The 2nd Workshop on Air Quality Modeling Challenges Chemical Composition of Aerosols in the VMAP Network over Japan during the ACE-Asia Field Campaign 2001: What we need from modeling studies Mitsuo Uematsu ⁄¤‹› Center for International Cooperation Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo Nakano, Tokyo Japan At Tsukuba Convention Center Epochal, Tsukuba, Japan 10 March 2003 Biomass Burning Region with High Marine Productivity Asian Dust Storm Volcanic Plume From Miyake Is. With Anthropogenic substances Biomass Burning SeaWiFS image (19 March 2002) Western North Pacific Region 60o N 50o N Rishiri 40o N Beijing Dunhuang Zhenbeitai Qingdao Seoul Sado Tango Kosan Fukue 30o N Hachijo Midway Linan Chichijima Amami Hong Kong Lan-yu 20o N 10o N 100o E 120o E 140o E 160o E ACE-Asia Ground Station Network over East Asia 180o Rishiri 45.12˚N, 141.20˚E Hachijo 33.15˚N, 139.75˚E Sado 38.25˚N, 138.40˚E Chichi-jima 27.07˚N, 142.22˚E VMAP Ground Measurement Network ・Determine the latitudinal (along the 140˚E line) and the seasonal variability of chemical composition of aerosol from the Asian continent to the western North Pacific region. ・Determine the interaction among natural aerosols, anthropogenic aerosols and gasses during transport over the marginal seas and the western North Pacific region. ・Reproduce the observation data by a regional chemical transport model (CFORS). Then estimate the outflow fluxes to eastward (AQPMS). Instruments information Measurements Rishiri Aerosol PM2.5 OC/EC ● Fine &Coarse Major Ions ● Fine &Coarse Trace Elements ● Bulk Organic Compounds Black Carbon Aerosol Number Concentration ● Ozone ○ CO SO2 ○ Radon Particle Mass PM2.5 or 10 TEOM○ Weather Condition △ (Temp, Humid, Pres, Wind D&S, Ppt) ● Sado Hachijo Chichi-jima ● ● ●(2001.11-) ● ●(2001.11-) ● ○ ○ ○ △ ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ● ○ △ ● ● △ △ ● (in operation by ORI); ○ (by others); △ (from EANET) Present Status until June 2003 (1) Organic Carbon/Elemental Carbon (Series 5400 Ambient Carbon Particulate Monitor R&P Co. Inc.) (2) Number concentration of particles (KC-01, KC-18, Rion Co. Ltd.; TS-400 Hitachi Co.) (3) Mass concentration of particles (Series 1400 TEOM, R&P Co. Inc.) (4) Soluble ions and trace metals in particles (ACS21, AS9, Kimoto Electric Co Ltd.) (5) Black Carbon (Aethalometer, Magee Scientific Co.) (6) Ozone (Model1150, Dylec, Inc.) (7) Sulfur dioxide (SA-631, Kimoto Electric Co Ltd.) (8) Radon (Spectrum Analyzer) (9) Dimethylsulfide (GC with cryo-trap system) (10) Meteorological data HVDVI( High Volume Dichotomous Virtual Impactor) air Filter To pump Ambient Carbon Particulate Monitor Flow Schematic With or without Denuder Particulate Org. C or Reactive Org. C Urban Aerosol in Tokyo Na_C_tef Cl_C_tef Na_f_tef Ca2_f_tef K_C_tef NO3_C_tef NH4_f_tef Cl_f_tef Mg_C_tef SO4_C_tef K_f_tef Ca_C_tef filter _coar se NO3_f_tef fine Mg2_f_tef 3.5 SO42_f_tef 10 2 Na_ f_tef 1.5 1 Teflon Filter 2.5 Na_ C_tef Teflon Filter 3 8 6 4 2 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Whatman 41 Filter C_ what Coarse Particles 3.5 0 2 4 6 8 Whatman 41 Filter f_what Fine Particles 10 Particulate OC from the ACPM 3 with the denuder (μg/m ) 3 Tokyo 4h Tokyo 1h Ri shi ri 4h 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 The rati o of the posi ti ve arti f act to the rea f rom the ACPM wi thout the denuder i n OC meas ([OC]wi thout Denuder - [OC]wi th Denuder )/[OC]wi thout D Co-variation of EC Concentration in the Spring of 2001 Standard variable 8 Rishiri Sado 6 4 2 0 -2 Standard variable 4/1 8 4/11 4/21 5/1 5/11 5/21 6/1 Hachijo Chichi-jima 6 4 2 0 -2 4/1 4/11 4/21 5/1 5/11 5/21 6/1 Uno et al., in press, JGR Effect of Biomass Burning Assuming nss-SO42- from biomass burning is negligible compared with fossil fuel combusion [EC]measured = [EC]fossil + [EC]biomass [EC]fossil = [EC/ nss-SO42- ] Episode 1, 2, 4 x [nss-SO42- ]measured [EC]biomass = [EC]measured - [EC]fossil 0 2 4 6 8 23 nss-SO Conc. (µg/m ) 4 10 0.5 0 4/ 9 4/ 11 4/ 13 4/ 15 4/ 17 4/ 19 4/ 21 4/ 23 4/ 25 4/ 27 4/ 29 0 1 4/ 7 0.5 1.5 4/ 5 1 biomass fossil fuel 4/ 3 1.5 2 4/ 1 Episode1 Episode2 Episode4.17 Episode3 Episode4 EC Conc. (µgC/m3) EC Conc. (µgC/m 3 ) 2 58-71% of OC and 66-76% of EC are contributed by biomass burning during Episodes at Rishiri 8 Rishiri 6 4 2 0 8 Sado 6 4 2 0 8 Hachijo 6 4 2 0 8 TC Conc.( µ gC/m 3 ) TC Conc.( µ gC/m 3 ) TC Conc.( µ gC/m 3 ) TC Conc.( µ gC/m 3 ) Carbonaceous Aerosol Concetrations in the VMAP Network Through One Year From 2001 Chichi-jima 6 4 2 0 4/1 6/1 8/1 10/1 12/1 2/1 4/1 Co-variation of EC Concentration in the Summer of 2001 Standard variables 8 Rishiri Sado 6 4 2 0 -2 7/1 7/11 7/21 8/1 8/11 8/21 9/1 Al and nss-Ca Concentration in the VMAP Network Rishiri 〔R1〕 8 〔R5〕 3 6 〔R2〕 Coarse Al 〔R4〕 〔R3〕 2 〔H1〕 8 5/30 5/23 5/16 5/9 5/2 4/25 4/18 0 4/11 0 4/4 1 3/28 2 Hachijo 6 Coarse nss-Ca 3 2 4 1 2 5/30 5/23 5/16 5/9 5/2 4/25 4/18 4/11 4/4 0 3/28 0 Chichi-jima 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 5/30 5/23 5/16 5/9 5/2 4/25 4/18 4/11 4/4 0 3/28 0 nss-Ca Conc. [μg/m3] Al Conc. [μg/m3] 4 4 Size Distribution and Variability of Enrichment Factor at Rishiri 1 1 .5 1 Enrichment Factors AlCoarse/AlTotal 0 .9 0 .8 0 .7 0 .5 Coarse Fe 0 0 .6 〔R1 〕 〔R2 〕 〔R3 〕 〔R4 〕 〔R5 〕 〔R1 〕 〔R2 〕 〔R3 〕 〔R4 〕 〔R5 〕 C a Enrichm ent Factors Comparison of Enrichment Factors of Ca in the Sources and Aerosols at Rishiri an Hachijo 2 .5 2 .0 1 .5 1 .0 Mongolia Junggar Desert 0 .5 Mu- us Desert Tengger Desert Takla Makan-Gobi Takla Makan Desert China Ocher Plateau Takla M akan - G abi O cher Plateau R ishiri (〔R1〕除く) H achijo H achijo〔b〕 (〔H1〕除く) [Kanamori et al., 1991] Atmospheric Al Concentration over East Asia 0 Beijing Takla Makan XiAn Takla M akan B eijing(M ar.) Hong Kong X iA n(spring) H ong K ong S ingapore Singapore [Makra et al., 2002] [Yin et al., 2003] [Ho et al., 2003] [Orlic et al., 1999] [Zhang et al., 2002] 1000 A l C onc. [ng/ m 3 ] 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Atmospheric Al Concentration Around Japan Results of VMAP observations Rishiri Okushiri 0 R ishiri O kushiri Wajima W ajim a Isum o Isumo Hachijo H achijo H achijo C hichi- jim a Onna Chichi- jima C hichi- jim a O nna [Tsunogai et al., 1985] spring period 1981 and 1982 1000 A l C onc.[ng/ m 3 ] 2000 3000 4000 The 2002 IOC Western Pacific Cruise Shemya Western N. Pac Over the North Pacific Central N. Pac Midway Subtropical N. Pac Oahu Results of IOC2 0 0 2 Cruise Enewetak Fanning A l C onc [ng/ m 3 ] 400 300 200 100 0 c. c. N . P a tra l N . P a n r e C en W e st ya c. S he m ic al N . P a ro p S ub t M id w ay O ahu [Uematsu et al.,1983] e ta E n ew k F a nn in g Event 1: May 4~8 Event 2: May 12~14 Event 3: May 17~19 May 16-17 2002 IOC28 IOC27 IOC26 IOC25 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 NO3- conc. [µg m-3] CoarseNO3- IOC24 IOC23 IOC22 IOC21 IOC20 FineAl IOC19 IOC18 IOC17 IOC16 CoarseAl IOC15 IOC14 IOC13 IOC12 1.0 IOC11 IOC10 IOC9 IOC8 IOC7 IOC6 IOC5 IOC4 IOC3 IOC2 IOC1 Al conc. [µg m-3] Aluminum and Nitrate 1.0 FineNO3- 0.8 IOC28 IOC27 IOC26 IOC25 IOC24 IOC23 IOC22 1.2 1.0 2.5 0.8 2.0 0.6 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 nss-SO42- conc. [µg m-3] Coarsenss-SO42- IOC21 IOC20 IOC19 IOC18 IOC17 IOC16 FineAl IOC15 IOC14 IOC13 CoarseAl IOC12 IOC11 IOC10 IOC9 IOC8 IOC7 IOC6 IOC5 IOC4 IOC3 IOC2 IOC1 Al conc. [µg m-3] Aluminum and Sulfate 3.0 Fine nss-SO42- Average Concentrations of Each Event Al 2+ nss-Ca - NO3 2- nss-SO4 -3 Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine ng m Event 1 762 108 125 106 635 295 269 2354 Fine (%) 12 46 32 90 Event 2 263 43 10 53 221 156 143 1739 Fine (%) 14 84 41 92 Event 3 105 65 32 49 330 110 265 1861 Fine (%) 38 60 25 88 Normal 39 28 6 20 123 41 104 523 42 77 25 83 Fine (%) Midway Is. Prospero et al., J. G. R. (2002) SO4 NO3 Mineral MSA Nat-SO4 Anth-SO4 Anth-SO4 in Mar. With Dust. 65% of Total SO4 Nat-SO4 in May 75% of Total SO4 NO3 NO3 background conc. =0.20µg m-3 Sakai, Osaka: (1986-1995): Ito and Mizohata (2000) nssSO4: From 4.0 to 5.6 µg m-3 (x 1.4) NO3: From 2.16 to 2.57 µg m-3 (x 1.2) Midway: (1981-1995): Prospero et al., (2002) Anthro SO4: From 0.24 to 0.65 µg m-3 (x 2.7) Total NO3: From 0.38 to 0.58 µg m-3 (x 1.5) Japan to Midway: nssSO4: 6%-12% remained at Midway NO3:18%-23% What we need from modeling studies •Identify new emission sources for aerosols •How to model sporadic events •Volcanic emission and its effects •Nitrate distribution and its deposition flux •Biogenic sulfur emission from sea surface •Long term trends of aerosol distribution •Reproduce rain events •Regional Models vs Global Models 地上天気図 Case1 Case2 ● ● ● ● ● ● 7/8 7/11 7/12 Case3 Case1 利尻島, 佐渡島 低濃度 Case2 利尻島, 佐渡島 高濃度 ● ● ● Case3 利尻島 低濃度 佐渡島 高濃度 ● 7/31 8/1 3.炭素質エアロソルの発生源 50 SIB OKH PAC-JPN 40 CHI QuickTimeý Dz 40 PNG êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈÇ…ÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB 30 Frequency (%) Latitude (ºN) <利尻島> 30 120 130 20 10 SIB CHI 140 0 OKH 150 Trajectory 160 Pathway Longitude (ºE) PAC-JPN 規格化濃度(N): N = (mi - Mi) / Mi (mi: 各セクターの成分iの平均濃度, Mi: 成分Iの平均濃度) 利尻島における輸送経路と濃度の関係 Normalized Conc. 1 0.5 1 OC 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 OKH OKH SIB SIB CHI CHI PAC-JPN PAC-JPN -1 Normalized Conc. 1 0.5 EC OKH -1 0.5 Particle Number 0 OKH SIB SIB CHI CHI PAC-JPN PAC-JPN O3 0 -0.5 -1 OKH OKH SIB SIB CHI CHI Trajectory Pathway PAC-JPN PAC-JPN Trajectory Pathway -0.5 OKH OKH SIB SIB CHI CHI Trajectory Pathway PAC-JPN PAC-JPN Trajectory Pathway <八丈島> 40 JPN CHI-JPN PAC 30 80 QuickTimeý Dz PNG êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉNÉ`ÉÉǾå©ÇÈÇ…ÇÕïKóvÇÇ• ÅB 60 Frequency (%) S-CHI 20 40 20 120 130 0 PAC 140 150 Longitude (ºE) 160 CHI-JPN JPN Trajectory Pathway S-CHI 八丈島における輸送経路と濃度の関係 Normalized Conc. Normalized Conc. 1 0.5 1 OC 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 PAC PAC CHI-JPN CHI-JPN PAC PAC JPN JPN -1 -1 1 0.5 0.5 Particle Number CHI-JPN CHI-JPN JPN JPN CHI-JPN CHI-JPN JPN JPN O3 0 0 -0.5 EC PAC PAC CHI-JPN CHI-JPN JPN JPN -0.5 -1 Trajectory Pathway PAC PAC Trajectory Pathway 0.20 EC = 0.21NO 3 + 0.06 R2 = 0.49 EC [µg m-3] 0.15 0.10 EC= 0.04SO42- + 0.04 R2 = 0.82 0.05 FineNO3- Fine nss-SO42- N S 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Fine NO3-, SO42- [µg m-3] 3.0 Total Soluble nss-Ca neq [neq m -3] 20 y = 0.14 x - 1.05 R2 = 0.65 16 12 8 4 0 0 20 Total Acid (Bulk NO 40 3 60 2- + Bulk nss-SO 4 ) [neq m 80 -3 ]
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