How to subscribe to the press release distribution service for journalists? Go to Under ‘Afzenders’ select the following departments: - Ministerie van Algemene Zaken - Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken - Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie Under ‘Extra opties’ select the following sentences: - Ik wil de persberichten ook via e-mail ontvangen. - Ik wil accreditatie aanvragen voor de ontvangst van veiligheidsgevoelige persberichten. Click ‘Volgende stap’ Enter your personal details. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Please find an explanation of the field names below. Account Emailadres = email address Wachtwoord = password (Your password must be at least 8 characters including 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 digit.) Bevestig wachtwoord = confirm password Organisatie = organisation (If you are a freelance worker, please enter ‘freelance’.) Medium = type of media (This field is not mandatory.) Apply for accreditation Personal details Voorletter = initial Voornaam = first name Tussenvoegsel = surname prefix (This field is not mandatory.) Achternaam = last name Geboortedatum = date of birth (DD-MM-YYYY) Straat = address Huisnummer en toevoeging = house number (and additions) Postcode = postcode Plaats = town / city Identification document Type = (choose passport) Nummer = number Click ‘Aanmelding controleren’ Click ‘Voltooien’
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