甲南大学夏期社会人講座 2002 英語コミュニケーションの楽しさ 国際言語文化センター中村耕二 1 コミュニケーションを始めようpair work My name is Koji Nakamura. I’m from ( ), Japan. I specialize in physics at Konan University. My hobbies are playing tennis. In the future I am going to …….. I will do my best. I hope my dream will come true. Thank you very much. 2 1 コミュニケーションとは何か communication の語源 ラテン語の communicatio 分かち合う、共にする(share with) Sharing meaning and information with others 意味内容や情報を共有すること。 3 Speech Communicationの領域 Public Speaking パブリック・スピーキング Problem-Solving Democratic Discussion 問題解決のための 民主的なデイスカッション Logical Debate with valid Evidence 証拠で説得する論理的な デイベート 4 1 Public Speaking Informative Speech 情報を提供するスピーチ Persuasive Speech 説得するスピーチ Inspirational Speech 啓蒙するスピーチ 5 良い英語のスピーチの条件 1 Delivery (話し方) Eye-Contact (目線) Smile (微笑み) Voice (はっきりとして声) Emotional Appeal (心引かれる熱意) 2 Content (内容) 3 English as an International Language (国際英語)VTR1A 6 Mother Teresa のスピーチは何故 感動を与え、行動を促すか。VTR1 マザーテレサのハーバード大学でのスピーチ There is a hunger, maybe not a hunger for a piece of bread, but there is a terrible hunger for love. Find them, love them and put your love for them in your living actions. For loving them, you are loving God himself. God bless you. 7 Persuasive Speech 説得力のあるスピーチ 聴衆を説得するのに必要な要素 Logical Reasoning with valid Evidence 信頼性のある証拠・事実 論理的な理由づけ Emotional Appeal 感情に訴える力 Credibility and Good Will 信頼関係 方略1 Deductive Approach 演繹法 方略2 Inductive Approach 帰納法 8 方略1 演繹法 Deductive Approach Proposition 提案・命題 We have to end child labor with fair trade. 理由 Reason 1 125 million children are forced to work full time. Reason 2 理由 110 million working children are out of school . Reason3 理由 Hazardous, exploitative and life-threatening child labor goes against The Rights of the Child. 9 方略2 帰納法 Inductive Approach Reason1 理由 Reason 5 理由 Reason3 理由 提案・命題 Proposition Reason 2 理由 Reason4 理由 10 I Have a Dream (VTR 2) by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood; 11 I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice; 12 I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character; I have a dream today 13 I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. この国の不協和音を美しい兄弟愛 の交響曲に変えることができる。 14 20世紀最大のスピーチの理由 繰り返し夢を語る (Dream) 個人攻撃なし(差別を憎み人を恨まない) 普遍性 (人種、宗教、文化を超えた普遍的な夢) 卓越した修辞法 Analogy 類似 oasis of freedom and justice Metaphor 隠喩 a beautiful symphony of brotherhood Simile 直喩 justice rolls down like waters Parallel 並列 I have a dream that …I have a dream … パブリック・スピーチ→感動→共感→行動→社会変革 15 Organization 構成と一貫性 Attention-getting Introduction はじめ Topic Sentence (主題文) Thesis Statement (命題文) Body (Support) (支持文) Cause/Effect(因果関係) (coherence) Comparison/Contrast (比較/例証) Pro-Con Structure(賛成・反対) Discusson (議論) Conclusion (結論) おわり Clincher (最後の決め手) 一貫性 16 Introduction Topic Thesis Sentence Body Support Cause Effect Statement BODY Support Comparison Contrast Conclusion Clincher 17 いかにスピーチを始めるか (Attention-getting Introduction) 日本人(感謝、謝罪で始める) 西洋人(ユーモアー、驚き、意外性等で始める) (VTR3 JET対象の講演) Toastmasters International Speech Contest in 1995 by Mark Brown(VTR4スピーチコンテスト) The real monster is within your heart. Intolerance 不寛容 Ignorance 無知 Indifference 無関心 18 いかにスピーチを終えるか (The Power of Clincher) “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” (Lincoln) “ Intolerance, indifference and ignorance. Yes, let’s kill the beast. Because everyone deserves a second chance.” (VTR5) “Free at last! free at last!Thank God almighty, we are free at last!” (Dr. King) (VTR6) “And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy) (VTR7) 19 How famous speakers prepared their Speeches?いかに準備するか 1 You should be an expert on your subject. 話すテーマに関する専門家 2 Gathering information. 情報収集 * All the facts on both sides of your subjects must be collected, arranged, studied, digested. あなたの話すテーマの賛否 両論の事実を集め、調べ、理解すること 。 *Prove them; be sure they are facts; then think out yourself the best solution. 調べた事実を証明する。 最上の解決策を考える。 20 Strategy and procedure to present a good speech 方略と手順1 1 State your facts.---Argue from them---Appeal for action. 事実を述べ、事実から議論 2 Show something that is wrong (Analysis of the status-quo) 現状分析を示す 3 Show how to remedy it.---Appeal for action. 解決策を示し、行動を促す。 4 Appeal to the motives that make people act. 人が行動を起こす動機をアピール 21 Strategy and procedure to present a good speech 方略と手順2 5 If possible record your speech in your tape recorder and listen it again and again to feed back (録音して練習) 6 Do not read your note. Do not see your notes. (できる限り原稿を読まない) 7 Notes destroy about fifty percent of the interest in your talk. (原稿を読むと人は聞かない)(VTR8) 22 Strategy and procedure to present a good speech 方略と手順3 8. After you have thought out and arranged your talk, then practice it as you walk along the street. 歩きながら練習 9.Imagine that you are addressing a real audience. The more of this you do, the more comfortable you will feel when the time comes for you to make your talk. (Dale Carnegie) 実際にスピーチをしている自分を想像して練習 23 Memory System(記憶システム) を生かそう 1. Impression 印象的な記憶 impressive memory 2. Repetition 繰り返し練習 through the power of repetition 3. Association 連想させる We can associate one fact with others. 4.Reading aloud (Lincoln Method) 声を出して自分の耳で聞く 24 プレゼンテーションにおける魔法 Spaced Rehearsal. The magic power of spaced rehearsal. 間隔をおいて何回も練習を重ねる After we memorize a thing, we forget as much during the first eight hours as we do during the next thirty days. So go over your notes and practice every day. 暗記した記憶は8時間で消える。 毎朝、昼休み、毎夕少しづつ繰り返し口頭練習 25 スピーチは成長し変化する A speech must grow. A speech can grow and explore with enough spaced rehearsal and rewriting. スピーチは練習と共に成長する。 We can select our topic early in the week. We can narrow down the subject into our own favorite topic. Think over it during the day, brood over it and sleep over it and even dream over it. This is a Lincoln Method. (Dale Carnegie) 26 スピーチは芸術作品 It’s just like an art, creating a wonderful sculpture. スピーチは芸術作品・彫刻と同じ We can’t become an expert of speech, but we can become an expert of our own topic. スピーチの達人ではなく自分の選んだ テーマの専門家にはなれる。 27 A Speech is a Voyage スピーチは航海 A Speech is a voyage. It must be charted. スピーチは航海 (海図・誘導) A Speech is like drawing a picture. スピーチは絵を描くように Draw a horizon, mountains, hills, rivers, villages, parks, gardens, houses, a seashore and a big ocean. 白のカンバスに話を描いていく 28 How to Develop Self-confidence in Public Speaking 自信 *Everybody feels butterflies in his/her stomach in public speaking. 誰でも緊張する。 誰でもパブリック・スピーキングの素質を伸ばせる。 多くの有名な話し手は集団やグループの前に立つ 時、より巧みに話せる。 是非話したくなる。 観客の存在は刺激になり、誰でも自分の考えを表 現したいという基本願望がある。 最も有名なシェイクスピアの役者でも舞台前はいつ も緊張するが、よく練習しているので、ひとたび幕が 開くと、もうそこにはいつもの俳優である自分がいる。 29 Public Speaking のまとめ 1. Start with a strong and persistent desire. 表現したい強い願望からはじめる。 2. Arouse your enthusiasm, urge, passion, zeal, drive and motivation. 3. Prepare everyday. 準備は最善の策 4. Enough preparation. If you prepare well and practice hard, you will have a strong desire to express yourself. 5. Act confidently. 自信のある振る舞い 6. Practice. Practice makes perfect. 練習 This is the most important point of all in public speaking. Fear is the result of a lack of confidence. 30 Robert Kennedy司法長官の早稲田大学での 演説(Kennedy, go home)の野次・怒号の中 “My friends, I appreciate very much the welcome you have given to me and to my wife. We are here to discuss in a frank and candid manner questions which will be of interest to you. …………… “There is a gentleman down in the front who evidently disagree with me. If he will ask a single question, I will try to give an answer. That is the democratic way and the way we should proceed. He is asking a question and he is entitled to courtesy.” 31 2 Discussion・話し合い Democratic Discussion 民主的な論議 Problem–solving Discussion 問題題解決の論議 (John Dewey’s Reflective Thinking) ジョン・デユーイの反省的思考 32 John Dewey’s Reflective Thinking for Problem Solving. ジョン・デユーイの問題解決のための反省思考 1. Defining the problem 問題を定義する 2. Analyzing the problem 現状分析と問題の因果関係を分析する 3. Suggesting every possible solution あらゆる可能な解決策を提案する 4. Selecting the best solution 最善策の選択 5. Carrying out the plan for the best solution (Implementing) 実行 33 Subject: Sexual Harassment (1) Defining the problem: mental/physical and sexual bullying/offense/teasing/attack (2) Analyzing the problem: gender discrimination in a male dominated society /infringement of human rights (3) Possible solutions: organized protest and bringing it to the court education for human rights and egalitarian society social and public education, organized protest through women’s network (4) Selecting the best solution: organized protest and public education (5) Suggesting way of carrying out the solution: Public Education, education at school, home and working places 34 3 Debate聴衆を説得するために 相手を論破する討論・討議 VTR8 with valid evidence 信頼できる証拠、事実 Logical Rebuttal (Refutation) 論理的な反駁・反証 35
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