Productspecificatie | Spécification du produit Productspecification | Produkt Spezifikation N° 5258 Zwarte beuling 90 gr Intrastat : 16010099 Product kenmerken Caractéristiques – Properties – Eigenschaften Omschrijving Description Description Beschreibung Gekookt worstje op basis van varkensvlees en bloed. Gewicht Poids Weight Gewicht ± 0,450 kg Ingrediënten Ingrédients Ingredients Zutaten varkensvlees (45%), varkensbloed, varkensbindweefsel, aardappelzetmeel, TARWEZETMEEL (Bevat: GLUTEN), zout, groenten, conserveermiddel(E262, E250), kruiden en specerijen. Allergen. : GLUTEN Organoleptisch Organoleptique Organoleptic Organoleptisch Kleur Geur Smaak GGO OGM GMO GMO Dit product bevat geen ingrediënten afkomstig van Genetisch gemodificeerde producten. (Reg. 1928/2003/EC en Dir. 2001/18/EC; 1830/2003/EC) Zwart Eigen aan gekookte vleeswaren, geen off flavour: fris. Aangenaam, eigen aan gekookte vleeswaren: zacht Bestraling Irradiation Irradiation Bestrahlung Dit product is niet bestraald en vrij van bestraalde componenten (Dir.1999/2/EC en 1999/3/EG) Verpakking en logistiek Emballage et logistique – Packaging and logistics – Verpackung und Logistik ± 0,450 kg Primair Lengte: 240 mm Breedte: 150 mm Hoogte: 35 mm Afmeting van 1 worstje Lengte: 110 mm Diameter: 34 mm EAN Verpakkingswijze Verpakkingsmateriaal 5413904052580 Vacuüm Dieptrekfolie rood/witte print. conform Dir. EG 1935/2004 EC LOT YYDDD voorbeeld: 28/02/2014 14059 1 5258 Zwarte beuling 90 gr _ Version: 12-03-2014 (V 0. 7) Print date: 17 december 2014 Productspecificatie | Spécification du produit Productspecification | Produkt Spezifikation Bewaarcondities Conditions de stockage – Storage conditions – Lagerbedingungen Temp. bewaring Temp. de cons. Storage temp. Lagertemp. THT levering DLC livraison BBD delivery MHB lieferung 0-7 °C 42 (days) Temp. transport Temp. de transport Transport temp. Transport temp. Max 7 °C THT af productie DLC fin production BBD end of prod. MHB ende produk. 63 (days) Na opening beperkt houdbaar in koelkast Durée de vie limitée dans le réfrigérateur après ouverture Limited shelf life in refrigerator after opening Begrenzte Haltbarkeit im Kühlschrank nach dem Öffnen Chemie Chemie – Chemie – Chemie Energiewaarde (kJ) Eiwit Vet Verzadigde vetzuren voedingswaarden via berekening 1714,0 410,0 14,0 35,0 0,0 kJ kCal g/100g g/100g g/100g Koolhydraten Suikers Natrium (Na) Zout 4,2 0,3 0,6 1,6 g/100g g/100g g/100g g/100g Microbiologische eisen Exigences Microbiologique – Microbiological requirements – Mikrobiologische Anforderungen conform Dir. 2073/2005 CE Salmonella Listeria Monocytogenes Af productie Fin de production End of production Ende der Produktion Einde THT Fin de DLC End of BBD Ende MHB Absent in 25g Absent in 25g Absent in 25g <10² Microbiologische proces hygiënecriteria Critères Microbiologique d’hygiène – Microbiological hygiene criteria– Mikrobiologische Hygienekriterien conform Dir. 2073/2005 CE Af productie Fin de production End of production Ende der Produktion Einde THT Fin de DLC End of BBD Ende MHB <10 4 <10 3 <10 2 <5.10 2 <5.10 2 <5.10 <5.10² <10 7 <10 5 <10 3 <10 5 <10 5 <10 3 <10 Total count (cfu/g) Lactobacillus (cfu/g) Yeast and moulds (cfu/g) Enterobacteriaceae (cfu/g) Sulfitered. clostridia (cfu/g) Bacillus cereus Coag. Pos. Staphylococcen 4 7 *wanneer het aëroob kiemgetal op het einde van de houdbaarheid de richtwaarde van 107 cfu/g overschrijdt mag enkel afgekeurd worden wanneer geur, kleur of smaakafwijkingen vastgesteld worden. 2 5258 Zwarte beuling 90 gr _ Version: 12-03-2014 (V 0. 7) Print date: 17 december 2014 Productspecificatie | Spécification du produit Productspecification | Produkt Spezifikation ALLERGEN INFORMATION SHEET : LeDA code GS1 code 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 UW NR GB GO GS GK AW AC AE AF AP AY AM SA SH SW SC SP SR ST SM AN BC BM AS AU NL UM 20.0 21.0 ML NC 22.0 MG 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 MK NK NM NP MC MP NW Allergeen Allergène – allergen - Allergen tarwe rogge gerst haver spelt kamut GLUTEN SCHAALDIEREN EIEREN VIS AARDNOTEN SOJA MELK amandelen hazelnoten walnoten cashewnoten pecannoten paranoten pistache noten Macadamia noten NOTEN SELDERIJ MOSTERD SESAMZAAD SULFIETEN LUPINE WEEKDIEREN Additional allergens lactose cacao toegevoegde glutamatenE620621 kip koriander maïs peulvruchten rund varken wortel Recept zonder (Z) Recept bevat (M) Recept sans – Recipe without – Rezept ohne Recept contient – recipe contains – Rezept enthalt Kan bevatten (en recept zonder) (K) Peut contenir (et recept sans) – May contain (and recipe without) – enthalten können (und Rezept ohne) Onbekend (O) Inconnu – Unknown - Unbekannt Z Z Z Z Z M Z Z Z Z K K Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z M Z 3 5258 Zwarte beuling 90 gr _ Version: 12-03-2014 (V 0. 7) Print date: 17 december 2014 Productspecificatie | Spécification du produit Productspecification | Produkt Spezifikation Guarantees Only food grade raw materials, including packaging materials, are being used to formulate this product. Products were manufactured in an authorized establishment which is approved by an EU Competent Food Safety Service located in Belgium (FAVV, Belgian Federal Agency for Food Safety). Obtained quality certificates: IFS higher level Auto Controle System Guide ACS18, ACS19 Dioxins & PCB’s and other contaminants in accordance with Regulation 1881/2006/EC, setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Physical and chemical contaminants according our HACCP criteria. Standard metal detection performed. Limits depending on the product. Recall procedure ensures accurate customer information within 4 hours after we have been informed of an incident with serious consequences for public health. BE B21 EG BE B21H EG BE B1066 EG Algemene administratie Productie en verpakkingsafdeling Slicing en verpakkingsafdeling Vleeswaren Michiels NV Middelmolenlaan 139 Belcrownlaan 42 Middelmolenlaan 139 B2100 Deurne B2100 Deurne B2100 Deurne Vergunde erkenningen: B21 / B21H Vergunde erkenningen: B1066 Tel: +32 3 325 60 80 Nr vestigingseenheid: Nr vestigingseenheid: 2.162.843.444 Fax +32 3 325 64 60 Email: [email protected] Contact commercieel: Eddy Michiels (gedelegeerd bestuurder) [email protected] Thomas Michiels [email protected] Contact kwaliteit: Sarah Ceulemans [email protected] Emergency contact: Eddy Michiels (gedelegeerd bestuurder) +32 475 24 44 33 - This product complies with the FAO/WHO, EC. However, we recommend that the user ensures that this product is in compliance with the local regulations in force, particularly in the country where the product is to be consumed. This product specification is only meant for internal use and may not be abused. The above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and is based upon the product formulation and data provided by our raw material suppliers. However, no guarantee or warranty can be derived from information contained in this document. Small deviations due to natural variations of some raw materials are always possible. This version replaces all previous versions. This document was created electronically and therefore it does not include a signature. This product specification and its content is considered as accepted if not replied within 10 days after receipt. We will only inform you off significant changes in the product specification, if the variations are more than 5% and if the product has been sold to your company during the last 6 month. [Doc. Sjabloon PS_standaard V3, 7/12/2011] 4 5258 Zwarte beuling 90 gr _ Version: 12-03-2014 (V 0. 7) Print date: 17 december 2014
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