情報元 日本経済新聞 電子版 【ジュネーブ=原克彦】スイスの流通最大手、ミグロは独自開発した食品や化粧品を日本で販売する。 スイス製を前面に出してスーパーなどに売り込む。欧州の大手流通業では仏カルフールや英テスコが 日本に進出したが、店舗網を広げられずに撤退した。独自商品の開発・生産力に定評があるミグロ は、大きな投資が必要な出店ではなく、商品供給を通じて日本市場を開拓する。 日本法人としてM―インダストリージャパン(東京・港)を設立した。大手スーパーなど約 400 店に商 品供給する。第1弾として「スイスデリス」などの独自ブランドで、ビスケット(480 円前後)や紙パック入 りのアイスティー(220 円前後)など 16 品目を販売する。 日本で販売されているメーカー品などに比べて高めの商品が多いが、素材や製法にこだわっている ほか、パッケージに国旗をあしらうなど高級イメージのあるスイス製であることをアピールする。「独自 性があり、輸入菓子の品ぞろえ強化につながる」(西友) 今後はジャムやチョコレートといった嗜好性の高い食品のほか、スイスの代表的な家庭料理のレトル ト食品、スキンケアなどの化粧品も扱う。 日本の小売市場ではカルフールやテスコが撤退し、独メトロも出店を凍結している。ミグロは日本の 競合状況などを考え、大きな投資を伴う店舗展開よりも、競争力が出せるスイス製品の販売に特化す る。 さらに、商品数が増えてブランドが一定程度浸透した段階で、小売店内に自社製品を集めた特設売 り場などを設ける計画だ。2020 年までに日本での取扱品目数を 200~300 に増やし、年商 20 億円を 目指す。 商品の企画・生産能力を生かして、日本の小売業からプライベートブランド(PB=自主企画)商品の 開発・製造を受託することも検討する。ビスケット1~2枚の小分け商品なども作り、コンビニエンススト アやドラッグストアなどに売り込む。日本メーカーと協力し、日本の食品の米国への輸出も手掛ける方 針だ。 ミグロは主力のスーパーのほかに家電量販店やホームセンター、安売り店を展開する。14 年 12 月 期の売上高は 272 億 9200 万スイスフラン(約3兆 5800 億円)。スーパーでは売上高の8~9割をPB が占めるとされ、独自商品に強みを持つ。 スイスのスーパーや家電量販店はミグロとコープの2生協に集約され、同国内では事業拡大の余地 は乏しい。このため、ミグロは欧州や北米を中心に約 50 カ国へ商品を輸出するなど海外事業を強化し ている。アジアに拠点を設けるのは日本が初めてで、中国などアジア事業の拡大にも生かす。 Information source Nihon Keizai Shimbun (electronic version) The Swiss distribution giant Migros is selling proprietary food and cosmetics in Japan. Their products will be sold with strong swiss colour put in front. Other leading European retailers such as French Carrefour and British Tesco also expanded into Japan, but soon withdrew without spreading their store network. Migros, rather than investing heavily in opening retail stores, plan to leverage their reputation in the development and production capacity of its own product, and to develop the Japanese market through the product supply. To achieve this, they established the M- Industry Japan (Tokyo, Minato ward) as the Japanese subsidiary. They work with many retail companies as well as many other luxury supermarkets (400+ supermarkets, not limited to luxury supermarkets). As a first step, by using their own brands, such as "Swiss Delice", MIJapan are selling items such as biscuits (¥ 480) and iced tea (¥ 220). When compared to manufactured products made in Japan, the products are expensive, mainly due to the raw material costs and manufacturing methods. However, the elegant packaging with the Swiss national flag has the strong appeal of a luxury item. "We are looking to strengthen our assortment of imported confectionery with unique and leading products" (Seiyu) From now, MIJapan will also offer other highly popular items such as jams and chocolate, including Swiss typical home-cooked retort products (such as potato rosti), as well as cosmetics such as skin care. Carrefour and Tesco have since withdrawn from the Japanese retail market, while Germany’s Metro also suspended their opening. Migros considered the competitive situation of Japan, and rather than invest in store development with large investment, decided to focus on the sale of Swiss products. Furthermore, at this stage, they are focusing on increasing the number of brand items for maximum penetration, with special sales areas in stores to display. The target is to increase the number of products to 200-300 by 2020 with an annual sales of 2 billion yen. Additionally, by taking advantage of their planning and production capacity, MI Japan also consider the development and manufacturing of private brand products for the Japanese retail industry. They are also developing small biscuits to sell to convenience stores and drugstores. Furthermore, in cooperation with Japanese manufacturers, they are looking at exporting Japanese food to the US. In addition to their flagship supermarkets, Migros has expanded to electronics retail stores, home centers, and discount stores. As of December 2014 sales were CHF 27.292 billion Swiss francs (about 3.580 trillion yen). Currently, 80-90% of products sold in their supermarkets are Private Label, demonstrating the strength of their own brands. With Migros and Coop, both cooperatives, making up most of the Swiss retail market, there is little room for business expansion in the country. For this reason, Migros has strengthened its overseas businesses, such as to export goods to Europe and in North America (about 50 countries in total). With their first expansion in Asia in Japan, they can also take advantage of other opportunities in Asia, such as China. David Chalk デヴイッド チョーク Managing Director 代表取締役 M-INDUSTRY Japan Inc. 32 Shibakoen Building 7F 3-4-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan Tel +81 3 6450 1360 | Mobile +81 70 1423 0214 [email protected] www.mindustry.co.jp
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