助動詞・仮定法 ★問題 解答 1 It’s really surprising[ that he (should) have arrived on time] <as he is rarely punctual>. ★問題 解答 1<When I was a boy>. I would often go swimming in the river nearby. 過去の習慣 2 <When I was a boy> . I was dull and lazy. I would have been pleased< to be regarded as diligent>. 3 <When my dog died> ,I could have cried. 4 Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect .We’re just opened the wine (I have secretly kept for a long time). 時制 ★問題 解答 1 He resembles his father in appearance. 現在の状態 2 He is having breakfast now. 現在進行形 3 He has good job now. 現在形 4 He is standing on the beach. 現在進行形 5 The hotel stands on the beach. 現在形 6 There remains our original sense of wonder about nature. 現在形 7 He lives in Tokyo. 現在形 8 He is putting a tie. 現在進行形 9 He wears a tie. 現在形 10 He was a silent guy in his youth. 過去形 11 He is usually very talkative ,but he is being silent now. 普段はおしゃべり、今は沈黙 12 He lived in America in his later life. 過去形 13 He will be flying over the continent about this time tomorrow. 明日の今頃 14 He will fly to India next month. 来月インドに行く(意思未来) 1 15 He flies to San Francisco every Monday. 現在の習慣 16 Time flies. 普遍の心理 17 He lost his watch yesterday. 過去形 18 Yesterday he said [that we have a meeting today]. 話者の視点はあくまで現在 19 Economics is a study of economy. It deals with the whole of picture of [how the world works with the help *of and *for [the sake of money]. So its theories reflect reality <as a whole> , but they rarely(=do not) apply to [what is going on in any particular part of world]. <If they do not(apply to [what~])> <,however> , you cannot say [that they are wrong]. 20 <On the morning> she was preparing some meal for her boy friend. He* had called her up and *told her [that he would come to see her about noon]. But she knew [*that he was whimsical and *that he often changed his mind <without warning>]. So she could never get rid of her doubt. {Is he really coming? Is he trustworthy this time?}中間話法 ★★★解答 1 ② 2 ① 3 ③ [現在完了形は現在形] 4 ④ 5 ① 6 ③ for~→現在完了 7 ② 8 ① 9 ③ 過去完了 10 ② 11 ② 12 ③ at that time→過去進行形 13 ③ for~→未来完了 14 ① 未来完了 15 ④ トムが去るまで彼は私を見ていなかった 16 ① 見知らぬものに出会うと注意深く反応する 17 ③ 習慣 18 ③ 言ったより前に発見している 19 ① 過去の事実 2 20 ① 「知った」の前に病気になっている 21 ① 大過去 22 ④ いずれも時間の終点は今 23 ① 「言われた」の前から彼はアパートを探している 24 ④ 仮定法過去 25 ② 仮定法ではない 26 ③ If you had told ~ の倒置 27 ② or さもなくば 28 ① otherwise 前文を受けて「そうでなければ」 29 ③ 仮定法過去 そろそろ~なときだが・・・ 30 ① 主節が仮定法でない→主節と同時制→仮定法過去 31 ② 主節が仮定法でない→主節より前の時制→仮定法過去完了 32 ④ does 今よりもっとはたらげば成功しているはずなのに 33 ③ 仮定法過去 34 ② Should he die now=if he should die 万一〜なら 35 ③ made a request=demand → She demanded that we (should )wait~ 36 ① I (should) pay~ 37 ② 大過去なので had paid 38 ③ his son (should )become ~→suggestion 39 ③ 主張なので children should be ~ 40 ② 主張ではないので普通の形 41 ④ would (意思) 42 ③ would often+動作動詞 過去の習慣 43 ① used to +動作 or 状態動詞 44 ④ 時制のバックシフト 45 ④ should =ought to 46 ③ 動詞は come 来る必要がなかった 47 ④ need は助動詞 48 ③ shall >should 強い要求 49 ③ 頑なに→意思を示す will 50 ② naughty 言うことを聞かない ,will 一般的な傾向 ~なものだ[強い断定] 3
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