm Andy Zahra issues of faith and spirituality in the friendly and warm atmosphere of Sydney’s most famous pub. Speaker: Dr Ryan Messmore, 7am Antonio, Maria and Peter Comito President of Campion College, Toongabbie. Topic: Theology of the 9am Joseph and Frank Ga Body – Answering the Deeper Questions; the Meaning of Sex and 11am Tommaso & Maria Giuseppina the Body. Time: 5pm-7pm. Venue: The Greenway Room at the Pane a Mean Fiddler, cnr Commercial & Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill. De6pm Pro populo tails: Steven Buhagiar – Catholic Education, Parramatta. [email protected] 7pm Violet Peters Tues. 25 7pm Rose Fimmano Gardiman Wed. 26 7pm Angelo Marcuccio Thurs.27 7pm Joseph Bonello Fri. 28 9.15 Giovanni, Cecilia and Teresa Vasta 7pm Joseph and Ne a Galea Sat. 1 8am Inten on of donor 6pm Andy Zahra Parish School Our Lady of the Rosary 8 Diana Ave, Kellyville 2155 Our Lady of the Rosary 9629‐2566 9629‐2566 www.olorcatholic.edu.au WE PRAY FOR THE SICK Winnie Smith, Robin Banks, Amanda Webb, An‐ nalise Sherlock, Ricardo Patane, Jurgen Bradatsch, Joanna Barry, Jacqueline Bell, Alexa Jade Fabrellas, Michelle Nickols, Janine and Michael Dimech, Fallon Weinman, Angelina Ferreira, chris Ransom, Avelina Iberra, Saja Derbas, Robert Deller, Adrian Bugeja, Nigel Napoli, Denise, Antoine a Cigolini, Amelia Williams, Arnel Galeng, Mary Arowsmith, David McHenry, Leonie Hite, Kim Kenna, Evangeline Ocampo. Doydoy Calisura, , Guida Lambropolous, Pat Griffith, Andrea Bioco, Vitaliana Ter‐ rado, Antonino Pull, Winston Nickols, Be y Muldoon, Bev Swann, Carmelo M Ortea, Engracia Corpuz, Liam Newland REQUIESCANT IN PACE (PEACE) Fr. Harry Wilkinson, Fr. Marius Galea, all those men oned in the Mass Schedule on the le Parish School St Angela’s Primary 40 Harrington Ave, Castle Hill 9894‐9377 www.stangelaschill.catholic.edu.au Mount St Francis Friary 8 Greyfriar Place P O Box 21, Kellyville Tel: 9629‐1558
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