Informa on Session: Exploring the Western Chinese market through

Informa on Session: Exploring the Western Chinese market
through the INISOL trade mission – February/March 2015
ince 1991, final year master students of the Solvay Business School of the
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) organize a trade mission to an emerging
economy during a 3-week period in February/March. This trade mission,
supported by Flanders Investment and Trade and other ins"tu"onal partners, and under academic supervision, offers the possibility to Belgian companies to
explore market poten"al or deepen exis"ng "es with emerging regions. In past
years, the INISOL trade mission went to Kenya (2014), Colombia (2013), Turkey
(2012), Vietnam (2011), Indonesia (2010), China (2009) and Brazil (2008). During this
period, more than 100 Belgian firms have sent a student abroad on a tailor-made
assignment., exploring new or improving exis"ng success in emerging markets.
This year, Inisol has chosen to explore the West-Chinese market, more specifically
the Chengdu and Chongqing region. To start the campaign for interested companies
and other stakeholders, an informa on session including networking event about
the project is organized in collabora"on with BCECC, on Wednesday October 8th, at 4
PM at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
4 PM
Registra"on and welcome
4.30 PM
Introduc"on and welcome words
(Prof. dr. Michaël Dooms and Bernard Dewit)
4.40 PM
Brief presenta"on of the INISOL organiza"on
(Mr. Dieter Danau, chairman INISOL)
4.45 PM
Presenta"on of the objec"ves and the history of the Trade
Mission project (Prof. dr. Michaël Dooms, academic coordinator
of the Trade Mission)
5.00 PM
Business opportuni"es in the Chengdu-Chongqing region and
current BCECC ini"a"ves (Bernard Dewit, Chairman of BCECC)
5.20 PM
Presenta"on of the Chengdu/Chongqing trade mission project
(Ms. Isabelle Charlier, Project Leader INISOL Trade Mission)
5,30 PM
VUB-China collabora"on to leverage the trade mission: BACES,
BICCS (Prof. dr. Jan Cornelis, vice-rector Interna"onal Policy)
Tes"monials of par"cipa"ng trade mission companies of previous
6 PM
6.20 PM
Conclusions and networking cocktail
Venue: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Promo"ezaal, Building D, room 2.01,
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels
Registra"on is free, but mandatory as par"cipa"on is restricted to 50 persons.
Please register at [email protected] or [email protected]