In this symposium, a team of professors will introduce the theory of CLIL, linking it with good practice for elementary to advanced level classes. We will be introducing approaches to CLIL in English, referring to our practice at Center for Language Education and Research, Sophia University. The CLIL demonstrations will be in English and there will be some language support in Japanese. We welcome participants teaching at university and also at high school level. We welcome all of you who are interested in CLIL. Come and enjoy the flavour of CLIL! プログラム 午前の部 10:00-11:30(CLIL 基礎編) I 基本的理念 Theory and practice of CLIL Satomi Fujii and Chantal Hemmi II 授業の組み立て方 Tips for planning CLIL lessons Phil Patrick III 模擬授業(初級学習者対象) CLIL demo lesson at Elementary level Graham Mackenzie 質疑応答 Q and A Poster session 11:40-13:00 Lunch break 13:00-14:00 午後の部 14:00-16:00(CLIL 応用編) IV Simultaneous book reports(中級学習者対象実践例) Miki Shrosbree V Film in the CLIL classroom(上級学習者対象実践例) Natalie Close VI Facilitating qualitative student research in the undergraduate CLIL Classroom Vincent Petrin 質疑応答 Q and A Poster Presentations A tale of two electives: a TESOL background and a light CLIL approach - Quenby Aoki Vocabulary learning through a light CLIL approach - Emi Fukasawa Exploring CLIL: An Academic Journey through Journalism, History, and Multicultural Issues - Diane Obara A CLIL approach to preparing students for studying degree programmes in English Maki Ojima The Academic Professional Skills test (APS) for the CLIL classroom: An integrated genrebased ESP framework for assessing university L2 learners - Vincent Petrin A light CLIL course focusing on world regional issues using maps - Miyuki Yukita 開催日時:2016年 8 月 4 日(木) 場所:上智大学四谷キャンパス (東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1) 2 号館 4 階 401 教室 対象:CLIL に関心をお持ちの方 (使用言語:英語) 参加方法:事前申込不要、参加費無料 (会場定員 250 名にて受付終了させていただきます) お問い合わせ:[email protected] CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING
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