t wrrc,'W :i6q13fl3fl 1WI1 11I 2006 fft 2009 *t 1* wiivn itI 1tr rat fI4taW k 4t fithiwi t mtet çagtqa4hI att "M T1VM?) "1 * a wiRA41 n aTtq Thi ¶lllTtlN dtjIIIgIcl4I i'*w 'tt k TrMt WI it~I il fWIai$ 4iicig apr a4lq,'fl4 v Tk nli ft dM it mk aii%iw'ii iiMfl* nfti inifl aiitjq 1W ¶Zj 'N 41*aiif 1 Ti p'I* MI5gc ritt cd S 3* t rrat ' ft tq 420 (tSw) imiri i ag'imi it Rt tM *aW mftvr t s4 w iiimiti ijt PT 'a n dVlcIH 3 WV ni tWi Mlg 1iii f4i ufqu ztt * 3ttflt#T11*2O1O w 120— tT) c t ft liT flT 31F31 qwi t 3Th* 2012 it 3* *1ThkThI II?l 71W diif t aThic Mt i 3lIRT ST p4t ft t I flfk ft siitq Nk1 iii '1W ckc1l'l a*t Vfl ttfl*aifl 27 WI1 *119T t I 4MII * a ThW vmiz ffift, 4iiigc WI * 2012 i* 1jUc *iciAi airThi t PR 'pg iththziedttt3ll t " TT 33ã15 c*lgvii kr - 4t SSImT * akt4i ti9i I~t 3TI IWlaii ir McliklTt gig * Si taiS&io t3?RIR4,cxII t n* 'ii' enufl ciiPi 4 I?Tljfitß4uilßftiwdlflilW3ll Ui *q4t?lr 2006 2009 i*i 15U5fffi ftl3lZflhlT Coalgate SC asks CBI to file chargesheets by 28 March STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE New Delhi, The 10 March Supreme Court today directed the CentralBureau9f Investigation (CBI) to ifie the five remaining chargeshets in connection with the coal blocksallocationscam. It passed order after the CDI submitted a status report Informabout the progress made in the coal scam probe mid on filing chargesheet in one of the cases registered by the the ing It probe agency in 2012. The apex court directed the chargesheets by 28 March. CDI to file the remaining On 11February the Supreme Courthad asked theinv,etigating agency to submit a status report about filiuOf chargesheet in six of the cases finalised by the agency.,. According to the Comptrollerand Auditor General(CAO), , an estimated loss of Rs 1.86 lakh crore was caused tdthe national exchequer in the coal block allocation scam'. The CDI has AMR Iron filed over 16 FIRs whichinclude thoseagaliM and Steel, JLD Yavatmal Energy, Vini Iron aria SteelUdyog, JAS Infrastructure CapitallMLtcl, Grace IndUstries, Jindal Steel and Power, Rathi Steel and Power Lt4, Jharkhandlspat,Greeninfrastructure, Kamal Sponge, Pushp Steel, Hindalco, BLA Industries, Castronmchnologies aiid and Nay Bharat Power Private Limite4 These FIRs were registered after the agency probed Castron Mining preliminary enquiries thrpe related to coal block allocationbetween 2006 and 2009,1903 and 2004 and projects given under a go ernment scheme. The CDI also informed the apex court about the permission sought from nine states which w reluctant in allowing the agency to conduct probe in the I jurisdiction. In its earlier status rerrtbethre the Supse Court, the CBI had said inquiries in respect of 87 compa. nies had been fmalised and probe in respect of 38 coin; panics had been concluded. It was stated the reports were in the process of scsjti4 ny for getting fmal order from the competent authorlt3t4 Given the dimensionand spread of the scam, the court had ordered CBI and the EnforcementDirectorate to "shas information with each other in respect of the matters haying bearing on investigation of money laundering and fot eign exchange and ensure that the investigationis not hampered in any manner whatsoever". . CBI spares netas, babus in first Coalgate hit list Trashes Loss Figure CAG Cited In Report " Sources said the charge sheet virtually rubbished the no mention of Prevention of Corruption Act in the charg CAG's claim, which had pegged the loss to the exche esheet, sources said. queratRs 1.86 lakh crore, and called it a "notional loss", against government officials are underway and if anything It names TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: After 18 months of probe, the CBI on Monday filed the first chargesheet in the coalscam in a special court while the Supreme Court set March 28 as the deadline for chargesheets in five other cases in which investigations have been completed. The SC declined CBI's request for four more weeks to file the remainingchargesheets. Navbharat Pow er Private Limited (NPJ'L) and its two directors P Trivik rama Prasad and Y 1-larish Chandra Prasad for allegedly misrepresenting facts to get coal blocks. They have been charged with criminal con spiracy and cheating, CBI spokesman Kanchan Prasad said. It doesn't mention the role of any government ofil cial or members of the screen ing panel who took decisions on block allocation. There Is TheCBlsaidinvestlgations comes out, a supplementary chargesheet would be filed. "The role of public servants Is under further Investigation," Pi'tad. Hours later, while taking up the status report, the said SC bench of Justices RM Lcd- ha,MadanBLolcurandKurian Joseph reacted sharply to the CBI's request for more time to file chargesheets and said no purpose woulcibe served by de- laying the Inevitable. ibrtlwfullzvpor4 log on towwwtimesoflndja,am CBI FILESFIRST CHARGE-SHEET INCOALGATE _____ NAVABHARAT POWER PVT LTD & 2 DIRECTORS NAMED STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE New Delhi, 10 jfl :31 March The Central TWO Navabharat Bureau of In vestigation (CBI) todayfijed a directors -P its first chargesheet in the coalbiocksallocation scam against Navabharat Power Private Ltd andits two clirec ton under sections of cheat ing and criminal conspira Trivikrama Prasad and y Harish Chandra --- In the chargesheet filed before the courtof special CDI and cheatingbyallegedjynijsrep. its applications to get allot mentsbetween2oo6and29 - axiditssubsidiarycompany that it was having the at "huge profit of over Rs 200 crores," CDI had said, get the coal mines However, Essar Power Ltd has reportedly not been named as an accused in the tnquiry reveals chargesheetffledtoday.ltis that coal ministry officials wilfully did thefn-stonefiledbyCßlfor ----- - 4Acquiitd - Harish Chandra Prasad werenamedasaccusedinthe chargesheet. Ny power, by cy till date in the multicrore scam against various firms andtopcorporateamescam allegedly also included indus Esaar the compa was facilitated in trialist Kumar Mangalani Birla and Congress MP Naveen .Jindal. The move bythe CBltoday camehours char getting advantage in gesheeted under Sections 420 (cheating) and 120-B beforeitwasscheduledtoap- coal block allocation prise the Supreme "They have been gation in the case. The next charge In its FIR tiled on 3 Sep tember2ol2, the agencyhad sheet makes no mention of provisions of Prevention of-' 'named-NavabhàraF Poer corruption Act whichwere Pvt Ltd, its two directors siàjped agalnst them in the along with some unknown FIR lodged on 3 September, 2012. In its 32-page final re port the agency said the probeagalnstunknownpub Court abouttheirongoingiflvestj- (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC. However, the - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - date of hearing in the case is 27 March, St bIRICTMt '-- The Supreme Court today public servants of the Mm directed the CDI to file the istry of Coal and others in five remaining chargesheets the case. In the FIR, CBI had also in connection with the coal blocks allocation scam. It passed the orderafter the CBI lie servants in the case is un derway and they may file a supplementarychargesheet accused unknown officials tering into conspiracy and formingitabouttheprogress soon," said the willfully not scrutinising documents to allow undue and on filing chargesheet in source, Reportedly, only the op erative portions of the char gesheet was filed before the court today and the CBI is likely to file the documents and annexures by 27 March, - thelGF'lllslodgedbytheagen- aforesaid documents ces, Navabharat Power Pvt Ltd and its two directors P Trivilcrama Prasad andY "After allocation of coal blocks, the promoters and ly 2010 to Essar Power Ltd not scrutinise the Accordingto court sour that it had the required net worth to get the coal mines. a The company frau . resentingfactstoembellish allocation of coalbiock, the firm fraudulently claimed £ dulently claimed required net worth to judge Macthu Jam, the CBI accused the firm and its di dertoembellishitsclaimfor shareholders of Navabhar atPowerPvtLtdsoldoff their entire shareholdings in Ju- Prasad accused cyof the IndianPenajCode. rectors of conspiring II II h1[-f of the Coal Ministry of en advantage for the company in getting the blocks, In its FIR against Navab harat Power Pvt Ltd, submitted a status report inmade in the coal scamprobe one of the cases registered by the probe agency in 2012. The apex court directed the the CDT to file the remaining agency had said that in or charge sheets by 28 March. HC issues notice. on KG-D6 basin issue Rolls Royce ready to return commission STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Rolls Royce had in a letter)t HAL on 5 March stated that Clearly not wanting to wrong side C probe by the CBI. New Delhi, 10March be on the of the Indian estab- has paid only 1.8 million pountls (Rs 18 crore) as commission to its lishment in the wake of the upcoming elections, leading British agent Aaslunore Private Limited companyRolls Royce whose deal- amountto the government, sources said. ings with Hindustan Aeronautics and was willing to return that last Limited (HAL) is to be probedby the Central Bureau of Invest igation (CBI) said it was ready to re- yeaz the British company admit- turn Rs 18 crore paid by it to its based person identifiedas Ashok commission agents to the government in an aflegedbribery scan- Pathi and his firm Aashinore Pri- dal. The CBI had been asked by the Defence Ministry to probe the alagainst In a letter in December ted ithad employed a Singapore- vate Limited as "commercial advisor" inIndia, providing sa1e and logistical suppott, local busi- ness support and "strategic the British advice". "The firm has informed company of hiring middle men HAL that it has paid commissions to Aashmore Private Limited for legations for securing contracts worth Rs 10,000 crore from HAL for supplying aircraft engines. Defence clinching military deals and the amount ranged between 10 and Minister A K Antony, who has 11.3percent," sources said. HAL been facing flak over the recent spate of accidents involving na- and val ships, has also put onhold all existing and future deals with the British company pending the Aashmore Private Limited have transacted businss worth over Rs 5,000 crore between 20072011, the sources said. BmBNTOPAS4 CBI files first coal scam charge sheet Akanksha Jain CBIfilés first chargesheetin ' coal case, names Navabharat Power EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE HC gives NSEL time to intervene in Pii on scam 5, SC seeks to give more power to CVC Judges are not 'caged parrots', says court PRESS TRUST OF INDIA CVCVSCBI ‚.1 GCIICD 3IIcICqI . . 4 '-Dlii iri *fl g' r4EIi'I 4kIR Rfltl siti 119 2006 _ __ _ olClllßcl '41cR 28 ¶ n'vu'sain. * t uPsiei vicn "jjii9 ct'i PSIT ai all *IW4 2009 riir w 2al sfl*T - l I%?T1 * %u laii* 31 tIIHI * fl9wd R**fITMfI*TM t. 16 * *r, flflT (w) atl%iwrT 3Tlwt ftdft RIT t* watnfu. « KG gas AP court sends notices to Centre RIL CBI V RISHI KUMAR In his petition, Reddy sought probe into the KG Ba- Hyderabad, March 10 The Andhra Court on sue Pradesh I-Ugh Monday directed is- of notices to the Centre and State Governments. ReIndustries , Director liance Hydrocarbons of General and CBI on the allocation gas fields in the KG basin, pricing mechanism lated issues. gas filed by Palent Sri- kanth Reddy, Convenor ofthe Janapaalana sion the divibench of Justice Rohini Party and T Sunil Chowdhary has for April 2. rower Secretar)ç posted the case The Union the company's of Energy Union of Petroleum and alleged at- tempts to scuttle the chances of the Stateto get gas from this sQurces, Many gas-based power plants in the State are lying idle without gas supplies and and re consumers. Lack of gas Hearinga public interest litigation sin gas allocation to JUL and State has forced the to purchase power at high prices which is passed on to consumers, he said. Post-Graduate in EngiStanford University based and in A neering from Hyderabad, he is the founder of IT company Four Soft. Red- recently floated the social Al' Secretary dy Secretary organisaUon, Janapaalana. Natural Gas, Director General Reddy told Business Line of Hydrocarbons, RIL and CHI this was a matter of serious have been made respondents concern for the State and the along with MDs of Al' Genco entire nation and needs to be and probed. Ar Itansco and political parties TIM', BJP, Congress and YSR Congress. Therefore, the court's in- tervention was sought. CBI files first charge-sheet in coal scam Accuses Navabharat Power, two directors of misrepresenting facts for allotments AGENCIES New / OUR BUREAU Delhij Hyderabad, part, while Chandra Prasad is charge-sheet in the coal blocks - a former Director. Marchlo The CBI on Monday filed the first - r: "I have not seen the chargesheet. After the FIR was filed, I I LI fl scam have cooperated with the CBI against Hyderabad-based Na and made all disclosures and vabharat Power Pvt Ltd and furnishedalltherelevantdoc QuestlontlmeThesupreme twoofitsdirectors,intheDel uments," said Ttivikram Pra CourtaskedtheCßlwhythe hi High Court. sad. The allocation charge-sheet Chandra Prasad reacted accuses them of conspiring and cheat on the same lines. ing to "embellish" their appli cation of coal blocks, the pro and cations get allotments between2oo6and2oog. arat Power, P Uivikrama Pra sad and 1-larish Chandra Prasad in the charge-sheet flu ed before Special CBI Judge Madhu Jam, Thivikrama Prasad is MD of Nava liharat moters and shareholders Navabharat Power The CBI has named Navabh V The CBI said that after allo Ventures, of which Navabharat Power is a entire sold shareholding to Essar of their uly in Power and t&t&--ti charge-sheets were delayed. which has been campaigning against the companies "This charge-sheet said: against NavbharatPowerisaninsight into Essar's murky dealings. subsidiary at a "huge profit of The group acquiring access to a coal block through acquisi over tion 2010 its 200 crore". Essar Power has not been of NavbharaTt Power seems suspiciously similar to named as an accused in the the Clii charge Essar is facing charge-sheet, in respect of acquisition of Soon after the charge-sheet was filed, Greenpeace India, spectrum through a company, Loop front Telecom." Vt? iyf tJlIl(1)111 3Tlflf i&fl t[ ilslßlbr?rlfl jfqy ¶ StR&. 9t aiiiti I a (i) ___ Tzik fig . tt, ___ iat rtHUII 91 NM ' ef 3 *19 * (W T, '3Tm 9N' 2012 ag. 'ie fig __ T) 'iI itßir 4k BR'Ft 9J'' 1 S 31R R4WI I t f--fI I' i 3* sig Iktflt '1' ?fJTf'SZIIZI # - - ',_1 3TI t tTWIT lEIMRI I¼I' 'Icqqt - - ai ffi *tm fIT wti 28T* aq ?4 2006-2009 T2IINT n* i Mls a atr 'mr 3Trn 3thi cpM bT gi{& t r* ___ led cißcici ithl*flq(g __ t cp lOkilc2STllit9ili r 9i 200 aWI HC notices to RIL AP Centre & CBI on KG basin supply issue ___ _ easmmaiea uicie 3hEt2VmtW usd I-EftlrU?lsT3iie)u eldlldl W4211? iit tftk aY üßit wqlcQpI_____________________________________________________________ ttmT4r 1 28 '& MSflgJ -IIWjM34Rt fkifftiifli aM 'iiMk flj c«Ti Rfl 1*I-1T ii & IV3*1od 16 ZI (JR S 1 t 1.86 3«I?i3ll2OO5 ~(2010 IR4 *vfvifli 1VI31Tfltfl(1O w flJst4ti 20062009Tp11i t3fl4j9p* itgAt, t aDTlft4f ar, 4c nifrfri i f aiiiiki,, '1r*4* i to CBI's request for more time in coal scam case no SC . I Directs it to file remaining 5 charge sheets by March 28 IN THE COURT iSr iI'ER'T er * dIUIS ®iii %wnw tuFiwi eaiPai ilbftl t daiiau " imufr bR RT atfg 1 3NT « 'in — cvia 41muTtt .kutul4 grita iftfrifri tT 'intaTl ifl 'k «q,i 'ii TI a%aMNM friSzim g Navabharat Power in Coalgate charge sheet for fraudulent claims feßureau "Continuedon Page 2 CBI files first COAL SCAM Agency charges Hyderabad firm and its officials with cheating c .S haran NEW DELHI: In its first charge sheet in the coal blocks allo cation scam, the CBI has charged Hyderabad-based firm Navabharat Power Private Limited (NPPL) and two of its top officials with misleading the government to bag two coal blocks in Odisha in 2008. During its la-month probe, however, the CRI has not been able to ascertain if a few gov" ernment officials also helped the private power company get coal blocks, The company the - the DURING ITS 18-MONTH PROBE, HOWEVER, CBI HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO ASCERTAIN IF FEW GOVT OFFICIALSALSO HELPED THE PRIVATE COMPANY directing it to file its remaining five charge sheets by March 28. The agency had sought exten sion of the deadline by four weeks.The CR! charge sheet - named the firm and two of its top officials chairman P 22 crore in 2010 fetched its promoters nearly 230 crore. - for allegedly misrepresenting and concealing facts to avoid imminent disqualification. According to the CBI official, In the charge sheet, filed in a city court on Monday, the CBI considering that the proposed power project's capacity was alleged that the promoters had made an illegal profit of around 2,220 MW, NPPL was required 208 crore after making false claims about the company's worth to get the coal blocks, net NPPL bagged the coal blocks in 2CoBto develop a2,2®-MWpower plant in Dhenkanal district, "NPPL got the two coal blocks illegallyandthereforetheprofjt of around - __________ _______ _____ ______ ___________ ______ __________________________________________________ —7 "The SC has questioned the CVC's role as a spectator over investigation into the coal scam .. HI Corresp tioner'sNGO'scounselprasha.nt wi " lellem®haduslanlni cell Rhushan Senior advocate Ann Diwan said: "The role of CVC to have a net worth of at least 4,000 crore as per the norms, on Monday However, its total worth CentralVigilanceCommission's andreviewof progress of investigationunderthePrevention limited role as a "mute specta tor" over the Central Bureau of Corruption Act with CR! is of an arm's length relationship - including of its two promoters - was only 300 crore. "NPPL wrongiully claimed as NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court questioned the which probes without interfering with inves- corruption cases against pub lie servants. tigation in anyparticular case." Globeleq and Suez "We find that except for getting reports and progress firms - Investigation, in matter of superintendence its own the net worth of around Rl lakh crore of two European Energy International -in its application form," the official official said. The SC on Monday declined said. "The probe has been kept is nothing inynurhand," a three open to find if any public serv judge bench headed by justice to grant more time to the CRI for completing its probe into ant colluded in the conspiracy as a result of wilful omission or systemic flaw," he added. RM Lodha commented during the coal blocks allocation scam, HI FILE CVC' role as a mute spectator under SC lens 208 crore earned by its sale was also illegal," a CRI - the CDI Trivikrama Prasad and vice torY Harish Chandra Prasad estimated by CR! to be worth _ _ _ _ __ arge sheet in Coalgat reports of investigation there the hearing of coal scam case, The comment came after peti "The CVC is not empowered to give any specific direction or to interfere in the inquiry or investigation in any manner in a particular case," Divan said. However, Bhushan said there was a need to give a "purposive" interpretation on the scope and power of the CVC. Disqualify MLAs, MPs upon framing of charges: Law panel Soibam Rocky Slngh "lellers@hindLslantimo&com NEW DELHI: To keep a majority of those charged with serious offences out of the electoral fray, the law commission has recommended disqualification of candidates on framing of charges against them in cases punishable by five years or more in jail. In a report submitted to the Supreme Court on Monday, the panel said the standing law dis qualifying an MP/MLA upon conviction has proved to be "incapable of curbing the grow ing criminalisation of politics owing to long delays in trials and rare convictions", The report, to be considered by the apex court after six certain amendments to the Representation of Peoples Act (RPA), which was enacted in 1951, to ensure persons with an "extensive criminal back' ground" do not enter politics. Remarking that disqualification of candidates upon conviction had failed to check the entry of lawbreakers in the process of law-making, the corn- mittee recommended disqualifl" cation at the stage of framing of charge only for offences carrylag a minimum imprisonment of five years or above, Such a disqualification will operate until an acquittal by the trial court or for six years, whichever Is earlier To ensure a fair opportunity to the candidates, the trial must be expedited and concluded weeks,alsolooks into the aspect within a one-year period, the of candidates filing false aflida report suggested, vita to the Election Commission. The law panel recommend ed that the offence be made a corrupt practice under the Representation of People's Act (RPA)attractlngamlnlmwnof two years' imprisonment. The report recommends It recommended that If the trial is not concluded within one year, then either the MP/MLA be disqualified at the period's expiry or his/her right to vote in the House as a member, renumeration and other prereq uisitesbesuspended. CBI names Navabharat two directors in first coal scam chargesheet AMAN MALIk
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