2 オ リジ ナル テキスト 英語 中1 解答 p45 第5章までは、すべて前ページと同じ確認問題なので解答は 省略する。 6 p39 身 近 な 英 語 (1 ) ① This is not[isn't] a long pen. ② That is not[isn't] my sister’s book. または That's not ~ ③ It is not[isn't] your ball. または It's not ~ 練習1 ① This is a desk. ② This is a pen. ③ This is a cat. ④ This is an apple. ⑤ This is an orange. ⑥ This is an eraser. p40 ④ This bag is not[isn't] new. ⑤ That car is not[isn't] nice. ⑥ It is not[isn't] my father's watch. または It's not ~ p46 練習8 練習2 ① That is a dog. ② That is an egg. ③ That is a bag. ④ That is an apple. ⑤ That is a book. ⑥ That is an eraser. p41 < This と That の確認テスト> ① This is a desk. ② This is a pen. ③ This is a cat. ④ This is an apple. ⑤ This is an orange. ⑥ This is an eraser. ⑦ That is a dog. ⑧ That is an egg. ⑨ That is a bag. ⑩ That is a book. ⑪ That is a camera. ② Is that your cup ? / Yes, it is. / Yes, it is. ③ Is that your camera ? / Yes, it is. ① Is this an apple ? 練習9 ① Is this an old bike ? No, it is not[isn't]. または No, it's not. ② Is that your house ? No, it is not[isn't]. または No, it's not. ③ Is that a new car ? No, it is not[isn't]. または No, it's not. p47 練習10 p42 ① What is this ? 練習3 ② What is that ? ① my brother's book ③ What is it ? ② your sister's room ④ What is this ? / It is a pencil. ③ my mother's bike p48 ④ your father's car 練習11 練習4 ① これはあなたのノートです。 ② これは山田さんの時計です。 ③ あれは私のお父さんの車です。 ④ あれは私の姉(妹)のラケットです。 p43 練習5 ① my book 練習7 ① What’s this ? / It’s a book. ② What’s that ? / It’s a plane. ③ What’s it ? / It’s an apple. 練習12 ① What is this ? / It is an egg. ② What is this ? / It is a notebook. ② your notebook ③ Ken’s bag ④ Kumi’s pencil ⑤ this house ⑥ that desk ⑦ my brother’s pen ⑧ my father’s car ⑨ a nice bike ⑩ a small dog p44 練習6 ③ What’s this ? / It’s an orange. ④ What is that ? / It’s a school. ⑤ What is that ? / It’s a map. ⑥ What’s that ? / It’s a plane. ⑦ What’s this ? / It's a tennis racket. 確 認 問 題 A p49 ① This is my book. 1 ① This, an ② That, Kumi's ② That is your notebook. 2 ① not ② not ④ That is my brother’s pencil. 3 ① Is this ② Is that ⑤ This is my sister's cup. 4 ① What, It ② What's, It's 5 ① That, big ② That, big ③ This is Ken's bag. ⑥ This pen is long. ⑦ This is a long pen. ⑧ That car is nice. ⑨ That is a nice car. ⑩ That house is old. ⑪ That is an old house. オリジナルテキスト 確 認 問 題 確 B p50 認 問 題 英語中1 解答 A p54 ① This is an apple. ② This is not a lemon. / Yes, it is. ④ Is that your father’s car ? / No, it's not. ③ Is that your book ? 〔 No , it isn't.〕 ⑤ This is my sister’s bike[bicycle] . ⑥ What is that ? 2 ① am not ② I'm 3 ① I am ② I'm ③ not 4 ① I am Tanaka Ken.[I am Ken Tanaka.] ② Are you from Osaka ? ④ I'm not a high school student. ⑦ What is this ? It is an egg. p55 確 認 ① I am from America. ⑧ That is a nice car. ⑨ That car is nice. 問 題 B ② You are my friend. ⑩ This house is big. 身 ② Are, am ③ I'm an English teacher. It is a notebook. 7 p51 1 ① am 近 な 英 語(2) ③ I am a junior high school student. ④ Are you a high school student ? / Yes, I am. ⑤ I’m not a teacher. 練習1 ⑥ Are you a teacher ? ① 私は日本から来ました。 / No, I’m not. ⑦ I’m not Kumi. (私は日本出身です。) ② あなたはアメリカから来ました。 (あなたはアメリカ出身です。) ③ 私はカナダから来ました。 (私はカナダ出身です。) ④ あなたはオーストラリアから来ました。 (あなたはオーストラリア出身です。) ⑤ 私は中国から来ました。 (私は中国出身です。) ⑥ あなたはイギリスから来ました。 (あなたはイギリス出身です。) ⑦ 私は生徒です。 ⑧ Are you Ken’s friend ? / Yes, I am. ⑨ I am a tennis fan. ⑩ Are you a baseball fan ? / Yes, I am. He is~,She is~,It is,~Who is~の 文 8 p57 ① 私の友達 ② 私の本 ③ あなたのえんぴつ ④ あなたの姉(妹) ⑤ クミのかばん ⑥ 私の父のカメラ ⑦ 彼のノート ⑧ 彼の兄(弟) ⑨ 彼女の家 ⑩ 彼女のかばん 練習1 ⑧ あなたは先生です。 ① 彼の名前はケンです。 ⑨ 私は野球のファンです。 ② 彼女の自転車はすてきです。 ⑩ あなたは私の友達です。 ③ これは彼のギターです。 p52 ④ あれは彼女の腕時計です。 練習2 ⑤ これはクミのラケットです。 ① I am not Ken. 練習2 ② You are not my friend. ③ I'm not a high school student. ① Your brother is a teacher. ④ I'm not a baseball fan. ③ Her name is Kumi. ⑤ You're not[You aren't] an English teacher. ⑥ I'm not from China. p53 ② Are you Kumi ? / Yes, I am. / No, I’m[I am] not. ③ Are you a soccer fan ? / No, I’m[I am] not. ④ Are you a junior high school student ? Yes, I am. ⑤ Are you a high school student ? No, I’m not. ④ This is his bag. ⑤ That is my brother's car. p58 練習3 ① Are you my friend ? ② That is Ken’s sister. 練習3 ① あれは何ですか。 / (それは)学校です。 ② 彼はだれですか。 / (彼は)ケンです。 ③ 彼女はだれですか。 / (彼女は)私の母です。 ④ あの少年はだれですか。 / (彼は)トムです。 ⑤ この少女はだれですか。 / (彼女は)私の友達です。 3 4 オ リジ ナル テキスト 英語 中1 解答 ⑧ You play the piano. ⑨ I know your father. 練習4 ① Who is he ? / He is Ken. ② Who is she ? / She is my sister. ③ Who is this man ? He is my father’s friend. 確 認 問 題 ① I don’t play baseball. A p59 1 ① He ② She ③ It's ② You don’t like music. ③ I don’t have a notebook. ④ You don’t study English. ⑤ I don’t use a pencil. 2 ① 彼の名前はトムです。 ② これは彼女のかばんです。 ⑥ You don’t speak English. ⑦ I don’t know this girl. ③ that her ④ her brother's 3 ① Who ⑩ You study math.. p63 練習3 ⑧ You don’t enjoy sports. 練習4 ― He ② Who, she ― She ① Do you play soccer ? ③ Who, is ― She's ② Do you like baseball ? ④ Who's ― He's ③ Do you have a dog ? ⑤ Who ― She's ④ Do you study English ? 確 認 問 題 ⑤ Do you want a car ? p64 練習5 B p60 1 ① 彼は私の友達です。 ① Do you study math ? ② 彼女は彼の母ではありません。 ② Do you use this pen ? ③ 彼女の名前はクミです。 ④ 彼はだれですか。 / 私の兄(弟)です。 ⑤ この少年はだれですか。 / (彼は)トムです。 2 ① He is my uncle. ② Is she Kumi? / No, she's not. または No, she isn’t. ③ This is his camera. ④ That is her sister’s bag. ⑤ Who is that girl ? / She is my friend. ⑥ Who is this boy ? / He is my brother. 9 p61 一 般 動 詞 練習1 ① 主語:私は / 一般動詞:持っています I have a book. ② 主語:あなたは / 一般動詞:好きです You like tennis. ③ 主語:私は / 一般動詞:勉強します I study English. ④ 主語:私は / 一般動詞:ほしい I want a new bike. p62 練習2 ① I play baseball. ② You like soccer. ③ I like music. ④ You have a bike[bicycle]. ⑤ I like English. ⑥ You have a notebook. ⑦ I want a car. ③ Do you play the piano ? ④ Do you want a computer ? ⑤ Do you study English every day ? 練習6 ① Do you have a camera ? / Yes, I do. ② Do you have a car ? No, I don't. / I have a bike[bicycle]. ③ Do you like English ? / Yes, I do. ④ Do you play soccer ? No, I don't. / I play tennis. ⑤ Do you know my mother ? / Yes, I do. p65 練習7 ① Is this a pencil or a pen ? It’s[It is] a pen. ② Is that a dog or a cat ? It’s[It is] a dog. ③ Do you like baseball or basketball ? I like baseball. ④ Do you play tennis or soccer ? I play tennis. ⑤ Do you study English or math ? p66 練習8 ① What do you have in your hand ? ② What do you have in your bag ? ③ What do you like ? オリジナルテキスト p71 練習9 ① What, like / I 練習4 ② do, want / I, a ① 私たちは生徒です。 ③ do, do / do ② あなたたちは兄弟です。 ④ do you have, your / I have ⑤ What do, study / study 確 認 ③ 彼らは仲のよい友達です。 ④ 私たちは箱を 3 つ持っています。 問 題 A ⑤ これらは本です。 p67 1 ① play ② like ③ want 2 ① do not ② don't ③ don't 3 ① Do / do ② Do you / don't 4 ① What ② What do 5 ① Do, like, or / I 確 ④ have ③ What do you ② Is, or / It's 認 問 題 p72 練習5 ① We are students. ② You are teachers. ③ They are soccer players. B p68 ① I study English every day. ② You like basketball. ③ I play the piano. ④ They are sisters. ⑤ They are pens. ⑥ These are books. ⑦ Those are boxes. ⑧ You are good students. ⑨ These bags are nice. p73 練習6 ④ I want a new bag. ⑤ I don’t play baseball. ① He is a student. ⑥ Do you like soccer ? ② They are students. Yes, I do. ⑦ Is this an apple or a lemon ? ③ You are good friends. It is an apple. ⑧ Do you play soccer or baseball ? I play baseball. ⑨ What do you have in your hand ? I have an eraser. ④ We are good friends. ⑤ We are junior high school students. 練習7 ① That is our school. ② Mr. Kato is their teacher. ③ These are my books. ⑩ What do you play[do] ? ④ These books are interesting. I play table tennis. 10 p69 英語中1 名 詞 と 代 名 詞 の 複 数 形 ⑤ Those are your buses. ⑥ Those buses are nice. ⑦ These are your bags. 練習1 ① notebooks ② watches ③ boxes ④ cities ⑤ libraries ⑥ knives ⑦ classes ⑧ bags ⑨ buses ⑩ caps ⑪ dishes ⑫ glasses ⑬ boys ⑭ countries p70 p74 練習8 ① Do you have any books ? ② I don’t[do not] have any pens. ③ I don’t[do not] have many stamps. ④ Do you have any boxes ? ⑤ You have some pencils. ⑥ I have some English books. 練習2 3 three 4 four 8 eight 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 44 forty-four ⑦ I don't have any pens now. 解答 5 6 オ リジ ナル テキスト 英語 中1 解答 p75 p79 練習2 練習9 ① 副詞:じょうずに ① I have some books. play, well ② Do you have any balls ? / Yes, I do. ② 副詞:ときどき ③ I have some pencils. ④ Do you have any cars ? / No, I don’t. ⑤ I do not have any boxes. sometimes speak ③ 副詞:とても、じょうずに play the, very well ⑥ I don’t have any cars. ④ 副詞:とても ⑦ Do you have many friends ? ⑧ Do you have any good friends ? / Yes, I do. very nice ⑤ 副詞:とても、速く ⑨ Do you have many English books ? run very fast ⑩ I have many stamps. 確 ⑥ 副詞:とても、よく 認 問 題 know, very well A p76 1① 2① 3① 4① 5① ⑦ 副詞:とても We aren't ② They ② don't, any ⑧ 副詞:たいてい Are / they are ② Do, any / I don't They, players ② Those, boxes ③ are these They ② You ③ We like, very much ③ You usually, after school ⑨ 副詞:じょうずに play tennis well ④ We 確 認 a good tennis player 問 題 B 確 p77 認 問 題 A p80 1 ① These are nice boxes. 1 ① big ② large ③ small ② These boxes are nice. ④ new ⑤ old ⑥ young ③ Those are her books. ⑦ long ⑧ short ⑨ good ④ Those books are hers. ⑩ bad ⑪ nice ⑫ tall ⑤ You are a high school student. ⑥ I have three pencils. ⑬ happy ⑭ pretty ⑮ cute ⑯ popular ⑰ red ⑱ interesting ⑦ He is our teacher. ⑲ beautiful ⑳ busy 2 ① I don’t[do not] have any boxes. 2 ① very ② Ken and Tom don't[do not] have any pencils. ③ Do you have any good pens ? ④ Do they have many CDs ? ⑤ usually ⑥ often ⑦ always ⑧ sometimes ② sometimes ④ very well p81 ⑥ Are you and Ken good friends ? 確 Yes,we are. 認 問 題 B ① This is an old table. 形 容 詞 と 副 詞 p78 ② This is a very old table. ③ This table is old. 練習1 ① a big box ② box is big ③ house is old ④ an old house ⑤ a long pencil ⑥ pencil is long ⑦ a new bike[bicycle] ⑧ bike[bicycle] is new ⑩ cup is nice ④ early ③ very old No,they don't[do not]. ⑨ a nice cup ③ fast 3 ① nice ⑤ Do Tom and Jim have any pets ? 11 ② well ④ Her hair is long. ⑤ This song is very popular. ⑥ His brother is very tall. ⑦ Your father is very busy. ⑧ I sometimes play tennis after dinner. ⑨ I always get up early. ⑩ You usually watch TV after dinner. ⑪ You play the piano well. オリジナルテキスト 12 p83 一 般 動 詞 (3 人 称 単 数) 英語中1 解答 ⑩ Ken and Tom don’t play baseball every day. ⑪ I don’t have any English books. ⑫ They don’t enjoy tennis. 練習1 (1) cleans (2) closes (3) cooks (4) does (5) eats (6) enjoys ⑬ Your sister doesn’t play tennis well. ⑭ You don’t like soccer. (7) goes (8) has (9) helps ⑮ Ken doesn’t have many CDs. (10) knows (11) likes (12) lives (13) looks (14) makes (15) meets (16) opens (17) plays (18) practices (19) reads (20) sees (21) sings (22) sits (23) speaks (24) stands (25) studies (26) teaches (27) uses (28) walks (29) wants (30) washes (31) watches (32) works (33) writes p89 練習7 ① Is this a pen ? Yes, it is. / No, it is not[isn't]. 〔 No, it's not.〕 ② Are these your pens ? Yes, they are. / No, they are not[aren't]. 〔 No, they're not.〕 ③ Is Kumi a high school student ? Yes, she is. / No, she is not[isn't]. 〔 No, she's not.〕 p84 ④ Is Mr. Brown an English teacher ? <一般動詞の確認テスト1> Yes, he is. / No, he is not[isn't]. 〔 No, he's not.〕 p83 練習1 の解答と同じ。 ⑤ Is Ms.Brown Tom's mother ? 練習2 ① ウ ② イ ④ イ ⑤ ア Yes, she is. / No, she is not[isn't]. 〔 No, she's not.〕 ③ ウ p90 p85 ⑥ Do you know Ken ? 練習3 ① ア ② ウ ③ イ ④ ウ ⑤ ア ⑥ ウ ⑦ ウ ⑧ イ ⑨ ウ ⑩ ア ⑪ イ ⑫ ア ⑬ イ ⑭ ウ ⑮ イ ⑯ ア ⑰ ウ ⑱ イ ⑲ ウ ⑳ ア 練習4 ① play ② plays / No, I don't[do not]. Yes, I do. ⑦ Do the students like Mr.Kato ? / No, they don't[do not]. Yes, they do. ⑧ Do you read many books ? / No, I don’t[do not]. Yes, I do. ⑨ Does his mother cook dinner every day ? / No, she doesn’t[does not]. Yes, she does. ⑩ Does Ken go to school by bike ? ③ likes ④ like ⑤ speaks ⑥ speak ⑦ practices ⑧ goes ⑨ swim ⑩ knows / No, she doesn’t[does not]. Yes, she does. ⑫ Does your sister study English every day ? ① plays ② play / No, she doesn’t[does not]. Yes, she does. ⑬ Does your father have a nice car ? 練習5 ③ likes ④ has ⑤ does ⑥ do ⑦ like ⑧ like ⑨ watches ⑩ has p87 練習6 ① She doesn’t like cats. / No, he doesn’t[does not]. Yes, he does. ⑪ Does she have any bags ? / No, he doesn’t[does not]. Yes, he does. ⑭ Does your mother get up early every morning ? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t[does not]. p91 練習8 ① She’s not your friend. 〔 She isn’t your friend.〕 ② My brother doesn’t watch TV every day. ② He’s not a teacher. 〔 He isn't a teacher.〕 ③ Your father doesn’t have a car. ④ Her friend doesn’t like soccer. ③ Yumi isn't a high school student. ④ I'm not from America. ⑤ She doesn’t study English. ⑤ You're not a soccer fan. 〔 You aren't a soccer fan.〕 ⑥ I don't speak English every day. ⑥ He doesn’t have a big dog. ⑧ I don’t play tennis every day. ⑦ You don't know that boy. ⑧ Kumi doesn't play tennis. ⑨ You don’t have a nice bike. ⑨ Ken doesn't play baseball. ⑦ My mother doesn’t play volleyball. 7 8 オ リジ ナル テキスト 英語 中1 解答 ⑩ They don't play tennis after school. 5 ① Ken doesn't go to the park every day. ⑪ Ken and Kumi don't play tennis well. ② Mr. Yamada doesn't teach music. ③ You don't play soccer. ⑫ Your father doesn't like music. ⑬ Your sister doesn't study English. p96 ⑭ He doesn't have any English books. 6 ① Does your sister speak English ? p93 Yes, she does. ② Does Ms. Brown live in Tokyo ? <一般動詞の確認テスト2> (1) clean (2) close (3) cook (4) do (5) eat (6) have (7) enjoy (8) get up (9) go (10) have (11) help (12) know (13) like (14) live (15) look (16) make (17) meet (18) see (19) open (20) play (23) see (24) sing (21) practice (22) read (25) sit (26) speak (27) stand (28) study (29) teach (30) use (31) walk (32) want (33) wash (34) watch (35) work (36) write p94 No, she doesn't[does not]. ③ Does Koji have many friends ? No, he doesn't[does not]. 7 ① She plays the piano every day. ② My father doesn't know you. ③ What does he have in his hand ? ④ How many books do you have in your bag ? ⑤ What does she do after dinner ? 8 ① Your brother has a new bike. ② Ken doesn't play tennis. ③ Does your mother like music ? ④ Does she like dogs ? 練習10 確 認 問 題 B (1) likes (2) have (3) has (4) plays (5) use (6) know (7) enjoy (8) practice (9) studies (10) speaks (11) write (12) want (13) see (14) open (15) cleans (16) eat[have] (17) Sit (18) Stand (19) read (20) sings (21) see[meet] (22) goes (23) walks (24) works (25) help (26) cook (27) do (28) does (29) make (30) look (31) washes (32) watch (33) lives (34) teaches ② My brother does his homework before dinner. (35) open (36) get up ③ Does he have many CDs ? 確 認 問 p97 1 ① He likes baseball very much. ② Ken has a nice camera. ③ My sister does not like sports. ④ What do you do on Sunday ? 2 ① What does she like ? ② What do you study every day ? ③ What does Ken study every day ? ④ How many CDs does he have in his bag ? ⑤ Where does Ms.Brown live ? ⑥ What does Kumi have in her hand ? ⑦ What does your brother watch on TV ? ⑧ What do they do after dinner ? p98 題 3 ① I do my homework after dinner. A ④ Do you enjoy sport[s] ? ⑤ Does your father watch TV after dinner ? p95 ② washes ③ goes ⑤ teaches ⑥ studies Yes, he does. ⑥ My aunt doesn't live in Kyoto. ⑧ enjoys ② ○ ⑨ has ③ × ⑦ They play tennis every Sunday. ⑧ His mother cooks very well. ④ ○ ⑤ ○ ⑥ × ⑨ My brother speaks English. 3① ア ② ウ ③ イ ⑩ She likes music very much. ④ ウ ⑤ イ ⑥ ア ⑦ イ ⑧ ウ ⑨ ア ⑪ Your sister helps her mother every day. ⑫ You have a nice bag. 1 ① runs ④ watches ⑦ speaks 2① × 4 ① speak ② washes ③ likes ④ play ⑤ play ⑥ studies ② practice ⑧ goes オリジナルテキスト 13 p99 命 令 文 問 題 B ① Open the window. ② Look at that girl. 窓を開けなさい。 毎日英語を勉強しなさい。 このえんぴつを使いなさい。 ピアノをひきなさい。 ここに来なさい。 公園でサッカーをしなさい。 ここで昼食を食べなさい。 ③ Use this pen. ④ Tom, come here. [Come here, Tom.] ⑤ Please play the piano. Play the piano, please. ⑥ Please read this book. 練習2 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ 認 p102 練習1 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ 確 英語中1 (どうぞ)窓を開けてください。 (どうぞ)このえんぴつを使ってください。 (どうぞ)この本を読んでください。 (どうぞ)すわってください。 (どうぞ)立ってください。 (どうぞ)この絵を見てください。 (どうぞ)ドアを閉めてください。 p100 Read this book, please. ⑦ Don't come here. ⑧ Don't close the door. ⑨ Don't play baseball here. ⑩ Let's play tennis. ⑪ Let's go to the park. ⑫ Let's go home. 練習3 ① クミ、あなたの部屋をそうじしなさい。 14 p103 Whose ~ ? の 文 ② ケン、この本を読みなさい。 練習1 ③ ケン、英語を話しなさい。 「~のです。」「~のものです。」どちらでもよい。 練習4 ① これはだれの自転車ですか。 ① このペンを使ってはいけません。 (それは)ケンの自転車です。 ② 窓を開けてはいけません。 ② これはだれの車ですか。 ③ ここで野球をしてはいけません。 (それは)私の父の車です。 ④ ここに来てはいけません。 ③ あれはだれのペンですか。 ⑤ 日本語を話してはいけません。 (それは)私のペンです。 練習5 ④ あれはだれのノートですか。 ① ピアノをひきましょう。 (それは)彼女のです。 ② 昼食を食べましょう。 ⑤ これはだれのレモンですか。 ③ 英語を話しましょう。 (それは)クミのです。 ④ 公園へ行きましょう。 ⑤ サッカーをしましょう。 確 認 ⑥ あれはだれの家ですか。 問 題 A p101 1 ① Open ② Speak ④ Read ⑤ Look 2 ① Please use this pen. ② Please sit down. ③ Please help me. ④ Please close the door. ⑤ Please stand up. 3 ① Don't ② ③ ④ ⑤ 4① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Don't Don't Don't Don't Let's open use this read this run Let's Let's play soccer Let's go to Let's listen to ③ Go (それは)私たちのです。 ⑦ これらはだれの本ですか。 (それらは)彼のです。 ⑧ あれらはだれのりんごですか。 (それらは)あなた(あなたたち)のです。 ⑨ これらはだれのいすですか。 (それらは)私たちのです。 ⑩ これはだれのカメラですか。 (それは)私のです。 解答 9 10 オ リジ ナル テキスト 英語 中1 解答 ⑧ What is that ? p104 It is an English book. 練習2 ⑨ Whose pens are these ? ① あれはだれのものですか。 They are theirs. (それは)私のです。 ⑩ Whose are these pens ? ② このカメラはだれのものですか。 They are theirs. (それは)彼のです。 ⑪ Whose books are those ? ③ この本はだれのものですか。 They are Ken's. (それは)ケンのです。 ④ これらのボールはだれのものですか。 (それらは)彼らのです。 ① That car is my father's. の 目 的 格 ① me ② you ③ him ④ her ⑤ it ⑥ us ⑦ you ⑧ them ① 私はあなた(あなたたち)を知っています。 ③ Whose watch is this ? ② あなた(あなたたち)は私を知りません。 ④ Whose is this bike ? ③ 彼女は彼を知っています。 ⑤ Whose rackets are these ? ④ 彼はあなた(あなたたち)を知っていますか。 ⑥ Whose are these rackets ? 認 問 ⑤ 私は彼女が好きです。 題 A p106 p109 ⑥ 私は犬を飼っています。 ② yours ④ hers ⑥ yours ⑧ my father's ⑦ あなた(あなたたち)は彼らが好きです。 ⑧ 私たちは彼らを知りません。 ⑨ 彼らは私たちを知りません。 ⑩ 私の姉(妹)はあなた(あなたたち)を知っています。 練習3 ② his ④ my father's ① I like you. ③ Kumi's 3 ① Whose / mine ② Whose camera / hers ③ Whose computer / Ken's ④ Whose / Kumi's ② I like my mother. ③ You like your father. ④ Do you know Tom and Ken ? ⑤ Do you like baseball ? ⑤ Whose / ours ⑥ He likes tennis. ⑥ Whose, are those / They, brother's 確 詞 練習2 ② Are these notebooks theirs ? his ours theirs Kumi's mine 名 練習1 練習3 ③ ⑤ ⑦ ⑨ 2① 代 p108 (それらは)私たちのです。 1 ① mine They are his. 15 ⑤ これらの本はだれのものですか。 確 ⑫ Whose are those books ? 認 問 p107 題 B ⑦ She likes you. ⑧ We don’t like him. ⑨ They like us. ① Whose camera is that ? It is hers. ② Whose is this notebook ? It is mine. ③ Whose album is that ? It is Mike’s. ④ Whose eraser is this ? It is his. ⑤ Who is this girl ? She is my sister. ⑥ Who is that woman ? She is his mother. ⑦ What is this ? It is a dictionary. ⑩ Do they know you ? p110 練習4 ① I know him. ② I know them. ③ They know her. ④ I like you. ⑤ You like us. 練習5 ① You like me. ② He likes you. ③ Does she know you ? ④ Do they know you ? ⑤ They like us. 練習6 ① him ② us ③ them ④ her ⑥ I like her. オリジナルテキスト 確 認 問 題 練習2 ② me ③ me ④ us ⑤ her ⑥ him ⑦ you ⑧ us ⑨ us ⑩ them ④ us ② her ③ them ⑤ him ⑥ me ⑦ it 確 (私は)7時に起きます。 認 問 題 (私は)11時に寝ます。 ③ あなたは何時に朝食を食べますか。 (私は)7時30分に食べます。 B p113 ④ あなたは何時に学校へ行きますか。 ① I know him. (私は)8時20分に学校へ行きます。 ② He knows me. ⑤ ケンはたいてい何時に夕食を食べますか。 ③ I like her. (彼は)7時ごろ食べます。 ④ She likes me. ⑥ あなたのお母さんは何時に買い物に行きますか。 ⑤ Your father doesn’t know us. ⑥ We know your father. (彼女は)5時に行きます。 ⑦ あなたのお父さんは何時に帰宅しますか。 ⑦ My uncle likes us. (彼は)8時ごろに帰ります。 ⑧ Do you like them ? / Yes, I do. ⑨ Does he like you ? / No, he doesn’t. ⑧ あなたはたいてい何時に家を出ますか。 (私は)8時に家を出ます。 ⑩ We don’t know them. 確 ⑪ Your mother is very kind to me. ⑫ This is a present for you. 時 刻 の た 認 問 題 A p117 ず ね 方 p114 1 ① What / seven ② What time , now / eight thirty ③ What time is it / nine o'clock 練習1 2 ① What time do you get up ? ① What time is it ? It is[It's] eight (o'clock). I get up at seven. ② What time is it ? ② What time do you go to bed every day ? It is[It's] seven thirty. I go to bed at eleven. ③ What time is it ? ③ What time do you go to school ? It is[It's] five fifteen. I go to school at eight twenty. ④ What time is it ? ④ What time does your father come home ? It is[It's] nine twenty. He comes home about eight. ⑤ What time is it ? ⑤ What time does Kumi eat dinner ? It is[It's] four forty. She eats dinner about seven. ⑥ What time is it in London ? 確 It is[It's] eight (o'clock). <数字確認テスト> 1:one 4:four 7:seven 10:ten 12:twelve 14:fourteen 16:sixteen 18:eighteen 20:twenty 30:thirty 50:fifty 70:seventy 90:ninety ① あなたは毎日何時に起きますか。 ② あなたは毎日何時に寝ますか。 2 ① you 16 解答 p116 A p112 1 ① you 英語中1 2:two 5:five 8:eight 11:eleven 13:thirteen 15:fifteen 17:seventeen 19:nineteen 21:twenty-one 40:forty 60:sixty 80:eighty 100:one hundred 3:three 6:six 9:nine 認 問 題 B p118 1 ① What time is it now ? / It’s eight thirty. ② What time is it now ? / It’s four forty. ③ What time do you get up every day ? I get up at seven. ④ What time does your father go to bed every day ? He goes to bed at eleven thirty. ⑤ What time does Ken go to school every day ? He goes to school at eight twenty. 2 ① What time do you eat breakfast ? ② What time does she eat lunch ? ③ What time do you go to bed ? ④ What time do they go home ? ⑤ What time does your school start ? 11 12 オ リジ ナル テキスト 17 p120 英語 中1 解答 When ~[ いつ ~] 練習1 ① あなたはいつサッカーをしますか。 ② あなたはいつ英語を勉強しますか。 (私は)夕方勉強します。 ⑤ ケンはいつ図書館へ行きますか。 (彼は)土曜日にそこへ行きます。 p121 ① When do you do your homework ? (I do it)After dinner. ② When does your brother go to the library ? (He goes there)On Tuesday. ③ When does your father usually come home ? (He comes home)In the evening. 練習1 ① あなたのお母さんはどこにいますか。 ② ケンはどこにいますか。 (彼は)自分の部屋にいます。 (彼らは)公園で野球をします。 (彼女は)アメリカに住んでいます。 練習2 ① Where is my bag ? ② Where do you live ? I live in Kyoto. ③ Where does your uncle live ? He lives in Tokyo. ④ Where does your sister work ? She works near our school. 練習3 (We swim)In summer. ① あなたは手に何本ペンを持っていますか。 ⑤ When do they play basketball ? (私は)4本持っています。 (They play it)After school. ② ケンは何枚CDを持っていますか。 ⑥ When does Ken read a book ? (彼は)5枚持っています。 (He reads it)Every morning. 練習4 ⑦ When is your birthday ? ① How many books do you have in your hand ? 練習3 ① What day is today ? / It is Tuesday. ② What day is it today ? I have three. ② How many balls do you have ? I have ten. ③ What day of the week is it today ? ③ How many cameras do you have ? ④ What is the date today ? I have two. 題 B 1 ① When do you play soccer ? I play it after school. When do you usually do your homework ? I do it after dinner. When does your sister clean her room ? She cleans it on Sunday. When does her brother go to the library ? He goes there on Saturday. When do you play tennis ? (I play it) After school. When does your brother watch TV ? (He watches TV[it]) After dinner. What day is it today ? It is Friday. ④ What is the date today ? It is September 23. 詞 p127 ④ When do you swim ? ③ 問 It’s on the table. 練習2 ② 疑 ⑤ ジェーンはどこに住んでいますか。 (彼女は)夕食後見ます。 2① の ④ 彼らはどこで野球をしますか。 ④ 彼女はたいていいつテレビを見ますか。 ④ 他 (私は)大阪に住んでいます。 (彼らは)日曜日にします。 ③ の ③ あなたはどこに住んでいますか。 ③ 彼らはいつ野球をしますか。 ② そ (彼女は)台所にいます。 (私は)放課後します。 It is July the fifteenth. 確 認 問 p124 18 p126 ④ How many bikes does your brother have ? He has three. ⑤ How many brothers does he have ? He has four. ⑥ How many dogs does she have ? She has two. p128 練習5 ① How old is your father ? ② How much is this bag ? ③ How does your sister go to school ? オリジナルテキスト 確 認 問 題 解答 13 ④ She can't[cannot] make a cake. A p129 彼女はケーキを作ることができません。 1 ① Where is / She ⑤ They can't[cannot] swim very fast. ② Where is / It's 彼らはあまり速く泳ぐことができません。 ③ Where do / in ⑥ He can't[cannot] speak Chinese well. ④ Where does / She lives 彼はじょうずに中国語を話すことができません。 2 ① How many notebooks / I, five ② How many bikes[bicycles] / I, two ③ How many dogs does / He, three 3 ① How does / By ② How much / ③ How old 練習3 ① Can you play the piano ? ② Can your mother read English books ? I'm / p133 あなた(あなたたち)はピアノをひくことができますか。 It's 確 認 あなた(あなたたち)のお母さんは英語の本を読むこと 問 題 B ができますか。 p130 ③ Can Mike use this computer ? 1 ① 彼らはどこでテニスをしますか。 マイクはこのコンピュータを使うことができますか。 ② あなたのおじさんはどこに住んでいますか。 ③ あなたは何台自転車を持っていますか。 ④ 彼は何歳ですか。 / 14 歳です。 彼女はケーキを作ることができますか。 彼らはじょうずに野球をすることができますか。 2 ① How about you ? ⑥ Can your brother swim very fast ? ② How do they go to school ? あなたの兄(弟)はとても速く泳ぐことができますか。 They go to school by bus. p134 ③ Which is your bag ? 練習4 This is mine. ① このえんぴつを使ってもいいですか。 ④ Where does your aunt live ? ② 歌を歌ってもいいですか。 She lives in Kyoto. ③ あなた(あなたたち)といっしょにテニスをしてもいいで ⑤ Where is your mother ? すか。 She is in the kitchen. ④ あなた(あなたたち)といっしょに行ってもいいですか。 ⑥ Where is Tom from ? ⑤ ここで泳いでもいいですか。 He is from America. c a n の ④ Can she make a cake ? ⑤ Can they play baseball well ? ⑤ このカメラはいくらですか。 19 英語中1 ⑥ 窓を開けてもいいですか。 あ る 文 p131 練習1 ① 私は英語を話すことができます。 ⑦ ギターをひいてもいいですか。 ⑧ 英語を話してもいいですか。 ⑨ ドアを開けてもいいですか。 ⑩ この本を読んでもいいですか。 ② あなた(あなたたち)は速く走ることができます。 確 認 ③ 彼はこのコンピュータを使うことができます。 p135 ④ 彼女はテニスをすることができます。 1 ① He can play baseball. 問 題 A ⑤ 私たちはバスケットボールをすることができます。 ② They can speak English. ⑥ あなた(あなたたち)はピアノをひくことができます。 ③ My mother can’t[cannot] drive a car. ⑦ 彼らは英語の本をを読むことができます。 ④ Can Kumi swim well ? / Yes, she can. ⑧ 私の母はケーキを作ることができます。 ⑤ My father can play the guitar. p132 練習2 ① I can't[cannot] play tennis. 私はテニスをすることができません。 ② You can't[cannot] play the guitar. あなた(あなたたち)はギターをひくことができません。 ③ Your father can't[cannot] write a letter in English. あなたのお父さんは英語で手紙を書くことができません。 2 ① あなたの姉(妹)さんはじょうずに歌を歌うことができます。 ② 私は英語を話すことができます。 ③ 彼らはとてもじょうずに野球をすることができますか。 ④ 私の弟(兄)はギターをひくことができません。 ⑤ ケンの姉(妹)はバイオリンをひくことができません。 ⑥ わたしはあなたのために何ができますか。 ⑦ このコンピュータを使ってもいいですか。 はい、いいです。 14 オ リジ ナル テキスト 確 英語 中1 解答 認 題 問 B ⑦ Tom is not cleaning his room. ⑧ Are you studying French ? p136 1 ① We can play tennis. No, I’m not. ⑨ What are you doing ? ② Can your mother play the piano ? ③ I cannot play tennis with you today. ④ Kumi’s sister cannot speak English. ⑤ Can that boy swim well ? They are running. 21 2 ① Can your father play the piano ? 一 般 動 詞 の 過 去 形 p142 Yes, he can. ② Can your brother speak English well ? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t[cannot]. ③ Can I use this pen ? / Yes, you can. ④ Can I open the window ? Yes, you can. ⑤ Can I go with you ? / No, you can’t[cannot]. 20 p138 I’m studying English. ⑩ What are they doing ? 現 在 進 行 形 の 文 練習1 ① playing ② doing ③ studying ④ speaking ⑤ talking ⑥ working ⑦ reading ⑧ singing ⑨ eating ⑩ helping ⑪ having ⑫ writing ⑬ using ⑭ coming ⑮ making ⑯ swimming ⑰ sitting ⑱ running 練習1 ① played ② enjoyed ③ cooked ④ visited ⑤ called ⑥ liked ⑦ used ⑧ lived ⑨ studied ⑩ carried ⑪ stopped ⑫ dropped ⑬ helped ⑭ washed ⑮ watched 練習2 ① yesterday ② this morning ③ last night ④ last Sunday ⑤ last week ⑥ last month ⑦ last year ⑧ three years ago ⑨ two days ago ⑩ five hours ago p143 練習3 ① 私は昨日このペンを使いました。 ② I studied English last night. ③ She didn’t[did not] cook dinner yesterday. 練習2 ① They are playing baseball in the park. ④ We didn’t[did not] watch TV last night. ② My brother is not swimming in the pool now. ⑤ Did they play baseball yesterday ? ③ What are you doing now ? Yes, they did. I’m studying English. 確 認 ⑥ Did Ken’s brother study English yesterday ? 問 題 A p139 1 ① am playing ② is watching ③ is reading ④ is studying ⑤ are swimmimg ① My father didn't wash his car last Sunday. ② I watched TV after dinner. ⑥ is writing ③ My mother visited Kyoto last Saturday. ⑦ are sitting 2 ① He is not using this computer now. ② I am not doing my homework now. ③ Are Tom and Ken running in the park ? ④ Is he studying English now ? ⑥ Who is writing a letter in English ? 認 問 ④ My sister studied English yesterday. ⑤ Did Ken help his mother yesterday ? No, he didn’t. ⑥ What did you study last night ? I studied English. ⑤ What are you doing now ? 確 No, he didn’t. 練習4 題 B p140 p144 練習5 ① 私は昨日学校へ行きました。 ① He is playing tennis. ② 私は今朝朝食を食べました。 ② I am helping my mother. ③ 彼女はケーキを作りました。 ③ They are eating lunch. ④ 彼は 7 時に起きました。 They are having lunch. ⑤ 私は昨日宿題をしました。 ④ My father is writing a letter. ⑥ 私たちは京都でたくさん写真をとりました。 ⑤ Mike and Ken are swimming in the pool. ⑦ 彼らは先週私の家に来ました。 ⑥ I’m not doing my homework. ⑧ あなたは公園で何を見ましたか。 オリジナルテキスト 英語中1 解答 2 ① They spoke English at school. p145 ② We studied English after lunch. 練習6 ① went ② had ③ made ③ Where did they play baseball ? ④ got ⑤ did ⑥ saw ④ Who opened this bag ? ⑦ took ⑧ came ⑨ ran ⑤ What time did Tom get up ? ⑩ left ⑪ wrote ⑫ caught ⑥ What time did your father come home yesterday ? ⑬ ate ⑭ said ⑮ spoke 確 認 問 題 B p149 練習7 ① I didn’t have lunch. 1 ① visited ② She didn’t come to my house. ② wrote ③ took ④ got 2 ① I didn't[did not] study math yesterday. ③ He didn’t get up early in the morning. ② She didn't[did not] see many beautiful flowers in ④ She didn’t write a letter. the park. ⑤ I didn’t see him at the station. ③ My mother didn't[did not] make lunch for me. ⑥ We didn’t eat dinner together. 3 ① I did ⑦ She didn’t make a cake for me. ② Where / lived p146 ③ Did 練習8 ① go went ② have・has had ③ make made ④ get got ⑤ do・does did ⑥ see saw ⑦ take took ⑧ come came ⑨ run ran ⑩ leave left ⑪ write wrote ⑫ catch caught ⑬ eat ate ⑭ say said ⑮ speak spoke p147 練習9 ① Did you go to bed early last night ? ② Did he make a big box ? ③ Did she get up at seven this morning ? ④ Did you eat breakfast ? ⑤ Did he do his homework yesterday ? ⑥ Did Ken take many pictures in the park ? 練習10 / didn't, got up 4 ① She cleaned her room yesterday. ② My uncle lived in China five years ago. ③ My sister made lunch last Sunday. ④ They spoke English well. p150 <覚えて得する重要単語の確認テスト> 1 曜日 日曜日 Sunday 火曜日 Tuesday 木曜日 Thursday 土曜日 Saturday 月曜日 Monday 水曜日 Wednesday 金曜日 Friday week 週 2月 1月 3月 5月 7月 9月 11月 月 January March May July September November month 2月 4月 6月 8月 10月 12月 年 February April June August October December year 3 季節 ① What does he have in his hand ? ② Where is Tom from ? 春 spring 夏 summer ③ What did she use yesterday ? 秋 fall 冬 winter ④ Where did they play baseball ? 季節 season 昼食 lunch ⑤ What time did Mike get up ? 4 食事 ⑥ Who made this cake ? ⑦ What did you see in the park ? ⑧ When did Kumi go to Kyoto ? 朝食 breakfast 夕食 dinner 5 家族 父 father 母 p148 mother 兄(弟) 姉(妹) 1 ①否定文:His father didn’t wash his car this morning. brother sister おじ uncle おば aunt 家族 family 子ども children 確 認 問 題 A 疑問文:Did his father wash his car this morning ? Yes, he did. ②否定文:She didn’t write a letter in English yesterday. 先生 teacher 生徒 student 男の人 女の人 疑問文:Did she write a letter in English yesterday ? man woman 少年 boy 少女 girl 友人 friend No, she didn’t[did not]. 15 オ リジ ナル テキスト 16 6 スポーツ 英語 中1 サッカー soccer バレーボール volleyball テニス tennis スポーツ sport バスケットボール basketball 野球 baseball 解答 7 数字 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 8 序数 第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 学 年 氏 名 160101
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