月θ2〃おana theAmerican Dream 教科・領域教育学専攻 言語系コース M07155E 安政克枝 月朗〃加,which Char1es M. Schu1z be1ievea to be most important and essentia1.It continued to draw for丘比y years(1950’2000), is natura1that it is much reiected in the wor1d depicts American cu1ture vivid1y and concrete1y of此a刀口‘8. In addition,it describes what the average Schu1z may have be1ieved that peop1e American peop1e rea11y think and fee1through cou1d achieve success,which is one of the the comic characters.Schu1z is said to make a meanings ofthe American dream,more often in picture of peop1e’s inner㎜e:their views on America than in the O1d Wor1d,but he a1so re1igion,their joys,and sorrows. That is why seemed to think that it is i11usory and aeceptive. 月θa〃〃佃 is not mere1y entertaining but He criticizes the dark side of the American instructive. ハJthough he portrayed the wor1d dream. There are count1ess1osers on the of chi1aren, his readers inc1ude not on1y wayside of the road 1eading to it. The chi1dren but grown−ups.He may have wished ach1evers of the Amer1can dream are11m1tea to to criticize grown−ups by vi向d aescriptions of a sma11number of peop1e with uncommon chi1dren. ta1ent. This is a cu1tura1studγ The purpose of In my opinion,this is why the author the present study is to exp1ore why the depicts Char1ie Brown as Everyman.He may American peop1e have been fascinated and represent those peop1e who are exc1uded from attraCted t0 月θ∂〃α着8. In my OpiniOn, itS success. But he has what the achievers of success can be exp1ained by the fact that materiaI su㏄ess sometimes1ack:consideration 此∂刀口加is deep1y concernea with the American and sympathy for other peop1e.As a resu1t,he dream,which is what the American peop1e have is surrounded by many 1oving friends. 一330一 T㎞ough depiCting the character of Char1ie From this point of view,one of the most Brown,Schu1z is criticizing what the grown・ups important yet hidden messages from the author thi吐isimportantin1ife. may be revea1ed: raCia1equa1ity. On this point he has mucb in common with great novehsts1ike Scott Fitzgera1d. hero of肋θ om助 American aream. The θaお乃y has fu1fi11ed the SuCCeSS: to ref1ect he has no frienas meaning of the American dream: aemOCraCy, Equahty as Wen aS freedom is a keyword in Martin Lutber King’s speech “I Have a Dream” ageS・ each character treatS ana respects 月θ舳uお (1963). It to the CO10r of their 月θθ〃口広81Sa has skin, WOr1d where gender, Or equa1ity, age・ which const1tutes one aspect of the Amer1can dream, American Schu1z may be criticizing the SOCiety by depicting the wor1d of chi1dren. Why is it1oved in America even It 1s of nOW? Besides we see a America as a me1ting pot. In is fu11y rea1ized. resonated with the American peop1e a11thmugh the 距。wn−ups・ others as his or her equa1,paying no attention 月θa刀口おis a1so concerned with the other equahty status,honor,and wea1th that characterize the variety of chi1dren in月θa刀uお,which is meant except Nick Carraway 1iberty or wor1a ofchi1aren usua11y has nothing to ao with WOr1d of the He has become immense1y But he seems to have1ost much in exchange for biS The noted that no aduユt apPears in Pθa刀口お。 rich直nd his parties attracted a great number of peop1e. It shouユd be COurSe because it has a tremendous apPea1ing Power to the American peop1e. has nOt But it may be because what he said been achieved and materia1ized: because racia1equa1ity is sti11but “a dreaIn.” For the nat1on of1mm1grants,equa11ty has been and wi11be one of the highest idea1and the most signi丘。ant cha11enge. 一331一 主任指導教員 松阪 仁伺 芋旨導教員 松阪 仁伺
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