_____ tO? arrested six peopie possessing medical degrees from Russia andchinawho managedto get recognition from the Medical Council of India (MCI) using fraudulent means. Sources said information relating to the Six held in nationwide CBI 'u ack oe ration' 9 1-" . —rrrt-i , El C -l.0 a Middlemen helped - them with MCI contacts P scam was received and Intelil gence was developed before __________ an FIR was flied against eight doctorswijo claimed they had sws medical degrees from Russia dC a. Besides the doctOrs, against unknown officials of the MCI who could be part of the scam. CBI sources said none of the eight doctors passed the necessary examination. Theysald that using a chain of middlemen who had contacts In the MC1,they ensured in Jan uary 2013 that data about their 1/ - 5 S*ZL.4L:t_I - . E.. ::; c: . :'j_ t4$ fl: J"!4 / us. > f ".t' 1. - " .1 fl j .".ft.?t.&J -. j 13_At. / " j1r"--JJ C. t,%. a2.Y.? ... . .. . Y.4-c;., LY - 4. '- S y The government has made it mandatory for fliedicosfroifl Russia & China to undergo a test before practising in India. the examination was CBI announced five arrests but fraudulently entered In the sys sources said one more person had been apprehended. The passing tern and registration numbers were generated for each of thern. The agency carried out searches at several locations In Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. The government has made It mandatory for medical stu dents from erstwhile Soviet states and China to undergo a screening test If they want to practice in India. .Ex-rninister quizzed THE CBI has exam Ined former disin vestment minister Arun Shourie and Vedanta group chairman Anil Agarwal in connection with alleged irregulari- ties In the divest- ment of Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL) during the NDA regime. Cal sources said the agency recorded the statements of Shourie and Agarwal last week, Last year, the C8I registered a preliminary enquiry against Agarwal and unknown officials over alleged irregularities In the disinvestment of HZL. The agency believes the loss caused to the exchequer due to the alleged IrregularIties runs Into hundreds of crores. Shourle claims It was strange as the CB1 was probing allegations that were rejected bythe Supreme Court. He said another strange point was fact that the officers of the rank of SP and DSP were questioning the government's policy. the Noose awaits Yakb Home ministry wants President to reject petition of Mumbai blasts convict r. . Tr4& - Is. rr . tc4j - - - r . 1 TIger Memon -) 2. Essa Memon 3. Yusuf Memon / / 4. Ayub Memon 5. Yakub Memon By Mail Today Bureau iL1 i inNewDeihi THE Home ministry has recommended to the President that the mercy petition of Yakub Abdul Razak Memon, sentenced to death for the 1993 Mumbai blasts, be rejected. The recom mendation, recently sent to President Pranab Mukherjee, was based on the Maharashtra government's suggestion that the petition be July1994 Yakub Memon is detained at Kathmandu air It is believed he wanted to SUN render and clear hisnamefrom carrying a brief case with Some documentsthathe thought could prove his The Supreme TADA the AugustlgY4He was handed over to the cm. Court 2007 Convicted by TADA court and Mumbai verdict and awarded him death court's awarded March 2013 Supreme Court upheld his death to Indian authorities travelled from Pakistan to Nepal in an to clear his apparent bid name. death sentence. sentence In March 2013. Yakub was handed over after he Inno- cence rejected. upheld - charges.uewas sentence. - In October last year, Memon sought Presidential pardon, following which the Home Ministry sought a report from the 'f -' Court called Yakub the mastermind state government. Memon was intercepted and detained at the Kath mandu airport in July 1994 with multiple passports, On being searched, he was found to be carrying some documents and video and audio cassettes, which he believed would help prove his innocence. It Is believed that he wanted to surrender and had come to meet his cousin, a lawyer, in Kathmandu to seek advice on how to clear his name in the charges related to the Mumbai serial blasts. He was advised to return to Karachi as his version of events would not be Aizal Guru was convicted for the 2001 Parliament - I attack. Hanged on February 9, 2013, in Tihar. . & t . jjn Delhi. only after his It w arrest that India could establish the Pakistani link to the serial blasts as the presence of his brothers in the neighbouring country was established. The blasts claimed 257 lives and left 713 injured. Memon's arrest was followed by more members of his family being brought to India but Tiger and flub managed to stay on in Karachi. Reportedly, after the blasts Tiger rushed the entire family to Pakistan. - Zr. accepted. A month later he was officially handed over to the .Sir" i pp,a -' - - Ajmal Kasab was hanged on November 21, 2012. He was the lone terrorist caught in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. __ _ _ ___ *i: hff 'T t I (4Wt3) fii'Mt3l1ftc39v a9t1sftl PiviiiiR'jt41nTW wmrt n wr'*ici anSiTt Bt wfM th*i i k 1* 20 M%4yiftfta1ltan f Fiq" -a* im * -m tflv4 ~t q ki tbft I' , 'aTin mmi * fT wftaW *k1*r*i*ft.siitwt h$ r1 i4pu i, I 31f%4tiM aj Mit *ii % iiwt 'ft t%rrzfkn 3pm c1TI Z94i 1 i'iihfts" " fkt! ip1 qft i+qñiE g1t7IuuffaIaIe(u. (S11T); ñrlTI ?7# W V a *,ir ##*niMaVf cju,7*(vJ 37V# TII? * fl iii Y*ifl4Th*c [ c a?7ww7flm#sqif) Th7 e%aaTqTl * # sip&t&ki r8 wq,c'i 1flt avI a* rr *#t3* awa# mr w 3IIØWW 4ff VTI7 ii? t# /W IT WW SITht WW wft 'ir wi*ni aSiflzff 3* 3* flId'lld *Th 7TtI?3#WtTt2Y7?llfl?3&tPt 3;? ug W ?7q7 zfl ajfr &Z4i 51? #I 4' gjqjg "a3#amR3fl # 4 aqqft li t# ?fr mrTh W 4fl1 Eff/~3i.'a &W7WW1t?T ?i77T T (1, MwuV H u)ei* k*i r __ 9Wft9TSTh!* tIt3l$ H MNTRtfcVft -. H ___ Ifl 3TWft taii wiU~t i T11 9lI 't tI t t' q'kvii -y T igi*qftt Fit *T1TI 4WtaW fqi q,tgklg qfl, * M n mtft cicctiivfil ftizn n wit'gft t'p 'iu I, ftNftnflRn t f?II u a*T t a'it qjIc_3l1 N j'e TaII4I%I * fl 1QlfttjcictM tdift IiSM*'I t iI1 31Z1 fl !umlTN4t i4i ftt*ii 4iivigft In'gi 11*9P4tt *ik,v'i MTflflwf1f4rqflft *dl1IM *191 tI1i t ii 'nil == H 31lf idic; L&QT ____ 90 [email protected] ? cl1I11Ik1 '1qi q, tHk1ItttM CII31I4J 1'1cI c1tM,'tk11I Q, nanclal SWIfl CW ___ g Ruc1q icflhI<4 tarA r ___ ___ ñfi 1L c 4 f ai%a b1&flqc1ê&U34q# 1738$gF F aiSi*'ffi ci*iii IIi111M9f 4Tgrsa Qtl'4) a 25OO55qr?flI fm *xi4 - QUC rrt r:L ig tdt tf 3 I e T WIT i2.715th$ ___ Stands far jjg 1Oi1R a11 '1 44 terrorism ___ 'bi4Piqi 'a5ET r1 roup 111i'iit *T - ititcai Sa#g ft nm ft Mtan Ifrjft S &j 5 TZ * t s ti 4flLctT R, ¶1 TWgB 9 Jqctcj ft iTIJ 3TT'T qtiic lih'1fl5T wig SIl3nft ti IH ti 3J$ ni 4t, 'lItl)I i 3M*att NP1 cft1—y,1Y$4 " I I [t t iiipn' riiqnp ItjIc T IR 0.42 i - 'IPT1 4 * 5ai W _____ tit. t4tii k ¶cff __ iir4ac I am p cdIftiRTffl " ______ chl4fl e$JIk cI'J ff(w'rnL 1W!! %Whiw 31gM zetzwzrrn 'tk *cü tnm ft~ 'T frfl 1d tfkni fli*ek zg av gi*wt'Mw altT fflkit 1i5Iv1c1, t d1rU mw tTNT* 31Mn*tW 1 afti t * ii t;flg"tg S frfVr ThT. tR t'friift *t3R1fk flaiim a$ -- tiwsiz u fr nTfl *"tt 'n kitaRw4f!, fiAci b3TTtt i T'PTTR*311f*311tWi1T t tatitt* * 41t S *5iftg ** w 39Zft SWTSRTc flait 31rfl426 tzi* * fl 41ciThitai *IkIT 9Ittict.I ___ ___ ___ wvjt *WiiIi *t ___ rs qNcjul 1NR1 t q,Idk1 39R P'tticm. S ci't'S* t *ñ *4 rpn 3t* k,tui Iii 3fl [it'tiiç 20 ift* 1M flaT1flnrfLTz1 *wTft*a1? **flia wUwn. t ?iT tiUtxi ?c tRIM3W * afffl 'Rfl1t *t*39Trwa*t m aw ir f4.r ** l 344Mdft11 'IQftlI'fl S * ii k i"çgi1 i **zt*ftaTtr a* rr tR1*1 "a fti WWTit 'iilq,jui t * at * fltNz fl M5cyi W* *i"1* * r, 1I *i tflftft ftft tm 3flN af%rfl * *ff * tt*aW*ra* 9' CBI swoops down on 'fake' doctor CBI likely to PM'S advisor PNS soon ___ JaswantkeenOn Barmer seat New Delhi, 20 _______ V STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE March The former External Affairs Minister MrJaswant has reportedly expressed keenness to contest from the Barmer in seat ! Rajasthan. However, the desire of )aswant Describing Mr Bhave as of the best LAS offi- one! cers,hesaid,"Ihaveknown Bhave !was the He is notenjoyagcodwor1dngrela tryknownforhisrectitude' tested by another section of tionship with the Rajasthan and honesty', The theparty in Rajasthan Chief Minister Ms Vasund Finanáe Ministet-joined the hara likes which wants to field ColonelSona Ram from the constituency REje. ! ! "Ithas been a pleasureto forme4 of Union Ministers is! contest fromTDarjeelingbut this will be my lastelection Jairam Ramesh and Anand Sharma andeminentbanker Deepak Parekh who have Mr solwanttogobacktomy supportedBhave.- .Jaswant Singh due to his controversial "Jinnah is secular" comment in his book o the founder of Pak home-town," the senior IMP Apparently, theRashtriya had but the former minister was - ! bmughtback to the partyfold during the stintof Mr Nitin Gadkari as BJP chief after the intervention of MrL K ! !!! ! Advani. MrJaswant Singh mer Hehadrepresentedjodh ! ur in the does1!! Singhwasthecandidatefor !SXto start trading in cur President's postfor the NDA In 2012 but lost to! Mr Hamid Ansari. - - Jaswant defends Uhave: Mr Jaswant Singh criti %cise,J the CBI actionagainst chief CB r ency futures in 2008, and renewing it in 2009 and2olo the Vice former SEll andfor- SEBI member KM ,braham forallowingMCX. 1990s. Interestingly,Mrjasqant ! fact, the BJP acaseagainstBhave ! In expelled him for sometime The CBI has registered recently! ! istan published in 2009. leader had said , to fielding ! opposed Sangh ! Swayamsevak " I Minister. unquestionaNy one of the bestlAS officers of the coun ! con is .being when Finance Mr Singh, sitting MP from Darjeeljng, - 2008. -. Singh alleged irregu larities in grant of licence to MCX Stock Exchange in! _____________________ . Singh, for Bhave despite income tax raids againsttheJignesh Shah-pmmoted Financial Technolo gies India Ltd and the commodities promoted by ?FIL, 2007. MCX, exchange in June tflcflhl I I iflifl1.t i?fta -k [ttiti4 RfljTflhti*ti k CBI begins operation against fake doctors - w 2005 murder case: Court denies bail to UP MLA Mukhtar Ansari constituenc)cAnsariisalsofac NEW DELHI, Pit: Uttar Pradesh legislator Mukhtar Ansari, anaccused in the 2005 murder case of RiP MLA Kr ishnariand Jtai, has been de niedbail byafleihi court which cited 'gravity of offence' and 'apprehension' faced by wit lag trial herein a separate case underMaharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCO- for being a member of an organised crime syndicate run \ CA) by his co-accused Prem Prákash alias Munna Bajran- nesses as the reasons. gi. "Considering the nature of evidence which has been The Special Cell of DelhiPolice had arrested Rajrangi in October 2009 for allegedly threatening South Delhi businessman Ashok Tebriwal to ex- brought on record by the pros ecution, gravity of offence and the apprehension faced by the parity saying co-accusedAfzal Ansari has already been en larged on bail by theAllahabad witnesses on account of which trial has been transferred to Delhi, I find no merit to ad High Court while some other the accusedhavealsobeengranted ceted bail conversation. The police had later earlier, on bail. The application is ac The defence counsel also ar gued that Ansari has been in cordingly dismissed," special custodysince December2oos Mit accused Mukhtar Ansari CBI judge Anoop Kumar Mendiratta said, Ansari, who is likely to con test the upcoming Lok Sabha election against RAP's prime ministerial candidate Naren dra Modi from Varanasi on a Quami Ekta Dal ticket, had sought bail on the gmund of and CBI has not probed the tort Rs one core after it intertheir telephonic lodged an FIR against Ansari, who is said to be close to Bajrangi, af teritioundthathewasalsoal case in a fair manner. The CRI, however, opposed legedly a part of the organised crime syndicate. the bail plea apprehending that The 2005 murder case was transferred from Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh to Delhi by the Supreme Court last year on a plea filed by Alka Rai, wife of KrishnanandEsi. be intimi dated or influenced if the ac cused was enlarged on bail at this stage. the witnesses may A sitting legislator from Mau _ . _- _ _ _ iit*n:;* jn c T.TrirqT; 'tiit n*i4 t. <n* W ?RflM tftgr'iT*' nr4s, *11T 3IR 9OCJt .M 34xf ?4;f*f« t1« fai TTT 11-t 39NftFt 1P« wm jaf4r* q*iRQI t ~ $¼3Rftßqrit hf wi% I . r, ftIQ2Q F qIRMfIR iftflireti aifift4l aflffift ank w jraiMi4 . ikflt 0 4, ' a4ftffl B 14ti ft4ras 3*1 tir * tI n * 'L'' ii rftfi * rri 'ik tft ra * n6l Qleil tjlcic ffl iI1'( Q'4l *NI3IT P WlW*4t atiali lkt 1c1eI( zm * IIZR ?15:M I 4 5T ll IZnf glfi f CBI raids fake docs, 6 arrested AGE CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI, MARCH 20 "N Parrot brained CBI's PE against C.B. Bhave undermines Sebi and vitiates the regulatory environment THE haste shown by the CBI concern, the first finger should have Forward in registering a preliminary been raised against the enquiry(PE) againstfonner Markets Commission, then under Board of the ministry of consumer affairs, Securities and Exchange MCX (the India (Sebi) chairman C.B. Rhave, which allowed does more damage to the regulatory raided) to continue as a commodities the entity institution than exchange. Sebi, itis worth recalling, to Bhave himself. The agency reg was being highly criticised then for FE because processes and it believes not encouraging competition in the Bhave gave pennisson lot MCX derivatives market. In giving MCX- SX, an exchange set up by the Jig SX a licence, though with riders, Shah-prothoted Financial Sebi took a correct view to aUownew istered the nesh Technologies India Ltd (FTIL) and players to provide depth and its commodities exchange arm, MCX, despite information from the courage finance ministry that there were in come tax raids on the promoters. TheCßlissimultaneouslyproblnga multi-crore scam by the Natiopal Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL), another entity promoted by Shah, and has en- efficiency in the currency futures market, otherwise dominated by the National Stock Ex- change. The second permission to MCX-SX came in mid-2012, more thanayearafterl3havehaddemitted office. This was for trading in equitiesand came afteraprolonged twobattle had also registered a case of chea*ing year legal against hint and others in waged with the regulator. Rhave had the invest that MCX-SX ments of the state-run Projects and refused the Equipment Corporation (PEC), the promoters consistently failed to aRs 120-crore loss to the exchequer. As Finance Minister P. Chi dilute their equity, as specified by Sebi when granting the firstlicence in 2008. which caused dainbaram said in an interview to second licence because Over the last 15 years, Sebi has this newspaper on Wednesday, the matured not just in CRI doesnot seem to have complete infonnatlon about two different Ii cences given to MCX-SX. The first pacity, but also in its processes. It granted in September spite the complexities of the instru- pennission, 2008,allowedthe company to corn intellectual ca has effectively managed the phe- nomenal stock mejits market growth de- traded. Questioning mencetradingincurrencyfutures. Judgement calls taken by mature While Sebi did have information about IT raids on FTIL and MCX, regulators will only serve to vitiate thesefileswereclosedbythetaxde environment partment. If raids were a matter of function today. the independent and autonomous under which they Jaswant Anand Sharma flay CBI move to probe Bhave OUR BUREAU New Delhi, March2o Former Finance Minister Jaswant Singh has come to the defence of former SEBI Chairman CB Bhave, who is under the Central Bureau of Investigation scanner. Bhave Is unquestionably one of the best LAS officers ofthe countr% known for his rectitude and hon- Singh said in a statement est here. CBI had recently launched a aswant Singh media," Singh said. Such action reaffirms the need for an inde- against pendent CM, with Parliamentary Abraham on the led to crfticlsm from several ministers and high profile bureaucrats. "Without contacting the concerned persons, obtaining their Oversight to ensure that CBI fulfils preliminary Bhave enquiry and KM MCX-SX matter. This move had views and then weighing the evidence, it is reprehensible nish reputations through such leaks. of When to tarofficers honest officers do a good job, they should have the protection that their reputations are not spoilt by investigators prematurely rushing to the its mandate In a fairand judicious manner, he added. Echoing Commerce similar sentiments, and Industry Minister Anand Sharma separately said an investigating agency should exergreat caution as such enqul- dse ties " tarnish reputations. We should be very clear that any enquiry also tarnishes the reputa- tion and destroys reputation. So there is a great caution required," Sharma said. H SC has rejected charges already, " Shourie tells CBI - EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE NEWDELHI, MARCH2O I I - AS Atwo-member CRI team visited former disinvestment - ..- ministerArunshouriejncon nection its preliminary enquiryinto the alleged irregwith ularities in the divestment of Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL) r' during the NDA regime, Shourie laid out the facts of - NSH RI Ministry of Mines, and the CMD ofthe company. Shourie is learnt to have the CR! that the recom mendationtodisinvest2s per told cent was raised to 26 per cent because under company law, an investor acquires an impor ing two members from the in "Every proposal was referredto, and the decisionwas takenby, the Cabinet Committee on Disinvestment presided over by the PM, and therole of the Ministry ofDisinvestmentwasthatofafacilitator," he is learnt to have said. agernent only if he has at least Thedisinvestmentprocedures were elaborate, and 26 per cent equity. scrupulously adhered to, he is believed to have stressed that the entire said. Everystepwas explained process had been transparent, and that Attorney General 0 E Vahanvati had, before the On the queries related to the Supreme Court judgment onthe disinvestment of HPCL tant say a company's man He CRI reopened the F / was probinghadbeenrejected as recently as December2ol2. - 'a " I a...' .? in toto by the Supreme Court - - casebefore the agency, un derscoring that the charges it the - ". decade-old through press statements. matter, opinedthat therewas Shourieis believed tohave saidthatthejudgment no case for challenging the de had no relevance to the HZL cision. case. It was delivered in Sep Shourie apparently re 'minded the officials that the decision had not been ques and BPCL, vestment say MI'S thost vociferously spective posedtoprivatisation. He explained to them that every decision was taken after considered by the of 2002), and the court did not tioned at the time, not evenby op the disinHZL (April tember 2003, after that The it would have retro effect. CBI officers also recorded the statement of Vedanta group chainnanAnil in particular the adminis Agatwal. The agency had last year registered aPR against Agarwal and unknown offl dals in connection with al- trative ministry which was, in leged irregularitiesin the disin- this case,Mines—were repre investmentheaded bythe cab vestment of I-IZL. The agency believes that theloss to the ex chequer due to the alleged ir- bet secretary; and a separate regularities runs into bun valuation committee compris dreds of crores of rupees. it had been inter-ministerial group in whichall concernedministries sented; the core group on dis V 'CBl to register PE into Rolls Róyée contracts with HAL Decision on naming Sudhir Choudhrie yet to be taken RAHTJL TRIPATHI Choudhrie's name first came NEW DELHI, MARCH2O NEARLY two weeks afterDefenceMinis ter AX Antony or deredaCßlprobefritothe.. up in the Rops Royce bribery case after he and his son were said they will first questioned by Serious Fraud examine allegations of Office (SFO) month. 'k *1. I. ri..ery 111roug.. a - in UK last Theagencyisalsolike'to leged bribery case involving British major Rolls Royce's verification process during the PEas they of contracts receivedbyßolls ilindustan AeronauticsLimited (1-lAL), the agency initiated a probe are yet to find any Roycein itsPE.Jtissuspected contracts with and said it is likelytoregister a preliminary enquiry (PR), in stead of a regularcase, CBI officials argued they will first examine the allega ification process during find nais officials. The P , " The British firm had aladmitted to hiringapri contracts between 1-JAL and ready Rolls Royce. vate firm as a "commercial ad- Soon after a CBI probe the had offered to return the cqm centage of the contract value. any mission paid The The "advisor" hasbeen identi- agency said itwill also contact Rolls Royce representatives to seek theirversionbeforefi fled as the Aashniore Private nalismgltsinvestigations The CBI also said that it has sought a detailed report months tq fi its aries to bag defence deals, lecting the documents and for deals in India and that it was paid a certain per- "direct evidence" ofthe allega lions. The agencywill also set a deadline of two that hefty commissions were allegedly paid to intermedi- was announced, Rolls Royce tions of briberythrough aver PB as they are yet to _________________________ "dir ct eviden c" mention RsS,ooocroreworth said is also likely to Choudhrie',ple,j aIQ being probed in connection name 1-JAL and Rolls Royce officials, but a decision with whether to include the name by India. the 2007 Soltam worth Rs 208 crore, in deal which visor" Limited, a company led by Singapore-basedMhokPatni. through Interpol on the role of Patni and Choudhrie. The reference from the Defence hewasfirstnamedbytheCnl, pfallegedarmsdealersudhir Ministry recently received by The case, closed in Choudhrie in the case isyet to be taken, a senior CDI official saicL The agency saidthat after the CBI also cited want of sfifficient evidence, ing anti-corruption investiga- has been reopened by the En forcement Directorat (ED) as well as red flags raised by to dig out fresh evidence HALthat conducted an inter- Chdudhrie to be ex by amined the CDI. eral complaints. receiving from they the communication Defence Ministry,' are in the process of col against 2010 for tion the ongo into the companyby SFO nal probe after receiving sev- crackdown on take doctors CBI New Delhl. March 20 The Central Bureau of Investigation on Thursday launched a nationwide operation against medical practitioners operating on the basis of fake degrees and documents obtained from the Medical council of India. CBI sources said the agency has got information that several doctors,who studied in the commonwealth oflndependentstates(ClS) countries, are practising here without fulfilling necessaryformalities.Thesourcessaid itaiso came to lightthatsome of them allegedly colluded with MCI officers, who gave them permission to practice in exchange of illegal grattfication even asthe doctors did notfuifil necessary parameters. n __ _ _ fl*11T CBI **1 aiwktr& (-p [aremfflt] itii ('itt) .* awk *jam f afr wf 4T 1R * litflft'thtaflf iN~'vi t an t ,'* 1M jiif, # aiuiinftl ffiiif HHdltlftTTf44ttT ft m-icnQ tI Wr 'I ti*4flai,it ¶ft'nfttlpmT c atfl9iNT? nfmwtni T9ltnrqT. *1 fi nMtnftiu 3Ulctdfl MVc4UI fflcT'4 'uiWii 'fltli3 'iMT flairt *t q4 eNlqe(aTh i'itr TtShfrt*T Nr&Ni'l4Sl Chary denies any link to NSEL scam Says 'vested interests defeated in competition' trying to getCßlto goafterhim BSREPORTER CBI examines Shouri and Agarwal in HR divestment case NEW DELHI: CBI has exarnmed former dis6vestmnj minister Arun Sl?ourie nd Vedanta grouptchairmafr Anil Agarwal in connection with alleged irregularities in the divestment ofHhidustan Zinc Ltd (HZL)during NDA regieme. <ni sours dtJiagnq re4Ösed tbi.statemtzt4JS Shoune an iasiwcegi Shourie saft! that two CBI officers from its Jodhpur office bad come andtheyasked hirn the reasons for implementing the policy under which HZL was disinvested. 'Ihe former minister ofdisinvestment sah! lt was strange as CIII was probing the same allegations whichwerebrought before Supreme Court and rejected byit. He said another strange point was the fact that the officers of level ofSP and DSP were questioning the policy of the government. nj CBI fo record sfatemenf of PM uide Nair in Coulgale ke EW DELUI: Nearly one astd-a-half-years after start»g F probe in Coalgate, CBI is likelyto examine as a witness 1 tKANair,advisertoPrime Minister, in connection with -t the o The sources said agency is - 1ke1y 1» reordthe stateent die øf Nah on the issue of alloca of Talabira coal block to meeting with Kuinar Man Uindalco. Aditya Birla Group.. Ijon In its against FIR Uindalco, CBI has alleged i t1at the company got the block even after being 4pal tjected by die screening qpmniittee. o lt alleged that the only PMO and his personal galam Birla, chairman of Nah's comments may also be sought on some other coal block allocations especially those allotted when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was holding charge of die coal ministr» material change that took Die sources said Nah's ace between rejection of examination is likely to take place by the end of this ndalco's application by the reening committee and otment were two letters outed to the thea coal sec etary P C Parakh through nionth as the apex court has directed the agency to complete scam ts probe in die coal by April end. P11 7Delhi HC rejects M POST BIJREAU baU to UP MLA Mukhtar Ansari ecution, gravity ofoffence am! NEW DELIII: Uttar Pradesh legislator Mukhtar Ansari, the apprehension faced by the witnesses on account of Narendra Modi fromWranasi on a Quami Ekta Da! ticket, had soughtballon the ground which the trial has been trans of parity saying co-accused ferred to Delhi, 1 find no merit to admit accused Mukhtar Afzal Ansari has älreadybeen enlarged on bail by the Alla- nanand Ral, has been denied Ansari on bail. habad High Courtwhile some bail by a Delhi court which cited 'gravity of offence' and is other accused have also been an accused in the 2005 mvr der case ofBJP MLA Krish 'apprehension' faced by wit nesses as the reasons. 'Considering the nature of evidence which has been brought on record by the pros The application accordingly &smissed spe cia! CRI judge AnoopKumar Mendirattasaid. Ansari, who is likely to contest the upcoming Lok granted bail earlier. 'ffie defence counsel also arguedthat Ansarihasbeen in custodysince December 2005 Sabha election against BJP'S am! CRI has not probed the ministeriat prime candidate_ case in a fair manner. tBI cracks whip against 'fakt döctors across country, 6 held NEW DELHi: Jn a nationwide swoop, CIII onlhursday arrestedsixpeoplepossessing medical degrees frorn Russia and China and obtained recognitionfromMedicalCoun At least three doctors, who had allegedly got a forged registration horn MCI, were working in government hospitals in Guiarat, West Begal and Chhattisgarh ciloflndiathroughallegedly fraudulent means. CIII sah! aninfonnation pertaining to this scam was against unnamed officials of CIII alleged these candi 4ateshadcolludedwithMCl MClandprivatepersons CIII conductedraids at the oflicials who gave them per- received and intelligence was developed before fihing an premises ofa Meerut medical mission to ptactice in return practitionerwho was ailegedly for illegal gratification even as eight people who aconduitbetweenMCI oflicials and the potential candidates HR against claimed they bad medical the doctors did not frilfil the necessaryparameters. CRI director Rarijit Sinba, degrees from Russia and China. CBI officially spoke coming from these countries. about five arrests but sources arrested people told its sleuths mg thes case, said 'this more person has been that tbey paid upto Rs 20 lakh important case as such people one apprebended. Mleastthreeofthe doctors, wbo bad allegedly got a forged According to CIII, the whowaspersonallymonitoris avery for getting registration from were playing with the lives of MCI. palients it 'When Ute report came to registration from MCI, were mandatory for screening test us, wc viewed lt with utmost government hos ofmedical students from erst wbile USSR countries and seriousness China who wanted to prac ticeinlndia. ried out nationwidesearcbes' working in pitals in Gujarat, West Regal and tbhattisgarh. TheCßlcasewasalso Government bas made and today after finalisingthe FIR, wc bave car- hesaid. Shourie Agarwal grilled in HZL divestment case CBI has enough evidence for probe against Bhave RUCHIKACHITRAVANSHI fr4 (qetpi4) I 9 (W) fl i ti Ir4l4,cticl, Zi tnt tu'rafqi4 r Th ththlqß T9 eull4ialfl39lgPgqagSfl r W feit 3FI 'iir 1T ithSr 11T *1 %M R (tztfr)i 31IcHc1l seul seu1 iid wt tt a sift 3lI 311 i WIN i1 aiiq ta Rn 'pu iftu B1 Don't instil fear-psychosis in govt officers 9Ti**l'cbßc,' W 1k ___ (get.i4l) I ZIPII '5119 ZItT ½ tli 31141 tIN _____________- r rr. ;. ½ U Ivn 'sii m Øislsfr ___ U13311b Rsif½i4za _________ flwiil 4slcb)Al (11c11314 q,iglig½iftx niQ4l 1511 4II½M cM 3UtTffli llllas qigiig I Nalif 3W1141 Wipg4i 26 M*utS CBI books 6 cos for loan Registers FIRs AgainstGovt Neerajchauhan defaults Officials Probes Role Of Banks In Debt Recast $c?bâzi _D 1I1'I5Tc1fJI'1 { RMI, k S ~ ~ 'Tl9 ai t~i i ____jf * mi fii i$4 a?ifti fti M; 9'?ri l4IQ'*i~ ftn I4rair* wimt t miftar *~ ft v* flts wmu mi * ___ziMiMr nn9flr q,igkig aili ftu i * ~ 't ttvfti ½ n w N ciil t I*4 yiwr * Wit CBI to register PE in Rolls-Royce case fldllcrektttptlstctSffi: " &Mbfl lwMiffi3mq*a. fti nan 'WI' t'inlt*aifl I44tW n'hii 1W ?4 20 N *i 1R - ___ ITh9IIZUi 12T1 fl 1S iV 311 cclli fI *1 M TnT ** a * ç 12 'IPt fk# fi Bxwiq lITh ipj IPWi afr txq *1 4at*Tm flßtl9g 1U annm*n * t'w nt, * tftimwiltaii **"iiiil iz *iwflr*. Under fire CBI defends Bhave probe Neeraj Chaukan /TNN CBI needs to be cautious as probes tarnish reputations Sharma NEW DELHI: Perturbed by the probe initiated by the Central liminary Enquiry (PE) registered by the CR! against Mr. Bureau of Investigation (CBI) against former Securities and Bhave. Exchange should not create an environ- Board of India Chairman merce C. B. Bhave, Comand Industry Minister Anand Sharma said the inves- tigating agency should exercise great caution as such enquiries 'tarnish' reputations. 'We should be very clear that any enquiry also tarnish- es the reputation stroys reputation. and de- So, there is a great caution required," Mr. Sharma told PTI when asked about his views on the Pre Mr. Sharma said that one ment where every bona fide made suspect. decision was "You have to have a funcenvironment in the tional country where decision making and governance are not held to ransom. This is very, very clear that Central investigative agencies have a role to play where the bona fides of a decision are questionable for graft or pecuniary gains and not otherwise," he added. PTJ - with fake mcd degrees arrested TIMES NEWS NETWORK CBI quizzes Shouriein Vedanta case CBI arrests five doctors for fraudulently obtaining licences Devesh K. Pandey NEW DELHI: Five doctors lently accused practice of the eight of fraudu- in medical qualifica- conniv- Council of India (MCI) were obtained on the basis of false documents and office record arrested by the entries. - Central Investigation Bu- "Duriig preliminary interrogation, possess some of the accused confessed to have the crime. While seven of them claim to have primary medical qualifi- Investigations revealed that at least three of the accused doctors had been work on Thursday. They purportedly Screening test bypassed were into medical practice on the lasis of MCI registrations with middlemen and unofficials of the Medical of Chhattisgarh. case on the basis of source information that some doctors known reau ing at government hospitals in Gujarat, West Bengal and tions from Russia and China. The agency registered the obtaining licences for medical ance primary cations from institutions Russia, one is said were arrested in JCerala, West Bengal and Gujarat, the other to undertake a screening test suspects conducted twice by an autonomous body, National Board of Examination. questione4. nre According the accused It is only after a candidate qualifies the test that the MCI issues a registration certifi- proached cate who that is mandatory practice in for India," said a CBI official. While five of the accused being the agency, doctors did not to clear the test and instead ap- some unknown MCI officials through middlemen, charged ranging from commissions lakh to 115.20, lakh per head for the job. in have done medical studies in Chi na. As per rules, those with foreign degrees are required medical to Rs.s ycui ____________ i.J i'iE lt trt *cbHcb'k aaNizoos v 'fr* Mif *flifl ii4,cr itt flfl ni &rMIF, ft 'ifg f&ri *ntt aM(wm k'ivmfw tv *gi'tknit fl'4 Mtra *aTt 35R'Jft* lt.. CBh!odgescheatinq case against MCI officials, doctors NEW DELHI: The CBI has lodged a case against unknown officials of the Medical Council of India (MCI) and eight doctors for the allegedly fraudulent grant of its permanent registration number to the iatter in 2013 to allow their work In India. Five of the doctors have been arrested on Thursday. Seven doctors had got their medical degrees from China, While one got it from Russia. '12 'STOCKOURU SCANDAL City court grants bail to scam mastermind Avantika Mehta released on the basis of a personal bond and not a surety franniehtthlndustnnl*necoffl The court noted that Kha ire NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on Thursday grantedballtoulhas Prabhakar Khaire, the 500 crore Stockguru scam master mind, considered by many to be one of the biggest scams of 2011. Khaire, who allegedly duped 2 lakh people into invest ing in his firm, ironically found himself unable to afford counsel, He was represented by advocate over Asim All, who was assigned the case through the Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DLSA). The legal expenses in such cases are borne by the State. During the hearing, Special CBI Judge Gurvinder Pal Singh noted that Khaire had previously been granted ball on Marchl9, 20 13, but had been unable to ftil fill the surety condition, had been in judicial custody since January 24, 2013. Since the sixty-day period allowed to the CBI to Investigate the matter had passed, the court saw it fit to allow the ball application on the basisthat he furnishes a personal bond of - the amount 50,000 set bythe court's predecessor In the first bail application. The court further ordered the CBltofUrnlshacompletereport of Khaire'santecedents,includ Ing details of all litigations that he's involved in as an accused, complainant or defendant, During the hearing, Khaire made an oral submission that he'd done so by filing a notification in the official Gazette in Maharashtra. The court thrected the CDI to look Into the veracity of this statement. His second ball application, The matter has now been filed through DLSA onFebruary 21, 2014, requested that he be listed on April 17th for further hearing. - c, %4, _ 'u4ßdJl ai6i factiitwbei ftiflraWtn tft3ft 311 Zfi iflii a4qr ftzjr Mft gTnrM 12 t'VwI9II "T-5 CBI INVESTIGATING FAXE DOCTORS NEW DELHI: The Cal on Thursday faunched a nationwide operation against medical practitioners operating on basis of fake the degrees and docu- ments obtained from the Medical Council of Indla. CBI sources said has got Information that sever- the agency al doctors, who studied in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries are practising here without fulfilling necessary formalities. PTI
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