April 12, 2015 - St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
5356 Eleventh Street, Katy, Texas 77493
Divine Mercy Sunday
Parish Office Hours
8:30am—12:30pm / 1:30pm—5:00pm
Monday through Friday
Phone 281-391-4758 ~ FAX 281-391-3978
Pastoral and Liturgy
Deacon Art Chin-Fatt, Director of Liturgy, ext. 413
, Dir. of Music Ministry, ext. 421
Deacon William C. Wagner, Pastoral Asst., ext. 411
Deacon Rolando J. Garcia, Dir. Hispanic Min., ext. 445
Sr. Lucy Ezeobi, Liturgy & Pastoral Care Asst. ext. 461
Michael McFall, Seminarian in Residence, ext. 464
Deacon Paul Iverson, Transitional Deacon
Parish Office
Dawn Mortus, Parish Administrator, ext. 412
Soyla Hernandez, Receptionist, ext.428
Diana Sanchez, Parish Secretary, ext. 410
Maggie Lopez, Facility Coordinator, ext. 422
Mary Abrams, Event Coordinator, ext. 468
Rosanne Clare, Bulletin Editor, ext. 418
Janice Romero, Bookkeeper, ext. 420
Dcn Humberto Carrasco, Maintenance Coord., ext. 423
Jaime Baltazar, Maintenance, ext. 423
Ben Janecek, Groundskeeper
Religious Education & Youth Ministry
Cindy Smolik, Dir. of Religious Education, ext. 432
Nellie Aguilera, Religious Ed Secretary, ext. 425
Beth Rady, Dir. of Youth Ministry, ext. 436
St. Bartholomew Pre-School
Rose Stornello, Director, ext. 440
Juli Ondrush, Assistant Director, ext. 443
Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor
Fr. David Garnier, Parochial Vicar , ext. 414
Deacon William C. Wagner
Deacon Art Chin-Fatt
Deacon Gordon Robertson
Deacon Humberto Carrasco
Deacon Rolando J. Garcia
Parish Liturgical Schedule
Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Weekend Masses:
Saturday, 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday, 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 am (English)
1:00 pm and 3:00 pm (Spanish)
and 5:00 pm (Youth Mass in English)
Parish Nursery (childcare for ages18mo-4yrs) during
9:00am, 11:00am, & 1:00pm Masses (Family Life Ctr)
Weekday Masses:
Monday to Friday, 6:30am and 8:30am (English)
Tuesday, 7:00 pm (Spanish)
First Saturday of the Month, 8:30 am (English)
Holy Days of Obligation:
times may vary
7:00 pm Vigil Mass; 8:30 am, Noon, and 7:00 pm
Perpetual Adoration: Mary’s Chapel is open 24 hours a day
from 6:00 pm Sunday to Noon Saturday
45 minutes before each weekday Mass, and 5:00 pm Sat. and
7:30 am Sunday Masses
Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, every Wednesday
evening at 7:00 pm
Divine Mercy Sunday ~ April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015
Welcome and Contacts
Welcome! ¡Bienvenido . . . to a very friendly
and enthusiastic parish!
If you have been attending Mass
here, we would like to welcome you
as a member. We encourage you to
introduce yourself to Fr. Wayne
Wilkerson, Fr. David Garnier, or one
of our Deacons after Mass.
The second weekend of the
month is New Parishioner
Registration Weekend!
Join us in the Narthex after the
Saturday 5pm Mass, April 11th, or
on Sunday, April 12th after all
Masses. We will help you to register
and answer your questions We
encourage you to become actively
involved in the life of our Catholic
faith community !
delivered to the office, or emailed to:
[email protected]
Website: www.st-bart.org
Bazaar Committee:
Jerry Mortus, 281 394 5646
Disaster Preparedness Committee:
Dcn Humberto Carrasco, 281 391 4758
Finance Council:
Vic Vacek, 281 398 9699
Maintenance Committee:
Sean Linkenheimer, 832 437 4789
Parish Council:
Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009
Stewardship Committee:
Altar Servers:
Dcn Art Chin-Fatt 281-391-4758, ext 413
Leticia Casillas, 281 620 1103
Art & Environment:
Church: Pam Felcman, 281 610 0107
Chapel: Betty Rostagno, 281 693 2344
Children’s Liturgy:
9am: Margaret Parmenter, 832 405 4054
10:45am: Cindy Smolik, 281 392 9390
Litúrgica Para Los Niños:
Margarita Gomez, 281 375 6097
Lectors: Neil Smolik, 281 392 9390
Proclamadores: Elvira Torres 832 287 7021
Carmen Cardenas, 832 665 6178
Ministry of Eucharist:
Brenda Taquino, 713 825 8773
Ministros de Eucaristía: Horacio Padilla, 832
894 5124, Rosario Quintanilla, 832 366 7638
Ministerio de la Música:
Office, 281-391-4758, ext.421
Ushers: Ed Brzymialkiewicz, 281 579 8754
Tomas Vazquez, 281 413 7315
Ministry to the Sick/Homebound:
Fr. David Garnier, 281 391 4758
Baptism: Patti/ Brackin Smith, 281 693 1473
Gaudalupe Tierrablanca, 281 391 0356
Marriage Preparation:
Jerry & Evelyn Smith, 281 347 0760
Matrimonio (Spanish):
Jose & Aurelia Montelongo, 281 798 1146
Bingo: Alfred Gosch, 713 306 7667
Blessed to Be a Mom Group:
Amber Gruen, 832 830 4401
Couples for Christ:
Jack Macalalad, 281 395 2652
Maria Silvia Fuentes 832 387 2747
Family Builders:
Gina and Scott Bergeron, 281 392 1342
Happy Hearts: Carol Morris 281 347 8816
Or Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009
Knights of Columbus: Paul Novak, 713 412
4927; Hall Rental: William Wall 832 289 7843
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico:
Francisco y Marilu Sanchez, 832 303 6153
Natural Family Planning:
David/Stephanie Banasau, 281 398 2094
Social Club: Dawn Mortus, 281 391 4758
Young Adults Ministry: Zella Henning 832
492 8289 or Shiara Plasencia 281 733 1313
Annulment Info: Kim Allum, 832 277 7531
Blood Drive: Leo Rice, 281 398 0069
Gabriel Project & Project Rachel:
Sandra Beltran, 713 458 0137
Grief Support: for Separated/Divorced
Ruth 281 734 5502; for Widows: ….
HANDE (Handyman Ministry):
Dave Moss, 832 437 9821
Prayer Chain Ministry:
Cathie Lobpries, 281 347 1426
Respect Life:
Dan Stuckey, 281 804 4006
St. Vincent de Paul:
Mike Day, 832 248 6834
ACTS Retreats:
Women: Frances Gross, 832 437 7898
Men: Ray Riddle, 361 550 7922
Adult Faith Formation:
Mark Wuenscher, 281 395 5974
Alabanza y Oración:
Roberto Parra 832 692 9265
Apologetics: Joan Summers 281 371 0027
Bible Study, Wednesday Morning:
Dan Laake, 713 553 8854
Bible Study, Sun/Mon/Thurs :
Dick & Andrea Balhoff, 832 368 5531
Consagracion a Maria:
Mary Perez, 281 391 7231
Divine Mercy: Betty Fitzgerald, 281 347 4428
Eucharistic Adoration:
Joe Simich, 832 816 2083
Fatima Eucharistic Hour:
Dcn Bill Wagner, 281 391 4758
Legión de María:
Eugenia Garzon, 713 245 9869
Parish Library: Nidia Casillas
281 391 4758, ext 442
Prayer & Life Workshops:
Maritza Herrera, 832 493 2164
Retiro de Evangelizacion Nueva Vida:
Lorena Maradiago , 832 955 5238
Sangre Precioso:
Brenda Salazar 713 585 5287
School of Evangelization:
J.C. and Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758
Sister to Sister:
Sandra Shaw, 281 923 3237
Spiritual Direction: (English / Spanish)
Irma Gonzales, 281 750 4049
Talleres de Oracion:
Freddy & Juanita Mejilla, 281 855 6995
Ultreya/Cursillo: Jose Alanis, 832 659
3854 or Herminio Aguirre, 832 726 7629
Vocations Committee:
Marvin Marek, Sr., 832 437 4077
Walk in His Spirit Prayer Group:
Irma Gonzales, 281 798 4723
Boy Scouts: Robert Chachere 281 769 2721
Cub Scouts: Tony Arevalo, 713 884 5695
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd:
Jessi Olsen 281 829 4314
Challenge (girls grades 5-12):
Laura Morales 832 452 8396
Children’s Adoration:
Walkiria Herrera, 713 429 3859
Columbian Squires (age 10-18):
Rosario Stornello, 832 298 4791
Conquest Club (boys K-12):
Jose Morales-Wade 713 201 9370
Legión de María para niños:
Marcela Ramos, 832 466 1273
Little Flowers (girls grade K-6):
Nadia Simmons, 281 687 4736
Nursery: Sr. Lucy, 281 391 4758, ext 461
Quince Años:
Nellie Aguilera, 281 391 4758 ext 425
VBS: 281-391-4758
Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758, ext. 422
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Liturgy and Prayer
Divine Mercy
“Who indeed is the victor over the
world but the one who believes that
Jesus is the Son of God?”
~ 1 John 5:5
MONDAY, April 13
6:30 am DJM and CMM [in Thanksgiving]
8:30 am † Jose Alanis
† Michael Procido
† Barbara & Stephanie Saulnier
TUESDAY, April 14
6:30 am † John Dolan
8:30 am † Maria L. Losbanes
7:00 pm Miguel Bedolla Patiño [for Healing]
Juan Jose Garcia [Spec. Intent]
This Week’s Readings
Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Tuesday:Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday:Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Thursday:Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Friday:Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Saturday:Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Sunday:Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
Judy Abrisz, Carlos Aguilar, Nery Almaguer, David Arriaga, Julie Barley,
Michael Barth, Sandra Beard, Leroy Beyer, Sandra Burling, David Clem,
Evelyn Cook, Leo Crotty, Adriana Davilla, Larry Dillow, Connie Doguim, Alicia
Drakor, Margaret Dufrene, Sandra Escobar, Gregory Falcon, Ginger Falcon,
Pat Foder, Richard Fraser, Dennis Frederick, Juan Jose Garcia, Salvador E.
Garcia, Angela Gill & baby, Kelly Gillespie, Cara Golias, Chris Gomez, David
Gunter, Betsy Hamilton, Patty Harbes, Andriana Hernandez, Clemente y Iliana
Insignares, Amelia Jasso, Sydney Kallus, Doris Kansteiner, Beverly Kloesel,
Todd Kocian, Al Kozel, Bill Lintner, Gabriela Llamas, Ciro and Rafael Malo,
Sofia Mari, Gloria Martinez, Norma Matos, Fr. James McGhee, Francis
Medeiros, Bertha Montoya, Lin Mundy, Pauline Newman, Andrew Novak,
Raymond Oalmann, James Ochoa, Maude Palermo, Max Patino, Paula
Phipps, William Pinebrook, Danielito Robles, Aurelie Rodriguez, Gayle
Rodriguez, Tomas Rodriguez, Georgie & Rudy Roznovsky, Maritza Romero,
Marla Rose, Buddy Shonefeld, Vicki and Guadalupe Silva, Allison Smith,
Martin Solis, Gwen Stander, Sue Transou, Omero Trevino, Anna Varkey,
Theresa Vela, Marvin Voekel, Helen Wagner, Brian Walker, Carol Wallace,
Terri Westcott, Mary Whalen-McMickle, Mark Young, and each other.
Mario Canales, Jeanine Crain, David Doughtary, Madelynne S. Sanchez, ...
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
To add a name to the prayer list, call the parish office at 281-391-4758. After three months,
names are dropped from the list and may be requested again.
6:30 am † All Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am † Rolando Garcia, Jr.
Guadalupe Urquiza [Birthday Blessings]
† Richard Doyle
THURSDAY, April 16
6:30 am † ...
8:30 am Mary and Val Ozigbo [Special Intention]
† Emma Wagner
FRIDAY, April 17
6:30 am † ...
8:30 am † Deacon Mike McGuire
† Patricia McKiernan
† Blanca Nelly Tejada
SATURDAY, April 18
5:00 pm † Roy Sr. and Abelina Castañeda
† Annie Morales
SUNDAY, April 19
7:30 am † Edwin and Rita Schulin
† Aquilina Madrid
† Jose Andrade
9:00 am † Gerardo Salinas
† Helen Wrublezky
11:00 am † Carolyn Medeiros
Francis Medeiros [for Healing]
† Bryce Lorenz
1:00 pm † Francisca and Salvador Torres
† Raul Montoya
3:00 pm Parish Family
5:00 pm † Ida Francesca Castiglione
Mass intentions are available on a first
come first served basis, up to three per
Mass. A nominal donation is requested for
the priest who says the Mass. The priest
may offer a Mass for many intentions, but
may accept only one donation per Mass;
donations for additional intentions go to the
April 12, 2015
Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure
Our Easter Wish List
We are asking for your most generous
donations to help us purchase the following
liturgical items which are needed at this time:
(What is pictured is not the actual item but just a
March 29, 2015
# Registered Families - 5052
Envelopes used
Please write your ID# on your contribution envelopes or checks.
Donations without a parish ID# cannot be recorded.
 One gold chalice to be used for
Sunday Masses
 One large gold presider paten for
Capital Campaign
Maintenance Fund / Bldg Fund
Children’s Collection
2nd Collection:
CCE Special Collection
 A full set of silver vessels:
one chalice, eight communion
cups, one presider paten for
hosts, and eight communion
April 5, 2015
 A new matching set of
green vestments for
Ordinary Time: one
presider chasuble, two
chasubles for concelebrating priests, two
deacon dalmatics, two
con-celebrating stoles
# Registered Families - 5059
Envelopes used
Whatever you are able to contribute will be
greatly appreciated and will go towards the
item(s) that you designate. For more
information, please contact Dawn Mortus at
the Parish Office in the Family Life Center, at
281-391-4758, ext. 412.
Good Friday
Holy Land 2nd Collection
Capital Campaign
Maintenance Fund / Bldg Fund
Children’s Collections (Thurs/Fri/Easter) $
Four icons for the niches in the
Family Life Center Hall:
St. Matthew, St. Mark,
St. Luke and St. John.
Holy Thursday
Easter Sunday Collection
 Altar linens for both the
chapel and the church:
corporals and purificators
In addition we would
like to purchase:
2nd Collection:
Parish Savings
Upcoming Second Collections:
(Second collection checks should be made payable to
St. Bartholomew, NOT to the ministry itself ; we will
write them one check for the total.)
April 12 — Parish Maintenance Fund
April 19 — Parish St. Vincent de Paul
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne Wilkerson
April 26 — Home Missions
St. Vincent de Paul
Second Collections
Building Fund
Capital Campaign Phase II
$ 24,533.69
$ 1,098.33
$ 11,306.00
MARCH Utilities:
Trash Service
Center Point Energy
Building Fund Tax
Liability Insurance
Property Insurance
Cathedraticum Tax
$ 14,64.30
$ 9,754.36
$ 2,124.92
$ 3,882.41
$ 18,177.02
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Calendar and Events
SUNDAY, April 12 New Parishioner Registration in the Narthex
8:15 am
11:00 am
3:00 pm
6:30 pm
Regular Schedule of Masses
Book of Genesis Study — FLC Conference Room
Women’s ACTS Retreat Return — Family Life Center
Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour — Parish Hall
LAST CLASS: CCE for Grades 6th-11th — REC, Family Life Ctr
Weekdays Daily: Mass is offered in English
at 6:30am in the Chapel and 8:30am in the Church.
Divine Mercy Devotions are held at 3:00 pm daily
MONDAY, April 13 St. Martin I
10:30 am
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Happy Hearts Meeting & Potluck Luncheon — Parish Hall
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd — REC Room 201-203
Conquest Boys Club — Family Life Center Rooms 223 & 224
Separated & Divorced Support Group — FLC Room 207
Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Center Room 206
Become Catholic “Inquiry” RCIA — FLC Conferenece Room
Clases de Bautismo — Family Life Center Auditorium
Taller de Lectura y Reflexion Espiritual —- FLC Room 205
Grupo de Oracion Intercesion — Family Life Center Room 201
Legion de Maria para Adultos — Family Life Center Room 202
Reunion de Ministros de Eucharistia — FLC Room 203
Emaus Mujeres — Parish Hall
9am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room
TUESDAY, April 14
9:00 am
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Un Recorrido por la Biblia — Family Life Center Room 207
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd — REC Rooms 201-203
Challenge Girls Group — Youth Building
Reconciliation — Church
Children’s Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room
Junior High Youth Group — Youth Building
Prayer and Life Workshop — Family Life Center Room 201
Gregorian Chant Choir Practice — Family Life Center Room 223
HANDE Handyman Ministry Meeting — FLC Room 205
Adult Confirmation Class — Family Life Center Rooms 206 & 207
Walk in the Spirit Prayer Group — FLC Room 224
Talleres de Oracion y Vida — T-15
Misa en Español — Church
10:45am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room
Grupo de Oracion — Parish Hall
9:00 am
5:30 & 7pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Wednesday Morning Bible Study — Parish Hall
LAST CLASS: CCE Classes Grades K-8th — REC & Family Life Ctr
Coro de Niños Spanish Children’s Choir — FLC Choir Room
High School Youth Group — Youth Building
Benediction — Chapel
Talleres de Oracion y Vida — T-15
Pregoneros del Amor Spanish Choir — FLC Room Choir Room
THURSDAY, April 16
9:15 am
9:30 pm
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Ctr Room 206
Talleres de Oracion y Vida — Family Life Center Room 207
Soccer Shots — Parish Hall
LAST CLASS: CCE Classes Grades K-5th, OOS — REC & FLC
RCIA — Old Parish Hall
ACTS—Core Team Meeting — FLC Conference Room
Emaus: Hombres — Youth Building
Soldados de Cristo Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room
FRIDAY, April 17
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:15 pm
Little Flowers Girls’ Group Easter Party — Parish Hall
Children’s Holy Hour — Chapel
Young Adults Group — Youth Building
Legion of Mary for Children — T-15, T-16
Crecimiento — Family Life Center Room 223
BINGO — Family Life Center Hall
SATURDAY, April 18
7:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
6:30 pm
Fatima Eucharistic Hour — Church
Delagados de la Diocesis — FLC Room 206
Teen ACTS Team Meeting — Youth Building
Couples for Christ — Family Life Center Rooms 223 & 224
Reconciliation — Church
Social Club — Family Life Center
Our 2015 Parish Bazaar
is May 2nd & 3rd!
Our Annual Bazaar is a team effort and
we need you on our team! Here are
some of the things we will be asking
you to help with:
Raffle Tickets
We are asking each family to purchase or sell
at least two books of tickets, at $2 per ticket,
or $10 for a book of six. This year’s prizes
 $2,500 Gallery Furniture Gift Card
 HD-3D Projector, 72” Screen & Surround
Sound Speaker System
Dell 17” Inspiron 5000 Touchscreen Laptop
Surface Pro 3 Tablet w/ keybd 64GB
 HEB $500 Gift Card
Home Depot $500 Gift Card
 American Express $300 Gift Card
Shell $300 Gas Card
Wal-Mart $300 Gift Card
 Kenmore 4 Burner Gas Grill
the office, or in an envelope in the collection
basket, or after Masses at the table in front of
Donate to the Auctions
We depend on your generosity and creativity
to obtain unique and desirable items that will
bring in top dollar. We are seeking donations
of theme baskets, gift certificates, toys, jewelry, dinner packages, autographed items, and
small collectibles for our Silent Auction. To
donate, contact Vicki Moss at 281-394-5718.
We also need vacation trips, hunting weekends, sports and exercise equipment, large
antiques and collectibles, jewelry, furniture,
gift certificates, professional services, and
other high-end items for our Live Auction. To
donate contact Mary Abrams at 281-3914758, ext. 468.
For more information contact Jerry Mortus at
713-305-5394 or by email at
[email protected] .
April 12, 2015
Outreach and Spiritual Ministries / Respect Life
St. Vincent de Paul
Telephone Help Line
Tel. Para Ayuda: 281 391 1540
Food Pantry / Despensa de Comida:
Mondays, Tuesday & Thursday
Lunes, Martes & Jueves
6:00 - 7:30pm
2nd Saturday of the Month
Segundo Sabado del Mes
9:00am - 10:00am
Our office is located at the north end of
the Youth Building, east entrance to
campus. We help with food, rent or
mortgage assistance, and utilities.
Grief Support Group
for those
or Divorced
Meets Every Monday
6-8pm in Parish Center Rm 207
For information contact
Ruth Henning, 281-734-5502
Knights of Columbus
Council 6950
High School
For 2015-2016
The Knights of Columbus are offering
two $500.00 scholarships for children
or grandchildren of St. Bartholomew
parishioners or of members of the KC
Council 6950, who plan to attend a
Houston Area Catholic High School in
the coming school year.
Applications are available at the KC
Hall, the Parish Office, or on the website below. Completed applications
must be turned in by June 3rd. For
information contact Rosario Stornello
[email protected]
or https://sites.google.com/site/
Respect Life
Join us for our next meeting Tuesday,
May 5th, from 7pm to 8:30pm, in FLC
Room 204. For info, please call Dan
Stuckey at 281-804-4006, or
[email protected].
Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia
Speaks to CNA in Rome in an Interview:
Credit: Joaquin Piero Perez/CNA
Is it possible to be pro-life and at the same time not to be pro-poor? Do
you think that the social message of Pope Francis, in accordance with
the entire tradition of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
(expressed for example in Pius XI’s encyclical Quadragesimo anno, in
which Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) spoke about the “international
imperialism of the money”), needs to be assimilated further in the North
American Church?
Archbishop Chaput -“I've said many times over many years that if we
ignore the poor, we will go to hell: literally. We ignore the needs of the
poor at the cost of our own souls. Unless it's checked by a vigorous
religious faith, North American culture very easily becomes
destructively selfish and hyper-materialistic. This is a paradox, because
the American people are also, at the same time, very generous. They’re
routinely listed as world leaders in surveys of individual generosity, both
in terms of time and money donated to charitable causes. A great many
American Catholics support Pope Francis’ message on the issue of
poverty. When he highlights the suffering of the poor, the Holy Father
ministers not just to the practical needs of people in material poverty,
but to the moral needs of people in spiritual poverty. So ...more directly:
No, it isn't possible to be prolife and simultaneously forget the cries of
the poor. But I would add one more thought: Evangelium Vitae - "the
Gospel of Life" - is every bit as much a social encyclical as
Quadragesimo Anno. Defending the unborn child is a vital part of the
social doctrine of the Church. And the social doctrine of the Church is
incomplete without actively working to defend the unborn child legally
and to support women and families materially. The unborn child is also
part of the poor, and often the poorest and most exploited of the poor.
In the United States in 2011 more than 1 million children were aborted.
In the same time frame, about 3,000 people died of malnutrition. Each
of these deaths is a tragedy that demands our attention, and we all
have the duty to look beyond our own national borders to the needs of
social justice globally. But in the U.S. Catholic context, more than 300
times more deaths occur every year from abortion than from hunger.
That’s why abortion and other “sanctity of life” issues remain so highly
charged in my country.”
How is it possible to announce today, in a secularized society, the
Gospel of the family? And how is it possible to respond to the needs
and suffering of families broken by a separation or a divorce?
Archbishop Chaput -“Nothing is stronger than personal witness. If we
live our faith as Christian families with generosity and joy, it will
naturally attract others. If we don't, no amount of beautiful words or
harsh judgments will substitute for that witness. Today's crisis of the
family, and all the problems that go with it, shouldn't surprise anyone. In
large measure, we created the tragedy ourselves by a combination of
poor catechesis of engaged and married couples and by our own poor
example of married and family life. The Church needs to do a much
better job of evangelizing men and women called to marriage and
helping them live out their vocation joyfully. Where divorce does occur,
we need to help divorced persons continue on the Christian path,
reminding them that God’s love for them endures even in the face of
loneliness or abandonment. And we especially need to support the
children of divorce, who often end up literally on the margins, caught
between the respective lives of their separated parents.” Sept. 2014
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Pastor / Vocations
April Maintenance Fund
2nd Collection
For the month of April, we will once again
focus our Maintenance Fund Collection towards the repair of the hot water system in
the church. Upon my arrival, no hot water
was available for the restrooms, Sacristy, or
baptismal font. The church has not had hot water in these areas
for eight (8) years. These repairs were made in February at a cost
of $14,273.09. As well, new tile has been laid near the front and
back doors of the Family Life Center. And as you can see, a new
sidewalk has been installed. As promised, handrails that lead up
to the Family Life Center front and back entrances have been installed. We have also added handrails to the sidewalks that run
alongside the Family Life Center, and leading up to the Preschool
entrance. The total cost for handrails was $6,660.00, for a total of
$20,933.09 — Our March collection raised only $6,277.01. Our
May appeal will focus on repairs to our parking lot and the removal
of some islands in an effort to facilitate better traffic flow. More
details to come. Thank you for your generosity!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Wayne Wilkerson
St. Bartholomew
Parish Census!
We are conducting a Parish
Census in an effort to update
our database. You should have
received a copy of your family’s
Member Profile, with names,
birthdates, marital status, and sacramental
information for everyone in your family.
enclosed return envelope. Write any
corrections on the Profile—make sure that
names are spelled correctly, birthdates are
correct, sacraments, etc.
If you registered more than a year ago,
and you did not receive a letter, please
call the office at 281-391-4758, ext. 410,
to talk to Diana about the status of your
membership. If we do not have an
accurate mailing address and phone
number, you are at risk of being deleted
from our membership rolls.
Easter Sacraments: First Communion
We extend congratulations to all of our First Communion students who will be receiving the Eucharist for the
first time during the months of April and May. Groups of students will be receiving First Communion at each
of the following regular weekend Masses:
Saturday, April 25th 5:00pm Mass
Saturday, April 11th 5:00pm Mass
Sunday, April 26th 11:00am Mass
Sunday, April 12th 9:00am Mass
Sunday, April 26th 3pm Spanish Mass
Sunday, April 12th 3pm Spanish Mass
Sunday, April 12th 5:00pm Mass
Saturday, May 9th 5:00pm Mass
Sunday, May 10th 11:00am Mass
Sunday, April 19th 9:00am Mass
Sunday, April 19th 11:00am Mass
Sunday, May 17th 3pm Spanish Mass
Sunday, April 19th 5:00pm Mass
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
is prayed daily in the Chapel
at 3:00 pm; Holy Hour is
observed every Friday from
3:00-4:00 p.m. in the Chapel, in front of
the Blessed Sacrament, including
intercessory Prayer, Divine Mercy
Chaplet, Stations of the Cross,
Consecration Prayer, and a Rosary.
“Your task is to write down everything that I
make known to you about My mercy for the
benefit of those who by reading these things will
be comforted in their souls and will have the
courage to approach Me.” (Diary, 1693)
From the Diary of St. Faustina
Divine Mercy Sunday is April 12th
We conclude our Novena with an Hour of Mercy,
at 3:00pm today, Divine Mercy Sunday,
in the Old Parish Hall.
Jesus said to St. Faustina, “at three o’clock implore My Mercy, especially for
poor sinners; and if only for a moment, immerse yourself in My Passion,
particularly in My Abandonment at the moment of agony. I will allow you to
enter into My Mortal Sorrow. In that hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that
makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion.”
For more information on the Divine Mercy Devotions,
please contact Betty Fitzgerald at 281-347-4428
April 12, 2015
Education of Children & Teens
St. Bartholomew
Our Number is 281-391-0993
Director, Rose Stornello, ext 440
Asst., Juli Ondrush, ext 443
We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 day programs
for ages 18 months to 5yrs
Preschool Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm
No Preschool on
Friday, April 17th
KISD Early Dismissal
Religious Ed News
If you have any questions regarding CCE, please
contact the Religious Education Office, Cindy
Smolik, Director, at [email protected]
Call the Religious Ed Office
at 281-391-0839 or visit www.st-bart.org/children
LAST WEEK OF CCE April 12th, 15th and 16th...
CCE Registration for 2015-2016 is Now Open!
Stop by the REC this week (Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday), to
register, or stop by the CCE Office during regular hours. (Registration
forms can also be downloaded from our website and mailed in). Only
complete forms with full payment can be accepted. Limited spaces are
Catechists Needed for Next Year
Fr. Wayne has instructed us to limit enrollment this year based upon the
number of teachers who have committed to volunteer. Please call the
CCE office if you can commit to help as a teacher, aide, substitute, hall
monitor or campus security monitor.
First Communion Masses Begin in April
Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass and check-in at
the REC in Room 111, across from the Library.
_______________________________________________en Español______
Training: (required for all CCE
and VBS volunteers)
Ultima Semana del CCE es 12 de abril, 15 y 16…
Protecting God’s Children
Inscripción de CCE para 2015-2016 esta Abierto Ahora!
Tuesday, April 14th, 7pm,
St. Edith Stein, Katy
Monday, May 18th, 7pm,
St. Edith Stein, Katy
Wednesday, May 13th, 6pm,
St. Bartholomew, Katy
Keeping the Promise Alive
(required if you took PGC more than
5yrs ago)
Thursday, April 16th, 7pm,
Epiphany of the Lord, Katy
Tuesday, April 21st, 7pm,
St. Edith Stein, Katy
Tuesday, June 9th, 7pm,
St. Edith Stein, Katy
High School
Students! Register
Now for AYC 2015
The Archdiocesan Youth
Conference will be July 31st—
August 2nd at the Hilton Americas in
Downtown Houston. Featured
presenters/musicians include: Matt
Maher, Ben Walther, Leah Darrow,
Paul George, and more. Visit:
Pase por el REC esta semana (domingo, miércoles y jueves), para registrarse,
o pase por la Oficina de CCE durante las horas regulares. (Los formularios de
inscripción se pueden descargar desde nuestro sitio web y enviados por
correo.) Solo los formularios completados con el pago total se
aceptaran. Espacios limitados están disponibles.
Se necesitan Catequistas para el próximo año
El Padre Wayne nos ha dado instrucciones de limitar la inscripción de este año
basado con el numero de maestros que se han comprometido a ser
voluntario. Por favor, llame a la oficina de CCE si puede comprometerse a
ayudar como maestro, asistente, sustituto, monitor de los pasillos o de la
Misas de Primera Comunión comenzará en abril
Por favor llegue al menos 30 minutos antes del inicio de la Misa y regístrense
en el REC en la Sala 111, en frente de la Biblioteca.
6:00pm – 7:30pm
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Confirmation for 11th Graders is scheduled for
Sunday, April 26th at the 5:00pm Youth Mass. Cardinal
DiNardo will be our celebrant.
If you have any questions regarding Youth Ministry, please call Beth Rady, Director, at
281-391-4758, ext. 436.
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Adult Formation
~ In the School of Mary ~
Papal Documents Condensed by Deacon Bill Wagner
Evangelii Gaudium - A Condensation
(Apostolic Exhortation on the “Joy of the Gospel”
by Pope Francis - November 24, 2013)
If you have any questions regarding Adult
Education, please call Deacon Bill Wagner at
281 391 4758, Ext. 411 (English or Spanish)
I. Communal and Societal Repercussions of the Kerygma
The Kingdom and Its Challenge
181. The kingdom, already present and growing in our midst, engages us at
every level of our being. Evangelization must take account of the unceasing
interplay of the Gospel and of man’s concrete life, both personal and social.
This is the principle of universality. The Father desires the salvation of every
man and woman “gathering up all things in Christ, things in heaven and on
earth.” (Eph 1:10) Our mandate is to “go into all the world and proclaim the
good news to the whole of creation.” (Mk 16:15) Here, “the creation” refers to
every aspect of human life. The mission of proclaiming the good news of
Jesus Christ has a universal destination. Nothing human can be alien to it.
True Christian hope that seeks the eschatological kingdom always generates
182. The Church cannot help but be concrete – without presuming to enter
into details – lest the great social principles remain mere generalities. There
is a need to draw practical conclusions in order to have greater impact on the
complexities of current situations. The Church’s pastors have the right to
offer opinions on all that affects people’s lives. The task of evangelization
demands the integral promotion of each human being. It is not possible that
religion be restricted to the private sphere; that it exists only to prepare souls
for heaven. God wants his children to be happy in this world too, even
though they are called to fulfillment in eternity. God has created all things “for
our enjoyment.” (1 Tim 6:17), the enjoyment of everyone. Christian
conversion demands reviewing surely the areas of life related to the social
order and the pursuit of the common good.
183. No one can demand that religion be relegated to the inner sanctum of
person life, without influence on societal and national life. To silence them,
who would lock up in a church the messages of Saint Francis of Assisi or
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta? They themselves would not have found this
acceptable. An authentic faith always involves a desire to change the world,
to transmit values, to leave this earth better than the way it was found it. We
love this magnificent planet on which God has put us. We love the human
family that dwells here, with all its tragedies and struggles. The earth is our
common home. We are all brothers and sisters. The Church cannot and
must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice. All Christians are
called to be concerned with building a better world. The Church’s social
thought is primarily positive. It constantly points to the hope born of the
loving heart of Jesus Christ. It unites its own commitment to that of other
churches and ecclesial communities whether at the level of doctrinal
reflection or at the practical level.
Please Note: Evangelii Gaudium is available through local Catholic
bookstores or on the web at EWTN or the Vatican.
(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Fun For the Whole Family
7:15pm Early Birds
7:30pm Regular Bingo
Our volunteers have fun!
If you can help, please contact
Alfred Gosch at 713-306-7667
Friday Evenings,
Beginning April 24th,
through June 19th
from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
in the Family Life Center
Rooms 201, 203, 204 and 205
English speaking volunteers needed.
Please call Mariana Sanchez at 713 471
5832, Alexandra Sanchez at 281 799
The Social Club Invites You to a
Crawfish Boil
Saturday, April 18th at 2pm
Sessions Thursdays 7- 9 pm ~ in the Parish Hall
For more information contact Deacon Bill Wagner at 281-391-4758.
Apr. 16
Vocations: The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Presenter: Fr. David Garnier
Apr. 23 The Last Things
The cost is $10 per person. Please
RSVP to Vicki Moss at
[email protected]
and ask for details on the location.
April 12, 2015
Social / Around the Archdiocese / Sacramental Information
For info contact: Chic Saenz, 713-906
-1009 or Carol Morris, 281-347-8816.
Join us for our monthly meeting and
potluck luncheon on the 2nd Monday of
every month. Social time begins at
10am, Our next meeting is:
Monday, April 13th
at 10:30am in the Parish Hall
Please bring a dish to share
Corporate Communion
April 18 @ the 5:00 PM Mass
Happy Hearts members will sing in the
choir, practice is at 4:30 PM
Following the Mass, we will meet at
Midway BBQ for dinner @ 6:15 PM
Upcoming Trips: (for day trips call
Cynthia & I.V. Rojas at 713-805-7134)
April 16 Galveston Island
May 14 Annual Picnic at Peckham Park
June 11 Washington County
For Casino Trips call
Wayne Templeton 281-579-1624
Anuncios Para Los Ministerios Hispanos
Sacramental Information
Families must live within the parish boundaries. Our next classes will be
offered at 7– 8:30 pm, May 18 & 25, 2015, in the FLC Auditorium. The
attendance of both parents is mandatory. Babysitting is available (ages
1-4). You must call the office to register and to request babysitting
before the classes. A $10 fee will be collected at the first class. Couples
should attend classes while pregnant. Godparents are strongly
encouraged to attend as well. A copy of your child’s birth certificate is
required. Baptisms are conducted during the weekend Masses.
Las familias deben de vivir en el área de San Bartolomé. Nuestras
próximas clases serán el 4 y 11 de Mayo del 2015, de las 7:00 a 8:30
pm en el FLC Auditórium. Las clases son obligatorias para los dos
padres. Ofrecemos guardería, por favor de llamar la oficina para
registrarse para las clases y pedir a la guardería. (Edad 1-4) Su costo
de las clases son $10. Se recomienda que los padrinos también
asistan. Las parejas pueden asistir a estas clases durante el
embarazo. Una copia del acta de nacimiento de sus niño es necesario
y antes de programar el bautismo. Los Bautismos son durante la Misas
del fin de semana.
Engaged couples desiring to be married at St. Bartholomew should
contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months prior to desired
Las Parejas que desean contraer matrimonio en la Iglesia deben llamar
a uno de los Sacerdotes o al diácono por lo menos seis (6) meses
antes de la fecha que desean para la boda.
Talleres de Lectura
y Reflexión
Para los jóvenes/adultos que
quieran fortalecer su vida de fe
todos los lunes 7-8:30pm,
comenzando en abril
Centro de Vida de Familiar salon 205
Contactar Andy Ruz, 281-796-8551, or
[email protected]
Los Heraldos del Evangelio
los invita:
A Consagrarse a Jesús
por Manos de Maria
Las Pláticas de preparación
comienzan en abril...
La Consagración es el 13 de Mayo. Para
más información llame 281-704-4317. Te
esperamos. Salve María!
Tuesday/Martes: 5:30 to 6:30pm ~ Saturday/Sábado: 3:30 to 4:30pm
Or upon request / o solicitarla a la oficina.
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick /
Unción de los Enfermos:
If you are seriously ill or entering the hospital, you are invited to receive
the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at the 8:30am Mass on the first
Saturday of the month, or by appointment. It is the Catholic belief that
sacramental anointing provides both spiritual and physical strength.
Call the parish office to request a hospital or home visit.
Si usted está seriamente enfermo o va a ser ingresado al hospital,
usted está invitado a recibir el sacramento de la unción de los
enfermos cada primer sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8:30 am, o por
cita a cualquier otra hora. La fe Católica nos dice que este sacramento
provee fortaleza tanto física como espiritual. Llame a la parroquia si
necesita una visita al hospital o en su casa.
Communion for the Sick / para los Enfermos:
If you or a loved one are homebound or in the hospital, we can bring
the Eucharist to you on Sunday. Call the parish office to arrange a
Si usted o algún ser querido está postrado en cama en su casa o en el
Hospital, podemos llevarle la Eucaristía el Domingo. Llame a la oficina
de la Parroquia.
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas
Anuncios Para Los Ministerios Hispanos
Grupo de Oración– “Instrumentos de la Fe” “¿Sabes tú que Dios te ama
y quiere darte vida en abundancia? ¿Sabes por qué Dios mandó su
Espíritu Santo al mundo?” Cuando: Todos Los Martes, 8pm después de la
Santa Misa, en el Salón Parroquial.
Legión de María LUNES, 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. Salón # 109
Te invitamos a participar de nuestra reunión semanal. Rezamos el Santo
Rosario, aprendiendo mas acerca de Nuestra Santa Madre y planificado el
trabajo apostólico realizado en nuestra comunidad. Para mas información
llamar a Eugenia: 713-245-9869.
Cursillo/Ultreya– Primer Lunes del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Salón
Parroquial. ¡Te Esperamos!
Adoración de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo - Los invitamos todos Jueves
11:00pm - 3:00am, en la Capilla. Para mas información contactar
Sangre Preciosa, Brenda 713-585-5287, o Noemi 832-878-7927.
Adoración y Reparación - El primer Viernes de cada mes de 8pm a 10pm
en la Capilla. Para mas información llegar Belen Medujano 281-919-7469.
Talleres de Lectura y Reflexion y Spiritual - todos los lunes 7-8:30pm en
Centro de Vida Familiar salón 205.
Un recorrido por la Biblia - todos los martes 9:00am en Centro de Vida
Familiar salón 207. Para información, Amanda Peralta 832-330-3373.
Clases de Quinceañera: Dos veces al año en Febrero y Septiembre.
Contacto con Nellie 281-391-0839.
Lecturas de la Semana
Lunes: Hch 4:23-31; Sal 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Martes: Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Domingo: Hch 3:13-15, 17-19; Sal 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a;
Lc 24:35-48
Nuestro Parroquia 2015
Bazar será el 2 y 3 de Mayo!!
Este Bazar anual es un esfuerzo de
equipo y necesitamos de ayuda de
ustedes para la realización del mismo. A
alguna de las cosas que puedan
Tickets de Sorteo
Le pedimos a cada familia que compre o
Venda dos paquetes de tickets a $ 2.00 por
ticket o $10.00 por el paquete de 6 tickets.
Este año los premios incluyen :
 $2500.00 de una tarjeta de regalo
de Gallery Furniture
 Un HD 3D proyector de 72" de pantalla y
un sistema de sonido y spyker
 Una Laptop Dell de 17" Inspiron
 Una tarjeta de regalo de $500.00 de HEB
 una tarjeta de regalo de $500.00 de
Home Depot
 Una tarjeta de regalo de American
Expresa de $300.00
 Una tarjeta de gasolina de Shell de
 Una tarjeta de regalo de Walmart de
 Una Kenmore 4 hornallas a gas parrilla
sobrantes en la oficina, o en un sobre en la
canasta de recolección, o después de la
Misa en la mesa al frente de la iglesia.
Donar a las subastas
Para registrarse favor traer su tarjeta de residencia o green card. Para
mas información llamar a los teléfonos de Bonding Against Adversity.
Dependemos de su generosidad y
creatividad para obtener objetos que se
puedan subastar a buen precio. Estamos
esperando donaciones de canasta , tarjetas
de regalos de tiendas, juguetes, joyería,
paquetes de cenas, objetos autografiados y
pequeñas colecciones para nuestra
subasta silenciosa . Para donar por favor
contacte a Vicki Moss al teléfono # 281-394
-5718. También deseamos viajes de
vacaciones ,cacería en fines de semana,
equipos de deporte y ejercicios,
colecciones de antigüedades, tarjeta de
regalo de mueblerías , servicios
profesionales y otros objetos para nuestra
subasta en vivo . Para donar por favor
contacte a Mary Abrams al 281-391-4758
281 799 9076 Alexandra Sanchez or 7134715832 Mariana Sanchez
Tambien pueden enviar un email a [email protected]
Para mas informaciones contactar la
Oficina Parroquial 281-391-4758
Clases de Preparación para la
Ciudadanía de Cívica e Historia
Empiezan viernes abril 24 Hasta junio 19, Todos los viernes
6:00 pm a 7:30 pm, en los salones
Centro de Vida Familiar 201, 203, 204 y 205
 Prepárese para la entrevista y el examen
 Practique vocabulario y pronunciación
 Entrevistas simuladas
 Materiales de estudio
Information Page
April 12, 2015
Bulletin Number: 515162
Church Name and Address:
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church
5356 Eleventh St.
Katy, TX 77493
Telephone: 281-391-4758
Contact : Rosanne Clare
Phone: 281-391-4758 ext 418
Email: [email protected]
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