第1回金沢市統一テスト 英語「文法・英作文」(1)

第1回 金沢市統一テスト 英語「文法・英作文」問題 セレクション①
1. 意味が通じるように並び替えなさい。 (Volleyball player / the / is / in Japan / think / she / I / best ).
2. 意味が通じるように並び替えなさい。 He( among / is / playing / the boys / very / baseball / popular ).
3.意味が通じるように並び替えなさい。 ( there / to / things / are / learn / many ) from your country.
4.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: What do you do in your free time, Bill ?
B: I often watch baseball games on TV.
A: What ( do / the / team / best / like / you ) ?
B: I like the Giants.
5.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: Hello. This is Ben speaking. May I speak to Lisa, please ?
B: Sorry. She's out now. Can I take a message ?
A: Yes. Could ( to / call / tell/ back / her / me / you ) ?
B: OK. I'll tell her.
A: Thank you. Bye.
6.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: I have ( watch / father/ lost / my / gave / the / me / which ). I don't know where it is.
B: I saw it yesterday. It was in the living room.
A: Oh, really ? Thank you.
7.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: Who is that boy ?
B: Which boy ? Do you mean ( the / playing / there / basketball / boy / over ) ?
A: Yes. Who's that ?
B: He's my friend, Takeshi.
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8.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: You look really good in that sweater.
B: Thanks. I'm happy to hear that.
A: Where did you buy it ?
B: It's ( my / for / that / made / sweater / mother / me / the ).
9.( )内の語を意味が通るように正しく並び替えなさい。
A: What should I do before going to Australia to study ?
B: You have to study both the English language and Japanese culture , Maki.
A: Japanese culture ? Why ?
B: It's ( own / important / to / your / about / culture / know ) before learning about other cultures.
(, . ? !など)は語として数えないものとする。
What do you think about Matsui Hideki ?
(, . ? !など)は語として数えないものとする。
(1) What sport do you like the best ?
(2) Why do you like it ?
(, . ? !など)は語として数えないものとする。
(1) Is your town clean ? (2) Why do you think so ?
We need school lunch.
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9.次の質問にななた自身の立場で3語以上の英語で答えなさい。ただし、符号(, . ? !など)は語として
Now we must do something to stop global warming. What can you do ?
We should help with the housework.
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