192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS CAMPAIGN LIFE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CAKE SALE today before & after all Masses. The proceeds go to support the pro-life movement and its campaign to win renewed respect for all human life at all stages of its development. NOVENA MASSES - SIMBANG GABI’ The Novena Masses (Simbang Gabi’) will be held from December 15th to 23rd. Masses will be in the “Tagalog” language. The schedule will be as follow: December 15th – 19th at 8:00pm - December 20th at 7:00pm December 21st at 5:00pm - December 22nd at 8:00pm December 23rd at 8:00pm THANK YOU - We are grateful to all those parishioners who donated gifts to the poor in our neighborhood. On their behalf the St. Vincent de Paul Society expresses their gratitude for your thoughtfulness. FAREWELL FR. JEROME! Fr. Jerome has just concluded his studies and will be leaving our community after Christmas. A farewell gathering will be held on Sunday, December 21st, immediately after the 2:00pm Mass in the Parish Hall. We thank Fr. Jerome for his presence at St. Paschal’s and wish him all the best in Tamale, Ghana - Africa. MASS December 15th - 21st 2014 Monday, 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00pm Wednesday, December 17th 8:00am Adolfo Altonaga 7:00pm Santo Guizzetti 8:00pm Simbang Gabi Thursday, December 18th 8:00am Carlos Agrusa 7:00pm Int. St. Paschal Baylon School Staff & Students, In Thank. Guada Visitacion & Fam., Int. Ilidio & Mercedes, In Thank. Joseclyn Laconsay & Fam., Int. Jae Bok Damiano Lee, In Thank. Irma Agan, Int. Susan Hannan, In Thank. Vincent Nacabuan, Int. Munk Yung Elizabeth Choi, Int. Sam & Heidi, Int. Angel Munoz, Int. Letty Bayona +Maria Fuoco Alma Zaldarriaga, Rosario Quilos, Dec. Mem. Kostanski & Karpowicz Fam., Dec. Mem. Luka & Calotti Fam., Caterina Gitto, Anthony Wekerle, Lea-Anne Wekerle, Barbara Sauer, Vito De Pasquale, Adriano Quinto, Jesus Lauzon, Ambrosia & Rosita Batangan, Lucina Munoz, Suzette Assi, Souls in Purgatory MASS SCHEDULE – on January 1 our schedule of Sunday Masses PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND from February 22nd – March 5th 2015, with Fr. Vincenzo. For information, a flyer is available at the Parish Office and for travel arrangements call Mina Tours at: 905/475-5388. December 15th Lucy Chang Jung Soon Arben Atienza Simbang Gabi Tuesday, December 16th 8:00am Domenico Salza 7:00pm Int. Blessed Scalabrini School Staff & Students 8:00pm Simbang Gabi st will be modified as follow: English: 8:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm & 4:00pm Italian: 9:30am - Pilipino: 4:00pm (1st Sunday of the month) INTENTIONS 8:00pm Simbang Gabi Friday, 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00pm December 19th Gabriele Ranieri Pat Garisto Simbang Gabi ********* VENDITA DI TORTE ALLA FRUTTA oggi prima e dopo la Messe. Il profitto aiuterà la campagna in difesa della vita e della famiglia. Saturday, December 20th 8:00am Angelina O. Rosales 1:00pm Wedding: Andrew Healey & Anne De Ciantis 5:00pm Jose Ferreira 7:00pm Simbang Gabi ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Ringraziamo tutti quelli che hanno dato un’offerta alla Società di San Vincenzo de Paoli, per aiutare le famiglie povere della nostra comunità. Sunday, December 21st 8:00am Flaviana Francia 9:30am Giuseppe Di Vecchia, Sandra Smith, Marina Paoletti, Antonietta Di BUON VIAGGIO P. JEROME! Dopo aver terminato gli studi, P. Jerome ritorna nella sua diocesi di Tamale, in Ghana. P. Jerome celebrerà la Messa il 21 Dicembre alle 2:00pm cui seguirà un rinfresco nella Sala Parrocchiale per ringraziare la comunità. Tanti auguri e Dio ti benedica, P. Jerome! PELLEGRINAGGIO IN TERRA SANTA dal 22 febbraio al 5 Marzo, con P. Vincenzo. Per informazioni, rivolgetevi all’ufficio parrocchiale oppure a Mina Tours (905/475-5388). Fonzo, Mario Calce, Rocco & Rachele Terrigno, Benedetto & Maria Gentile, Amato Bucciarelli, Luigi & Iolanda Sepe, Riccardo Chiappetta, Sebastiano & Leucia Tantalo, Gerardo & Rosaria Picano, Francesco Zannella, Ignazio Cascio, Def. Fam. Pasqualina Lococo, Caterina & Salvatore Causi, Def. Fam. Adelina, Amedeo & Franco Turco, Angela & Matteo De Chellis, Def. Fam. Puleo, Arimini & Tollis 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 5:00pm INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Antonio Inacio & Maria De Lurdes Arnulfo Trigueros Simbang Gabi ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS / CONFESSIONI December 22th & 23rd December 24th 10:00am 5:00pm to to 12:00 noon 7:00pm 9:00am to 12:00 noon CHRISTMAS MASSES – MESSE NATALIZIE CHRISTMAS EVE - Wednesday, December 24, 2014 8:00pm 10:00pm 12:00am Family Mass Youth Mass Midnight Mass CHRISTMAS DAY - Thursday, December 25, 2014 8:00am (English) 9:30am (Italian) 11:00am (English) 12:30pm (English) 2:00pm (English) 4:00pm (Pilipino) New Year’s Eve - Wednesday, December 31, 2014 6:00pm Holy Hour - Adorazione 7:00pm Mass Bilingual (English & Italian) NEW YEAR’S DAY - Thursday, January 1, 2015 9:30am (Italian) 11:00am (English) 1:00pm (English) 4:00pm (English)
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