Thème 4 : Télédétection, photogrammétrie et GPS 341 CONTRIBUTION OF GIS AND REMOTE SENSING IN THE ROLE OF LITHOLOGY AND FRACTURING IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF LAND USE AND HYDROGRAPHIC NETWORK. CASE OF TAHADDART BASIN (NORTHWESTERN RIF MOROCCO) TAHIRI Mounia1, EMRAN Anas2, HAKDAOUI Moustapha1, ACHAB Mohammed2, EL HADI Hassan1, TAHIRI Abdelfatah2 1- Laboratoire de Géologie Appliqué et Environnement. Faculté des Sciences Ben Msik, Casablanca, Maroc 2- Laboratoire GEOTEL, Institut scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat. The geological depositsdrained of the Tahaddart basin (north western Rif) belong to different units or tectonic thrust sheets composed of different lithological units (figure1). Figure 1: Schematicmap of the main lithological sets in the northwesternRif with Tahaddart basin situation. Thrusting has resulted in the juxta position of different lithological skill and permeability sets (quartzites and marl). The main lithological unis of Melloussa, Bni Ider Numidian and Tangier (Figure 2 and 3) are mainly oriented NW-SE to NNW-SSE (Figure 3). __________________________________________________________________________ 2ème Colloque International sur les utilisateurs des SIG GIS, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 nd 2 International symposium of GIS Users, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 Thème 4 : Télédétection, photogrammétrie et GPS 342 Watersheds of Mharharand Hachefriversmainly consist of quartzite sandsandstones lithologies (Numidian, Melloussa and Bni Ider nappes; Figure 3) at high altitude sandheights (steep slopes). The drainage basin of the main rivers is on the marly Tangier unit. Numidian Nappes Senonian Burdigalian Marls Pelites Burdigalian Burdigalian Units of Melloussa Tizighen Bni Ider Tanger Unit Pelites Breechias Quartzite Quartzites Flysch Clays and marls Sandstones quartzites Pelites Pelites Sandstones Quartzites Clays and marls Quartzites Pelites Lutetian Sandstones quartzites Albian Aptian Upper Cretaceous Sandy levels Figure 3: Synthetic lithologicalcolumns of the main lithological sets in the northwesternRif. __________________________________________________________________________ 2ème Colloque International sur les utilisateurs des SIG GIS, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 nd 2 International symposium of GIS Users, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 Thème 4 : Télédétection, photogrammétrie et GPS 343 Directions of main rivers ENE-WSW 8% 8% 17% 17% 50% WNW-ESE NNE-SSW NW-SE NE-SW Direction of secondary rivers 6% 4% NW-SE 8% 25% 9% 12% NE-SW NNW-SSE 19% 17% NNE-SSW E-W Figure3: Schematic mapof the main lithological sets, main and secondary rivers ofthe Tahaddart basin de. Percentage ofmain and secondary rivers flow directions. __________________________________________________________________________ 2ème Colloque International sur les utilisateurs des SIG GIS, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 nd 2 International symposium of GIS Users, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 Thème 4 : Télédétection, photogrammétrie et GPS 344 Figure 4: Main lineaments highlighted from Landsat 8 imagery of Tahaddart basin. The main rivers flow in directions generally parallel to the lithological units direction (Tahiri et al, 2013, 2014 A and b, Figure 3). Secondary rivers show often various directionsparallel to the mainstrike-slip faultsprimarilyNW directionbutalso showmost varieddirections witch NWSE toNE-SW directions are preferred (Figure 3). However, all the different rivers flow directions are similar to the lineaments highlighted by theremote sensing which are majority parallel to the drainage anomalies directions (Figure 4). The main collect orrivers drainage is done in the marly unit of Tangier.In the North, the (shape of) drainage of Mharhar river showa curving around Numidian quartzites in the central part of the basintoward WNW-ESE directions and EW (upstream) to a NE-SW trend in down stream of the Tahaddart river (Figure 3). In the South, the Hachef river drainage is first WNW-ESE and NW-SE, drawing acurve in the basin cente raround Numidian quartzites. The majority of rivers rises in the NE and SE basin parts at levels of lithological units mainly quartzite (Melloussa, Bni Ider and Numidian). These areas are of highslope mainly constitued by the lithological quartzitic units (Figure 5). In the Tahaddart basin, the vegetable land use classification extracted from Landsat 8 of 1999, 2003, 2009 and 2013 imageries (Figure 6) shows that forest lands occupy 50% of the basin area, followed by agricultural lands (40%) and wetlands (10%).Identified wetlandsare __________________________________________________________________________ 2ème Colloque International sur les utilisateurs des SIG GIS, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 nd 2 International symposium of GIS Users, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 Thème 4 : Télédétection, photogrammétrie et GPS 345 Figure 5: Slopes distribution in the Tahaddart basin. Figure 6: Vegetables species repartition in the Tahaddart basin highlighted from Landsat 8 imagery. numerous and are an important complex consisting of temporary fresh waterpools, temporary salt lakes,reservesdams,flood plains,estuaries and coastal sandy areas, etc ... Forest areas are in high altitudes mainly in the NE, SE and central basin. Four types forest are distinguished by the dominant species: the most important is the corkoak forest dominated by Quercus suber (Arbutusunedo and Quercus canariensis are rarelybased); plantations of Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The remaining land of medium-low altitude is occupied by agricultural areas and wetlands.The distribution map of forest areas is particularly similar to that of Numidian and BniIder quartzites and sandstones. Agricultural areas and wetlands are on marly and clay Tangier unit. REFERENCES TAHIRI Mounia, EMRAN Anas, HAKDAOUI Moustapha, SOSSEY-ALAOUI Faiça3, ACHAB Mohammed, EL HADI Hassan (2013). Rôle de la fracturation dans la répartition du réseau hydrographique du bassin de Tahaddart (Rif nord occidental, Maroc). Apport du SIG et de la Télédétection. Sciencelib, Editions Mersenne : Volume 5, n ° 131211, ISSN 2111-4706; p:1-21. TAHIRI Mounia, Mohammed ACHAB, Anas EMRAN, Abdelfatah TAHIRI, Mustapha HAKDAOUI, Hassan EL HADI (2014a). Lithology Data Contribution in Hydrographic Network Distribution Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Case of the Tahaddart Basin, Northwestern Rif, Morocco. International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, 380-391. TAHIRI Mounia, Mustapha HAKDAOUI, Anas EMRAN, Mohammed ACHAB, Hassan EL HADI, Abdelfatah TAHIRI (2014b). Contributions du SIG et de la Télédétection à la corrélation entre le NDVI et la pluviométrie __________________________________________________________________________ 2ème Colloque International sur les utilisateurs des SIG GIS, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 nd 2 International symposium of GIS Users, Meknès, les 20 et 21 novembre 2014
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