助動詞・仮定法 ☆ 助 動 詞 の 基 本 助動詞は動詞の前に置かれ、自動的に動詞を原型にする。 動詞に話者・作者の意思を付け加える働きをする。 基本的に意味は2つ ① 推 量 (可 能 は 推 量 の 一 種 と 考 え る ) ② 許可・命令 否定するには助動詞の後ろに not をつける。to V を利用した助動詞(ought to V, used to V など)の場合は not は to の直前に置く。 助動詞の後ろは現形になるため、時制を現すことはこのままではできない。そこで 過去の意味を表すには 助 動 詞 + V 原型 → 助 動 詞 + have+ V p.p. このとき意味は過 去 の 推 量 になる(許可、命令は未来に向けて発信するものだから過去の 意味はない)例外は should +have+Vp.p.このとき「Vすべきだったのに(実際はしてい ない)」という意味になる 個別に意味をイメージとして整理していこう must →抗えない圧力 have to V 客観的な義務 may→半分開かれた道<had better 切迫した感じ can→潜在的な能力・性質 ※ 過去に実際できた場合は be able to V が普通 could にすると仮定法的になり「入ろうと思えば入れた」になってしまう。 will→強い意志、傾向<shall (もはや死語) 1 問)次の英文を訳してみよう ①He must be a good father .I often see him taking care of his sons. ②He must be a good father ,as his wife has died. ③You can park your car here. ④You can do the job in one day, can’t you? ⑤He cannot have been there yesterday, for he was with me at home all day long. ⑥He should have arrived by now ,as he left his house very early. ⑦He should have arrived on time ,but he didn’t. 答え) ① 推量 ② 命令 ③ 許可 ④ 可能 ⑤ 過去推量 ⑥ 過去推量 ⑦ すべきだったのに・・・ ★問題 1 It’s really surprising that he should have arrived on time as he is rarely punctual. ※ should 意外、当然 ☆ 仮 定 法 と は ? 仮定法の一番大事な点は現実にはないこと(もの)を仮定している点である。 よってこの条件が満たされなければ仮定法とはいえない。 作 り 方 時制を一つ前にずらすことにより非現実性を持たせる。 条 件 節 ( if な ど ) 主節 仮定法過去(意味は現在) ☆ 1 動 詞 の 過 去 形 would + V 原型 仮定法過去完了(意味は過去) had + V p.p. would + have+ V p.p. ☆1 be 動詞はいかなる主語であっても were がくる。 2 現在のことを仮定する仮定法過去に対し、仮定法過去完了は過去のことを仮定している。 時制を一つ前にずらすには一般的に ① V 現在 or 原型 → have + V p.p. ② V 過去 → had + V p.p. 問)仮定法に注意して次の文章を訳してみよう ① If you are free tonight ,I will invite you to a dinner. ② If I were a monkey in the jungle, I would be happy with some banana. ③ I wish I were bird . ④ I wish I had been bird. ⑤ If I had heard the news, I would have been please to be regarded as diligent. ⑥ If I had heard the news, I would be please to be regarded as diligent now. 答え) ① 仮定法ではない ② 仮定法過去 ③ I wish は 特 殊 で 条 件 節 の み が 来 る 。仮定法過去 ④ 仮定法過去完了 この場合現在において過去を仮定している ⑤ 仮定法過去完了 ⑥ 仮定法過去と過去完了の融合形 主 節 は 仮 定 法 過 去( 意 味 は 現 在 )、条 件 節 は 仮 定 法 過 去 完 了( 意 味 は 過 去 )に な っ て いる。 ★問題 1 When I was a boy. I would often go swimming in the river nearby. 2 When I was a boy . I was dull and lazy. I would have been pleased to be regarded as diligent. 3 When my dog died ,I could have cried. 4 Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect .We’re just opened the wine I have secretly kept for a long time. 3 時制 ☆ 時 制 の ル ー ル 筆 者 が 設 定 す る 時 間 は 、 か な ら ず 文 章 中 に 「 時 を 示 す 語 句 」 を 使 っ て 明 示 さ れ る 。 一度設定された時間は、筆者が文中で断らない限り、次の文でも継続される ☆ 「 時 を 示 す 語 句 」 が な い 場 合 、 す べ て 「 現 在 (話 者 ・ 作 者 に と っ て の )」 が 基 本 時 制に設定される 現在形、過去形はその時刻を中心に時間に幅があるのが特徴。ただし、現在を中心に時間 幅が広がっている現在形に対し、過去形は遠くを振り返っている感覚。歴史を述べている 感覚。 対して、英語においては未来形は存在しない。 Will(意思),be going to V(意思), be Ving(予定),現在形(確定的) で代用する。 対して進行形はそのときの時間にスポットライトが当たっている。短期間、躍動感のイメ ージ。 My brother was dying . (弟は死にかけていた→まだ死んでいない) × I am having a car. 躍動感は状態動詞では出ない 問1) 正しいものを選ぼう ① I (have lost / lost) my watch. ② Last year I had a driving trip to London. It was great experience ,but I ((have lost / lost) my watch there. ③ When I first met him ten years ago, I (have found / found )him stupid. But I (have been/ was) wrong. He (has been / was)a source of wisdom for me since then. 答え) ① I (have lost / lost) my watch. ② Last year I had a driving trip to London. It was great experience ,but I ((have lost / lost) my watch there. ③ When I first met him ten years ago, I (have found / found )him stupid. But I (have been/ was) wrong. He (has been / was)a source of wisdom for me since then. ☆ 完 了 形 い ろ い ろ 4 完了形は時 間 に 流 れ が あ る のが特徴。 完了の終点は 現在完了は現在なので明記の必要なし、過去完了は過去ある時刻、未来完了は未来のある 時刻となるので明記される。 現在完了は過去から現在につながっている。近づいてくるというようなイメージ。 問2) 完了の終点に注意して和訳してみよう 現在完了 ① He has been looking for his new lodging for some time. 過去完了 ② By last march ,she had remained a violinist of an orchestra for 20 years. 未来完了 ③ I will have done the dishes by 4 o’clock. ☆ 時 制 の 一 致 主節の基本時制 従属節の基本時制 時間 主節と同じ時間 主節より前の時間 現在 現在 過去 過去 過去 had+V p.p ※ 普遍の心理、日常の習慣、歴史上の事実などは時制の一致の制約を受けない。 問3)次の英文を時制に注意して訳してみよう ① As he had been lazy in his schooldays, he had a difficulty in finding a job in his latter life. ② As he had been sick in bed for several weeks , he felt weak when he stood up for another examination. ③ He showed me a picture which he had torn in pieces. ④ He showed me a picture, which he tore in pieces. 答え) ① <As he had been lazy in his schooldays>, he had a difficulty in finding a job in his latter life. ② <As he had been sick in bed for several weeks> , he felt weak <when he stood up for another examination>. ③ He showed me a picture ←(which he had torn in pieces). ④ He showed me a picture,→( which he tore in pieces). 5 ★問題 1 He resembles his father in appearance. 2 He is having breakfast now. 3 He has good job now. 4 He is standing on the beach. 5 The hotel stands on the beach. 6 There remains our original sense of wonder about nature. 7 He lives in Tokyo. 8 He is putting a tie. 9 He wears a tie. 10 He was a silent guy in his youth. 11 He is usually very talkative ,but he is being silent now. 12 He lived in America in his later life. 13 He will be flying over the continent about this time tomorrow. 14 He will fly to India next month. 15 He flies to San Francisco every Monday. 16 Time flies. 17 He lost his watch yesterday. 18 Yesterday he said that we have a meeting today. 19 Economics is a study of economy. It deals with the whole of picture of how the world works with the help of and for the sake of money. So its theories reflect reality as a whole , but they rarely apply to what is going on in any particular part of world. If they do not ,however , you cannot say that they are wrong. 20 On the morning she was preparing some meal for her boy friend. He had called her up and told her that he would come to see her about noon. But she knew that he was whimsical and that he often changed his mind without warning. So she could never get rid of her doubt. Is he really coming? Is he trustworthy this time? ※ヒント whimsical 気分屋 中間話法に注意 基本時制は過去なのに突然出てくる現在形は登場人物の心情 6 ★★★問題 1I( ) the book yesterday. ① was reading ② read ③ have read ④ had been reading 2I( )the book at noon yesterday. ① was reading ② read ③ have read ④ had been reading 3I( )the book now. ① was reading ② read ③ have read ④ had been readind 4I( ) the book for two hours when the right came on. ① was reading ② read ③ have read ④ had been reading 5 She ( ) to the tennis club. ① belongs ② is belonging ③ has belonged ④ belonged 6 She ( ) to the tennis club for some time. ① belongs ② is belonging ③has belonged ④ belonged 7 Look! The sun ( ). ① rises ② is rising ③ rose ④ was rising 8 The sun ( ) in the east. ① rises ② is rising ③ rose ④ was rising 9 When I arrived the party ( ). ① did not begin ② has not begun ③ had not begun ④ began 10 I ( ) in the village for ten years when I was a boy. ①had lived ② lived ③ was living ④ was lived 11 I ( ) in the village when I was a boy. ①had lived ② lived ③ was living ④ was lived 12 She usually lived in Tokyo ,but at that time she ( )in Kyoto. ①had lived ② lived ③ was living ④ was lived 13 By the next January, I( )here for ten years. ① will have taught ② will teach ③ will have been teaching ④ will be teaching 14 By the year 2000,the number of children in Japan ( ) considerably. ① will have decreased ② will decrease ③ will be decreasing ④ will have been decreasing 15 No sooner ( ) Tom seen me than he ran away. ① has ② is ③ was ④ had 16 Hardly ( )anything strange when he reacts to it quite cautiously. ① has a man seen ② is a man seen ③ did a man see ④ had a man seen 17 When I met her yesterday, she told me that she ( 7 )seven-thirty train every morning. ① took ② has taken ③ takes ④ was taking 18 Mr.Bush said that he ( ) something important. ① discovered ② has discovered ③ had discovered ④ will discover 19 Our teacher said in his lesson that Newton ( )important principles of physics. ① discovered ② has discovered ③ had discovered ④ will discover 20 I knew that she ( ) ill for a week. ① had been ② was ③ is ④ has been 21 I knew that she ( ) ill the day before. ① had been ②was ③ is ④ has been 22 I’ve heard that he ( )an apartment for some time. ① had been finding ② found ③ has found ④ has been finding 23 Last month I was told by him that he ( )an apartment for some time. ① had been finding ② found ③ has found ④ has been finding 24 If I were you, I ( )take you to the museum. ① might ② will ③ could ④ would 25 If you are free today,I( ) take you to the museum. ① might ② will ③could ④ would 26 ( )you told me the truth earlier ,such a disaster would not have occurred. ① If ② Unless ③ Had ④ Would 27He must have done his best,( )he would have failed. ① otherwise ② or ③ if not ④ unless 28 I saw her on the spot;( )I would not suspect that she is guilty of a murder. ① otherwise ② unless ③ if ④ if I didn’t 29 It is high time he ( )to behave himself. ① learns ② has learned ③ learned ④ had learned 30 She spoke as if she ( )everything. ① knew ② had known ③ knows ④ had known 31 She spoke as if she ( )the accident. ① saw ② had seen ③ sees ④ has seen 32 If he worked harder than he ( ),he would be quite successful. ① do ② did ③ had done ④ does 33 If I ( ) the wok now, I could join you and go out. ① have done ② did ③ had done ④ do 34 ( )he die now,what will become of his family? 8 ① If ② Should ③ Will ④ Would 35 She made a request that we ( )for her there. ① waited ② would wait ③ wait ④ should be waiting 36 He insisted that I ( )the money back which I had borrowed from him.. ①pay ② had paid ③ paid ④ would 37 He insisted that he ( )the hill one month before. ①pay ② had paid ③ paid ④would pay 38 A ( )was made that his son become a civil servant after leaving school. ① theory ② remark ③ suggestion ④ rumor 39 It is quite natural that a child ( )attached to his mother. ① is ② was ③ should be ④ were 40 It is natural that he ( )ill after such hard work. ① should fall ② has fallen ③ falls ④ be 41 If you ( )succeed in business,you should work harder than you do now. ① can ②may ③ should ④ would 42 I ( )often go fishing in the lake when I was younger. ① used ② might ③ would ④ should 43 Thirty years ago,there ( )be a hotel at the end of the street. ① used to ② would ③ might ④should 44 It is impossible that she stayed home yesterday. ① cannot stay ② could not stay ③ could not have stayed ④ could have stayed 45 I am surprised to find none of you can answer my question.You( ) for the lesson ,I’m afraid. ① should prepare ② ought have prepared ③ must have prepared ④ should have prepared 46 We have no lesson today, so you ( )come to school. ① need not ② don’t need to ③ need not have ④ should not 47 He ( )pay for the service he has not got. ① needs not ② does not need ③ do not need ④ need not 48 Passengers ( )not talk to the operator while the bus is in motion. ① will ② ought ③ shall ④need 49 Could you give me your hand? The door ( )open. ① should ② cannot ③won’t ④ must not 50 You can’t complain of your son .Boys ( )be naughty. ① could ② will ③ may ④ should 9
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