St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 1421 New Road, Northfield, New Jersey Parish Office: 609-646-5611 Parish Office Fax: 609-484-8345 Religious Education Office: 609-484-0249 * [email protected] Our Motto is that of Saint Gianna PAS Prayer Action Sacrifice Reverend Jason T. Rocks, Pastor Reverend Armando Rodriguez Montoya, Parochial Vicar Mr. Luis Correa, Permanent Deacon Mr. George Del Rossi, Permanent Deacon Sr. Helen Lodge, OSF, Pastoral Associate Miss Mildred DiCicco, Religious Coordinator Claudia A. Costa, Parish Secretary Sheila Naticchione, Business Manager Bettie Timm, Director of Music Ministry Jeff Young, Director of Youth Ministry WEEKDAY MASSES English: 8:30AM: Monday thru Friday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Spanish: 7:00AM: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7:00PM Friday English: Saturdays 3:30 thru 4:15PM. Anytime by appointment. WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00AM Spanish: 1:00PM Spanish: Friday 6:00 thru 6:45PM. Anytime by appointment. Saturday, August 22 4:30PM Albert & Victoria Dolceamore r/b Marie Dolceamore Welcome to our Church Blessings To all Visitors Sunday, August 23 8:00 AM Theodore & Emila Zaorsky & Children r/b Sophie Cendrowski 9:30 AM Charles Vicente Sr. r/b Patricia Silvestri 11:00 AM Mildred Hayducek r/b Bettie Timm 1:00 PM Juan Pagan r/b Comunidad Hispana de Santa Gianna Monday August 24 7:00 AM Mass in Spanish 8:30 AM Margaret Parkerton r/b Herbert & Barb Yarger Tuesday August 25 7:00 AM Mass in Spanish 8:30 AM Rose Svoboda r/b Barbara Thomson Wednesday August 26 8:30 AM Elena Malia r/b Mary Jordan & Tina McGarry Betty & Patricia McGlynn r/b Jim & Gloria McGlynn M ay we never tire of proclaiming the dignity and worth of every human life. May we never tire of serving the vulnerable and their caregivers with generous hearts. And may we never cease to pray for the day when all societies will defend the life of every human from conception to natural death. O ur Parish community extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Robert E. Nugent. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Thursday, August 27 7:00 AM Mass in Spanish 8:30 AM Margaret Parkerton r/b Herb & Barb Yarger Friday, August 28 8:30 AM John Thomson r/b Barbara Thomson 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish Saturday, August 29 4:30 PM Giuseppe Martirone r/b Mario & Angie Martirone “PRAYER IS THE BEST WEAPON WE POSSESS, THE KEY THAT OPENS THE HEART OF GOD.” ST. PADRE PIO OF PIETRELCINA Sunday, August 30 8:00 AM Shane Montgomery r/b Grace Gottschall 9:30 AM Robert McGrath r/b Dave & Maureen Somers P lease keep the servicemen and women who are presently serving our country in your thoughts and prayers. 11:00 AM Kevin & Anthony McMonagle r/b Patricia Silvestri 1:00 PM Juan Pagan r/b Comunidad Hispana de Santa Gianna 2-636 THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY A Word from Fr. Rocks. . . MMMM....MMMM...MMMM! Love that Chicken BBQ! A quick word of thanks to all who participated in the Chicken BBQ, especially all the volunteers who gave of their time to help make the event so successful. We couldn't do it without you. We have rather busy this month. Not only did we have BBQ but we also had Vacation Bible School and a couple of other activities that we could not have done without the help of so many volunteers. I am grateful for the help of our volunteers. Not just for the work they do for the big events, but for the many things they do throughout the year. Being part of any of our parish activities or groups is a good way to meet other parishioners, developing friendships that support and encourage living our faith. Therefore, I urge you to get involved. Become a member of one the many groups we have here: bingo volunteer, Religious Education, usher, altar server, Chicken BBQ, choir and the like. Take the opportunity to give of yourself. Doing so will bring many new blessings and joys to your life. I do love that Chicken BBQ. I love more the generosity of our volunteers. I appreciate what our volunteers give and hope many more will follow their example. They say it takes a village to raise a child...well it takes a Parish to put on a Chicken BBQ! A Heartfelt THANK YOU to ALL of our many volunteers who donated their time to our 47th Annual Chicken BBQ. It was a huge success!! We appreciate your commitment and hard work year after year. Looking forward to our big 50th in three years. Nancy Norton & Dino Giacona BBQ Co-Chairs S You have a gift. You have a talent. Find your gift. Find your talent. And use it. You can make life better in this world just by letting your light shine and by doing your part. Sr. Thea Bowman Stephen Ministry Training to begin this Fall ince we have begun using the Stephen Series here at St. Gianna Parish we have seen the great value of lay caring ministry. Many people in our community are experiencing support during a difficult time in their lives. Another training class for Stephen Ministers will begin this Fall. Give serious consideration to this question: “Would my gifts and talents be put to good use as a Stephen Minister?” If you have any questions, talk with one of our Stephen Ministers or contact Stephen Leader, Carolyn Peterson (609-335-6202), or Vici Butler (609-646-0806). 3-636 S Giving Out of Gratitude! tewardship is important to our spiritual growth as Catholics, both as individuals and as a parish. Making stewardship a way of life changes our lives and changes the life of the parish, our home and the greater community. It is not an option because we are already Stewards of God’s blessing. The challenge for each of us is to decide...How good of a steward am I? Did you take one of the lawn Signs, with the spikes to help with the BBQ Promotion? If you did kindly return them to the Gathering Area of the church at your earliest convenience. With a modification of the date, they can be used again in 2015. Thank you! O ur parish hosts “Bingo” on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 8:00 AM. Come and join us! $1,000 in prize money, instant winners and progressive jackpots! Also, coffee, bagels, donuts and lots of fun. T St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 6th Annual Fashion Show Beef & Beer - Chinese Auction Sunday, October 4, 2015, 3:30PM in the Parish Hall Adults: $15, Children (3-12 years old): $5 ickets for the event will be sold after all the weekend Masses starting this weekend. Also, you will be able to purchase them at the Parish office (Monday-Friday, 9AM4PM). We are presently accepting donations of new or unused gift items for the Chinese Auction. For more information, or to donate gift items, please contact Deacon George at 609653-6905. O ur parish has a lively group of men & ladies who meet at 1:00PM on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month to socialize with conversation, exchange of ideas, and enjoy refreshments. What a better way to enjoy an afternoon? The group is happy to welcome new members at any time and everyone is encouraged to join it. Remember, they meet in the Parish Family Memorial Center. Upcoming meeting: Wednesday, September 9, 2015. T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all expectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born. All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further information. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mothers: Stacy Ford, Melissa Tranchitella, and Tawnia Swisher. LET US REMEMBER AND KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS THOSE SERVING IN OUR NATION’S ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY OUR TROOPS AWAY FROM HOME. 4-636 AUGUST 23, 2015 Lifelong Faith Formation From the Desk of Miss Millie DiCicco, Director of Religious Education Program E-mail: [email protected] Dear Parishioners, SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30 PM thru 4:15 PM. Anytime by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish office. Parents and Godparents must attend Baptism Preparation Class. REQUESTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES The role of a sponsor is primarily a spiritual role to model a Christian life for the child. Therefore, anyone requesting a certificate must be a registered, participating member of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing (not living in violation of the Church laws), at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Please call the Parish office for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered parishioners who wish to marry at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish should contact the pastor during office hours before making any other arrangements one year in advance. Call the Parish office to schedule an appointment. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Please call the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Mildred DiCicco at (609) 484-0249. Our Parish Motto is Prayer, Action, and Sacrifice. Prayer is an important part of our Religious Education class along with the Service the children are required to perform during the school year. Our Sacrifice comes with those who give of themselves to commit one hour and a half a week for 27 days to teach our children the way of Jesus in their daily living. We strive to incorporate Church Doctrine with the teachings of Jesus through the Gospel Weeklies. Our Religious Education program grows with all of us pulling together for our children as they are enriched by the life of Jesus through your example as Catholic Christian Parent and Teacher. Are you ready to take the challenge of 27 days and one hour and a half a week to teach the future of our Catholic Church. You will be rewarded by the gift of knowledge you receive, the gratitude of the children, and the gift from the ONE who asks us to serve. Jesus is the one who asks us to “Go and teach.” We need your help in the following Levels: Level 6 at 4:00pm Level 4 at 6:30pm Level 6 at 6:30pm Thank you for considering this awesome task for the Religious Education of our Children and the future of the Church. Sincerely, Millie DiCicco 5-636 St. Gianna Beretta Molla Marian Consecration Tuesday, December 8, 2015 33 Days to Morning Glory-Small Group Retreat Sign up after Masses-Sept. 12 thru Oct. 4 Cost for Materials: $30 Prep for Consecration begins on Thursday, November 5th. For more information call Eileen (609)432-3533 R RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR 2015-16 W Catholic Charities Diocese of Camden elcome Pope Francis! We are now in the 34th day of 40 Days of Francis, Catholic Charities’ countdown until the arrival of Pope Francis in Philadelphia. This week begins a week of open houses at each of the Catholic Charities’ centers in every county served by the Diocese of Camden. Catholic Charities invites you to join them for an evening of service and reflection with the opportunity to meet their staff and learn about their programs. In the back of the church you will find 40 Days of Francis knots. These knots represent the knots in the lives of the poor in our region. Please take a knot with you as you leave the church and bring with you the suggested item for donation to help “untie the knots.” egistration is now being accepted for those who plan on attending the RCIA this September. Anyone who has not completed their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist) is eligible to attend. If you or someone you know is interested in receiving the Sacraments, please call the office at 646-5611. Please note that classes for September 2015May 2016 begin early September, so it is vital that you contact us at your earliest convenience. S crip sales for the benefit of St. Vincent de Paul Regional School will resume this Sunday, August 23rd in the Gathering Area of the church. The sale of Scrip will be available after the 8:00 AM and the 9:30 AM Masses. Thank you for your support. Catholic Charities Open House Tuesday, August 25, 2015 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Atlantic City, 9 N. Georgia Ave. For a complete schedule of events, visit: Hospice Volunteers Needed Heartland Hospice is looking for dedicated, caring volunteers with an interest in visiting hospice patients and their families in Atlantic, Cape may, and Cumberland counties. Volunteer training is offered throughout the year to fit each person’s schedule. Call the volunteer coordinator at (609)641-4675. 6-636 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Society of St. Vincent de Paul to Sponsor “Friends of the Poor Walk/Run” September 12, 2015 The “Friends of the Poor Walk/Run” will be held Saturday, September 12 at 10:00 AM on the Ventnor Boardwalk. Registration, rain or shine, will take place starting at the Gazebo at Newport and the Boardwalk, Ventnor, NJ beginning at 8:30 AM. A donation of $10 dollars is requested for participation which includes: 4.2 mile walk/run, event T shirt, and refreshments at St. James Hall following the event. You may r egi ster and /or d onate onli ne at Saint Joseph’s in the Hill Malvern Retreat House TUAL Enriching Weekend October 16, 17, and 18th, 2015 Retreat Director: Msgr. Thomas Morgan For information and reservation contact Tony Mazzeo (609-226-4292) or Norman Jordal (609)641-7327). 21st Annual Buffet & Show Sunday, September 20, 2015, 2:00PM Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall Wabash Ave. & Wilson Ave., Linwood, NJ Benefit for the Missions of Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy affiliated with Villa Raffaella Assisted Living, Our Lady’s Multi-Care Center & Bishop McCarthy Residence. Donation: $25. For more information call (609) 645-9300. Celebration of Marriage Retreat September 18-20 Marianist Family Retreat Center 417 Yale Ave. Cape may Point, NJ 08212 Cost: $260 per couple (incl. all meals, room, program, etc.) Sign up online at or call 609-884-3829 for more information. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!! St. Gianna’s Music Ministry is now recruiting new members for the Adult and the Young People’s Choir. We are looking for warm bodies to deepen their faith by participating fully in the beautiful liturgies of our parish home! The Young Peoples’ Choir is for students in Grades 3 through High School. The Adult Choir includes those in high School and older, including students and seasoned members. Also, anyone with instrumental talent, is welcome! For more information please contact our Choir Director, Bettie Timm, after the Saturday Mass (4:30PM) or after the Sunday 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM Masses. You can also fill out the slip below and someone will be in contact with you to discuss your interest. Charitable Auto Resources for Services (CARS) C atholic Charities, Diocese of Camden, is pleased to announce to you its Used Vehicle Donation Program called CARS. All proceeds benefit clients in 6 counties of South Jersey. Any type of used motor vehicle is accepted, running or non-running: cars, trucks, boats, mobile homes, golf carts, etc. Free towing and IRS tax deduction forms provided. For questions or to donate your vehicle, please call toll free number 1-877-586-9227, or donate your vehicle online 7-636 VIGÉSIMO PRIMER DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO S i usted visita semanalmente Santa Gianna y aún no se ha registrado formalmente en la parroquia, por favor hágalo. Usted es importante para nosotros y esperamos que nosotros lo seamos para usted. El proceso de registración es simple, confidencial y muy importante para la administración de la iglesia y para servir mejor a nuestra comunidad. Las planillas de registración son verdes y están ubicadas al costado de las puertas de la iglesia. Las clases de Educación Religiosa comienzan el día Lunes 8 de Septiembre. St. Gianna Desfile de Modas Domingo 4 de Octubre, 3:30PM, Salón Grande L as entradas estarán a la venta este fin de semana en el vestíbulo de la iglesia y en la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes de 9:00AM a 4:00PM. Adultos:$15; Niños:$5 40 Días con Francisco ¡Bienvenido Papa Francisco! E stamos ahora en el día número 34 de los 40 Días con Francisco, la cuenta regresiva de Caridades Católicas hasta la llegada del Papa Francisco a Filadelfia. Esta semana comienzan los eventos abiertos al público en cada uno de los centros de Caridades Católicas, en cada uno de los condados servidos por la Diócesis de Camden. Los horarios de los eventos están disponibles en la página de internet Caridades Católicas los invitan a acompañarlos en una tarde de servicio y reflexión, con la oportunidad de conocer al personal y aprender más acerca de sus programas. En el vestíbulo de la Iglesia encontrarán los nudos de los 40 Días con Francisco. Estos nudos representan los nudos en las vidas de los pobres de nuestra región. Por favor tomen un nudo a la salida de la iglesia y llévenlo con ustedes cuando asistan a los eventos abiertos al público de Caridades Católicas más cercana a ustedes. También pueden elegir traer con ustedes los artículos sugeridos como donación para ayudar a “desatar los nudos.” Caridades Católicas de Atlantic City Casa Abierta al Público Martes 25 de Agosto, 2015 -- 4:00 PM-6:00 PM 4 N. Georgia Ave., Atlantic City 8-636 D urante las próximas semanas dedicaremos este espacio para enlistar diez consejos que nos ayudaran a vivir plenamente la misa. Son consejos informativos y esperamos que sean de provecho para toda nuestra comunidad. Los primeros consejos se refirieron a la PUNTUALIDAD y a la REVERENCIA. Hoy el consejo tiene que ver con el SILENCIO y dice así: Observa el silencio. Habrá personas orando o preparándose para la confesión o para el comienzo de la Misa. Permanece en silencio u orando como preparación personal y para respetar el momento de los demás con Dios. Es importante observar el silencio antes, durante y después de la celebración; a excepción cuando necesariamente se ha de cantar o responder a las acciones litúrgicas. Considera que la misa es algo sagrado; esto implica apagar o silenciar el teléfono móvil, no lo pongas con vibrador porque te distrae y te hace dependiente. Si por distracción olvidas apagar el teléfono móvil y te suena durante la misa, no salgas de la iglesia a responder; apágalo inmediatamente. SEAMOS UN SIGNO VISIBLE DEL AMOR DE DIOS MMMM…MMMM…MMMM! Amo ese Chicken BBQ! Quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento a todos los que participaron en el evento del Chicken BBQ, especialmente a todos los voluntarios que donaron su tiempo para ayudar a que el evento haya sido todo un éxito. No lo hubiésemos podido lograr sin su ayuda. Nuestra parroquia tiene un mes bastante ocupado. No solo tuvimos el evento del Chicken BBQ sino que también hemos tenido la Escuela Bíblica de Verano y un par de actividades más que no hubiésemos podido afrontar sin la ayuda de todos nuestros voluntarios. Les estoy muy agradecido. No solo por el trabajo que hacen durante los grandes eventos, sino por todo lo mucho que hacen a través de todo el año. Tomar parte en las actividades o formar parte de los grupos parroquiales es una buena manera de conocer otros feligreses y entablar amistades nuevas que apoyen y fomenten la manera de vivir nuestra fe. De ahí, que les recomiendo participar en alguno de los muchos grupos que tenemos aquí, como por ejemplo: Bingo, Religión Educativa, Monaguillo(a), Portero(a), Chicken BBQ, Coro u otros grupos. No desperdicien la oportunidad de poner al servicio de los demás parte de ustedes mismos. El hacerlo, les traerá alegría y colmará sus vidas de bendiciones. Amo ese Chicken BBQ. Más aún amo la generosidad de nuestros voluntarios. Aprecio lo que dan y espero que muchos más sigan su ejemplo. S i usted desea bautizar a su niña/niño por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial para recibir información acerca de los requisitos necesarios. Padre Rodriguez Montoya está a cargo de los bautismos y de las Clases de Preparación para recibir este sacramento. Las mismas se llevan a cabo el SEGUNDO JUEVES de cada mes de 6:00PM a 8:00PM. Hora Santa Miércoles 2 de Septiembre, 7:00PM “Permaneciendo en silencio ante el Santísimo Sacramento, es a Cristo, total y realmente presente, a quien descubrimos, a quien adoramos y con quien estamos en relación” (Carta al Obispo de Lieja, Bélgica, 1996). Oremos en familia y proclamemos juntos que Jesús está aquí, hoy, verdaderamente presente entre nosotros. VIERNES: Desde las 6:00 hasta las 6:45PM DOMINGOS: Desde las 12 del mediodía hasta las 12:45 de la tarde. Para confesarse fuera de estos horarios es necesario llamar a la oficina parroquial para contactarse con los sacerdotes de la iglesia. 9-636 ARMANDO CON EL PADRE ARMANDO Cree... si quieres L a Inquisición se refiere a varias instituciones que, sobre todo en la Iglesia Católica, intentaban terminar con quienes no creían, o creían de manera distinta a lo que enseñaban las autoridades eclesiásticas. No estar de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia muchas veces se castigaba hasta con la pena de muerte. Se trataba de una presión por parte de las autoridades religiosas y civiles para obligar a las personas a creer. En los comienzos la pena habitual por parte de la Iglesia para los que no creían era la excomunión. Pero cuando los emperadores romanos convirtieron el cristianismo en religión oficial del gobierno en el siglo IV, los herejes empezaron a considerarse como enemigos del Estado. Ahora estamos en un momento histórico totalmente diferente. Libres de cualquier presión, podemos creer o no creer. Pero a quienes hemos sido aleccionados en asuntos religiosos y se nos presenta el texto del evangelio de hoy, nos queda un único camino: creer, a pesar de que somos libres como para escoger la disyuntiva: no creer. Imagine usted que en nuestro tiempo y en nuestra cultura tan plural se nos obligara a creer bajo presiones del gobierno. Si de algo presume el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, es de contar con un aparato legal judicial que garantiza la libertad absoluta de sus ciudadanos; desde luego, incluyendo lo que es la libertad religiosa. No a todos los oídos suenan bien las palabras que dice Jesús en el sexto capítulo de San Juan, acerca de que "mi cuerpo es verdadera comida y mi sangre verdadera bebida". Se oye como una locura lo que dice Jesús: "Si ustedes no comen la carne del Hijo del Hombre y no beben su sangre, no tendrán vida en ustedes. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el último día". Por eso incluso "muchos" (no poquitos, ni algunos, sino MUCHOS) seguidores de Jesús al oír esto decían que ese modo de hablar era inaceptable. ¡Sí! ¡Los mismos seguidores de Jesús! ¡Los de su tiempo no creían! ¡Ellos mismos, que se habían saciado de los panes y de los peces que Jesús les dio! Con seguridad que ellos habían sido testigos presenciales de algún milagro de Jesús, y con todo ¡No creían! Ahora uno se explica lo que yo mismo les comenté hace dos semanas en el boletín: poca gente en las misas, pocos adoradores de la Eucaristía. ¡Si nosotros mismos, "creyentes", no creemos! ¿Y entonces, cómo queremos que crean los demás? ¿Cómo llevan a ese hijo ya crecidito ante el sacerdote para que el padre le haga una oración, porque el chico se comporta de modo extraño? Debieran haberlo llevado desde pequeño a la Iglesia para que aprendiera que no podemos tener vida en nosotros si no nos alimentamos de Él. Pero a nadie se puede obligar a creer. La respuesta de la fe es libre y el mismo Jesús les da a los discípulos la posibilidad de irse, sin ser obligados a creer esto: "¿Ustedes también quieren marcharse?". Afortunadamente el apóstol Pedro, nos hace reflexionar: ¿Marcharnos? ¿Y a dónde iríamos, o con quién acudiríamos? Si solo Jesús tiene palabras de vida eterna. Nosotros, hoy con Pedro confesamos libremente que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios. Y a esta confesión de Pedro nos unimos los que buscamos frecuentemente de la Eucaristía, no porque seamos más santos o nos creamos mejores que los demás, sino porque reconocemos que lejos de Jesús nada puede darnos felicidad. E Rito De Iniciación Cristiana De Adultos l Programa de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos es para personas nobautizadas o bautizadas no-católicas que desean instruirse acerca de la Iglesia Católica. Este programa es también para aquellos adultos católicos que fueron bautizados pero que no completaron los sacramentos de iniciación: Eucaristía, Reconciliación y Confirmación. Si usted desea recibir información o inscribirse por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial 609-646-5611. 10-636 S i usted desea colaborar de alguna manera en cualquiera de los tantos ministerios parroquiales (lectura, limpieza, colecta, sacristía u otros) por favor comuníquese con Erick Durán al número (609)204-6818. Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. 1650 NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 • 5 NORTH SECOND STREET, PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 (609) 641-0065 Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy Villa Raffaella Assisted Living “A Family Business That Cares” David G. Umphlett N.J. Lic. No. 4465 Serving All Of Atlantic County David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 3945 Wedding Invitations 917 South Main Street • Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Tel: 609-645-9300 Fax: 609-645-9600 Email: [email protected] Our Commitment to Excellence involves Quality care giving. Our Community is well planned, secure, and simple. Our Sisters live at the site in separate quarters and are dedicated to serving the elderly. Villa Raffaella is a different kind of assisted care community because we believe in the God-given dignity of all men and women. & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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