Sam Chapman Public School THE CHAPMAN CHAMPION May 2014 270 Alfred Paterson Drive (905) 472-8374 A message from Administration…. There was a great turnout at the last School Council meeting of the year. We would like to thank Gina Lalani for her years of service, dedication and inspirational leadership. Our Council is truly unique in so many ways and we are so grateful for all of your hard work and dedication to student success over this past year. We have had a super, outstanding year at Sam Chapman P.S. and we hope to see many of you at our Volunteer Social which will take place on Wednesday, May 28th at morning recess. Invitations will be forthcoming. We recently completed our final mural for the 2013-2014 school year. The Gr. 4 students from Mr. Sum and Mme. Lam’s class worked with artist Karen Maxwell to create a multi-disciplinary approach which included asking the students to think about our life in the future and how we will use technology. The children spoke of what a wonderful learning experience it was, how fun it was to work with Mme. Maxwell and also how cool it was to paint on the school walls. Please consider checking out the mural at: https:// Speaking of the future...and this lovely Spring weather...we would like to give you a gentle reminder to consider our environment by using school buses if your child is eligible, carpooling or walking to school. Our front loop gets very busy in the morning and we are asking for your cooperation with this matter. Last Friday, May 2nd, SCPS opened it’s doors to fellow teachers and administrators for our first Instructional Rounds visit. The Instructional Rounds work is deeply connected to our learning as a school and our Board as we strive to achieve excellence and success for all of our students. Last, but not least, we are delighted to announce that Mme. Chu and Mme. Martial have received their Smartboards which is an exciting tool that is used for authentic purposes. We are looking forward to seeing some of you at our Ted Ed evening on May 15th and/ or our Much Music Family Dance on June 5th. Greg Farrell, Principal Deborah Joyce, Vice Principal The Chapman Champion Hours of Instruction for French Immersion YRDSB offers a French Immersion program that is highly sought after. As we continue to implement recommendations from our recent French as a Second Language (FSL) review, we are making a slight adjustment, based on our research, that will provide better consistency within our schools while also better meeting student needs. Research shows the importance of time spent learning in French at the beginning of a program. In Grades 1 to 3, YRDSB students receive 100 per cent of their instruction in French. Beginning in Grade 4, English instruction is introduced for a number of subjects. Starting in the 2014-15 school year, weekly instructional time in Grades 4-8 will be shared equally between French and English language of instruction. Students will accumulate at least 5,000 hours of French language instruction by the end of Grade 8, which far exceeds the 3,800 hours mandated by the Ontario Ministry of Education. YRDSB remains deeply committed to providing high quality and sustainable French as a Second Language (FSL) instruction Thanks, Christina Choo-Hum, Public Affairs & Communications York Region District School Board 905.727.0022 ext. 2527 Summer Institute Home The York Region District School Board’s Summer Institute is a program that offers academic, recreational and athletic programs and activities with intentional links to the Ontario Curriculum for children and youth entering Senior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Weekly sessions are offered at eleven elementary schools throughout the region from June 30, 2014 to August 8, 2014. The Summer Institute is a summer program located at several selected schools around York Region and is supervised by and run through the York Region District School Board. It is being offered to community members as a component of The Performance Plus (P+) Family of Schools. The “Performance” in the program’s name refers to student achievement and well-being. The “Plus” in the program’s name refers to the additional resources and leadership that can enhance learning in elementary schools in neighbourhoods affected by poverty. Additional resources and leadership bring school staff members, families and communities together to ensure that every child is prepared to learn. The York Region District School Board Summer Institute for Kids Program provides a variety of academic, recreation and sports activities with intentional links to the Ontario Curriculum to reinforce skill development and curriculum expectations for students from kindergarten to grade eight. Weekly sessions run at sites for either 4 or 6 weeks from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm with extended before and aftercare programs available at all locations. For more information go to and click on the SI Summer Programs link. Page 2 The Chapman Champion As the weather is getting warmer, it is important to remind our students and families of the appropriate dress code at Sam Chapman P.S.: For girls: The length of shorts and skirts should be at mid-thigh. Shirts and summer tops should have a shoulder width of two inches at a minimum. (Not display visible undergarments) Tops should be long enough to cover the mid section. For boys: No muscle shirts are allowed-there must be a shoulder width of 2 inches at a minimum. Shorts should be waist fitted. (Not display visible undergarments) For both boys and girls: Flip-flops are discouraged for safety reasons Proper non-marking shoes must be worn for gym. Should not wear clothes that portray/display: alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, profanity, sexually explicit words/pictures, symbols or pictures Should not wear caps, hats, bandanas or head coverings (religious requirements aside) Please discuss this dress code with your child. Page 3 The Chapman Champion Eco-Quest The Grade 7 and 8 students attended the Eco-Quest Exhibition on April 2nd in Toronto. They were introduced to how questioning with an inquiring mind could be used to understand and find answers to daily questions pertaining to our environment. Future Building 2014 The Grade 7 and 8 students attended a one day exhibition, FUTURE BUILDING 2014, in Burlington on Wednesday April, 9th. They were introduced to the various careers in the Construction Industry and were able to experience some of them with some hands-on activities. Grade 7-12 students from various school boards attended the event that was held for 3 days. The event will be in Central Ontario in 2015. Math Gauss Test The Math Gauss Test, developed and administered by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo, will be held at Sam Chapman PS on May 14th for the Grade 7s, and on May 20th for the Grade 8. Grade 7 and 8 students from Ontario, Canada and around the world take part in this contest. The questions are based on curriculum common to all Canadian provinces. Top students in the test will be awarded a certificate from the University of Waterloo. Participants preparing for the test can browse the CEMC website for some past questions (http:// The Grade 8 students are getting ready for their Out-of-Province graduation trip that will be in May, and also for their graduation day in June 2014. Congratulations Grade 8!! Page 4 The Chapman Champion Earth Day at Sam Chapman took many forms. Most classes participated in a neighbourhood clean-up and some made pledges to the EARTH to try to make it a better place for all. Below are some samples of the pledges made. Students, perhaps you can translate some of these for your parents? Cher monde, Bonjour. Mon nom est Safa. Je voulais te dire merci pour être là pour tous les humains. Sans toi on flotterait dans l’espace. Ca va aussi être difficile de boire de l’eau parce que tu auras une casque et ce n’est pas facile de boire avec une casque. Beaucoup de personnes seraient aussi aveugles parce que quand tu pleures dans l’espace les larmes restent aux yeux. Je veux aussi te dire merci pour l’air. Le monde donne nous l’oxygène on a besoin pour respirer. Les enfants ne peuvent pas jouer, les adultes ne peuvent pas travailler et la vie ne peut pas être vit. J’espère que tout le monde peut prendre soin des cadeaux que tu nous offres. Sincèrement, Safa, Grade 4 Page 5 The Chapman Champion Nos promesses à la terre par la classe de Mme Houde : On va utiliser les deux côtés d’un papier. We will use both sides of paper. On va collecter de la pluie pour arroser nos plantes. We will collect water after it rains and use it to water our plants. On va réduire le montant d’eau qu’on utilise pour prendre un bain pour éviter le gaspillage d'eau. We will reduce the amount of water we use to take a bath in order to conserve water. On vas utiliser des matériaux réutilisables (ex. utiliser une serviette pour sécher nos mains, plutôt qu’un mouchoir). We will use recyclable material (ex. using a cloth to dry our hands rather than paper towels). Quand on reçoit des cadeaux, on va réutiliser le papier pour faire l'art. When we receive gifts, we will reuse the paper for other purposes, including art. Je promets de ne pas lancer les déchets partout, de ne pas utiliser la voiture quand on va quelque part proche, de se profiter des restes pour le composte et de garder notre planète propre pour les générations suivantes. Merci pour nous protéger-maintenant c`est notre tour. Brayden, Grade 4 Chère terre: Parfois, les gens vous faites sale par fumer et lancer leurs déchets dans des habitats des animaux, comme l’océan ou des forêts etc. Les gens vous traitent comme la poubelle. Les personnes vont juste dire que c’est juste une roche ou juste une pièce de papier et ce n’est pas vivant, mais ce que je pense est que toutes les choses ont une vie et tu dois les traiter comme tu veux être traité. Alors même si c’est juste une roche ou une pièce de papier, je le traite comme je veux être traité, avec soin, le respect et la gentillesse. Même chose avec la terre, je la traite avec le respect, la gentillesse et le soin. Pour aider, je vais en premier améliorer les choses dans ma famille avant que commence avec les autres, je vais les enseigner de ce qu’on doit faire/améliorer et ce qu’on doit arrêter! Je vais essayer de participer dans un nettoyage de printemps. Je vais essayer de ramasser tous les déchets quand je le vois pour garder notre terre en bonne santé. Si je vois quel qu’un qui ne fait pas les bons choix, je vais les expliquer les conséquences qui vont arriver. Je vais essayer d’être conscient et de ne pas gaspiller l’eau. Je vais demander mes parents d’utiliser une voiture seulement quand c’est nécessaire. Je vais faire mon possible de suivre ces règles et si par accident je brise une de les, je vais essayer de le réparé. Sincèrement, quelqu’un qui vit sur toi. Tharin, Grade 4 Page 6 The Chapman Champion Page 7 The Chapman Champion Page 8 The Chapman Champion SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM Through a directive from the Ministry of Education and Training, all School Boards are to implement a safe arrival program in their schools. The York Region District School Board has been working very closely with the York Regional Police to ensure the safety of our students. The safe arrival program at Sam Chapman P.S. depends on parents to notify the office in the event of their child’s late arrival or absence. All parents and guardians are reminded to please call the school (905) 472-8374 and leave a message if your child is going to be absent or late. Please leave your child’s name, teacher’s name and the reason for the absence. This phone operates 24 hours a day so please call the moment you know that your child will be absent or late. If a student is not in school and the school office has not received notification from the parents, the school will take the following steps: Step One: Call the student’s home. If there is no answer the school will, Step Two: Call the parents at work or cell phone. If there is no response the school will, Step Three: Call the emergency contact person. If the contact person cannot be reached and/or does not know where the student is then Step Four: The school will notify the York Regional Police that a child is missing. Please remember to call the school if your child will be late or absent. You may be interested to know that the secretary often spends over an hour daily following up on the numerous unreported absences. Each year we are forced to contact York Regional Police to assist in finding a ‘missing child’. In each case the child is usually found with his/her parent. Please help out by being conscientious about phoning the school when your child is going to be absent. Student Absence—Please call the Office ASAP (24hr answering machine) at 905-472-8374 for every student absence and/or late. Page 9 The Chapman Champion EXTRA CLOTHES PLEASE!! Please send your child to school with an extra set of season appropriate clothing (pants, top, socks, shoes, etc). Some of our younger students may still have the odd “accident” and as the season changes and the weather can be wet we often have students who slip or fall into mud or puddles and require a change of clothes. Pa ge Co nt en t Punctuality is Important!!! Punctuality is a life-skill that is valued by school, employers in the work-force, and society. The bell rings at 8:05 a.m. at Sam Th Chapman P.S. and classes begin at 8:05 a.m. Students are exe Yo pected to be in class by the beginning of our opening exercises. rk Supervision outside begins at 7:50 a.m. Re gi Students must enter using their grade designated doors (not the front doors) on when the first bell goes at 8:00 a.m. Di str Help your child start each school day ready to learn! ict Sc Several strategies will be used to help students who are repeatedly late to ho school. Parents will be contacted and we’ll work together on a plan to supol Bo timely arrival. port ar Severe cases will be referred to the York Region District School Board’s d’ s Attendance and Counselling Services. Su RESEARCH HAS SHOWN THAT REGULAR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE m m ISer IMPORTANT FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. InPLEASE PLAN FAMILY VACATIONS DURING SCHOOL VACATION TIMES. sti tu te is a pr og ra m THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Page 10 The Chapman Champion STUDENT SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY STUDENT DROP OFF & PICK UP: We encourage all of our students to walk to school where possible or take the bus to and from school where eligible. We have approximately 9 buses that come into and go out of the school everyday. It is critical that we follow the procedures outlined below to avoid putting students in danger. KISS and RIDE: We ask those parents who drive their children to drop them off on Alfred Paterson Drive (‘Kiss and Ride’) where we will have a teacher on duty from 7:50 - 8:05 a.m. who will direct the students to the safe area behind the school. We only allow children to exit the vehicles on the right-hand lane, beside the curb. Exiting on the driver side of the vehicle would put them in harms way into passing traffic. The other lane is only used once your child has entered or exited the vehicle and you are ready to drive away. There should be no need for parents to exit their vehicles as there is no parking in this lane. Please have students ready to exit the car on their own with their bags. (give your hugs & kisses at home!) When you enter the Kiss and Ride lane, please pull your vehicle up as far as possible to allow for other vehicles to enter. There is absolutely NO PARKING in the Kiss and Ride lane. If you need to walk your child into school then please park on the street. STAFF PARKING LOT: Please do not enter the staff parking lot unless you arrive after 8:00 am. Note that there is no supervision other than your own and we ask you to park your car and accompany your child into the school through the front door and to the office for a late slip. BUS LOOP: Please note the bus loop is used for buses ONLY (no cars may enter) TEACHER SUPERVISION: Teacher supervision is available outside in the morning from 7:50—8:05am and after school from 2:35—2:50 pm. Please do not drop off your child prior to that time or arrive late to pick up your child at the bus stop or the school at the end of the day. If an emergency happens, please inform us and we will be sure that your child will wait for you in the office. Please make sure that the office is notified of any last minute changes in your child’s pick-up routine. On rainy days, students enter the school from the rear entrance and wait in their designated hallway. If you require any information on bussing, please visit the website at Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our children safe! Page 11 The Chapman Champion BIRTHDAYS! A birthday is a special event. At Sam Chapman P.S. we announce all birthdays over the PA during morning announcements. As many of our students have severe food allergies, inGreg Farrell, Principal tolerances and dietary restrictions we ask that you do not Deborah Joyce, Vice Principal send in any food with your child. Also, in an effort to eliminate any issues of inequity, we ask that you do not send in any loot bags or gifts for the class. This places undue pressure on other families who may not be in a financial position to do the same for their child. Instead, we would like to suggest that you donate a French book to the classroom library so that all children may enjoy the gift. We will label the book with your name and it will remain in the class for all to enjoy!! Thank you. VISITOR SIGN-IN All visitors to the school must report directly to the office and sign in. Please do not go directly to your child’s classroom to pick up your child. If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher, please call in advance to make an appointment to make sure they are Greg Farrell, PrincipalThank you. available. Deborah Joyce, Vice Principal Page 12 The Chapman Champion Page 13 The Chapman Champion CHARACTER MATTERS AT SAM CHAPMAN P.S. ! During the month of April we focused on the character trait of INTEGRITY. “We are truthful and sincere. We ensure consistency between what we say and what we do as well as between what we believe and how we behave”. One student from each class has been recognized with a character award for demonstrating this trait in a significant and ongoing way. We will also be recognizing students who exhibit a strong and consistent effort to speak French in the classroom. INTEGRITY Award winners for April are: Grade 1: Vaamanan, Jessica, Abigail, Nishta, Alessio, Ethan, Inaya Grade 2: Kaya, Cynthia, Zarius, Sara, Jiabei, Colin Grade 3: Selena, Nicholas, Shayan, Sophia Grade 4: Adam, Alexandra, Samuel Grade 5: Aaron, Neelab Grade 6: Mika, Vani Grade 7: Jasmyn, Christopher Grade 8: Rick The character trait for May is Courage. “We face challenge directly. We seek help from others when necessary. We do the right thing even when it may be unpopular. We are able to recognize risks and danger and do not take unwise risks to gain the approval of those around us”. Page 14 The Chapman Champion STUDENT BUSING ELIGIBILITY Did you know that students’ bussing eligibility changes throughout their school career? Your son/ daughter’s eligibility to ride the school bus may change according to their grade and distance from home to school. Below are the provisions for eligibility identified in the Board’s Transportation Policy #680: • All YRDSB students in Grades JK-3 who live within 1.2 km of their school are not eligible for transportation • All YRDSB students in Grades 4-8 who live within 1.6 km of their school are not eligible for transportation To view Board Policy #680 Student Transportation, please visit For more information about bus transportation and to determine your child’s eligibility please visit Reporting Your Child’s Absence You MUST call in your child’s absence and notify us of their late arrival everyday! We have a 24 hour absence reporting line 905-472-8374. Clearly state and SPELL your child’s name, their teacher’s name and the reason for absence . If we do not know where your child is, we must call the police! When calling in please indicate whether the absence is an illness, a medical appointment, an injury, a vacation or a parent withdrawal (a day off). Thank you for your cooperation. If your child forgets their lunch, homework, shoes, etc. please put a note on the item with your child’s name and leave it on the table outside the Office. We are not able to interrupt the class of the students to let them know you have brought these things in for them. All students should know to check this table for forgotten items. Your cooperation is appreciated! Page 15 The Chapman Champion SAM CHAPMAN PUBLIC SCHOOL STAFF LIST 2013/2014 Grade Level 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2/3A 3A 3B 3C 3D Teacher Dhunna, Daisy Nicholson, Nancy Konate, Dramane McDonough, Erika Mashooque, Sariya Renton, Tanya Naroski, Tess Chu, Jennifer Brabender, Trista Kaba, Khadija Gross, Marie-Clare Martial, Katherine Belfiore, Patricia Cere-Williams, Karine Houde, Blaire El-Geries, Wassim Rankine, Nicole 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 6A 6B Lam, Gillian Robinson, Erin Sum, Edward Ah-Teck, Jean Claude Rahman, Samena Argento, Silvana Gourley, William 7A 7B 8A Hoekstra, Hajnalka Johnson, Karen Hung, David English Library + Prep Prep Music Sert + Prep Phys Ed + Prep Phys Ed + Prep Principal Vice Principal EOAA Secretary A Lead Custodian Custodians Macklin House Before/After Staff Room Jonker, Tanya Kapp, Maret Najarian, Nanig Woodger, Tim Robinson, Marla Roy, Mike Mahmood, Amjad Farrell, Greg Joyce, Deborah Canner, Lori Donnelly, Kathleen Jeremy Sutherland Dalvin Ong, Sue Gilbert Tech Room Science Room Art Room Conference Room Room LTO (Howes) LTO (St. Clair) LTO (Petrin) (LTO) (Literacy/Numeracy Lead) (LTO) LTO (Lilly) LTO (Saunders) (Tech Lead) (Positive Climate Lead) (LTO) (Tech Lead) (Positive Climate Lead) (The Arts Lead) 105 109 108 106 103 104 113 202 207 203 208 206 220 110 211 209 112 Voicemail 1058 1098 1088 1068 1038 1048 1138 2028 2078 2038 2088 2068 2208 1108 2118 2098 1128 216 217 221 P6 P3 P2 P1 2168 2178 2218 326 323 322 321 218 219 204 2188 2198 2048 212 526 213 119 215 134 134 501 502 2128 5268 2138 1198 2158 1348 400 5018 5028 5008 5058 5258 500 505 525 116 110 111 110 204 213 130 Page 16 The Chapman Champion MAY DATES TO REMEMBER: May 1—Field Trip—Gr. 3—Heritage School House May 7—Field Trip—Gr. 3—Heritage School House May 8—Sushi Lunch —Jump Rope for Heart—Kick-off Assembly May 12-16—Field Trip—Gr. 8—Ottawa & Montreal May 14—Field Trip—Gr. 4—Bruce’s Mill May 15—Field Trip—Gr. 3—Heritage School House —Field Trip—Gr. 4—Bruce’s Mill —TED ED CLUB MEETING 7:00-8:30 May 19—Victoria Day Holiday—NO SCHOOL! May 21-23—Field Trip—Gr. 6—Camp Pinecrest May 27—Jump Rope for Heart Event May 29—Sushi Lunch Page 17
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