Prof. Scott Gilbert - 京都大学大学院理学研究科 生物科学専攻 動物学

The organism as ecosystem: How symbiosis changes the
way we see nature and study disease and toxicology
Speaker:Prof. Scott Gilbert
Swarthmore College, USA
日時:2016年 3月 17日( 木 )13:30〜
場所:理学 2号館 第一講義室
What biology has traditionally described as an organism is actually
a functionally coherent set of ecosystems. Most of the cells in an
animal body are symbiotic microbes, and these microbes are
involved in regulating the normal developmental and physiological
functions of the organism. They are involved in constructing the
gut, the immune system, and the capillary network, and they may
secrete products necessary for normal brain development. They
are also critically important in regulating neurophysiological
homeostasis during adult life. Recent studies have shown that they
can have profound effects on the metabolism of drugs and other
xenobiotic substances. Thus, tests on drugs, teratogens, and
endocrine disruptive chemicals need to take into account the
microbiome of the animal, and exogenous chemicals should also
be tested as to whether they alter the populations of microbes in
and on the animal subjects.
世話人:高橋 淑子
生物科学専攻 動物学教室