January 4 - St. Agnes Catholic

St. Agnes & Sacred Heart
Catholic Parishes
Fr. Francis Kabiru, Pastor
[email protected]
Hap Ramsey, Deacon
[email protected]
Jim Clack, Deacon
[email protected]
St. Agnes
Dan Schuler, DRE/YM
[email protected]
210 Division Street, Walker
Hannah Smith, Secretary
[email protected]
Sacred Heart
300 First Street North, Hackensack
Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Saturday (1/3) (1st Saturday) at 4:00 pm at St. Agnes +Catherine Marie Aletto
Sunday (1/4) at 8:30 am at Sacred Heart +Dennis Eustice
Sunday (1/4) at 10:15 am at St. Agnes +All Parishioners
Tuesday (1/6) NO DAILY MASS +Bette Arnold
Fr. Francis will
Wednesday (1/7) NO DAILY MASS +Pat Engelberg
say these Mass
Thursday (1/8) NO DAILY MASS +Roman &Lillian Meuwissen
Friday (1/9) NO DAILY MASS +Chester Hudson
Saturday (1/10) (2nd Saturday) at 4:00 pm at Sacred Heart +Jane Riegert
Sunday (1/11) at 8:30 am at Sacred Heart +Dolores Lemke
Sunday (12/11) at 10:15 am at St. Agnes +All Parishioners
Office Assistants
Joanne Gitchel
Kathy Bergmann
Pat Bresley
[email protected]
Parish Office
PO Box 874, Walker, MN, 56484
Open Monday-Thursday
8:30 am to 12:00 noon
218-547-1054, [email protected]
(For Mass Intentions, mail or deliver them to the Parish Office.)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fax: 218-547-6327
There will be no Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Agnes on Saturday, January 3.
It will resume on Saturday, January 10 @ 11am at St. Agnes and
1/2 hour before Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart or by Appointment with Fr. Francis.
We welcome visitors and
newcomers! Please contact our
Parish Office to register.
For the Sacrament of Baptism or Marriage, contact the Parish Office as soon as possible.
**Mass is at St. Agnes on 1st, 3rd, 5th Saturdays; Mass is at Sacred Heart on 2nd & 4th Saturdays*
Our Mission Statement: We, the parishioners of St. Agnes and Sacred Heart, are inspired by the Word of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit
and nourished by the Eucharist. We strive to use our time, talents and resources to become a real presence of Christ. Our mission is to reach
people for God, to welcome them into His Holy Church and to lovingly strengthen and support them as we journey toward our eternal home.
Please pray,
That the Church may effectively proclaim
to the world the divinity of Christ and the
special role of our blessed Mother.
That Church leaders may be
strengthened by God’s grace as they
face the challenges of the New Year.
That the leaders of nations will seek
equality and peace for all people as
they enact just laws.
 That the prayers of the Mother of God
may strengthen all mothers to follow her
example of welcoming new life despite
fear, doubt, and uncertainty.
That the lonely and neglected may
be encouraged by our prayers and
concern for them.
That all who have died in faith may
dwell in Christ’s abundant love for eternity.
JANUARY 4, 2015
WELCOME FR. GEORGE ZECK ! Thank you for celebrating Mass with us
this weekend during Fr. Francis absence! There will be no daily masses from
January 1 to January 9; area mass schedules can be found on page 3. Pray
for refreshment and safe travels for Fr. Francis’s during his brief respite.
Feast of the Epiphany and Our Gifts to Him
The word epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation”.
The feast celebrates the manifestation of God in the form
of human flesh through Jesus Christ, his Son.
We recognize the many ways that Christ has made Himself known to the world;
Through the Magi, Christ revealed himself to the gentiles.
In his baptism, Christ revealed himself to the world as God’s own Son.
Amazingly, the gifts of the wise men to Jesus were exactly suited to him.
Gold, a precious metal that was meant for royalty;
Frankincense, an oil used for worship; and
Myrrh, a perfume used in anointing the departed, pointing toward Jesus’ passion
and death.
(Continued on page 3)
The Epiphany of the Lord
January 4, 2015
Parish Announcements
See our Parish Calendar for January 2015 for all upcoming
events. The deadline for the February Calendar is Wednesday,
January 21. The Weekly bulletin deadline is Tuesday at noon.
Prayer Chains
For St. Agnes: Enter your request at www.stagnescatholic.org;
Call Babs at 547-1158 or 218-252-0308 to make a request by phone.
For Sacred Heart: Call Kay at 675-7724 or Lucille at 675-6102
Communion Calls and Sick Visits
If you or a family member is sick or unable to attend Mass:
Sacred Heart: Call Joan Rueter at 682-2324
St. Agnes: Deacon Hap at 547-4872 or Lori Duchesneau at 547-2226.
Hearing Assistance Now Available
Hearing assistance is now available for free at both parishes; a
special system has been installed. Compatible earphones are
available for purchase for $15 to use with the transmitters that we
have on hand. If you’d like to try them out, the transmitters are
located in the narthex at Sacred Heart and in the sound booth (next
to the Reconciliation Room) at St. Agnes.
Giving Made Easy
For those interested in Automated Giving/Electronic Funds Transfer,
forms are available in the narthex at both parishes. These can be
turned in to the parish office directly or placed in the collection
basket at any weekend Mass.
Visit Our Website: www.stagnescatholic.org
Take a look at our weekly bulletins, monthly calendars,
liturgical schedules, committee minutes to stay current
on what is happening in our parishes, and so much more … and
NOW, we have a link to Pope Francis daily reflections!
Thanks to Ken and Harriett Nerad for Serving us Today!
Ken and Harriett Nerad are also on the schedule for next Sunday .
You Are Invited to a pizza celebration!
On Sunday, January 11, Sacred Heart is
hosting a pizza party at 5:00 pm to celebrate
Fr. Francis’s United States Citizenship and
to honor all of our wonderful volunteers.
All are welcome.
Please come and join the fun!
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Conference of
St. Vincent de Paul
Parish Happenings—Week of January 4, 2015
Saturday/Sunday, January 3-4—NAME TAG SUNDAY (see below)
Monday, January 5 @1:00PM—55+Driver Class—SH
Thursday, January 8 @5:00PM—Sacred Heart Finance Mtg—SH
Sunday, January 11@11:30AM—1st Reconciliation Parent Mtg—SA
Sunday, January 11 @3:00PM—Faith Formation Mtg—SH
Sunday, January 11 @5:00PM—Pizza Celebration—SH
January 1 thru January 9 — NO DAILY MASSES
Stay Informed with posted meeting minutes on our website.
Beginning this weekend, January 3-4 at St. Agnes and
on February 1-2 at Sacred Heart, a new
ministry will begin at our parishes. On the first
Sunday of each month, a few individuals and/or
families will welcome people as they come into church and give
them a name tag. It's a simple concept but an important one,
allowing us to call one another by name and helps us to get to know
one another so we can feel even more like a parish family. If you
would like to take part in this ministry (serving on the schedule once
every 3 or 4 months) or if you would like more information, call the
Parish office. TIP: Put on a joyful smile and seek out people you
don’t know and introduce yourself.
2015 Thirst For Faith Bible Studies Schedule
•The Thirst for Faith Women's Bible Study begins
after 8:30am Mass on Tuesday, January 13,to
study the Gospel of St. John. RSVP to MJ Warren,
547-2865. Study guides $13. • The Thirst for Faith Men's Bible
Study begins after 8:30am Mass on Tuesday, January 20, to study
Paul's Letters to Romans. RSVP to John Warren, 547-2865. Study
guides $13. •Both of these studies are held at St. Agnes.
That Man Is You resumes Tuesday, January 13 at 5:45AM at St.
Agnes. All men are welcome.
The Lamb of God Women’s Studies resume Monday (January 12 at
5:30PM) and Tuesday (January 13 at 12:30PM) at the home of Rosemary Ellis. Call 218-547-1509 for information.
Note from Fr. Francis Through January and February,
we will be suspending the communion of the Precious
Blood. My reason for this is twofold. I notice that not
many are taking part and we have an excess amount left
after all have left the communion table. It is also the
beginning our flu season. I want to assure you that receiving the
Body of Christ without the Precious Blood following is also sufficient.
Automated Giving — A Great way to give
Total collected To Date: $22,199
Time, Talent & Treasure
“Serving the Poor and Needy in our Area”
Meetings at 8:45am • St. Agnes • 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
To request services, call 218-366-0174 or email to
[email protected].
Donations may be made by mail: SVDP, PO Box 874, Walker MN 56484.
Moto Hope Mission—We reach out. We empower.
Please check out the new “Befriend A Program” display on
the kiosk in our Narthex. For more information, see our
website at www.motohopemission.com
St. Agnes
Sacred Heart
Nov. Auto Giving
Goal: $29,450
Goal: $23,475
2014-2015 UCA
Collected to Date:
$29,450 (100%) **
**All future contributions will apply to next year!
$15,862 (67%)
Eucharistic Adoration
Edge and Life Nights: Have a great and safe Christmas break!
Next Edge and Life Night: Wednesday, January 7 @6:00PM.
Release Time: Elementary Release time is done until Jan 21st,
2015. Have an awesome Christmas Break! Keep on learning at
Most of you recall the ringing of bells during Mass. Its
significance is to call us to pay attention during the
consecration of the bread and wine that become the
Body and Blood of Jesus. The bells are rung three times:
•When Father extends his hands calling upon the
Holy Spirit to consecrate the host
•The elevation of the already consecrated Body of Christ
•The elevation of the consecrated Blood of Christ
Local Blood Drive—Hackensack
God’s love has produced many miracles, one of
which is the life-sustaining power of blood. We
have the ability to share this miracle of life with those less
fortunate on Thursday, January 8 from 12:30pm to 6:00pm at the
Community Building. Call 218-675-6137 for an appointment.
AND … In donating blood, you are entered to win a TRIP TO THE
SUPER BOWL (tickets for 2, airfare voucher and accommodations)
Must be 18 to participate.
NEW CD’S at St. Agnes
Jesus was walking along the road one day with his
disciples when he asked them two questions. The first
question: "Who do people say that I am?" The second question:
"Who do you say that I am?" Matthew Kelly calls this second
question THE JESUS QUESTION. How you answer this question will
affect every aspect of your life.
Parishioner Comments:
“I had the privilege of being in the audience for this talk and it
rocked my world then and still rocks me now, just an OUTSTANDING presentation!” Michael - Beaver, PA
•St. Agnes: Tuesday, 8:30am to 11:00pm.
•Sacred Heart: Tuesday, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love
“In the sacred Host, He is present, the true treasure,
always waiting for us. Only by adoring this Presence do
we learn how to receive Him properly.”
St. Agnes Contact: Babs Debes—218-547-1158 or 218-252-0308
or email her at [email protected].
Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings
Mondays @12 Noon—Rosary Prayer Group—SH
Mondays @5:30pm—Lamb of God Bible Study (Resumes Jan. 12)
Tuesdays @5:45am—That Man Is You—SA (Resumes January 13)
Tuesday Thirst for Faith Men’s Study—SA (Resumes January 20)
Tuesday Thirst for Faith Women’s Study—SA (Resumes January 13)
Tuesdays @12:30pm—Lamb of God Bible Study (Resumes Jan. 13)
Wednesdays @8:00am—Rosaries for end to abortion and crimes
against life—St. Charles in Cass Lake
Thursdays @7:30am—Men’s Prayer Group—SA (All men welcome)
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Learn how to use
the graces of your Sacrament of Marriage to renew your
marriage and draw closer to God. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend is March 20-22, 2015, in Baxter, MN.
Call 888-455-3496 or visit northmnwwme.org.
Northland Family Programs is offering a Free Introductory Session
on January 16 at 7pm at Essentia Health, St. Joseph’s Medical Center
in Brainerd. Call Kathy at 218-786-2378 for information.
Driver Improvement Class 55+ (4 hour) — 888-234-1294
Monday, January 5 at 1:00pm at Sacred Heart
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat—January 9-11, 2015
Contact Nancy at 763-250-9313—www.rvineyard.org
March for Life—Bemidji, Minnesota
Saturday, January 17—12 Noon—Beltrami County Courthouse
Driver Improvement Class 55+ (8 hour) - 888-234-1294
Monday, January 26 at 9:00am at St. Agnes
“Matthew Kelly lively interjects much humor while he challenges us
to act according to our belief in Christ—and be courageous enough
to follow the radical Jesus, to let God transform us, to be true
Christians, and to find joy in doing so. “ Monica - Wichita, KS
“Men of Faith—Disciples of Christ”
2015 Diocese of Duluth men’s Conference—February 21, 2015
Third Annual Women’s Conference—March 7, 2015
“Joy of our Faith” - Marshall School, Duluth
What Can We Give?
(continued from page 1)
What can we give that will match these extravagant
offerings? We can offer ourselves; our value is measured in how much Jesus did for us ... He sees us as the
“pearl of great price.” Mt 13:46 So we can offer the Lord
the gold of our talents and gifts; the frankincense of our
prayer and worship, and the myrrh of our sufferings and
WAU, Jan 1, 2015, p.24
“Lord let this coming year be my gift to you.
Take everything I have, and use it to build your kingdom.”
St. Agnes/Sacred Heart Trip to Israel October 5-16, 2015
More information coming. Call 218-547-1054 if you are interested.
Daily Mass Schedules—Area Churches
Our Lady of the Pines, Nevis: Tues @12:00 Noon, Wed-Fri@9:00am
St. Charles, Cass Lake: Tue-Fri 9:00am (218-335-2359)
St. Edward’s, Longville: Tue,Wed,Fri @8:30am (218-363-2799)
St. Peters, Park Rapids: Mon 5:30pm, Wed & Thur 8:30am
St. Philips, Bemidji: Mon, Fri @8:30am (218-444-4262)
Tues 12:10pm , Wed 8:40 am, Thurs @7:00am