Lesson 46 解答例 1. What subject is the man teaching? (男性は何の

Lesson 46 解答例
1. What subject is the man teaching? (男性は何の科目を教えていますか)
He is teaching math.
2. What is the boy next to the person wearing glasses doing?(少年の隣のメガネをかけた人は何をしてます
He is yawning.
3. Where is the girl with the long hair looking? What is under her hand?(長髪の少女は何を見てますか。彼
She is looking outside.
4. Do you think there is a student absent? Why? Why not?(欠席の生徒はいると思いますか。なぜですか)
Yes I think so because one desk is empty.
5. Name all the objects you can see on the students’ desks?(生徒の机に見える全てのものの名前を言ってく
The mirror was broken and the witch is coming out from the mirror.
6. Which student do you think studies hard? (どの生徒が懸命に勉強してると思いますか)
I think the boy who is wearing glasses studies hard.
7. Did/Do you wear a uniform like this in high school? (この高校のように制服を来てましたか)
No I didn’t.
8. Where is the clock? (時計はどこにありますか)
The clock is above the white board.
9. What is the boy hiding behind his book?(少年は本の後ろになにを隠してますか)
He is hiding lunch box behind his book.
10. Did/Do you do any of the above things at school?(学校では上のようなことをしてましたか)
Yes I ate lunch like the boy in the picture.
11. When does the school year start in Japan? (日本では学校はいつ始まりますか)
The school starts from April in Japan.
12. Did/Do you belong to any school clubs?(部活に属してましたか)
I belonged to soccer club.
13. What did/do you like and dislike about your high school? Why?(学校ではなにが、好き、嫌いでしたか。
I liked lunch time about my high school because I could chat with my friends. I disliked the classes of
math because I didn’t like math.
14. Was/Is your high school coed? Do you think a coed school is a good idea?(あなたの高校は共学でしたか。
Yes my high schoold was coed. I think coed school is good.
15. What was/is your favorite and worst subject? Why?(あなたの好きな・嫌いな教科はなんでしたか。なぜで
My favorite subject was English because it was interesting for me and worst subject was math because I
was not good at math.
16. Have you ever stayed at home from school just because you didn’t want to go?(学校に行きたくないとい
No I have never stayed at home.
17. What was/is your major in college/university?(あなたの大学での専攻は何でしたか)
My major was English in my university.
18. What kind of changes would you like to see in Japanese high schools?(日本の高校でどんな変化があると
I would like high schools in Jana to change the strict rules.
19. Did/Does your high school punish you if you were/are bad? If yes, what kind of punishment did/do you
receive? (あなたが悪事をしたら、高校ではなにか罰則がありましたか。もしそうなら、どんな罰則でした
My high school didn’t punish anyone.
20. If you could be really good at one subject, which would you choose? Why? How could you benefit from this
in the future?(もしあなたが1教科でとても優秀だとしたら、どの教科を選びますか。なぜですか。そこか
I would like to choose math because math can create bright future. Math can make robots and they can
work for human.