英会話ⅠA −Speaking and listening skills− 初級前半 クラス コード 63A59 曜日時限 土曜13:15~14:45 受講料 18,900円 定 員 20名 単 位 2単位 概 要 In this course we will study basic English grammar, vocabulary and useful expressions, using fun, yet educational methods. Each lesson will focus on a particular skill, employing conversation exercises, role playing and drills. The students will be able to practice the English they learn in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. テキスト プリントを配付します 講 師 スコット・キャリー 獨協大学講師 専門/International Communications After majoring in Political Science at The University of Arizona, I started my own business in the leisure industry. I have been teaching English in Japan for 20 years. In addition to my college classes, I have also taught at various companies in Tokyo and I have experience helping organize training at all levels, from office staff to executives. I enjoy traveling around Japan, swimming and cycling. 内 容 5月9日~7月4日(全9回) Getting to know you. Meeting new people ❶ 5月9日 ❷ 5月16日 Review/using the language ❸ 5月23日 Talking about schedules, daily activities ❹ 5月30日 Review/using the language Talking about past activities/How was your weekend? ❺ 6月6日 ❻ 6月13日 Review/using the language ❼ 6月20日 Talking about plans/What are you going to do tomorrow? ❽ 6月27日 Giving direction/How do I get there? Review/using the language ❾ 7月4日 英会話ⅠB クラス コード 初級中 43A60 曜日時限 木曜13:15~14:45 受講料 18,900円 定 員 20名 単 位 2単位 概 要 The aim of the course is to improve FLUENCY (speaking smoothly), APPROPRIACY (using the right word for the right situation) and ACCURACY (using correct grammar) by using pair work, listening exercises and role-play. At the beginning of each semester we will talk about topics we would like to discuss. Oh, we have fun, too. Please leave your shyness at the door. テキスト プリントを配付します 講 師 ジム・ブローガン 獨協大学講師 専門/Business English After majoring in Chinese at Leeds University, England and Beijing Foreign Languages University, China, I taught in Taiwan for several years. In 1995 I returned to England where I worked as a business counselor. I have worked for Dokkyo University since 2001. 内 容 5月14日~7月9日(全9回) ❶ 5月14日 Introductions and talking about the course/Talking about yourself and finding things out about others ❷ 5月21日 ❻ 6月18日 ❸ 5月28日 ❼ 6月25日 Topic (to be decided by the class.) ❹ 6月4日 ❽ 7月2日 ❺ 6月11日 ❾ 7月9日 英会話ⅠC 初級後半 クラス コード 62A61 曜日時限 土曜10:45~12:15 受講料 18,900円 定 員 20名 単 位 2単位 外 国 語 概 要 This course will be centered on discussing topical, social and economic issues with the aim of helping students build vocabulary and communication skills as well as improve their fluency and accuracy. Students will have the chance to share opinions with fellow classmates in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. By the end of the course, I hope students will be more confident in sustaining conversations void of unnecessary pauses. テキスト プリントを配付します 内 容 5月9日~7月4日(全9回) ❶ 5月9日 ❹ 5月30日 ❷ 5月16日 ❺ 6月6日 ❸ 5月23日 ❻ 6月13日 38 ❼ 6月20日 ❽ 6月27日 ❾ 7月4日 講 師 サミュエル・フォー 獨協大学講師 専門/Theater Arts After graduating with a B.A. in English and a Masters in Theater Studies from the University of Yaoundé, I worked as a stage actor and high school literature teacher in Cameroon. I came to Japan in 2001 on a Bunkacho scholarship and studied Kyogen and Noh. I have been teaching English in Japan since 2002 and currently teach at Tsukuba and Saitama Universities. To be decided by the class.
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