ど 犠 ・ に ,「 拳 つ 多ヽ 鰈 挙 曇 "牝 盈 あ な 熙夕 専 ヽ 瞼蟄 i タ Do You K■ ow Trafrlc rules on Riding Bicycles? ∼ Prevent trafflc accidents by keepihg traffIC rules. 4留・ 4繋 上 理 くん Ota Pouce StatiOn み や まち やん Bicycle is regarded as Vehiles in Japan. The general principle is for bicycles to be ridden on the roado Riding on the side lⅣ 1 ・'H灘雨1百 五面S alk is an exception. Onlyt' 「/_Bittc“ 亀りQn並 型 9】 堅止 争 挙 1- I― 里 生に > 量正三二I〕〕 Keep Si"Wl晦 left on the street. 助 た Jο ″み ノ J″ g′ 警 “ = Only in places that this sign9 bicycle五 ding is pennitted on the side walk. Whenever you cycle in these areas,yield pedestrians and cycle carefdlly and slowly. Trafrlc signal STOP Signs Keep the rules! 争σ l Proceed through the intersections obeying Trafflc Signal indication. At STOP signs,never fan to stOp,and go after 青 礼顆 chechng right and left sides for any on coming traffl● 。 鍮 鍼肉孵ヽ 轟chndren must wear helmets. Tunl on your lightin the e■ 7ening and nighto Lock your biQycle! Never dO when you ride a bicycle ! (Absolutely prohibited !〕 ′亀 Wearing headphones Drinking and riding Cycling side‐ by‐ side 鱒 Never fa日 lto ca‖ 110 when vou cause a trarEC aCCttdent by bttcycle. 薔 瘍 `尋 犠 与 鰈・ι4幸 ,%を 靱ず 辣 り 鵠・昨 準 々 Dont run awav.ln case someone is httured,ca‖ 119 tAmbulance〕 . ・ シ 疑響一 む , Using mobile phone ι ほ寧 ,''Bicycles and Pedestrian Only''
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