中世の言語 The Language of Medieval Japan Anna Novosel Contents Review of major sound changes Major literary and cultural works Three main types of language Some other literature of the time Review of Major Sound Changes 13th Century ou > o: eu > jo: [i] and [wji] > [i] th-16th Century 15 [je] and [we] > [je] [kje] > [ke] syllable final nasal [ʃe] > [se] became [ɴ], [o:], or [e:] [ʒe] >[ze] [dji] [du]> [ʤi] [ʣu] 14th Century [ɸa] [ɸji] [ɸu] [ɸe] [ɸo] uu (u’u) > u: > [ha] [çi] [ɸu] [he] [ho] iu > ju: [tji] [tu] > [ʧi] [ʦu] au > ɔ: > o: Review of Systematic Grammatical Sound Changes 音便 (onbin) ‘euphony’ From 平安 through 中世 動詞の音便 in てform verbs 咲きて > 咲いて 立ちて > 立って etc. 形容詞の音便 白く > 白う 白き > 白い Review of Grammatical Changes この人は 美 しい has the same meaning as 美しい人 Change from なり to なる More case particles were used が、を、etc. Verb suffixes added to be more formal Verb endings change た Major Literary and Theatrical Styles 随筆 Zuihitsu 物語 Tales 擬古物語 Giko monogatari 能 Noh Drama 狂言 Kyogen 連歌 Renga 御伽草子 Otogizoshi (short stories) 説話 Tales (often Buddhist) Major Literary Works 方丈記 Hojoki 平家物語 The Heike Kamo no Chomei 1212 Kakuichi 1371 新古今集 The Shinkokinshu 1205 百人一首 Hyakunin Ishhu Early 13th Century Fujiwara no Teika Three Language Styles 和漢混交文 わかんこんこうぶん 擬古文 ぎこぶん 中世口語文 ちゅうせいこうごぶん 和漢混交文 平家物語 and 方丈記 Use of kana in grammar structures Introduction of ッ (pg 408, line 1) Extensive use of Chinese character compounds ぞ ending 中世口語文 狂言 “ざって” “やさしい” (pg 29, 4th from end) “ござる” “じゃ” Onomatopoeia (pg 359) Kyogen “Tied to a Stick” 能 観阿弥清次 (かんあみきよつぐ) Poetry in original form 1333-1384 actor who made Noh famous Buddhist prayers Original Japanese Prose in upper class 14th century language Noh “The Well-Curb” 新古今集 and 百入一首 Same poetry writing as before Shinkokinshu prefaces Kana preface Similar to The Tale of Genji and poetry in the Shinkokinshu Mana (Chinese) preface Similar to Nara period writing Uses 漢文 Sources Internet Based Noh and Kyogen movies Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan Encyclopedia Britannica Online Shinkokinshu Text Based Hojoki Noh and Kyogen
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