West L. A. Connections Where Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church West Los Angeles United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-479-1379 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlaumc.com Sunday Worship Services 9:30 AM English Language Worship Nursery and Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship Time for both congregations 11:00 AM Japanese Language Worship Office Hours Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 1 PM Pastors' Office Hours Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM Staff Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor Japanese Language Ministry [email protected] Lina Yamaguchi, Secretary and Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] Our Mission Statement Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth - Building a community of faith and making disciples of Christ by reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. At West LA UMC, building a community of faith is what we are about. Happens! March 2016 The Power of Writing In recent months, several programs at the church have emphasized the power and importance of writing things down. It began when Jeri Okamoto led the Ohana gathering in January. She asked the parents to select a favorite photo and write down where it was taken, what was happening, and why that particular moment was significant. She reminded parents that, years later, they may not remember the details surrounding the moment unless they write it down. More importantly, this brief writing exercise can provide treasured memories for their children to read as they grow up. Later in January, Pamela Ryder hosted an insightful program on the Five Wishes, a document that guides individuals in making future decisions for a time when they may not be able to do so for themselves. As a part of the program, participants were encouraged to write down their desires for end-of-life care, funeral plans, and how they wished to be remembered. We learned that writing down these desires now can be blessing for loved ones in the future. In February, the Lenten Study groups began following author Rachel Hackenberg’s advice to write down prayers to God. In her book, Writing to God, she suggests that writing our prayers, as opposed to simply speaking them, takes us into a deeper conversation with God. By writing them down, we also create a record of our prayers and can note when they are answered. Kay Yang mentioned that in addition to writing prayers, she writes down how she sees God working in her life and the lives of her family. It’s true that sometimes the process of writing can be intimidating and laborious. It takes time and effort, yet the rewards can be great. The authors of the scriptures knew the importance of writing down stories, prayers, poems, and praise. Thank goodness that they took the time to write the story of God’s creation and mighty acts! Praise God that they recorded Jesus’ ministry, passion and resurrection so that we could celebrate new life in Christ! As we move forward, let us find ways to write down important memories, plans for the future, prayers to God, and how we see God working in our lives. Through all of our writing, may God be glorified. In Christ, Rev. Janet Cromwell West L.A. Connections Page 1 March 2016 Prayers Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer As a community of faith, we support one another through prayer. To add or remove a prayer request, please contact one of the pastors or the church office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrative Lectionary Readings for March These readings serve as the foundation for the Wednesday morning Bible Study and Sunday morning 9:30 Worship Service. By reading these scripture lessons during the week, you can prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship. West L.A. Connections Page 2 March 6 Mark 12:28-44 March 13 Mark 13:1-8, 24-37 March 20 Mark 11:1-11, 14:3-9 March 25 Mark 14:22-42, or 15:16-39 March 27 Mark 16:1-8 March 2016 Worship & Studies Growing in Faith through Worship and Study March 9:30 AM Worship Services Sunday School and Bible Studies March 6 – 4th Sunday in Lent Family Worship and Holy Communion Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Mark 12:28-44. Theme: The First Commandment. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children’s message. Children’s Sunday School God calls us to grow in faith and knowledge. Children and youth are encouraged to come each Sunday to learn about God’s love and Jesus’ ministry, and to have fun and make new friends. Birth to K Nursery (Next to sanctuary) K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3 Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2 Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (Second floor) March 13 – 5th Sunday in Lent Daylight Saving Time begins Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Mark 13:1-8, 24-37. Theme: The worse things are, the closer God is. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children’s message. Tuesday Bible Study March 20 – Palm/Passion Sunday Reader's Theater Theme: Our Lord's Passion. Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children’s message. Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 PM in the Learning Center. Tuesday Night Bible Study will complete its nineweek study of The Letter of James on March 29. For the reading schedule, please go to the church's website and look under Get Involved/Bible Study/Tuesday Bible Study. No meeting on March 1. The next study will begin on April 19. March 25 – Good Friday Services 12:00 Noon and 7:30 PM. The pastors will lead a service of scripture readings and hymns at12:00 Noon. The choir will present the Passion Story through a musical cantata at the evening service at 7:30 PM. “Alive Now” Study Group Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 2. This study focuses on scripture lessons that will be the basis for Sunday morning’s sermon. See page 2 of this Newsletter for the weekly scripture lessons. Rev. Gary leads the discussion and new members are always welcome. No meeting on March 16. March 27 – Easter Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching: Text: Mark 16:1-8. Theme: Who will roll away the stone? Rev. Janet Cromwell giving children’s message. Lenten Study – Prayer and Reflection Wednesdays, 9:30 AM or 7:00 PM in Room 1. This Lenten Study is using Rachel Hackenberg’s Writing to GOD: 40 Days of Praying with My Pen as the basis for composing prayers throughout Lent. The group discusses spends time writing during the class sessions. The study book may be purchased through the church for $16.00. Jeri Okamoto and Rev. Janet will lead this study on March 2, 9, and 16. Holy Week Worship The church recognizes the sacredness of Holy Week, beginning with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through his death on Good Friday, to his miraculous rising on Easter Sunday. We encourage you to draw closer to our Lord Jesus by attending worship services, praying, and reflecting on Jesus’ passion March 20-27. Nichigo Lenten Study Wednesdays, 7:30 PM in Rev. Becky’s Office. Why is the Bible important to us? Does God really care about us? Who is Jesus and why did he come? As we study and discuss together, may the Lord deepen our faith. Rev. Becky will lead this study in Japanese on March 2 and 23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ West LA UMC Prayer Ministry Are you seeking a quiet, mid-week prayer time? The sanctuary is open on Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM to pray for persons on the church’s prayer list and your personal devotion time. The Prayer Ministry provides a calm and peaceful time to sit, pray, and listen for God’s guidance. For more information, contact Lina Yamaguchi at 310-479-1379. West L.A. Connections Men’s Bible Study Group Periodic Thursdays, 7:15-8:15 PM in Room 2. The Men’s Study Group meets on periodic Thursday evenings. Contact Fred Hifumi for dates. Page 3 March 2016 Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Supporting Families in Spiritual Growth and Discipleship Ohana 2.0 Gathering Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 12, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM The March conversation will focus on “It’s just a phase, so don’t miss it!” We’ll talk about making the most of each phase in a child and young person’s life. Together, we can assist our children and youth to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith during each important phase. Please join us for playtime, conversation, and a potluck lunch. RSVP to Jane Shimotsu by March 1 so that childcare arrangements can be made. Bring a friend and discover why “it’s only a phase” matters! Rev. Janet Cromwell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, March 26, 10:00 AM, Stoner Park, 1835 Stoner Ave. The church and community Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Stoner Park on Saturday, March 26 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. There will be games, crafts, and a huge egg hunt. A hot dog lunch will be served to everyone. Last year, we served over 1,000 hot dogs! This is a joint venture of West LA UMC with LA Parks and Recreation. On the day of the Egg Hunt, we invite volunteers to arrive early to welcome guests, lead games, and serve lunch. If you can help in person and/or donate candies and prizes for the games, please contact David and Emily Cook. It is good to have many adults as possible at the event for security and to help. Volunteers are encouraged to wear their purple WLAUMC T-shirts. Stoner Park is located at 1835 Stoner Avenue, between Missouri and Nebraska in West Los Angeles, just a few blocks west of the church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kizuna Summer Camp Preview Day Sunday, March 13, 11:00 AM, Learning Center Join Kizuna on Sunday, March 13 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the Learning Center for an afternoon of mochi making as we have a kagami-mochi making competition! Your children will learn about the cultural significance of mochitsuki as we all make and mold mochi together in a fun and engaging ways. The cost is $15 per child. Register for this special program now at www.kizuna-la.org/mochitsuki. This activity is an advertisement for Kizuna's Nikkei Discovery Camp, a cultural summer camp for elementary and middle schoolers (students entering 2nd thru entering 8th Grades) that builds a foundation of Japanese American culture and heritage. The Nikkei Discovery Camp will take place the week of June 27July 1 at WLAUMC. Please visit www.NDC.kizuna-la.org or contact Paul Matsushima at [email protected] or 213-9734465 for more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Surf’s Up! Vacation Bible School July 18-22 at West LA UMC Catch the wave of God’s amazing love at this year’s Vacation Bible School! Children ages 3 thru entering 5th Grade will have a great time learning Bible stories, singing, playing games, and making new friends. Youth entering 6th Grade thru College can volunteer to help in classrooms and with activities, and adults are needed to welcome participants, lead classrooms, share Bible stories, and prepare snacks and lunch. Please speak to VBS Director Jeri Okamoto to volunteer or to ask questions. Mark your calendar to be a part of this fun and inspiring summer event. Sawahata Scholarship Applications are now available for the Sawahata Scholarship for high school seniors going on to college. Please see David Cook or Lina Yamaguchi in church office if you would like an application. The application deadline is March 31, 2016. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Thanks Students from the Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry express their appreciation for West LA UMC’s generous food donations in a lovely handmade card. You may read their card on the Social Hall bulletin board. West L.A. Connections Page 4 March 2016 Outreach & Social Service Upcoming Events Serving Our Community and World Learning, Fellowship, and Fun People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) Library Open for Borrowing & Browsing The Social Action Committee is looking for volunteers to participate in dinner preparation and service for PATH in 2016. The dinners will be the 2nd Monday of each odd month (May, July, September, November) at the PATH transitional housing facility assisting veterans at 2346 Cotner Avenue, West LA. Please contact Scott Nakaatari ([email protected]) if you are able to cook or serve a meal at PATH. Sunday, March 6, 11:00 AM Learning Center 2nd Floor The Church Library will be open for reading and borrowing books on Sunday, March 6 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Come and enjoy the many history books, novels, and children’s books and CDs that are available to church members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japanese Film Night Friday, March 18, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary Due to the Good Friday Worship Service, our movie night will be held one week earlier this month. On March 18, we will feature "The Hidden Fortress aka Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress” / “Kakushi-toride no sanakunin,” directed by Akira Kurosawa. The Hidden Fortress is an adventure sage that takes place in 16th century Japan during a period of strife and war between two opposing family clans. Disguised as a peasant, a defeated samurai general must guard and protect a deposed princess and her family’s royal treasure. This 1958 black and white film is 139 minutes. Come and join us! Free and open to the public. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five Wishes Presentation Handouts Participants at the Five Wishes Program on January 31 were blessed by insightful presentations by Rich Yang, Carole Morita, Linda Aoyama, Jeri Okamoto and Rev. Gary Oba. The program was facilitated by Pamela Ryder. Those who missed the presentation can find copies of the Five Wishes booklet and the Funeral Planning Worksheet on the church’s website under “About Us” on the “Resources” page. In the future, Pamela Ryder would like to present another educational program on Mental Health issues and how we, as a church community, might provide love and support to individuals and their families. If you have suggestions for speakers or wish to assist in the planning of this program, please speak to Pam. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wesley Foundation Silent Auction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In preparation for the Wesley Foundation’s second annual Open House on April 10, items are being collected for the Silent Auction. Art, household items, gift certificates, T-shirts, and other new and like-new donations are welcome. Please see Rev. Janet Cromwell or Deaconess Jeanne Roe Smith regarding your donations. Women’s Retreat Saturday-Sunday, April 23-24 The church’s annual Women’s Retreat will take place on April 23-24, at Aldersgate Retreat Center in Pacific Palisades. Our theme of “Lavender Springs Spa: Where Women Rest in God’s Faithfulness” is sure to be an inspiring, relaxing and renewing time. Registration Forms will be available in February. The Early Bird Retreat Fee is $99 before March 20. Your early registration will help us plan for a great Retreat! See Cindy Morimoto or Rev. Janet Cromwell for a flier and details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Easter Lily Orders Please submit your Easter lily order before March 20. Order forms are available in the Social Hall. The lilies will be set up in the sanctuary on Saturday, March 26 for Easter Sunday. Please contact Kazie Kame with any questions. In addition to purchasing Easter Lilies, you are invited to bring flowers from your garden for the Flower Cross on Easter morning. West L.A. Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eyeglass Collection Your old eyeglasses could provide much needed help to persons in need. Sam Dote is collecting eyeglasses on behalf of the Lion’s Club. You may place your old glasses in the box in the Social Hall. Page 5 March 2016 Welcome Our New Members Giving Beyond the Local Church 2015 In January, West LA United Methodist Church was pleased to welcome David and Rieko Mann as members during the Nichigo Worship Service. Please greet our newest members! David Mann was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. He moved to the U.S. in 1987, and currently resides in Santa Monica with his wife Rieko. His passion has been in making music since he was 15 years old. He works locally as a piano technician. Rieko Mann was born and raised in Tokyo area, and attended Seijo University. As a child, she always loved Church and Sunday school. She is filled with so much joy since she was baptized. Designated Giving by the Congregation Missionary Support Peace With Justice Offering 250 Human Relations Offering 313 Native American Ministries Offering 250 One Great Hour Offering 620 World Communion Offering 690 UM Student Day Offering 325 UMCOR - International Disaster 3,131 Imagine No Malaria Wesley Foundation UCLA 200 5,020 Loaves & Fishes Food (UMM West District) 6,000 250 National JA UM Caucus Stop Hunger Now! Habitat for Humanity Missions Project Ishinomaki Ministries - Japan Donations by Tanoshimi Kai group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Members Class 2,500 10,000 7,010 450 PATH Project (meals) Thanksgiving Baskets- donated food Sundays, February 28, March 13, March 20 Rev. Gary Oba will host a three-session class for persons considering baptism and membership in our congregation of The United Methodist Church. Each session will focus on a different aspect of church membership. Being a part of this class is the perfect way to learn about the history of United Methodism, our church, and the meaning of church membership. Everyone is welcome! Please speak with Rev. Gary if you have questions or wish to participate. Amount $2,500 Thanksgiving Baskets- groceries & turkeys unknown unknown 39 60+ school supply kits - VBS unknown Food Pantries - canned goods unknown Social Action Toy Drive unknown Apportionments, Conference Benevolences Retired Pastors Pensions & Health Care 14,562 World Service Fund 6,018 Ministerial Education Fund 2,066 Bishops - Episcopal Fund 1,805 Disaster Preparedness Planning General Admin, Interdenominational Fund 1,010 The Trustees have developed helpful information for church members on assembling a Disaster Preparedness Kit and creating an Individual Needs and Identification Information form. Look under on the church’s webpage (wlaumc.com) under “About Us” on the “Resources” page. Black College and Africa University Fund ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Western Jurisdiction Apportionment 39,499 Campus Ministry 403 Congregation Total $106,495 Donations by United Methodist Women Christian Stewardship UMW Missions Underlying the message of Stewardship is God's infinite love for us and the recognition that all we have is from God. Your annual pledge of financial support to West LA UMC enables the Church's mission to promote spiritual growth by building a community of faith, making disciples of Christ and reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. This is the perfect time to complete your pledge card, if you have not already done so. Please see contact Harriet Woo or the Church Office for a Stewardship Packet and Pledge Card. Alaska Layettes Project West L.A. Connections 338 Cal-Pac Apportionments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 889 Page 6 $630 583 Food, Toiletry bags for UCLA Food Pantry unknown Wesley Foundation serving UCLA 2,000 Asian Pacific Women's Center 1,500 Ishinomaki Ministries 4,000 UMCOR Nepal Earthquake 1,000 PATH Project (meals) 121 UMW Total $9,834 GRAND TOTAL $116,329 Thank you for your generosity! March 2016 Special Offerings Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings for your generous gifts! Memorial Offerings If you would like a list of the Memorial Offerings, please contact the Church Office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Offerings If you would like a list of the Special Offerings, please contact the Church Office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Altar Flowers – January & February 2016 If you would like a list of the altar flowers, please contact the Church Office. West L.A. Connections Page 7 March 2016 Japanese Ministry Praising and Serving God Together 「主をあがめる喜び」 1 月、日本語部に新しいメンバーが参加した。 マン夫妻が洗礼を受けたのである。そして、 なぜキリストを信じ受け入れるようになった のか、証を聞く機会があった。 一同、一緒に主をあがめ、喜びを分かち合っ た。David マン兄弟は、ミュージシャンで、 この証の時間、話すよりも歌で信仰の告白を してくれた。このために、作詞作曲をして、 賛美をしてくれた。特別な方法を使うようで あるが、音楽というものは、聖書の時代から 活用されている信仰告白のツールである。詩 編などはその代表であろう。 今年の日本語部の目標は、毎月、特別賛美を 持つことである。1 月はマン兄弟の証賛美が あった。2 月は、ソプラノ、アルト、テナー、 バイオリン、チェロの 5 重唱をしたいと思う。 受難節にちなみ、ヘンデルによる「罪、とが、 不義、悪」を選んでいる。高橋兄弟姉妹と私 も参加して賛美をする。3 月は、聖歌隊とベ ルクワイヤによる特別賛美を期待している。 主をあがめる喜びが増すように。礼拝が喜び に満たされるように。日々、主に祈りつつ、 イースターを迎えたいと思う。 Mr. David Mann is a musician, so he ended up composing a song and shared during the service. It was a blessing for all of us. Praising God via music has been a tool utilized in the Bible. King David played harp and praised God all the time. This year, Nichigo has a goal to have a monthly special music. In January, David shared a special music as his confession of faith. In February, we have a quintet by Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Violin, & Cello. Mr. & Mrs. Takahashi and even I will join to sing! (I am nervous!!) The selection is “Tsumi, Toga, Fugi, Aku” (Sin, Trespass, Unrighteous, Evil) by Handel. In March, we have our church choir and bell choir sharing their gift of music. May we add more joy in praising God. May the worship service be filled with true joy. Happy Easter! Pastor Becky Hirata 平田 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 日語カレンダー 3/2 7 時半聖書勉強 3/3-4 アシュラム修養会 3/5 一日アシュラム(合同教会) 3/6 11 時日本語部礼拝 12 時祈り会 12 時 15 分協議会 3/13 11 時日本語部礼拝 12 時お茶の時間 3/20 11 時日本語部礼拝 3/23 7 時半聖書勉強 3/25 12 時、7 時半 受難礼拝 3/27 11 時日本語部イースター礼拝 12 時愛餐会 平田 West L.A. Connections In January, we welcomed our new members. Mr. & Mrs. Mann were baptized! It really gave us a joy of new birth, new life in Jesus, given to us. Especially, during the service, Mr. & Mrs. Mann shared what their faith journey looked like. Page 8 March 2016 March 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 7 9:30am English Worship 11:00am Japanese Worship 11:00am Library Open 11:00am Dr. Terasaki Memorial Service at UCLA Royce Hall 11:15am Bell Choir Rehearsal 13 Daylight Saving Time begins 9:30am English Worship 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Japanese Worship 11:00am Kizuna Preview Day & Mochi Making 11:15am Bell Choir Rehearsal 11:15am Membership Class 20 Passion/Palm Sunday 9:30am 9:45am 10:30am 11:00am 11:15am 11:15am 1:00pm English Worship Sunday School Children’s Choir Japanese Worship Bell Choir Rehearsal Membership Class Admin Council Mtg. Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 11:00am 80+ Women’s Luncheon @ Aki’s Rest. 9:30am “Alive Now” Study 9:30am Lenten Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 9:30am Prayer Group 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 11:30am Parking Mtg. 7:00am – 5:000pm Sanctuary Light Bulbs Being Changed No Bible Study 7:00pm Lenten Study 7:30pm Nichigo Lenten Study 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 8 9 10 11 12 9:30am “Alive Now” Study 9:30am Lenten Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 9:30am Prayer Group 10:30am Tai-Chi Class Ishinomaki Earthquake 5 Year Memorial Day 9:30am UCLA Dance Group 10:00am Ohana 2.0: Families with young children gathering Japanese-American UMC Caucus Mtg., San Jose 6 Wednesday 5 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:30pm Bible Study 7:00pm Lenten Study 7:30pm Trustee’s Mtg. 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 14 15 16 17 8:30am Fat Tuesday Men’s Breakfast at Marie Calender’s Restaurant No “Alive Now” Study 9:30am Lenten Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 9:30am Prayer Group 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 6:00pm PATH Meal Service 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 7:30pm Bible Study 7:00pm Lenten Study 7:30pm Finance Mtg. 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Japanese Film Night 21 22 23 24 Holy Thursday 25 Good Friday 26 Holy Saturday 9:30am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class Good Friday Set – Up 9:30am Newsletter Folding 9:30am Prayer Group 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 12:00pm Good Friday Noon Service 9:00am Volunteer Set-Up 9:00am Easter Lily Set-Up 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch at Stoner Park 7:30pm Bible Study 7:30pm Nichigo Lenten Study 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 29 30 31 9:30am “Alive Now” Study 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 9:30am Prayer Group 10:30am Tai-Chi Class 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg 27 Easter Sunday 28 9:30am English Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:30am Children’s Choir 11:00am Japanese Worship 12:00pm Nichigo Potluck Luncheon Church Office Closed 6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg West L.A. Connections 7:30pm Bible Study 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal Page 9 Change your clocks tonight! 18 19 9:30am UMW Mtg. 7:30pm Good Friday Evening Service 9:30am UCLA Dance Group 11:00am Masako Makayama’s Memorial service Like West LA UMC on Facebook to receive periodic updates on Church Services and Programs. You can also find the Church Calendar at www.wlaumc.com. March 2016 Holy Week and Easter at West LA United Methodist Church You are invited to these special services and events. Palm/Passion Sunday Worship Community Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, March 20 Saturday, March 26 9:30 AM Worship in English in the Sanctuary 11:00 AM Worship in Japanese in the Sanctuary 9:00 AM Set-up at Stoner Park 10:00 AM Crafts, Games, Egg Hunt and Hot Dog Lunch Good Friday Worship Services Easter Sunday Celebration Friday, March 25 Sunday, March 27 12:00 Noon in the Sanctuary A service of scripture & hymn singing 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary The passion sung by the Choir 9:30 AM Worship in English 10:30 AM Easter Fellowship Time 11:00 AM Worship in Japanese Please bring flowers for the Flower Cross on the patio. West LA United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 wlaumc.com 310-479-1379
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