HOOD LOCK NOTE:—Hood is one-piece, side-hinge CAMSHAFT:—5 bearing. Non-adjustable chain drive.
type with instrument panel lock control knobs and
Bearings—Shimless, precision, steel backed, babbitt
may be raised from either side after lock released
lined type. Clearance—.001-.003".
on that side. To raise hood, press down and back on
End Thrust:—Taken by thrust plate in back of camcontrol knob on side on which hood to be raised.
shaft sprocket. Endplay—.0025-.006".
Raise hood about 1", press in on safety rod (lower
Timing Chain:—Morse Type C-3682R (No. 1525) or
edge of hood approx. 2' forward of rear of engine)
Ramsey. Width iy 4 ". Pitch .375". Length 21%" or
to release safety catch, lift hood up and engage sup58 links.
port prop in opening on underside of hood (prop
Camshaft Setting:—Install chain and sprockets topivoted on dash).
gether with '0' marks on sprockets adjacent and in
line with straightedge across shaft centers.
SERIAL NUMBER:—Stamped on plate on left side of
dash under engine hood. First number 1401-2001. VALVES:— Head Diameter Stem Diameter Length
1 31/64"
ENGINE NUMBER:—On upper left side of engine block
between # 3 & # 4 cylinders. First No. D-400051.
cylinder, 'L' head
Seat Angle
Stem Clearance
type. Bore—Z A". Stroke—VA".
Displacement—282 cubic ins. Rated HP.—33.8.
Tappet Clearance:—.007" Intake, .010" Exh. (warm &
Developed Horsepower—125 at 3600 RPM.
idling). NOTE!—Self-locking tappet screw used.
Compression Ratio—6.85-1 Std. cast iron head.
Valve Guides:—Pressed in block from above with upCompression Pressure—118 lbs. at 125 RPM. crankper end 31/32" below valve seat. Exhaust guides
ing speed.
counter-bored on upper inner diameter to %" diamVacuum Reading—18-20" steady idling at 6 MPH.
eter and %" deep.
PISTONS:—Aluminum alloy, autothermic, 7strut type,
Valve Springs:—Intake and exhaust springs intertin plated, xcam ground type. Length—Z
Spring Pressure Spring Length
Weight—Yl A ozs. (stripped), 2Z A (with rings&pin).
Valve Closed
47-52 lbs
R moval—Pistons and rods removed from above.
Valve Open
114-124 lbs
1 5/16"
Clearance—.0005"-.001". See Fitting New Pistons.
NOTE]—Serrated washer installed on top of springs.
Original Bore & Piston Sizes, Replacement Pistons:—
Valve Lifters:—Mushroom type. Remove from below
See Packard Shop Notes for sizes and
with camshaft out. Lifters furnished .001", .002",
Fitting New Pistons:—Insert .0015" feeler Y2" wide be.005" oversize. Use Tool S.T. 5144 (pUoted in valve
tween piston and cylinder wall on side opposite slot.
guide) and ream for .005" oversize lifters.
Pull to withdraw feeler should be 12-18 lbs.
Diameter—.6235-.6240". Clearance—.0003-.0012".
InstalUng Pistons:—Slot toward valves.
Valve Timing:—See Camshaft Setting above.
PISTON RINGS:—2 Ferrox coated cpmpression rings
Intake Valves—Open 1° BTDC. Close 39° ALDC.
(Perfect Circle—#lK-200 upper inner edge beveled,
Exhaust Valves—Open 45° BLDC. Close 5° ATDC.
#2 K-70 lower outer edge grooved), 1 oU control
Above figures correct with .0125" Intake, .015" Ex(X-90 ' C wall) ring, all above pin.
haust tappet clearance.
IMPORTANT NOTE—K type piston ring wall thickValve Timing Check—With .0125" tappet clearance
ness greater than S.A.E. wall rings and need extra
# 1 intake valve should open with # 1 piston 1° or
deep grooves. Do not use S.A.E. wall rings in K ring
.0004" BTDC with 1st graduation before top dead
grooves as ring breakage or over oiling may result.
center mark ' # 1 UP .DC on vibration damper lined
End Gap Side Clearance
up with pointer (permissible variation 4° either
Comp. (#1) ...0925-.0935" 007-.017" 0025-.003"
way). Reset tappet clearance .007" (hot & idling).
Comp. (#2) ...1240-.1235" 007-.017" 0025-.003"
LUBRICATION:—Pressure (pump on right of engine).
Oil Control
007-.015" 0015-.002"
See Packard Shop Notes for Oil Pump
Replacement Rings:—.005, .010", .020", .030", .040" O.S.
Normal Oil Pressure:—40 lbs. at 45 MPH.
PISTON PIN:—Diameter— .875". Length—2 51/64". Pin
OU Pressure Relief Valve:—Mounted on pump cover.
floats in piston and rod, held by locking rings.
Not adjustable. Spring pressure 14 lbs. ± 2 oz.@l7/8".
Pin Fit in Piston—Finger push fit (piston at 160°).
Capacity:—6 quarts.
Pin Fit in Rod Bushing—Finger push fit at 70 °F.
COOLING SYSTEM:—Capacity—17 quarts.
Replacement Pins:—Std. and .003", .006" oversize.
Pressure Valve—In fiUer cap. Opens at VA lbs.
CONNECTING ROD:—Length 7 11/16". Weight 31.6 ozs.
(Std.), 12 lbs. (with Air Conditioning equipment).
Upper Bearing (Piston Pin Bushing)—Split type.
Water Pump:—Packless, sealed ball-bearing type.
See Packard Shop Notes for servicing
For complete data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip. Index.
Crankpin Bearing Diameter—2 3/32".
Removal—Remove fan belt, disconnect pump hose,
Lower Bearing—Shunless, precision, steel backed,
take out pump mounting screws, lift out pump.
babbitt lined type. Bearings furnished standard and
.001", .002", .003", .015" undersize.
Thermostat:—Harrison. In cylinder
head outlet.
Clearance—.0005-.0015". Endplay—.004-.010".
Setting—Starts to open 147x/2°.
Bearing Adjustment:—None (no shims). Replace CLUTCH:—Long Model 10CF-CI. Semi-centrifugal, sinbearings. Do not file rods or caps.
gle plate, dry disc type. Refer to Mech. Equip. Index.
See Packard Shop Notes for 'Palnut' installation
Facings—Woven (U.S. Asbestos No.ll33-G), 2 used.
Installing Rods:—OU squirt .hole toward camshaft.
Inside Diam. 6". Outside Diam. 10". Thick. .125".
CRANKSHAFT:—5 bearing, 8 integral counterweights
Adjustment:—Adjust nut on pedal rod (at clutch
and rubber friction disc vibration damper.
fork) for iy 2 -l%" free travel (2" on cars with ElecBearing Diameter—2%".
tromatic Clutch).
Removal:—Remove transmission (see Transmission
Bearings—Interchangeable, shimless, precision,
Removal following) and flywheel housing lower
steel-backed, babbitt lined type. Furnished standcover. Disconnect and remove pedal rod, clutch
ard size and .001", .002" undersize.
throw-out bearing. Remove clutch cover screws (reClearance—.0005-.0015".
lease tension evenly) and lower assembly out.
Bearing Adjustment:—None (no shims). Replace
bearmgs (upper halves can be 'rotated' in and out).
Electromatic Clutch Control:—Electric type. Optl.
End Thrust:—By # 3 bearing. Endplay—.003-.008".
For complete data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
TRANSMISSION:—Own Make. Constant-mesh, helical,
ball-bearing mounted low speed gear (sliding spur
reverse gear). Synchro-mesh (second & high).
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
Econo-Drive Transmission:—Warner-Packard type
(Warner Model AS2-R9) overdrive unit with electrical control. Optional equipment on all cars.
Transmission Control:—Own Remote Control type.
Removal:—Disconnect shifter rods, speedometer
cable, hand brake cable at equalizer, engine ground
strap, overdrive cable and solenoid wires (if used),
front universal (block drive shaft up against floor
pan) and rubber bearing at rear of overdrive. Support rear of engine with jack and unbolt cross
member (at frame ends and transmission case),
disconnect clutch retractor spring. Take out transmission-to-flywheel housing screws, remove assembly.
UNIVERSAL JOmTS:—Mechanics Model 3CR (new
type). Needle bearing type.
CAUTION—Rear universal flange nut controls pinion bearing pre-load (must be adjusted whenever
n u t is l o o s e n e d ) . Refer to Mechanical Equipment
dex for 'Packard Rear Axle' for
REAR AXLE:—Own Make. Semi-floating, hypoid gear
type with Hotchkiss drive. Cover welded in place.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
For complete
data, refer to 1941 Mech. Equip.
Ratio—4.09-1 Std., 4.36-1 (with Econo-Drive).
Backlash—.003-.005". Screw adjustment.
Removal:—Remove wheel, hub, and brake backing
plate assembly. Withdraw axle shafts. Disconnect
rear universal joint and drop drive shaft. Remove
carrier-to-housing bolt nuts, withdraw carrier.
Wheel Bearing Adjustment—Endplay controlled by
shims between flanged end of housing and brake
backing plate. Unbolt backing plate and clips holding brake tube to housing. Add or remove shims
(endplay up to .050" can be adjusted to desired .006"
at one wheel). Endplay—.004-.007".
SHOCK ABSORBERS:—Front^-Delco Model 1946-J.K.
Double acting, hydraulic type (part of Ind. Suspension) . Rear—Monroe. Direct acting, hydraulic type.
STEERING:—Steering Gear—Packard (Gemmer design Model 330) Worm-and-roller type with new
type steering linkage (idler arm on right frame
siderail). Refer to Gemmer Model 330 article.
Front Suspension:—New type Packard 'Safe-T-Flex'
Independent Suspension (parallelogram type upper
and lower support arms—no torque arms).
Kingpin Inclination—5°
35' crosswise.
Camber—XA° plus or minus Y2°. Adjustable.
Caster—Neg. 1° plus or minus y2°. Adjustable.
Toe In—0" (plus 1/16", minus 0") at hub height. Adjust by turning adjuster at outer end of each tie rod
BRAKES:—Service. Bendix hydraulic, duo-servo, single
anchor type without eccentric adjustment. Hand
lever applies rear wheel service brakes.
Drums—Centrifuse. Diameter 12".
Lining—Molded (Marshall 2201H-8). Width 1%".
Thick. 3/16". Length liy 2 " (primary shoe), 13" secondary) .
Clearance—.015" at both end of secondary shoe
with primary shoe forced out against drum.
Hand Brake:—See Service Brake (above),