英 語

英 語
Ⅰ 次の英文を読んで、各問いに答えよ。
Rachel Carson, nearly fifty years old then, was a marine 11 biologist and writer. Since
she had already published three books on living things in the sea, she was well 6 ( )
to many people. In the previous year she had received several letters saying that DDT
spraying had done a lot of damage. When she got the letter from Mrs. Huckins, she could not
keep silent about the problem any longer.
DDT was 12 discovered by Paul Muller, a Swiss chemist in 1939. It was very effective
against insects, especially beetles, moths and butterflies, flies, and mosquitoes. Muller received
the Nobel prize for medicine for his discovery. The chemical product was heavily used in
World War II to kill disease-carrying insects. In postwar Europe, Asia, and Oceania, typhus
and malaria were reduced by the use of DDT.
It also had powerful effects on insects harmful to crops. Thanks 7 ( )the
pesticide, harvests increased remarkably and we could enjoy boundless economic benefits.
In the 1950s, in the United States, chemical companies were 13 permitted to 8 ( )
almost any kind of poison for preventing harmful insects, weeds, mold, and other germs.
Millions of tons of chemicals were used without limit on fields and forests.
Some scientists were concerned about the effects of the pesticides on wild animals, soil,
and the seas. Chemical companies, however, insisted that they were not harmful, and the
government announced that the chemical products were safe.
Rachel began to collect 14 information on DDT. The more she learned about the use of
pesticides, the more shocked she 9 ( ). She wrote an article on the dangers of DDT
and sent it to the publishers of the Reader’
s Digest, the Woman’
s Home Companions, and
several other magazines.
She thought these magazines were serious about such matter. But none of them took
up Rachel’
s warning. One of the magazine editors said,“I’
ve never heard of people being
poisoned by DDT. Such an article will 10( )
‘fear without reason’to the people who
use it.”
In those days very few people had heard the words“ 15 environmental pollution.”But in
fact, not only DDT but also various other chemical products had long been used and had been
polluting the air, water and soil. Even worse, it gradually became clear that pesticides were
not always effective against all insects. First, it turned out that chemicals didn’
t have an effect
on the housefly. This was true of many other insects as well as the housefly. Insects became
immune to a particular chemical. As a result, chemicals were more and more condensed
and sprayed. A stronger chemical product always had to be developed—and then an even
― 1 ―
stronger one after that.
yusha, 1997.
Andou, Tomio, and Michelle Potter, Beyond“Silent Spring.” Tokyo: San’
typhus「チフス」 malaria「マラリア」
問 1 上の英文の内容にしたがって、次の
の( )に入れるのに最も
DDT( ).
① did not kill insects
② was discovered in 1939 but was not used in World War II
③ was observed to have done a lot of damage
④ was not used after World War II
( )chemicals were used on fields and forests in the U.S. in the 1950s.
① A large amount of
② Some
③ A small amount of
④ No
Chemical companies and the U.S. government( )
① were concerned about the poisonous effects of the pesticides
② were against each other
③ believed the pesticides should be banned
④ were in the position that the pesticides were safe
When Rachel Carson wrote an article on the dangers of DDT,( )agreed to her
point of view.
① the Reader’
s Digest
② the Woman’
s Home Companions
③ several magazines
④ no magazines
― 2 ―
By the time Rachel Carson gave warning about the dangers of DDT,( )had
long been used and had been polluting the air, water and soil.
① only DDT
② both DDT and various other chemicals
③ not DDT but various other chemicals
④ neither DDT nor various other chemicals
問 2 英文中の空欄
① know
② knew
③ known
④ knowing
① at
② for
③ of
④ to
① sell
② sold
③ have sold
④ selling
① becomes
② has become
③ became
④ becoming
② brought
③ bringing
④ to bring
10 ① bring
問 3 英文中の
11 bi-ol-o-gist
① ② ③ ④
12 dis-cov-er-ed
① ②
③ ④
13 per-mit-ted
14 in-for-ma-tion
① ②
15 en-vi-ron-men-tal
① ② ③
― 3 ―
Ⅱ 次の
の英文の( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを、①~④からそ
16 The girl grew( )to be an astronaut.
① down
② away
③ for
④ up
ve never( )such beautiful scenery in my life.
17 I’
① see
② saw ③ seen ④ seeing
18 I looked over your writing assignment. You spelled quite a few words( )
① false
② wrong
③ untrue
④ missing
19 Vicky took part in the demonstration though her grandmother told her not( )
① such ② to ③ so ④ do
20 Our principal( )us an interesting story.
① told
② talked
③ spoke
④ said
21 We have( )theirs.
① as the same trouble as
② the trouble as same as
③ the same trouble as
④ the trouble same as
22 If Jenny had not been wearing a seat belt, she would have been( )in the
① lost
② disappeared
③ killed
④ defeated
23 We always have the newspaper( )to our house in the morning.
① delivery
② to deliver
③ delivered
― 4 ―
④ deliver
24 ( )
heavily all night, the ground was very muddy.
① Raining
② It raining
③ Having rained ④ It having rained
25 You say you saw Keith at the theater last Saturday. That( )Keith, because he
was with me at my home all day last Saturday.
① is
② must be
③ can’
t be
④ will be
26 A:
Do I have to finish this work today?
B:( )
① You must not.
② No, you may not.
③ No, you have to. ④ No, you don’
t have to.
27 A:
t you have another cup of tea?
B:No, thank you.( )
① One more cup, please.
② I’
m filled.
③ I’
ve had enough. ④ Another cup, please.
28 A:
re going to the festival.( )
m very sorry, but I can’
① Shall we take you there? ② Is it intended for children?
③ Won’
t you join us?
④ Do you like them?
29 A:
Lend me something to write with, please.
B:( )
① Will you do this pen? ② Will this pen do?
③ Any pen will do. ④ Yes, I will.
― 5 ―
30 A:
I want to buy the third ring from the left.
s expensive, though.
( )
① Not at all.
② I don’
t care how expensive it is.
③ Show me again.
④ I don’
t want to see any longer.
Ⅲ 次の文章の中の( )に下の語句を並べ替えて入れ、意味が通るようにせよ。解答は
Magna Carta was signed on June 15, 1215, by King John and his barons. John was( 32
)heavy taxes and abused his power.
① England
② imposed
③ a king
④ who
⑤ of
Magna Carta limited the king’
s powers and gave the people of England their first legal
protections. It still( ① basis
② as
)the constitutional government of modern Britain.
③ for
I have some friends in Alaska( 36
④ serves
⑤ the
)camping gear while I’
m away. I stay
with them for a few days before I start my camping trips.
① my
② care
③ who
④ of
I camp for as long as two months alone in a tent or in a snow hut( ① of
② the
③ nowhere
④ in
⑤ take
⑤ middle
Having a goal makes your life more exciting and interesting. The result is not the important
thing. I’
d like young people( ① pursue
② that
③ to
― 6 ―
)them have a fulfilling life.
④ a goal
⑤ helps