WESTM W MINSSTER COL LLEGE E V VOL. 3 – ISSUE E1 FIE ELDE ER’S CHO OICE E FALL L 2014 Se easo on O Out loo k Last yeear our softball progrramlostfourrgreatplayeers.This year webrought in11fresh facesto go allong with 9 returning players. Altho ough we lo ost several impact playeers, we are expecting our o two senio orstoriseup pandleadth heteam. Our senior pitch hers, Carly Leffakis AshleySmith h,haveaccep ptedthis andA important role and will conttinue to helptthisteamsuccceed. Wehavettwootherreeturning pitchers with great experience, d Kayla juniors Amber Forrest and manik. Lead dership is not n only Korm found donthemou undbutinoth herkey A Ashley Smith Sociologyy and Internattional Studies positions p as well. w Infield ers, Brenna Guard G (Jr.), Lexi L Sheffer ((Jr.), Shelby Brown B (Soph h.) and Em ily Lindsey (S Soph.) willl make significant contributionss as well ass outfielder Francesca F Nardone N (Sooph.). With several impaact returnerrs and 11 well‐rounded w d freshmen, tthis team is expectedtohaveayearoffsuccess. All A of you allumni have been a big part p in creaating this ttradition of su uccess for th he Westminsster Softball program. p Wee expect it tto continue. TOGETHERW T WEWILL! Carrly Leffakis is Businesss Administraation Franceesca Nardone aand Brenna Gu uard Alll PAC Academ mic Honor Roll 2nd Team PAC C honors ‐Laauren Stoczyn nski‐1st base ‐Katy Balkko‐OF Honorable M Mention ‐K Kelsey Squelcch‐2nd base ‐Shelby Bro own‐SS ‐Ashley Smith h‐Pitcher All PAC Hon nor Roll Kaaty Balko, Brenna Guard, Fraancesca Nardo one, Lauren Stoczyn nski OU UR N NEWEST TITA ANS Top leftt‐right: Courttney Dieterich h (Purcellvillee, VA), Gabby B Butcher (You ungstown, OH H), Nikki Andeerson (Oakmo ont, PA), Courtney Cohen (New Wilmin ngton, PA), Brooke Ruffner (Indiana, PA), An nnie Papa (Neew Castle, PA) m left‐right: Ad ddie Dietericch (Purcellville, VA), Abby Bottom Rinard ((Medina, OH), Hannah Rittter (Front Ro oyal, VA), Emiley W Westfall (Jeffferson, OH), A Alexa Owreyy (New Castle, PPA) ALU UMN NI NEEWSS Kayyla Rosati Greegorich ’10 m married Justin Gregorich on n Junne 30, 2012. TThe happy co ouple is now p preparing to weelcome baby A Ava into the w world on December 16, 20114. The couple resides in H Hubbard, OH. Abby Mazar Federrico ’07 and husbaand Paul welco omed Adalynn June Federico into o world on June the w 10, 20 014. Knockin N Noggin Cideryy & Winery, Vollant, PA open ned in 2014 by W Westminster A Alum Katie Porter Novocel ‘05 5. For more infformation vissit knockinnoggin.com Please update us with your excitiing news at: [email protected] 2014 4 FALL BALLL BABIES MccKenna Novocel (Katie Porter Novocel ’0 05) Hayd den Joseph Mertzz (Reneee Tappe Mertz ’02) 2014 Fall Ball Tournament The Titan ns spent th heir fall ball sseason in preparation fo or a day of gam mes at Geneeva College. After 5 week ks of practicce, they too ok their hard worktothefield.OnOcttober4, t day 2014,, the Titans started off the again nst Carlow University, U fo ollowed byPeennState–Beeaver,andfin nishing upwiithrival,Gen neva. With unlimited ssubstitutions, th his day was a great chaance for thee co oaches to see s their p players in aa vaariety of possitions and ssituations. Itt also gave the players an opportunityy to olearnoneaanotheronth hefield.Thee Tiitansrevealeedthatalthoughtheyaree ay youngteam, theirtalent anddesire heir biggest sstrengths. After A will be th a long, co old day, the Titans finisshed ontopwiitha3‐0reco ord.Tocontiinue this succcess, the Tittans have been b working h hard in the weight room m to build strrength and endurance to prepare them for the upcom ming season. A Word from Coach Reddinger Hello again n old friends and d Alums, II want to thankk all of you thaat made the trek back to campu us last spring for the Alumni gaame. It was great to see old faces again… d did I say ‘olld’…I meant familiar faces. TThe game itself was full of excitemen nt. Between th he pitching duaals, the fierce offensive explosio ons and the dynamic d defensive plays, it wass truly ‘someth hing to see’. It waas a spectacle alrright. Make sure to ‘like us’ on Faacebook (did that sound like I knew w what I just said d) if you haven’t alrready. If you d do, you’ll be able e to see the photoss of that amazing game. U Unfortunately, d due to the fact tthat we have no laate season Saturrday games, we will not be able to have an alumni game this upcoming spring. That does not m mean however that we don’t w want to see you at one of our games. Our schedule is at the end of this newslettter. I really hope you can make a game and if so o, please let me know you’re com ming. m me, is Just under this little note from the ‘3 eaasy ways to don nate’ form. Once again, this of ccourse is my w way of asking fo or some help. M Many of you tookk me up on my p plea last year and becamee Towering Titan memberrs. Some of you continue to be memberrs. Thank You! Your donations went a long waay. Believe me,, they are apprreciated more than I could ever eexpress. ALUMNI GAME 22014 WESSTMINSTTER COLLEGE SO OFTBALL Westminster College 319 S. Market St. New Wilmington, PA 16172
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