LUX Assure Ltd Fiona Mackay

LUX Assure Ltd
Feasibility Testing of a Novel Technology
for Monitoring Produced Water for Reinjection (MOTEYE™)
Fiona Mackay
T: +44 131 5167290
E: [email protected]
LUX Assure are specialists
in developing novel
chemical monitoring
The Challenge
• To develop a method to monitor
produced water for reinjection
• Detect oil, solids and microbes
• Distinguish between these
• Develop appropriate data algorithms
The Market Opportunity
• More than 70% of world’s O&G
production from fields > 30 years old
• PWRI for Enhanced Oil Recovery
growing in significance
• MOTEYE™ will enable analysis of
fluid to determine its fate
The Project
• Testing of an appropriate instrument
• Oil in water analysis: droplet size
and total oil content
• Detection of solids (including particle
size determination) and microbes
• Partner with academic at HWU
Next Steps
• Further experimentation and
development of method required prior
to commercialisation
• Refinement of data analysis software
• Work will continue throughout 2014