MyCreativity Sweatshop There’s No App For This — A reality check on the creative industries N o v e m b er 2 0 — 2 1 , 2 0 1 4 @ T rouw A m ster d a m The Institute of Network Cultures presents MyCreativity Sweatshop — an international symposium where artists, scholars and activists critically probe the conditions of creative production in today’s economy. Two days of panels, performances, discussions and workshops will open a space to focus on the consequences of global creative industries policy, to discuss alternatives and to develop new paths for both survival and subversion. Sp eaker s Pek van A n del / Z ac h B las / Fl orian Cramer / Si gri d Dyek jær / Mark Fis her / Pas c al Gielen / J oke Hermes / Rob er t Hewis on / Marijke H o o genb o om / Pieter van Huystee / Rob van K ranenburg / Sven Lut ti c ken / Frank Rieger / Sarah Sharma / J os ephine B err y Slater / B ruc e Sterlin g / Maria Tarantin o In many countries creative industries policy is radically reshaping the conditions of creative production. Simultaneously, new technologies are increasingly turning creative processes into a function of big data streams, algorithms and digital scalability. This raises many questions: what are the new physical, technological and aesthetic spaces of subversion and critique? How do creative industry policy and big data economies influence the idea of artistic autonomy? And, as the ‘creative’ city mutates into the ‘smart’ city, what are appropriate tactics and strategies for smart interventions from below? My Creativit y Sweats hop 20—21 N ovemb er 2014 TrouwA msterdam Ti c kets are € 20,– (regular) an d € 10,– (student dis c ount) p er day We invite artists, managers, designers, computer engineers, cultural workers, internet entrepreneurs, educators, market strategists, squatters, policy makers and anyone else interested in forging new ways and means for creative survival, to join us on 20-21 November at TrouwAmsterdam. Works h ops an d Per forman c es DIY 3D Des i gn / Di c tator Chips / Para s iti c O rganis in g / Ma sterc la s s Seren dip it y / Smar tNL / Politi c al C o -Work in g / Fir st A i d Failed Projec ts M ore information, tickets and program updates: ht t p: //net workc /myc reativit y/ My Creativit y Sweats hop is an initiative of the Institute of Net work Cultures, H o ges c ho ol van A msterdam, CRE ATE-IT ap plied res earc h, A msterdam Creative In dustries Net work, Ar ts in So c iet y Rijksuniver s iteit Gronin gen an d the Netherlan ds O rganis ati on for Sc ientifi c Res earc h Des i gn: Hen drik- Jan Grievink THE INSTITUTE OF NETWORK C U LT U R E S P R E S E N T S :
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