一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 Ⅰ 1 情報学者たちがこれらすべてを計算したところ、2011 年にはアメリ カ人は 1986 年と比べて5倍の量の情報を日々取得しており、この量は 新聞 175 紙分に相当する。 2 重要な情報とそうでない情報を選別することは苦労を伴うことがあ り、脳の神経細胞がこのような情報処理を行うことで私たちは疲労を 感じるから。 3 1人の人間の話していることを理解するには1秒間に 60 ビットの情 報を処理する必要があるが、人は1秒間につき 120 ビットの情報しか 処理できない。したがって、同時に会話をしている人間を理解できる のは 2 人に限られるため。 4 私たちの意識していないところで重要な情報を的確に判断し、不要 な情報が私たちの意識に入ってこないようにし、重要な情報に集中す ることができるようにする。(74 字) 5 ハ 6 ロ Ⅱ 1 音楽を聴く側は、その後の人生において音楽をより良く理解できる し、音楽家は長い目で見れば、音楽について素養のある聴き手を保証さ れる。また音楽によって人生の質が大いに高められる可能性がある。 (93 字) 2 音楽はスポーツのように競争の原理に従うものではなく、共有体験 として機能する必要があるという仮定。(48 字) 3 ただきれいな音を生み出すことと、音楽を作ることの違いは、後者 は全ての異なる要素から一つの有機的な統一体を作ろうと努力するこ とを意味している点である。 4 ホ 一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 Ⅲ 1 which ( one without which you cannot ) 2 able ( to be able to choose) 3 is ( All that is wanted ) the ( It is the absence of wisdom ) 4 Ⅳ ① This is a picture of a little girl looking out of her bedroom window on a rainy day. The girl’s name is Mary and she had been hoping to go out to play with her best friend, Sally, whose father is a farmer and who has a horse named Bella. Mary loves riding horses and especially loves riding Bella with her friend Sally. Usually on Sundays she spends the whole day on Sally’s farm, and those are the happiest times for Mary. But today the sky is dark and it is raining and her mother has told her she cannot go out riding this time. So she is sitting by her window and seems to be wishing for the rain to stop. (122 words) ② This is a drawing of old Joe Macdonald, who lives on his farm with his wife and dog and many other animals. He has become good friends with his animals and cannot bring himself to eat them, so they all live happily together. There is a duck and a chicken, whose names are Di and Do, and a cat who likes to sit on the fence. Her name is Lily. There is a cow named Moo, who thinks she is the boss, and three sheep named Ennie, Miney, Mo. Old Joe is getting old, but every morning he takes a walk outside and likes to talk to the animals about politics and the economy. The animals like to listen to him talk, but his wife thinks he is crazy! (129 words) 一橋大(前期)【英語】解答 ③ This is a picture of a young lady who has discovered that her husband has died in his sleep. She was away all night with her friends at a party enjoying herself and only got back home a few minutes ago. She went to his bedroom to wake up her husband, but noticed that he wasn’t breathing. At first she could not believe it and tried to shake him awake, but then realized that he was indeed dead. Now she thinks it was her fault, and that she should not have spent so much time at the party with her friends. She is thinking about how to explain to her husband’s parents that their dear son has died. (118 words) Ⅴ A 1 (They washed their bodies) With sand and oil. 2 (It became popular) In the 19th century. 3 (The average person uses) 10 kilograms of soap. B 1 (The earliest recorded lessons were) In 1096. 2 (They would have been handwritten) For at least 300 years. 3 (It was) 229 years old.
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