Presentations session national funding EZ HTSM RVO Innovation instruments Session National funding and TKI HTSM UT Grants Week 21 October 2014 Marjolijn van Valkenhoef Ministry of Economic Affairs Department of Knowledge and Innovation 4 november 2014 Content 1. Ambitions enterprise policy 2. Innovation policy: two tracks 3. Innovation instruments 3.1 Fiscal instruments 3.2 Credits 3.3 TKI allowance (TKI-toeslag) 3.5 MIT (SME subsidy) 4. Scheme innovation instruments 2 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 1. Ambitions enterprise policy • Top 5 knowledge economies (2020); 2014: nr. 8 (WEF) • 2,5% R&D (2020); 1,90% (2011), 1,97% (2012) • > 500 mln. innovation PPP (TKI’s), 40% private capital (on track) 3 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 2. Innovation policy: two tracks 1. Generic Encourage innovation in all enterprises, esp. SME: - Provide an excellent innovation climate and promote R&D investments - Availability of innovation funding and risk capital 2. Topsectors Encourage PPP in 9 Top Sectors: - Joint programming by knowledge institutes, researchers and enterprises (Golden Triangle) - Joint research in TKI’s (Topconsortia Knowledge and Innovation) through TKI Allowance - Involve SME’s through SME Top Sector Subsidy (MIT) 4 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 3. Innovation instruments for enterprises Instrument Budget 2015, mln. € # users 2013 Generic WBSO (fiscal) 794 22.640 RDA (fiscal) 238 16.160 Innovation Box (fiscal) est. 625 app. 1.300 Innovatiefund SME+: Seed Capital 17 39 Innovatiefund SME+: Innovation Credit 76 44 Eurostars 11 49 TKI Allowance 81 app. 1.900 MIT Subsidy 30 app. 1.800 JTI’s/ Eureka Clusters 31 app. 100 Topsectors 5 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 3.1 Fiscal innovation instruments WBSO/ R&D Promotion Act (since 1994) • WBSO: R&D tax deduction on wages (in labour tax) RDA/ R&D Deduction (since 2012) • R&D tax deduction (in corporate income tax): • R&D Investments • R&D Operating costs Innovation Box (since 2010) • Tax deduction on innovation profits in corporate income tax (immaterial activum) 6 Ministerie van Ministeries vanEconomische EconomischeZaken Zaken & Financiën 4 november 2014 3.2 Innovation Fund SME+ Innovationfund SME+ Budget 2012 – 2015 € 500 mln. First pillar Innovation Credit •project financing • SME+ • “first come, first serve” • € 76 mln. in 2015 7 Second pillar Seed Capital •financing enterprises through risk capital market • early stage venture capital market • tender • € 17 mln. in 2015 Third pillar Fund-of-funds (DVI) •financing enterprises through risk capital market •later stage / growth venture capital market • “first come,first serve” • ambition € 200 – 300 mln. (ca. € 100 mln. MEA) Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 3.3 TKI Allowance • Supplement (25%) on private (cash) contributions in PPP through TKI (first € 20.000 per enterprise 40% (cash& in kind) • TKI’s apply for the Allowance. TKI Allowance can be used for: - PPP in R&D - network activities - innovation coaches 8 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 3.4 SME Innovation Topsectors (MIT) • Connecting innovative SME to topsectors • Encourage SME to collaborate on R&D (with each other, knowledge institutes) • Toolbox: SME - Feasability studies - R&D-collaboration - Innovation performance contracts (IPC) - Knowledge vouchers - Hiring temporary high educated staff TKI - Network activities - Innovation coaches 9 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 4. Scheme innovation instruments 10 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 4 november 2014 Introduction top sector HTSM F.A. Karelse Deputy Director TKI HTSM [email protected] UT grants week Enschede, 21 October 2014 2 Dutch Top sector policy • • • • Economic growth through innovation Industry in the driving seat Transition from public grants to fiscal benefits Overall reduction of public investments • Top sectors = industry with (a lot of) R&D • Execution with the ‘golden triangle’ – Government + Industry + Science 3 9 topsectors • • • • • • • • • Agri&Food Horticulture and propagation materials High Tech Systems and Materials Energy Logistics Creative industry Life sciences & health Chemical industry Water ICT, Nanotechnology and Biobased Economy are cross topsector themes. 4 HTSM: big in NL private R&D Private R&D 5.6 B€ Public R&D 4.1 B€ HTSM HTSM 0.4 B€, of which 0.2 B€ in PPP 2.6 B€, of which 0.5 B€ in PPP CBS (mei 2013); HTSM Innovatiecontract (april 2012) 5 PPP R&D expense 50 45 40 35 30 % totaal 25 privaat, sector 20 privaat, TKI 15 publiek, TO2 10 publiek, NWO 5 0 EZ (mei 2013) 6 Reference: the HTSM landscape Top sector HTSM Innovation contract HTSM TKI HTSM 7 Innovation Contract Public-private Collaboration Application Roadmaps Semiconductor equipment Printing Lighting Solar Health care Security Automotive Aeronautics Space Advanced instrumentation Roadmaps Technology Roadmaps Components and circuits Photonics Mechatronics and manufacturing Embedded systems High-tech materials Cross-topsectoral Roadmaps Nanotechnology ICT 8 HTSM top sector ecosystem in NL Universities Research Institutes 500 SME’s: Lionix Cosine NTS group … HTSM ROADMAPS Industry: Philips ASML Thales DAF Fokker FEI NXP Dutch Space Tata Océ HTSM network organisations: HightechNL PhotonicsNL Holland Instrumentation Lucht- en Ruimtevaart NL AutomotiveNL NanoNextNL 9 HTSM PPP by roadmap Innovatiecontract 2014-2015 HTSM 10 Topconsortium for Knowledge and Innovation TKI HTSM context: innovation contract PPP-project: industry & R&D institute TKI regulation TKI base = Cash payment industry TKI-board decision advice Roadmap Council R&D institute Industry contribution cash and/or in-kind TKI grant = 25% of TKI base TKI programs Industry 11 Example: STW HTSM-call 2012 • Call: – Total NWO budget 12 M€ – Industry contribution 30% (cash + in kind) – All roadmaps in HTSM • Result: – – – – 73 project proposals, of which 32 approved Total budget all approved projects 19 M€ Many new industrial partners (40%) Significant SME contribution (28% of private cash) 12 Roundup: Possibilities • • • • • MIT network activities SME R&D cooperation STW: HTSM-call; HTM-call; Perspectief FOM: IPP TNO TKI-projects • Contact with Roadmaps! OECD meeting HTSM 13 HTSM: 17 roadmaps OECD meeting HTSM 14 Q&A 15 16 PPP by HTSM partner Innovatiecontract 2014-2015 HTSM 17 Governance TKI HTSM Bestuur en Raad van Toezicht (Topteam, bedrijfsleven incl MKB, publieke kennisorganisaties) Besluitvorming en strategie Directeur (bedrijfsleven) Plv. Directeur (FOM) Roadmap Council (roadmaptrekkers HTSM) Coördinatie • Advies programma en budget • Advies passing bij roadmaps TKI Bureau *) •TKI-toeslag regeling •Administratie •Communicatie •Europese agenda •MKB loket *) Postadres bij FOM in Utrecht; medewerkers vanuit FOM, STW, TNO, NLR, FME en Syntens 18 Plan of action top sector HTSM • • • • • • • • Accept the top sector policy Safeguard successful R&D PPP ecosystems Safeguard European R&D PPP Strengthen technical education Increase private & public R&D expense Enhance HTSM image in NL and abroad R&D execution through existing institutes Continuous improvement of PPP processes 19 R&D Funding Session National funding and TKI HTSM UT Grants Week 21 October 2014 Hans Netten Rijksdienst voor ondernemend Nederland (RVO) Content • TKI Toeslag • SME Innovation Topsectors (MIT) • Vroege fase financiering (Pre seed finance) • Eureka Clusters and JTI ECSEL Basic principle TKI toeslag • TKI Toeslag (subsidy) is 25% of the private contribution to research organizations for R&D in public private partnership (PPP) • TKI toeslag must be used for funding new R&D initiatives in PPP • TKI’s must apply for the TKI Toeslag • TKI’s decides how the TKI toeslag allocated 25% toeslag op de grondslag (1) TKI Toeslag:Example R&D program Research organization Companies In-kind Private contr. Cash TKI-toeslag, 25% of the cash contribution NWO funding In-kind TKI-toeslag funding TKI (2) TKI Toeslag:Example R&D program Companies In-kind Cash Research organization Private contr. NWO In-kind funding Ongoing program TKI-toeslag, 25% of the cash contribution TKI-toeslag funding TKI New projects SME Innovation Topsectors (MIT) • Encourage SME to collaborate on R&D (with each other, knowledge institutes) • Only SME can apply for funding • Toolbox: • Feasability studies • R&D-cooperation • Innovation prestation contracts (IPC) • Knowledge vouchers • Hiring temporary high educated staff • Topteam makes a selection on the instruments and assigns budget MIT: Feature per instrument (2014) instrument max. subsidie max subsidiebedrag haalbaarheidsstudies 40% Vouchers aanvrager afhandeling openstelling € 50.000 MKB FCFS 15/4-12/5 40% € 3.750 MKB FCFS 15/4-12/5 Inhuur personeel 40% € 50.000 MKB FCFS 15/4-12/5 IPC 30% € 25.000 per dln € 3.000 per dln voor PV MKB FCFS 15/4-12/5 Netwerkactiviteiten 100% € 1.000 per deelnemend MKB TKI FCFS 15/4-12/5 Innovatiemakelaars 50% € 10.000 per MKB TKI FCFS 15/4-12/5 R&D samenwerking 30% € 200.000 per project € 100.000 per dln MKB Tender 3/6-22/9 MIT: Selection of instruments by topsector (2014) openstelling 15 april - 12 mei MKB (FCFS) haalbaarheids Inhuur Vouchers thema(s) studies personeel aanvrager is instrum ent → ↓ topsector ↓ tuinbouw en uitgangsm aterialen 1 t/m 4 agri&food 1 t/m 11 1 w ater 2 750.000 chem ie 1C t/m 7C 550.000 400.000 1 t/m 17 energie 13E t/m 39E logistiek 1 t/m 5 creatieve industrie A t/m D 600.000 (samen met haalbaarheid) 1.200.000 900.000 1 t/m 6 a, b c, d algem een budget (voor alle topsectoren) 250.000 100.000 (samen met haalbaarheid) 1 t/m 10 8B t/m 12B 50.000 1.002.900 life sciences & health biobased TKI (FCFS) Netwerk Innovatie activiteiten makelaars 478.400 3 HTSM / ICT IPC 3 juni - 22 september 860.000 (samen met vouchers) MKB (tender) R&D samenwerking € 950.000 2.000.000 € 1.913.600 2.392.000 € 897.100 2.000.000 100.000 200.000 € 1.100.000 2.000.000 100.000 150.000 € 1.216.500 2.016.500 100.000 200.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 150.000 € 1.350.000 € 3.800.000 € 500.000 € 900.000 2.000.000 € 940.000 2.000.000 € 8.000.000 8.000.000 21.567.200 30.408.500 200.000 100.000 100.000 4.000.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 Pre-seed – VroegeFaseFinanciering (VFF) Ingredients: • Start-up • Pre seed financing • Market failure: no alternatives available • Revolving fund principle 3 • • • categories: SME-entrepreneur (RvO), Innovative startup (RvO), Academic innovative startup (STW/NWO) Take-off Pre-seed finance De vroege fase financiering moet ervoor zorgen dat een idee van de planfase naar de startfase komt. VFF: SME-entrepreneur, Innovative startup - Loan with interest tot SME, startup Maximum loan € 350.000 SME 35%-45% Innovative Starterup 100% Repayment 5 years 20% Interest: 5% + Eur. Ref. (today 0,35%) More information: [email protected] 088 042 42 42 Take-off Vroegefasetraject • Development and validation business case • Knowledge -> application -> commercial activities • • • • • Loan with interest to academic startup Between 50.000 € and 250.000 € Execution < 2 years Repayment <10 years Interest: 5% + Eur. Ref. (today 0,35%) Eureka clusters R&D cooperation in Europe National funding ITEA3 software-intensive systems & services CATRENE nano elektronica JTI ECSEL: public public private partnership • ECSEL: Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership • Follow up Artemis, ENIAC en EPoSS • Embedded and smart systems, nano-elektronica • National and European funding More information: - - - - - - Questions? More information: •
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