Content + Language: Europe`s CLIL and America`s

Content + Language:
Europe’s CLIL and America’s CBI
Robert J. Dickey
Gyeongju University
[email protected]
Purpose of adding content
• Learning “authentic” language
• Learner motivation
– Always ??? topic choices consideration
• Preparing for overseas studies or
reading/writing international publications
• 46% of universities in Japan now
offering content courses in FL, number
is growing in Korea and across Asia
No agreement on definition!
• Over 35 terms of art in use, including
– content-based language instruction
– integrated content and language learning
– content-focused language learning
– enhanced language learning
– teaching English through content
– immersion
– and of course, CBI and CLIL
No agreement on definition!
• Diversity is the definition?
– How many different ways to analyze aims
and orientations?
– All-inclusive a good thing?
– For classrooms “where a commitment has
been made to content learning as well as
language learning”
• Various descriptive typologies
No agreement on focus
• Using content to learn English
– content pre-selected
• content determines language points
– “content-driven language learning”?
• choosing language points from content
– content selected by language instructor
(& students?)
• language aims determine content selection?
• language aims determine content use?
• common source for all content materials?
No agreement on focus
• Using language to learn content
– Teaching Through English,
Foreign Language Medium Instruction
– Total Immersion
– Krashen’s version of Sheltered Subject
Matter Teaching
• Decisions made by – Administrators
– Departments (hosting the course)
– Teachers
A few Types of CBI
• “Subject Majors” (e.g., Sociology,
History, Art, Business)
• Academic Skills (EAP)
• Technology (e.g., computers/Internet,
watching movies/commercials/, music)
• Vocational Skills
• Linguistics/Literature – GRAMMAR???
Teaching Methods
• CBI does not dictate methods/
– Task-based learning is a popular choice
• Arguably predates Communicative
Language Teaching by centuries
• Not an “English Only” requirement
• Does not dictate medium of instruction –
distance learning, CALL, audio, video…
Duration of Content
Sustained Content – 6 weeks + each
Thematic – multiple weeks each
Topical – multiple class hours - maybe
One-off Lessons / Learning Activities
Even simple “Classroom English”???
Content-learning Designs
• Adjunct classes
– Regular content course with NS students
+ language class complement
• Sheltered Workshops
– Content course with language learners
only, simplified content or presentation
• Immersion (full or partial)
• Topical/Theme-based language courses
Content-learning Designs
• Content-based design implemented at
– Curriculum level
– Syllabus (course) level
– Lesson level
• Target Language use
* Textbook
* Lecture (only)
* Class discussions
* Homework/Reports
* Quiz / Exam
* Combinations
One mix of content and…
Matrix for
Themebased /
Another (my) perspective…
Balance of content & English
• Based on various factors
• Possibility of intentionally “grading” the
levels of content and language in a
series of courses
• Don’t neglect learner anxiety as a
multiplier of all other issues
• A “Gradient Continuum” of classes?
• Content courses just one part of overall
language learning program
Striking the Balance
Gradient Continuum ideas
For More Info…
Robert J. Dickey
[email protected]