Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 1> ID No. Name: How

Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 1>
ID No.
① ゆうべのパーティーはどうだった
How was the party last night?
② メンバーは全員会議に出席していますか。
Are all the members present at the meeting?
③ これを帰宅の途中で忘れずに投函しなさい。
Don't forget to mail this on your way home.
④ 私の同僚の一人が今入院している。
One of my colleagues is in the hospital now.
⑤ 私はカゼをひいているので今日は仕事に行けない。
I have a cold, so I can’t go to work today.
⑥ 彼女は映画が好きだね
She likes movies, doesn’t she?
⑦ サリー、この書類をすぐにコピーしてくれ。
Sally, copy these documents right now, please.
⑧ その作家の最新作はあまり面白くない。
The writer’s latest work isn't very interesting.
⑨ 誕生パーティーでエミリーはいくつプレゼントをもらいましたか。
How many presents did Emily get at her birthday party?
⑩ 私は日曜日には遅く起きるので朝食を食べない。
I get up late so I don’t have breakfast on Sundays.
ID. No. (
Name (
長橋 教材 検索→「教材置き場」→「E-Learning ラウンジ」→ 関連 Unit で学習
Unit 1
1) ----- so noisy in the library.
① Not be
② Be not
Don’t be
2) There ----- no ashtrays in this room.
① is
② are
③ have
Aren’t you
④ has
3) ----- all the members present at the meeting?
① Is
② Are
③ Do
④ Does
4) ----- forget to mail this on your way home.
① Not
② You aren’t
③ Don’t
5) ----- your car in the parking lot?
① Is
② Are
③ Do
④ Does
6) ----- your cell phone have a camera?
① Is
② Are
③ Do
④ Does
Be not
7) “She likes movies, -----? “ “No, she doesn’t.”
① does she
② doesn’t she
③ don’t she
isn’t she
8) The writer’s latest work ----- very interesting.
① isn’t
② aren’t
③ don’t
④ doesn’t
9) ----- presents did Emily get at her birthday party?
② How many
① How
③ How much
④ What many
10) I get up late so I ----- breakfast on Sundays.
① don’t
② haven’t
③ don’t have
not have
Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 2>
ID No.
① 列車は時間通りに来るだろうか
Will the train come on time?
② 午後雨がやめば私たちは野球をするつもりです。
We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops raining.
③ 私は彼女が病気だと思ったが、実際はそうではなかった。
I thought she was sick, but actually she wasn't.
④ 彼がここへ戻るまでに桜の花は散っているだろう。
The cherry blossoms will have fallen by the time he returns here.
⑤ 私が戻ったときには、職場には誰もいなかった。
Nobody was there in the office when I returned.
⑥ 私は先週ひどいカゼをひいたが、今は元気だ。
I caught a bad cold last week, but now I’m okay.
⑦ 私がスーパーマーケットにいる問、誰かが私の自転車を盗んだ。
Someone stole my bicycle while I was at the supermarket.
⑧ 寝る前に歯を磨かなければなりません。
You must brush your teeth before you go to bed.
⑨ また東京に来たら、私たちに会いに来てください。
Please come and see us when you are in Tokyo again.
⑩ 私たちは京都に1週間滞在して、それから富士山に登る予定です。
We’ll stay in Kyoto for a week, and then we are going to climb Mt. Fuji.
ID. No. (
Name (
長橋 教材 検索→「教材置き場」→「E-Learning ラウンジ」→ 関連 Unit で学習
Unit 2
1) I bought the novel, but ----- it after all.
① not read
② read not
③ didn’t read
④ I’m not read
2) We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it -----.
① stops raining
② will stop to rain
③ will stop raining
④ will not rain
3) ----- it raining when you came back?
① Is
② Does
③ Was
④ Did
4) Right now the baby is -----.
① sleep
② sleeps
④ slept
③ sleeping
5) He ----- three mugs of beer at the restaurant.
① drink
② drank
③ drunk
④ dranks
6) We ----- to cancel the game even if it rains.
① don’t going
② aren’t going
③ are going not
④ not going
7) You must brush your teeth before you ----- to bed.
① go
② will go
③ have gone ④ went
8) I was born and ----- up in Tokyo.
① grow
② growth
③ grew
④ grown
9) We’ll stay in Kyoto for a week, and then we ----- Mt. Fuji.
① will have climbed
② climbing
③ have climbed
④ are going to climb
10) How long ----- to stay in Los Angeles?
① do you going
② are you going
③ will you
④ will you going
Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 3>
ID No.
① 両親がカリフォルニアから引っ越して来た 1980 年から、彼はずっとここに住んでいる。
He’s lived here since 1980 when his parents moved from California.
② もう新しいマニュアルを読んだかい。
Have you read the new manual yet?
③ あのわがままな女性と一緒に仕事をするとは、トリシアはがまん強いに違いない。
Tricia must have patience to work with that selfish woman.
④ 誰かがドアを開けていて、台所は凍えるような寒さだった。
Somebody had opened the door, and it was now freezing in the kitchen.
⑤ 本当に申し訳ありませんが、他に方法がなかったのです。
I’m awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply had to do so.
⑥ あなたが明日東京に着くまでに、私は既に北海道へ向けて出発してしまっているでしょう。
By the time you get to Tokyo tomorrow, I will have already left for Hokkaido.
⑦ その選手は足にけがをしていたので、試合に出場できなかった。
Because the player had injured his leg, he couldn’t play in the match.
⑧ 明日は全員時間どおりにここにいなければならない。会議は 9 時ちょうどに始まる予定だ。
Everyone must be here on time tomorrow.
⑨ 「ピーターはどこにいるの」「喫茶店へ行ってしまって、まだ戻っていないよ」
“Where’s Peter?”
“He went to the cafe and hasn't come back yet.”
⑩ 「僕はそのテストを受けたんだ。本当に難しかったよ」
“I took the test. It was really hard.”
“Had you studied a lot before you took it?”
ID. No. (
Name (
長橋 教材 検索→「教材置き場」→「E-Learning ラウンジ」→ 関連 Unit で学習
Unit 3
1) ----- here since 1980 when his parents moved from California.
① He was living
② He’s living
③ He’s lived
④ He’d lived
2) “Do you still have a headache?” “No, -----.
① it goes
② it would go
③ it has gone
④ it had gone
3) You should wash the car. You ----- it for months.
① wouldn’t wash
② weren’t washing
③ hadn’t washed
④ haven’t washed
4) Somebody ----- opened the door, and it was now freezing in the kitchen.
① has
② have
③ is
④ had
5) To my surprise, John ----- natto before he came to Japan.
① was eaten
② will eat
③ has eaten
④ had eaten
6) The ground is muddy. It ----- last night.
① must be rained
② had to rain
③ must rain
④ must have rained
7) How long ----- married?
① they were
③ they had
did they get
have they been
8) Because the player ----- injured his leg, he couldn’t play in the match.
① had
② had not
③ has
④ having
9) “Where’s Peter?” “He went to the cafe and ----- come back yet.
① doesn’t ② wasn’t
③ hasn’t
④ hadn’t
10) If you have such an intense headache, you ----- a doctor.
① shall see
② should see
③ should to see
④ shall seeing
Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 4>
ID No.
① 私は決して遅れないと彼女に約束した。
I gave her my word that I would never be late.
② 彼が何時に職場を出たか覚えていますか。
Do you remember what time he left the office?
③ このコピー機は動かないので、上の階のを使う方がいい。
We should use the copier upstairs because this one doesn’t work.
④ 私は姉の車を使いたかったが、彼女はそれを私に貸してくれなかった。
I wanted to use my sister but she wouldn’t lend it to me.
⑤ CEO が辞職するといううわさは本当らしく聞こえる。
The rumor of the CEO’s resignation sounds true.
⑥ 私はとても疲れていたので目を開けていられなかった。
I was so tired that I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
⑦ 壁の絵は有名な画家によって描かれたものです。
The picture on the wall was painted by a famous artist.
⑧ 姉は自分よりずっと背の低い男性と結婚した。
My sister married a man much shorter than herself.
⑨ そのメールは誤って顧客に送られた。
The e-mail was sent to the customers by mistake.
⑩ 私たちは6時前にホテルに着く予定です。
We are going to reach the hotel before 6:00 p.m..
ID. No. (
Name (
長橋 教材 検索→「教材置き場」→「E-Learning ラウンジ」→ 関連 Unit で学習
Unit 4
1) The Academy Award ----- to the French movie.
① got
② went
③ gave
④ won
2) The invention ----- the scientist rich.
① was
② made
③ became
3) Linda ----- pale. What’s the matter with her?
① looks
② looks at
③ sees
4) How long will this hot weather -----?
① end
② become ③ last
④ stop
5) The rumor of the CEO’s resignation ----- true.
① hears
② listens
③ sounds
④ thinks
6) My grandfather ----- three years ago.
① died
② dead
③ killed
④ is dead
7) I ----- very tired after the negotiations.
① got
② made
③ went
④ took
8) A cat is ----- on the sofa.
① lying
② laying
④ lay
③ lain
9) What do you ----- this flower in English?
① say
② tell
③ call
10) This computer ----- by many employees.
① uses
② is using
③ is used
④ are used
④ express
Supplement <ゼロからスタート英文法 Section 5>
ID No.
① 田中氏はスーパーから出て来るところを見られた。
Mr. Tanaka was seen to come out of the supermarket.
② メアリーは教科書の数学の問題を解くのは簡単だとわかった。
Mary found it easy to solve the math problems in her textbook.
③ 食事中に大きな音を立てるのは無作法です。
It is bad manners to make a lot of noise while you are eating.
④ 年老いた親の世話をすることは。娘の責任である。
Taking care of her aged parents is now
their daughter’s responsibility.
⑤ 多くの旅行者が、衛兵の交替を見るためだけにバッキンガム宮殿の外で待っている。
Many tourists wait outside Buckingham Palace just to see
the Changing of the Guard.
⑥ 彼は料理するのをとても楽しんでいた。
He enjoyed cooking very much.
⑦ アメリカでは教師が大学と企業で交互に働くのは通例のことだ。
In the U.S. it is customary for teachers to work
alternately in university and industry.
⑧ 多くの点で、スノーボードに乗ることはサーフィンをすることに似ている。
In many ways, riding a snowboard is like surfing.
⑨ 観客はみんなその映画の悲しい結末に泣かされた。
The audience were all made to cry by the sad ending to the movie.
⑩ 君は友達への手紙を書き終えましたか。
Have you finished writing that letter to your friend?
ID. No. (
Name (
長橋 教材 検索→「教材置き場」→「E-Learning ラウンジ」→ 関連 Unit で学習
Unit 5
1) I have no box ----- the books in.
① carrying ② to carry ③
2) I wonder if you’d mind ----- me?
① help
② helped
③ to help
for carrying
④ helping
3) Few people ----- 100 years old.
① live
② live to be
③ to live
④ to be lived
4) I looked for something -----.
① to sit on
② to sit
③ sitting
④ to sit down
5) It is bad manners ----- a lot of noise while you are eating.
① make
② maker
③ to make
④ made
6) Many tourists wait outside Buckingham Palace just ----- the Changing of the Guard.
① for a sight
② catch sight of
③ to seeing
④ to see
7) In the U.S. ----- to work alternately in university and industry.
① it is custom teachers
② it is customary for teachers
③ teachers as a custom
④ customarily for teachers
8) In many ways, ----- a snowboard is like surfing.
② riding
① when riding
③ when you ride
④ the riding
9) The audience were all made ----- by the sad ending to the movie.
① cried
② cry
③ crying
④ to cry
10) He seems ----- idle when he was young.
① being
② to be
③ having been
④ to have been