(土曜日) Date: January 28, 2017 (Saturday)

In this symposium, Professor Makoto Ikeda will introduce the theory of CLIL
in connection to practices of CLIL in Japan and Europe. This will be followed
by demonstrations and examples of actual practice of CLIL at Center for
Language Education and Research. We present our interpretations of teaching
content and language in an integrated way, taking into consideration the goals
of the learners in each context. We celebrate our diversity at CLER where 22
different languages are taught.
プログラム Programme
司会者: Chantal Hemmi and Akiko Masaki
午前の部 Morning session 10:00-12:00
I 基調講演:多様な教育場面での CLIL の原理と教室技法
CLIL Principles and Classroom Techniques in Diverse Contexts
II CLIL のデモレッスン(英語)
CLIL Demo lesson in English
Emi Fukasawa
午後の部 Afternoon session 13:30-16:00
III 言語政策と語学教育
Language policy and education
Lisa Fairbrother
IV フランス語での CLIL の活動
CLIL activities in French
Ayako Kitamura
V 中国語での CLIL の活動
CLIL Activities in Chinese
Zhang Tong
Makoto Ikeda
VI 質疑応答
Questions and Answers
日時:2017 年 1 月 28 日(土曜日)
Date: January 28, 2017 (Saturday)
場所:上智大学 12 号館 102 教室
Place: Room 102, Building 12,
Sophia University
Languages used for instruction: Japanese, English, French and Chinese
(There will be some language support in English in areas where needed.)
No booking necessary. No entrance fee
問い合わせ先 上智大学言語教育研究センター 廣康好美 [email protected]
Inquiries: Yoshimi Hiroyasu, Center for Language Education and Research, Sophia University
このシンポジウムは、科研費「第 2 外国語教育における、独語、仏語、西語の連携の提案―カリキュラムの構築と教授法
(基盤研究 C26370633)の一環として企画しました。
後援 上智大学言語教育研究センター