S aint Anthony Church North Providence 353-3120 Saintanthonychurch.org C S hurch of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary aint Edward Church North Providence 722-7140 Presentationchurchnp.org Providence • 331-4035 Saintedwardchurchpvd.org August 23, 2015 Reverend Edward S. Cardente, Pastor Reverend Nolasco Tamayo, Part time Associate Diocesan Director of Intercultural Ministries Reverend Mr. Louis Vani, Deacon WELCOME If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely - with uncondional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together. WEEKEND MASS CELEBRATIONS SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH - 1413 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM Angelo Minervino, Sacristan CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION - 1081 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 4 PM, Sunday 10 AM Stephen Campbell, Sacristan SAINT EDWARD CHURCH - 997 Branch Avenue, Providence Saturday Vigil 6 PM (Spanish), Sunday 9 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish) John Arena, Sacristan HOLY DAYS - as announced WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Thursday (Trinity Chapel) 8:30 AM St. Anthony Novena Mass: Tuesday 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM (Presentaon Church) BUSINESS OFFICES - 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, 401 353-3120 401 353-5126 (Fax) Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Karleen Celona, Administrave Assistant Informaon about the Sacrament of Marriage, Ministry to the Sick and Dying, Parish Records Bullen submissions should be emailed to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5215 Maryann Palloa, Elementary Coordinator Mary Ann Dempsey, Junior High Coordinator Sr. Carol Ann Murray, RSM and Sr. Diane Marie Pederzani, RSM, First Eucharist Coordinators Laurie Masood, Bapsmal Preparaon Informaon about Infant Bapsm, Adult Sacraments, becoming Roman Catholic (RCIA) YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5216 Michael Murphy, Coordinator Evere Downing, TIP Baseball Tom Malloy, CYO Basketball ABBA-AVE PRAYER MINISTRY 330-7021 401 353-3059 MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Saint Anthony Kitchen – Gloria Mamis, Director 353-0688 Saint Anthony Mobile Lunch - Stephen and Louise Bello 556-5129 Social Acon Commiee 621-3805 Saint Edward Food & Wellness Center, 1001 Branch Avenue, Providence, Lori Porcaro, Director Holy Family Home for Women and Children - Ernest Spaziano, Director 304-7744; [email protected] Mary’s Meals to the Poor, Church of the Presentaon, David St.Hilaire MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTORS St. Anthony Church - Toby Andrews Church of the Presentaon - Kim Stanzione St Edward Church, (English Mass) - Judy Laffey CONVENT 3 Pope Street, North Providence Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy MINISTERIO EN ESPAÑOL Rev. Nolasco Tamayo 331-3833 Asistente Pastoral: José Aponte 919-6572 Programa Confirmación: Mayra Vizcaíno 347-5545 Catequesis de Adultos: Guillermina Arias 499-8387 Bausmos: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Matrimonios: Hablar con Fr. Nolasco con un año de ancipación. Grupo de Oración: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Grupo de Lectores: Salvador Pérez 474-9802 Confesiones: Antes de las misas o por cita THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK When we experience the merciful love of the Father, we are more able to share this joy with our neighbors. - Pope Francis Every Mass is offered for the intenons of the faithful present. SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH MONDAY August 24 8:30 AM 24th Anniv - Dr. Robert F. Roberti by Wife and Family TUESDAY August 25 8:30 AM A Special Intention by Marilyn Castrignano WEDNESDAY August 26 8:30 AM 8th Anniv - Anita Carcieri by Husband and Family THURSDAY August 27 8:30 AM Mem - Steven Soares by Parents SATURDAY August 29 5:15 PM Birth Rem - Mary Conca by the Family SUNDAY August 30 8:00 AM Mem - Frank, Josephine and Joseph Luca by the Family 10:00 AM Mem - Dominick V. Rosato by Virginia DiMattia and Family 11:30 AM 6th Anniv - Raymond J. Herchen by the Family SAINT EDWARD CHURCH WEDNESDAY August 26 6:00 PM Exposicion del Santisimo 7:00 PM Spanish Mass SUNDAY August 30 9:00 AM For the Parishioners 11:30 AM Spanish Mass REST IN PEACE Lord, let perpetual light shine upon Anna Dorsi, Joseph Albanese and Anthony Pescarino. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. STEWARDSHIP August 15 and 16, 2015 Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Budgets $ 3,314.00 from 134 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 370.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 190.00 Saint Anthony Church Budgets $ 5,189.00 from 260 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 646.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 276.00 Saint Edward Church Budgets $ 1,744.00 from 95 envelopes Donations for the Poor: $ 41.00 CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY SATURDAY August 29 4:00 PM Birth Rem - William and Marie Bisson by the Family SUNDAY August 30 10:00 AM Birth Rem - Marie Pistacchio by Husband and Family THE VIGIL LAMP The Vigil Candle will burn from August 22nd through August 28th in Memory of Deceased Parishioners. PARISH MEETINGS – WEEK OF AUGUST 23 St. Anthony Church Adoration Thursday @ 9:00 AM Trinity Chapel YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Ministry Office: 353-5216 Youth Ministries is continuing to Grow!! We will be organizing and participating in a variety of events including social activities, service based projects within the church and surrounding communities, leadership training activities and a variety of growth and mentoring opportunities. Please visit the Youth Ministry page under the “Ministries” tab at saintanthonychurch.org for more information. Anyone who may be interested please contact Michael Murphy at 353-5216 or 339-7848. BAPTISMS We welcome into our parish family John Joseph Brucas, Maddison Ariana Lamphere, Giana Elaine Rivelli, Nicholas Hall Rivelli and Alice Ann Josephine Hall RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION Attention Parents: Registration for Classes for Upcoming Fall 2015 – 2016 Registration for all grades is now taking place, and several Grade 7 and Grade 8 registrations remain outstanding. Prompt attention to outstanding registrations is important and would be appreciated. Registration for Confirmation I (Grade 9) and Confirmation II (Grade 10) took place at the Parent / Teachers Meetings in May. Formal classes begin in January 2016, but several Confirmation related activities will begin shortly so prompt attention to those several registrations remaining outstanding is very important and greatly appreciated. Sr. Carol will be contacting parents of students who completed the first year of the First Communion program for a parent meeting. Registration will take place at that meeting. who will be baptized this weekend. May our Lord continue to bless them and their families. Parents of students entering Grade 1 and those in Catholic School who will be entering Grades 2, 9 or 10 are to contact the Religious Education office to register their children for the fall classes, First Eucharist and Confirmation Programs. 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL Parents of any students entering grade 3 and up who have not received the Sacrament of the Eucharist (First Communion) are to contact the Religious Education office to register for classes. To avoid confusion, these students have not attended classes this past school year. Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Goal: $40,950.00 $ 31,422.25 from 203 donors (77% of goal) St. Anthony Church Goal: $84,000.00 $ 76,800.69 from 428 donors (91% of goal) St. Edward Church Goal: $19,950.00 $ 24,605.45 from 170 donors Final Totals - 2015 Appeal is Complete. READINGS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Saint Bartholomew, apostle Rv 21: 9b – 14; Jn 1: 45 - 51 Tuesday – Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, priest 1 Thes 2: 1 – 8; Mt 23: 23 - 26 Wednesday – Weekday 1 Thes 2: 9 – 13; Mt 23: 27 - 32 Thursday – Saint Monica 1 Thes 3: 7 – 13; Mt 24: 42 - 51 Friday – Saint Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church 1 Thes 4: 1 – 8; Mt 25: 1 - 13 Saturday – The Passion of Saint John the Baptist 1 Thes 4: 9 – 11; Mk 6: 17 - 29 Sunday – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 4: 1-2, 6- 8; Jas 1: 17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7: 1-8, 14- 15, 21-23 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATIONS GRADES 1, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 All registrations for Religious Education for children in grades 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are now overdue. Please return all registration forms immediately as class rosters must be finalized. THE DIOCESAN SPECIAL RELIGIOUS DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY The Special Religious Development Ministry (SPRED) is a parish small faith community of catechists and persons with cognitive and developmental disabilities. The community fosters the inclusion of persons with different abilities and challenges into the life of our parish. If you are interested in becoming involved with this ministry, please call Marie Wilson at 734-1867. Dear Parishioners, It has been awhile that I haven’t given a report about our farm project so let me give you an update. First of all the farm is property of the North American Catholic Educational Programming Foundation (look up NACEPF on the internet to get an idea of what it does and how you can be better informed as a Catholic). When John Primeau, its founder, approached me two years ago of his purchase of the 150 plus acres west of the Scituate reservoir on Route 101 and shared his plan to raise vegetables for the poor without chemical treatment, I offered to help with the harvest and distribution. After the initial small trial crop of lettuce and kale which we harvested and distributed late in November 2013, John expanded the operation to four greenhouses for the summer of 2014. As you know I went up with a couple of volunteers on a regular basis to harvest different varieties of tomatoes, along with peppers, eggplant, green beans, kale and lettuce from mid - July through the beginning of November. Our Food Center and outreach ministries well benefited from the volume of vegetables we distributed. This year the operation was expanded with another greenhouse as well as extensions to two of the existing ones and the hiring of two full - time workers. Through our growing youth ministry program many of the youth were interested in helping on the Tuesday harvests, along with a few dedicated adults. Now the volume of fresh produce is increasing as summer is past peak. This week we had the largest turnout ever which made it easier to harvest a lot of tomatoes and peppers in record time during a heat wave. I am very grateful for the following youth who came this week: Perry and Lucia Cusati, Ailsa Ferland, Carla and Liz Horton, Allison, Haley and Julia Jasper, Isabella Mollis, Gian Perrotta, John Perez and Wilson Ramos along with adult advisors, Rob Bello and Leah Phelan. I want to thank Ann Marie Alecio and Janine Napolitano for helping out with transportation as well as harvesting. They also pledged to help out after school begins with a late afternoon harvest. What also has been a blessing to our farm program is the commitment of Anthony Crocenzi who transports the produce every week to the food center and to Dan Rao for organizing the volunteers at the farm. This past week’s harvest yielded approximately 3,600 tomatoes of four varieties, and a few hundred peppers of different types. With the price of native tomatoes at the stores you can imagine the value of what was harvested and distributed to the poor whom we serve in our various ministries. May all of us continue to be grateful to God who is responsible for the rich yield of the earth beneath us. May your week be blessed by our God. Father Ed VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR HOLY FAMILY HOME TRAINING SESSIONS FOR HOLY FAMILY HOME VOLUNTEERS We are still in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please call the office (304-7744) between 9 AM and 3 PM. We would like to fill the following schedule: Monday through Friday, 7 AM - 9 AM, 3 PM - 5 PM, 5 PM 8 PM, 8 PM - 11 PM and 11 PM - 7 AM; Saturday and Sunday, 7 AM- 12 Noon, 12 Noon - 5 PM, 5 PM - 8 PM, 8 PM - 11 PM and 11 PM - 7 AM. There is a critical need for WEEKEND volunteers. If you can assist, please call the shelter or see Fr. Ed after Mass. We welcome individual volunteers, couples and friends. The mandatory training sessions for the volunteers of the Holy Family Home have been rescheduled. The training sessions will be held on Monday, August 24th at 6:30 PM and Saturday, September 12th at 9:30 AM. The main speakers will be representatives from the Society of Saint Vincent dePaul. Volunteers are required to attend one of these sessions. Each session will be approximately 2 - 3 hours and will be held in the Saint Anthony Church Parish Center. 9TH ANNUAL DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HOLY FAMILY HOME UPDATE Holy Family Home for Mothers and Children opened recently. Only monetary donations are being accepted. Checks may be made payable to Saint Anthony Church. Please do not leave clothing, furniture, children’s toys, strollers, etc. outside the building as they will be discarded. Your cooperation is appreciated in this matter. The Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is sponsoring the 9th Annual Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, September 20th at 1 PM at the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul in Providence. The celebration is for couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversary. The celebration will include Mass, renewal of vows, a personalized certificate for each couple and a reception for couples and their families. Please call the Parish Office (353-3120) to make reservations. LA CATEQUESIS INFANTIL INICIA EN SEPTIEMBRE 12 Para los niños del segundo año de catequesis, y los nuevos. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la parroquia, o al menos estar asistiendo durante seis meses continuos a las celebraciones dominicales; el curso solo se dictará en Español, por tanto el niño debe ser bilingüe o al menos hablar español en casa; se hará un test de bienvenida a los niños para ubicarlos en su respectivo nivel. La edad mínima es de 7 años para los nuevos, lo que significa que debe saber leer y escribir. Detalles José Flores 226-5007 PROGRAMA DE CONFIRMACIÓN PARA JÓVENES AGOSTO 23 /2015 TODOS TENEMOS TALENTOS (PARTE 2) Querido feligrés… Posiblemente en algún momento de la vida te has confrontado y te has preguntado: ¿Dónde están mis talentos?, no veas con los ojos humanos, ve con los ojos espirituales pues Dios puede hacer de tu talento una plataforma para ayudar en la extensión de su Reino. No te desesperes si a lo mejor no vez en ti el talento que tanto deseaste, Dios puede usarte de la forma que menos pensaste, así es mi Dios, así es tu Dios grande en creatividad y en misericordia. Así que levántate, usa todos los talentos que Dios te ha dado, sea cual sea y utilízalo para ser el mejor en tu rama y glorificar al Señor en tu Parroquia, pues ese talento tarde o temprano te llevara a cosas grandes que jamás imaginaste. QUIZAS NO SEPAS QUE... x Saber sonreír a la gente es un talento x Saber recibir a las personas nuevas en tu iglesia es un talento x Tener espíritu de liderazgo es un talento x Tener amor y paciencia con otras personas es un talento x Saber enseñar y educar es un talento x Saber llevar un hogar es un talento x Estar de buen humor y ser simpático es un talento x Hacer amigos es un talento x Escuchar a los demás es un talento x Ser educado en tu lenguaje es un talento x Ser detallista es un talento x Ser una persona que ora es un talento x Hacer reír a la gente y divertirlas es un talento x Disfrutar de los detalles es un talento x No quejarse es un talento x Ser humilde es un talento x Saber trabajar en equipo es un talento x Saber tratar con los niños es un talento Quizás pensabas que no tenías ningún talento, y al leer esta lista descubras que sí los tienes. Recuerda que lo poco que tengas, si lo pones al servicio de Dios, él te irá dando más y más, y al final dirá "En lo poco has sido fiel, en lo mucho te pondré". NUEVA ESCUELA DE DISCIPULADO Este Lunes 14 de Septiembre a las 6.30 p.m. para todos aquellos que quieran profundizar en el conocimiento de nuestra fe, y asistieron a un “Seminario de vida en el Espíritu” o al retiro “Cambiame a mi Señor”. Será excitante!!! Interesados llamar a Victor Ortega al 401-212-9145 El 22 de Septiembre comenzará el programa de confirmación para jovencitos y jovencitas que estén cursando ahora el grado noveno en adelante. Edades entre los 15 años en adelante. Será bilingüe para aquellos que tengan dificultades con el Español y adaptado a jóvenes. También aquellos que no hayan hecho su primera comunión podrán participar en este programa. Es distinto al RICA (programa de adultos). Mayores informes con Mayra Vizcaíno al 347-5545. Será de 6 meses. PROGRAMA DE CATEQUESIS DE ADULTOS COMIENZA El próximo 22 de Septiembre para todos aquellos adultos que aún no han recibido los sacramentos restantes del proceso de Iniciación Cristiana o sea para quienes no han hecho su primera comunión o confirmación, porque piensan casarse por la Iglesia o porque no te han bautizado o se quieren convertir a la fe católica. Pueden inscribirse con Guillermina Arias al tel. 401-499-8387. Necesitan partida de bautismo para inscribirse al programa. Llamen desde ahora para separar el cupo. NECESITAMOS 1 CATEQUISTA Para el programa de catequesis 2014-2015. Le daremos entrenamiento. Requisitos: disponibilidad de tiempo los sábados desde las 4.00 p.m. hasta las 7.00 p.m. Tener buenos conocimientos de nuestra fe católica y sobre todo ser personas de muy buena reputación y testimonio de vida. Comuníquense con José Flores al 401-226-5007 CONVOCATORIA PARA EL GRUPO JUVENIL Esta invitación es para tí que quieres compartir tu alegría de vivir con otros de tu edad, para tí que tienes inquietudes y no encuentras con quien hablar de ellas, o para tí que quieres conocer mas acerca de tu fe. Ven y disfrutemos juntos, construyamos Iglesia. Reiniciamos el sábado 12 de Septiembre a las 7:15 pm en el basement de la parroquia. Para preguntas comuniicate con Perla al telf 401-261-2048. No Faltes, te esperamos!!! Queremos actualizar la información de los feligreses que han cambiado de dirección, que nunca se han registrado y enen San Eduardo como su parroquia, o que llegan nuevos y quieren hacer parte de nuestra comunidad!!! Después de las misas estaremos haciendo esa campaña por las siguientes 4 semanas. Esperamos la cooperación de todos. Es importante poder tener nuestra base de datos actualizada! Gracias a todos! NUESTRA CO-RRESPONSABILIDAD!!! “Un gran RETO: Dejemos de arruinar el jardín que Dios nos ha confiado para que todos podamos disfrutarlo (Papa Francisco) Tiempo y Talento: Agradecemos a la familia Andrade, a Luis Álvarez y los demás por la preparación del almuerzo de este Domingo. Tesoro: Ofrenda de Agosto 16 $1,744.00 en 95 sobres y $152.00 en ofrenda suelta. Dios les pague!!! 904 A. A. MARIANI & SON FUNERAL HOME “Serving our community Since 1889” TIMOTHY O’ TOOLE ~ FD/RE • PAUL ROY ~ FD/RE 200 HAWKINS ST., PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 02904 • 861-5432 NICHOLAS D. IANNUCCILLI, MD SMOKESTACK CIGAR SHOP X-RAY • FLUOROSCOPY • ULTRASOUND • BONE DENSITY Comforting & Relaxed Environment WELLESLEY MEDICAL BUILDING [email protected] WALK-INS WELCOME Evening & Saturday Appts. Available. 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Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Hrs: Sun.-Tues 7am-3pm • Weds.-Sat. 7am-9pm COFFEE...Small $1.10...Medium $1.60 MINERAL SPRING LIQUORS Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. 1005 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence, RI 02904 401.723.5560 • Fax 401.728.7805 Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! METRO MOTOR GROUP METRO COLLISION CENTER A Grieco Family Company 181 Putnam Ave., Johnston, RI A Grieco Family Company We Repair ALL Makes & Models with factory parts by certified technicians. ALL repairs are guaranteed for the life of your vehicle. www.metrocollisionri.com RHODE ISLAND • MASS • FLORIDA We meet by accident... Make friends on purpose. www.metromotorgroup.com Call me for ALL you auto needs. Robert T. Grieco, Parishioner (401) 553-6000 CELL: (401) 265-8088 RAMBONE & SPRAGUE OIL SERVICE, INC. We Won’t Leave You In The Cold Ph: 401.647.1455 • Fax: 401.647.1955 Heating System Installation 1484 Mineral Spring Ave., N. Providence (Across From St. Anthony) BUY 6 GET 6 FREE DONUTS WITH COUPON 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence RI (back) FX Cathy Grieco, Parishioner (401) 231-1118 Mon. -Fri.: noon - 8pm Just Kids RI Sat. JOSEPH P. CALABRO, JR. & Sun.: 9am - 7pm SICK CARE 2 Meehan Lane, Cumberland, RI 401.658.CARE (2273) www.justkidsri.com CPA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT MASTER OF SCIENCE TAXATION (401) 354-8720 NAccidentally ORTHEAST AUTO BODY & SALES The Best • Insurance Specialists [email protected] 21 Humbert Street, N. Providence, RI 02911 [email protected] 1 Thurber Blvd. • Suite D Smithfield, RI 02917 (401) 437-8444 • (401) 437-6613 Fax John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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