CBE All Areas - Session 1 - Galileo Educational Network

Learning Leaders/Lead Teachers
Session 1
Chenoa Marcotte
Amy Park
Candace Saar
Participatory Professional Learning
Designing for
Enact &
Build on New
Iterative Cycles of
Professional Learning
Adapted from Friesen, S. (2014) and Timperley, H. (2011)
Analysis of
Evidence with
of TEF
Elicit Feedback
Based on TEF
Learning Intentions…
Cultivate research informed and evidence-based practices for leading and
Build capacity for designing worthwhile learning tasks and assessment
processes for students in core curricular areas in particular
Develop practices for making teaching and learning more visible and
accessible through a variety of environments
Develop clear images of effective teacher and student learning
Develop processes for obtaining and providing timely, specific and
constructive feedback about teaching and learning
Develop capacity in leading and modelling more effective teaching practices
Evidence of Engagement
Intellectual Engagement Academic Engagement
Fun Activity
Evidence of Engagement
Read the following scenarios and place in the
appropriate category:
After a month of good behaviour, the teacher organizes a class
popcorn party to celebrate the students’ accomplishment.
A student brings in a newspaper article that has an opposing
view to a class debate that happened the day before and wants
to discuss it further.
Students were given two weeks to write an essay about
worldview, on the due date the majority were handed in on
Students were asked to explore a new topic in Science, rather
than following instructions the majority of students were
watching youtube videos on an unrelated topic.
Evidence of Engagement
Think back to your educational journey, brainstorm
specific assignments/activities/tasks for each of the
four categories?
Evidence of Engagement
Go on a Gallery Walk with a new partner.
Generate a list of characteristics that define
intellectually engagement using the tasks to prompt
your thinking. Jot these down on a sticky note.
1. Teachers as Designers
•begins with thoughtful and intentional design of
•engages students intellectually and academically
2. Worthwhile Work
Work that students are asked to undertake is:
• worthy of their time and attention
• personally relevant
• connected to the world in which they live
3. Assessment For Learning
• focused on improving student learning
• guides teaching decisions and actions
4. Learning Relationships
•teacher fosters interdependent relationships
(students, teachers, work) that promote learning
•create a strong culture around learning
5. Teachers Improve Practice
with Peers
• teaching is a scholarship
Evidence of TEF
Leading Iterative Cycles
As a learning leader or lead teacher in your school,
how will you support your colleague, while at the same
time promoting thinking about effective teaching
Case Study Discussions
After watching each case study, please use the
“Looking at the Work" document to record your
group’s responses to the following questions:
1. What evidence of the principle did you see in
the task?
2. What questions or considerations do you have
for this teacher specific to the principle?
Iterative Cycle #1
Over the next month, please collect evidence of one
formative assessment you have used with your
students. You are encouraged to select one that has
been effective in moving student learning forward.
Please bring this evidence to our next session.