Mar/Apr 2015 Thanks to our wonderful volunteers! We want all of our volunteers to know just how much we appreciate all they do. It’s amazing how many volunteers donate their time and effort on behalf of our students and school. Several days a week volunteers come in to help supervise the lunch room, assist in music classes, shelve books in the library, and read with students. In addition to this we have had volunteers supervise at school dances, chaperone field trips, pass out second semester schedules and assist us with school projects. We are truly thankful for everyone involved in making Whiteaker a better place. March 3 Orchestra Concert @ Dayspring, 7 p.m. 5 EA Volleyball vs. Judson, home 3:30 p.m. Band Bingo Night, Whiteaker cafeteria, 6 p.m. 6 ½ Grading Day – No School ½ Day Staff Development 7 Band @ Straub festival, all day K-Town @ McNary Night of Arts, 6 p.m. 10 Encore Choir Cabaret Performance 7:00 p.m., Dayspring Fellowship Church 12 Enrichment Academy Ends 8th Grade Party Planning Meeting 6:30 p.m., Library 13 Whiteaker Choir Invitational @ State Capital 9:30-1 p.m. 18 Regular School Day/Evening Conferences 19 Parent Conferences – No School 20 No School 23-27 Spring Break – No School 30 Track practice begins Continued on last page Deborah Aldrich Joseph Harchanko Danielle Proctor Jenny Alger Michael Hofmann Barbara Rappleyea Elizabeth Andersen Naomi Hudkins Trevor Robinson Matt Anderson Ryanna Lang Elizabeth Schreiber Nicole Arritola Dorothy Larson Gina Schurr Nancy Baldwin Debra Latham Alan Smietana Barbara Bamford Miranda Kay Ling Kristi Snapp Gena Berning Noelle Lyda Brian Stephen Tania Brown Tarie Maine Patricia Tischer Deborah Dean Catherine Moore James Trett Shawna Dolph Robert Murrell Jamie Vasas Nichole Dulley Nanci Nowlen Evangelina Vazquez Barbara Freshour Nanette Nunez‐Ige Karen Weathers Forrest Gill Karen Okada Alexis Whalen Shelley Greer Sigrun Oprea Gail Young Sarah Grimmer Monique Orcutt Deb Zerbe Lorraine Hafer Andrea Price Camille Zuro TRACK SIGN UPS! It’s time to sign up for track! The last day to sign up for track is March 19th! Students may pick up track paperwork from the main office. All athletic paperwork must be turned in and track fees must be paid by the deadline to participate in track. Track prac‐ tice starts on March 30th after school at 2:45 p.m. Please contact the main office at 503‐399‐3224 if you have questions. March 19th Special Thanks To We were excited to received the annual 2015 Take Charge of Education check for $175.63. Thanks to all our parents, friends and community partners who have signed up with Target so that our school receives the 1% cash back! The money we received this year will go toward student incentives. We are very grateful for this program through Target and thankful to everyone who has signed up to help earn money for our school. Target is on track to give $1 billion for education by the end of 2015! To learn more about the program visit MONTH Mikayla Araiza Kylie Dean Sydney Gates Riley Hall McKenzie Harris Nicholas Heath Nikita Martushev Connor Mayberry Esmeralda Mendoza Villavicencio Marisa Ortiz Olivia Purkey Emmett Reeb Ella Repp Rocky Sanchez Penelope Sinclair Jade Sloper Emma Stephen Garrett Wampler Jazmin Zepeda 8TH GRADE 8th Grade Students & Parent/guardians Note the following Dates: 8th Grade Transition to High School! March 9 & 10—The Whiteaker counselors will be going into Language Arts classes to meet with all the 8th grade students regarding getting ready for high school to look at choose their classes for next year. The Course Catalog will be given to each student on that date to help them prepare selections for regis‐ tration in April. March 10—Applications due for Honors classes at McNary. (see following page for details) th April 16—Parents of 8 grade students are invited to the Freshman Orientation for the class of 2020 at McNary High School ‐ details coming soon. April 20—McNary High School Counselors will be coming to pick up the forms and talk to the students about their actual registration. —————————————————————— The Secret to be able to Talk with your Kids—LISTEN! All humans spend much of our time in many differ‐ ent types of conversations (email, text, social media, emoticons, etc) and rarely connect with others face to face! rooms, because it is awkward to have conversations with family members—but that doesn’t mean they want you to leave them alone, or out of family in‐ teractions. With a little coaxing and listening, I promise you may uncover some surprises as to what is really happening with your teen! Kids get talked to all day at school, but they want to be listened at home. Truth is, we all appreciate when someone notices us who we really are; what matters to us; being treated with interest, not just be given partial presence during the checking of emails, texts, social media etc. Listen for the dreams and hopes of your child. What would happen if all household members agreed to ‘unplug’ from anything digital/electronic for just 15‐30 minutes every day—and just checked in—face to face with each other? Here is a simple suggestion to start: In your student’s world, all kinds of relational activity can take place such as: becoming a couple, best friends, breaking up, spreading rumors and ‘going out’ with an online person without actually spending time with anyone face to face! The Search Institute conducted an online survey, with over 1000 families, and found teens actually DO want real, face to face connection with their fami‐ lies! Many students in middle school spend time in their Plan to eat dinner together! This can be a pow‐ erful daily tool to monitor how your child is really feeling. Have the same opening question every day at dinner—something like: “What was the high/ low point of your day today?” (Not “How was school today?”), choose a question that will not allow the usual one word answers. (Fine! Ok…I don’t know). As adults, you can also share about your day, and give some comfort/insight to your teen about the stressors of your world. We all have ups and downs during the day…it’s good for children to know and listen to how you cope—you will learn from each other. So how can you get your teen to talk to you? Try listening patiently! 8TH GRADE—Continued 9th Grade Honors Classes for 2015‐16 9th Grade Honors Applications for McNary High School in English, Social Studies and Science have been available to current 8th grade students from those subject teachers since 2/17/15. ALL applications are due to the Whiteaker office no later than 7:30 a.m. on 3/10/15. Honors Math placement at McNary is based on current 8th grade math level, final grades, test scores and teacher recommendation. Students will know if they are accepted into Honors classes when they receive their registration forms in our Language Arts classes on 4/20/15. Congratulations to our Spelling Bee participants! The following students have been selected to represent Whiteaker at the upcoming Salem‐Keizer Spelling Contest. 6th grade Michael Zwemke 7th grade Hayley Hughes 8th grade Parker Salmon The winner of the spelling competition will win $250.00 and go onto the state level. These students competed with dozens of their classmates for the honor of representing our school and have worked hard on practicing spelling words. The study of nomenclature is going to pay off for these students. Mr. Decker and spelling champs are going to Crossler on March 11th at 3:00 p.m. to battle with the rest of the schools in the district. Go Wolverines! Perfect Attendance Students—1st semester The following students earned perfect attendance for 1st semester this year. Perfect attendance means that the student was at school every day and did not miss any classes. Our students were recently recognized at a Perfect Attendance luncheon. They were treated with pizza and ice cream. Bell, Jaeden Georgieff, Leeya Ling, Layne Metz, Lanah Schmit, McLean Brooks, Paige Hall, Riley Ling, Zane Moore, Tamalynn Sjullie, Konnor Buckmaster, Kylie Hawkins, Seth Lofsted, Peyton Mosgrove, Devon Tallon, John Buss, Kennedy Huffman, Caitlin Logan, Caleb Meuller, Paul Terrazas, Reyna Cabrera Ortiz, Jennifer Huffman, Madelyn Lyda, Ashlyn Ojeda, Emmanuel Trammell, Grace Fritts, Jacob Jarnagin, McKinsey Matthews, Isaac Oliver, Kevin James Weathers, Adrien Gee, Michelle Johnson, Kianna Mayberry, Connor Santiago Espinoza, Geneci Whalen, Ethan 0 2 1 5 2015 , 3 2 April National Take Your Student To Work Day National Take Your Student to Work Day is happening this year on Thursday, April 23, 2015. If this is an event that your child will participate in with you at your workplace, we ask that you send in a written note with your student to the attendance office before April 23th. Normally your student would need to be in attendance for the whole school day to take part in after school events. However, for this one day, they will be able to miss school and still participate if the absence has been ex‐ cused prior to April 23 (this includes track). Students who have not been excused will not be able to participate in after school activities and/or events. Please feel free to contact the office at 503‐399‐3224 if you have any questions. REMINDER! Spring Picture Day Is: Friday, May 1st Picture packets will be delivered to students to take home approximately 1‐2 weeks prior to pictures. Remember these pictures will only be taken if order forms are filled out and returned on picture day. Wells Fargo shows its appreciation to Whiteaker Middle School Staff In the midst of the bustling holiday season and preparing students for winter break, the Whiteaker Middle School staff received a gift they did not anticipate. Wells Fargo bestowed a gift of thanks for their dedication and inspiration to students. Wells Fargo, one of the leading sponsors of the Portland Trail Blazers, donated five pairs of tickets to the Whiteaker staff to thank them for their efforts. The gift included seats on the 100 level in the Moda Center and each ticket was loaded with a $20 credit that could be used for food or merchandise in the fan shop! The game with the Atlanta Hawks featured Whiteaker in the “Block Party” zone. Each time the Trail Blazers blocked a shot, Whiteaker staff placed a basketball on the magnetic strip behind them. The educators were featured on the big screen during the game holding a sign that said, “Whiteaker Middle School. We love our students!” When Whiteaker received the call from Wells Fargo, they were elated but needed to devise a way to award the tickets to staff members fairly, since all were deserving of the honor. Each day, prior to Winter Break, a staff member’s name was drawn from a hat. Students were excited and participated by providing the daily drum role when the names were selected and announced. One teacher said that a high point of the Blazer game was when they were visited by Blaze, but the true pinnacle of the night was the VIP gift of thanks and gratitude they received from Wells Fargo and the Portland Trail Blazers. Educators are able to inspire hope, imagination, and instill a love for lifelong learning. The educators at Whiteaker Middle School were humbled and grateful for the recogni‐ tion bestowed upon them. Pictured from left: Whiteaker Middle School's Chad Christianson, instructional coach; Tami Badinger, assistant principal; Angie Keeker, math teacher; Donna Burnett, counselor; and Corynne Taylor, instructional assistant FIRST 6th Grade Allen, McKenzie Allen, Varity Alt, Madison* Araiza, Mikayla* Arritola, Meghan* Bauman, Austin Beebe, Jessikah* Bell, Jaeden Besa, Annie-Leigh* Biondi, Isabella* Brame, Darian Brookman, Noah Brown, Alyssa Bunch, Trinity Buss, Kennedy Bustamante, Kayla Butani, Neera Canini, Rian* Cartwright, Olivia* Chen, Jasmine* Christensen, Ryder Colfax, Allison* Condello, Hannah Cunningham, Xyen Damisch, Olivya Doutt, Leah* Downing, Evan Dubois, Madyson Ebbs, Taylor Eckis, Morgan Faulkner, Naia* Garcia-Cutter, Meiya Garland, Cole Garland, Nina Gates, Sydney* Gee, Michelle* Gill Flores, Alexis* Grimmer, Rebekah* Gust, John Hadley, Makayla* Hartsook, Joseph* Hawley, Ashley* Heath, Nicholas Hiatt, Akacia Hiebenthal, Heidi Holiman, Jessica Howard, Grace* Hubbard, Griffen* Hudkins, Esther Huffman, Caitlin Jackson, Brady Jacobsen, Zachary Johnson, Isaac* Junker, Bryce Kenworthy, Hannah Kramer, Emily Krochmal, Paul Laetzsch, Lillien Lane, Sierra* LeBaron, Hannah Lindon, Kaleb Ling, Layne* Ling, Zane* Long, Madison Lyda, Ashlyn Magee, Morrigan Martin, Ian* Martin, Kyle* McNaught, Kolbe Mehlhoff, Matthew* Melting, Grace* Moore, Tamalynn Morris, Leilani* Morris, Sydney Mosgrove, Devon Muchmore, Shayla* Olafson, Paige Olheiser, Braeden Olivo, Dante* Palmer, Emily Peton, Kate Parks, Cameron Prince, Austin* SEMESTER Privratsky, Emma Proctor, MacKenzie Proctor, Tristan Raschkes, Braeden Ronning, Katherine* Roth, Benjamin Russell, Nicole* Samples, Ashlin Schurr, Ethan Shepherd, Chloe Sinclair, Penelope Sjolander, Jadon Snyder, Lily* Stephen, Emma* Straw, Tobias* Terrazas, Reyna Thompson, Trevor* Trammell, Madyson Vasas, Colin Wagner, Samantha Weathers, Adrien Welch, Cierra Whalen, Brennan Woomer, Emerson York, Baylor Young, Camille Youngblutt, Lucy Zepeda, Jazmin Zimmerman, Hunter 7th Grade Alfano, Samantha Avila Huerta, Lesli Ayers, Evelyn Baez, Jack Baiza, Jaden Barker, Erik* Bell, Alexia Bell, Kaylee Bielby, Madeline Bingenheimer, Haley Black, Faith Brunhaver, Parker *Denotes 4.0 GPA 2014-2015 Brunk, Sebastian* Buckmaster, Kylie Cepeda, Alexa* Dean, Kylie* DeJuan, Savana Dhami, Preetjot Diede, Chloe Doerfler, Ashley* Dolenc, Jacob Dolph, Eric Dunn, Ingrid* Eggert, Nathaniel* Farris, Anne* Flores, Riley Fry, Lacey Garvey, Alyssa* Gatchet, Noah Gekeler, Bailey Georgieff, Leeya Gonzalez, Adrianna Gould, Noah Gross, Timothy Harris, Dariun Hawkins, Seth* Heinz, Hailey* Hernandez, Zameria Herrera, Andres Hudson, Lainie Hughes, Haley* Irwin, Matthew Jacobsen, Levi Jarnagin, McKinsey* Jennings, Kendyl* Johnson, Veronica Kirk, William* Landreville, Bailey Lelack, Noah Leon Cisneros, Brenda Lofsted, Peyton Logan, Caleb Luscomb, Maya* 3.5 GPA OR HIGHER Marino, Serena* Martindale, Chloe Martinez, Hannah McElhaney, Carly Metz, Lanah Millis, Keeli Morales, Rachel Morquecho Alvarez, Maria Mueller, Mia* Nelson, Lauren OConnor, Tyler Okada, Daniel Olsen, Oskar Ortiz, Marisa Ostrom, Parker Partridge, Ayden Pescador, Hope Petilo, Isaiah Prater, Jacob Pries, Tyler* Provost, Megan* Raymond, Dylan Rice, Anthony Richardson, Alyssa Ridgway, Michael Rogers, Trent Rutter, Preston Sandhu, Bhindarjeet Sandoval, Nicandro Santiago Espinoza, Genecis Scales, Bailey Schindler, Brian Sjullie, Konnor* Stocker, Justin Thompson, Tate* Thomson, Ian Thurlow, Layton* Tischer, Michael Tista Cortes, Jair Torres, Serena Totland, Trevor Trammell, Grace* True, Bailey* Vasseur, Malakai Verhaeghe, Elizabeth FIRST SEMESTER Corpe, Hannah* Cummings, Steven Daniels, Emily DeJuan, Melia Dolenc, Mary Dougall, Marissa Downer, Cole Englert, Kasey 8th Grade Englert, Korey Alfaro, Sabella Foxworth, Samantha Alger, Emily Fritts, Jacob Arnsmeier, Sara Garland, Emma* Bach, Noah* Bedingfield, Raegan Gill, Mackenzie Gillespie, Laura Beebe, Katharine Gonzalez, Natalia Bojorquez, Jared Graneto, Adam Branson, Cole Grunberg, Brandi Camper, Kayla Villarreal, Alejandro Wagner, Charles Walling, Jason Weathers, Nicholas* Whitfield, Kacey Wirt, Paytonn Young, Nathan Zuro, Nickolas Hall, Riley Hari, Marissa Harris, Nigel Hawley, Abigail* Hegewald, Meredith* Herriges, Rachel* Hitchcock, Megan Hudkins, Noah Hudson, Angel Huffman, Madelyn* Ige, Eryne* Johnk, Connor Johnson, Ishmael Johnson, Triston Jones, Kayla Kostrikin, Philip Landry, Kiersten 2014-2015 Lane, Xena Langenwalter, Matthew Maine, My'chaela Martushev, Nikita Matthews, Isaac Mayberry, Connor McKenzie, Abigail Merrill, Maya* Mills, Parker Montgomery, Payton Mueller, Paul Oliveira, Griffin Palmer, Grace Preston, Brent Purkey, Olivia Reeb, Emmett Rojas, Kianna 3.5 GPA OR HIGHER Ronning, Alexandria Roth, Zachary Salang, Kalea* Sandhu, Tanveer* Schmit, McLean* Schott, Kimberly Shepherd, Gabrielle Snapp, Sydney Stong, Sarah Tallon, John Thomas, Kara Thomas, Kennadi Torres, Alan* Unwin, Kaylee Wampler, Garrett Wesemann, Abigail Zielinski, Sofia *Denotes 4.0 GPA WHITEAKER PARKING LOT TRAFFIC FLOW With more than 750 students attending Whiteaker, the traffic during both mornings and after school can be very congested. To improve traffic in the parking lot, please keep these guidelines in mind when dropping off and picking up students. The lower parking lot is for bus drop off and loading only. The upper parking lot is for parents to drop off and pick up students. *Other drop‐off and pick‐up locations include: 1. Dayspring Church—Entrances on Lockhaven with an exit onto McLeod. 2. Latter Day Saints Church—14th & Lockhaven 3. Zachris Ct NE cul‐de‐sac—off McLeod has path between houses to school field 4. Alley way between Marigold St NE & Mandarin Way NE—path between houses to school field. “Keeping Tech Savvy Kids Safe Online” Parents, please join us for a free presentation, “Keeping Tech Savvy Kids Safe Online” hosted by the Keizer Police Department and Salem‐Keizer School District. Date: Monday, April 6, 2015 Time: 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. Location: Keizer Civic Center – 930 Chemawa RD NE This training is for adults who want to learn what children and teens do via social media, cell phones, and other electronic re‐ sources. Get tips on how to monitor and keep children safer online. For additional information, contact Debbie Joa, Preven‐ tion and Protection Coordinator at 503‐399‐3061 or joa‐[email protected] Thanks for all your help 1st Semester PE Aides! Ms. Jaynes Adaptive PE Class having fun with Ms. Biamont! AVID Leadership gives input on new planners AVID students piloted planners the last six weeks of the first semester. Some AVID students then came to Whiteaker's Instructional Leadership meeting and talked with staff about what they liked, didn't like and what they wanted in their plan‐ ners. Due to that feedback, changes were made and planners were printed for all students to start using second semester. Thank you to the AVID students that went and talked to different classrooms about how and why they need a planner to help them achieve their goals. Your participation in the roll out and feedback were very much appreciated. Thank you especially to Kyle Maldonado, Amanda Shapley, My'chaela Maine, Samantha Foxworth, Cole Downer, and Parker Mills for taking time out of your afternoon and sharing your ideas with the school leadership team! Your leadership in this process was outstanding! AVIDtastic! 8th Grade Party Update Whiteaker 8th grade party planning is well underway, but we need help from par‐ ents and volunteers! There are many exciting activities and surprises planned—it will be a great night! Please join us at our next planning meetings: March 12th, April 9th, and May 14th, all at 6:30 p.m. in the Whiteaker library. We will need many chaperones for the party, and could use more help on the following committees: Save the Date! 8th Grade Party Saturday, June 6th, 8 – 10 pm South River Road Courthouse Athletic Club Admission: $10 Tickets go on sale 2 weeks before the party Activities Volunteers Gifts & Raffle Prizes Food & Decorations Promotions & Ticket Sales We are planning for approximately 200 students to attend the party this year and are in need of donations and prizes to raffle as giveaways. Your donation would be greatly appre‐ ciated! If you have a donation, or need more information about the party, contact Noelle Lyda at [email protected]. To volunteer, contact Kristi Becker at [email protected]. To volunteer at the party, your background check will need to be up‐to‐date. Fiesta de 8vo Grado Ya hemos comenzado con los planes para la fiesta de 8vo de la Escuela Intermedia Whiteaker, pero necesitamos la ayuda de padres de familia y voluntarios. Tenemos planeadas varias actividades y sorpresas emocionantes. ¡Va ser una tarde diverti‐ da! Por favor acompañemos para las próximas juntas: 12 de marzo, 9 de abril, 14 de mayo, todas a las 6:30 p.m. en la biblioteca de la Escuela Whiteaker. Va‐ mos a necesitar bastantes acompañantes adultos para supervisar la fiesta y apreciaríamos más ayuda para formar los comités a continuación: Comité de Actividades Comité de Voluntarios Comité de Regalos y Premios para las Rifas Comité de Alimentos y Decoraciones Comité de Promoción y Venta de Boletos Estamos haciendo planes para aproximadamente 200 estudiantes este año y aún nos hacen falta donaciones y premios para las rifas. ¡Apreciaríamos mucho sus donaciones! Anoten la fecha en sus calendarios! Fiesta de 8vo Grado sábado, 6 de junio, 8 – 10 pm South River Road Courthouse Athletic Club Entrada: $10 Los boletos estarán a la venta 2 semanas antes de la fiesta. Si gustan donar algo, o necesitan más información sobre la fiesta, envíen un correo electronico a Noelle Lyda: lydafami‐ [email protected]. Para ser voluntario, envíen un correo electrónico a Kristi Becker: [email protected]. Para ser voluntario en la fiesta, deben tener vigente su revisión de antecedentes penales con el distrito. Michael Ridgway Kyle Meith of Alivia Romero Noah Lelack & Levi Jacobsen r Ma Skyle gnus Smarter Balanced test offers new challenges Every year, students in grades 3 through 8 and grade 11 are tested in math and English language arts. Test time is rap‐ idly approaching. The state has a new test this year to measure students’ knowledge of state standards in these subjects. It’s called the Smarter Balanced test and it replaces the OAKS Test. The Smarter Balanced test measures student progress toward new learning standards that are designed to prepare students for college and career. New standards require a new test. A different test The test‐taking experience will be very different for students. For example: The test is longer, so students need stamina to stick with it all the way to the end. There’s a lot of writing in both the math and language arts tests. Because it’s taken on a computer, students will need to know how to type on a keyboard. There’s only one opportunity to take the test each year, but students have several hours to complete it. It’s important that they take their time and be careful when answering the test questions. Students who participated a field test of the Smarter Balanced test said it is more interesting than OAKS. Because the test is new and different, we expect it will take students a while to adjust. This means that students who may have done well on the old OAKS test may not do as well on the Smarter Balanced test at first. This is normal when tests change. Students will adjust with time. How to help your student prepare Parents can help their students transition to the Smarter Balanced test by doing a few simple things at home that sup‐ port the work taking place in the classroom. Our school will be sending home “Parents’ Tips for Testing” in the coming weeks. Here are some ways to help your student be successful on the Smarter Balanced test: Take practice tests – find a link to tests here:‐tests Practice typing skills – For elementary students: For secondary students: Keep it in perspective It’s important to encourage your student to relax and give the test their best effort. State tests provide feedback to the State about how our schools are helping students reach state standards, and provide teachers with information on how students are learning. But remember, performance on the state test alone doesn’t reflect a student’s overall growth or achievement level. State tests are important, but they are just one of many data points teachers use to gauge student learning. For more information If you would like to know more about the Smarter Balanced test, please visit the Oregon Department of Education website, Los exámenes Smarter Balanced ofrecen nuevos retos Se acerca la temporada del año para que lo estudiantes tomen los exámenes estatales. Cada año, los estudiantes de 3º a 8º grado y los estudiantes de 11º grado tomarán los exámenes en matemáticas, artes del lenguaje (inglés) y ciencias naturales. El estado tiene un nuevo examen este año para medir el conocimiento de los estudiantes en base a los estándares estatales en matemáticas y artes del lenguaje (inglés).Los exámenes se llaman Smarter Balanced y reemplazan a los exámenes OAKS. Los exámenes Smarter Balanced miden el progreso del estudiante hacia los estándares de aprendizaje que están diseñados para preparar a los estudiantes para la universidad y la carrera. Nuevos estándares requieren nuevos exámenes. Un examen diferente La experiencia al tomar este examen será muy diferente para los estudiantes en comparación con experiencias previas con el examen estatal pasado. A continuación se explican las razones: El examen es más extenso, así que los estudiantes necesitan más energía/resistencia intelectual para mantener‐ se concentrados y finalizar el examen. Los exámenes de matemáticas y artes del lenguaje (ingles) consisten en más escritura. Los exámenes se impartirán en la computadora así que los estudiantes tendrán que saber cómo escribir en el teclado de la computadora. Sólo hay una oportunidad para presentar este examen, sin embargo los estudiantes tienen varias horas para completar este. Es importante que los estudiantes tomen el tiempo necesario y sean cuidadosos al responder las preguntas. Los estudiantes que participaron en una prueba piloto de Smarter Balanced expresaron que este es más intere‐ sante que el examen OAKS. Debido a que este es un examen nuevo y diferente, esperamos que a los estudiantes les lleve un tiempo para ajustarse. Esto significa que los estudiantes que obtuvieron buenos resultados cuando tomaron el antiguo examen OAKS quizás no obten‐ gan los mismos resultados la primera vez que tomen el examen Smarter Balanced. Esto es normal cuando hay un cambio de exámenes. Los estudiantes se ajustarán con tiempo. Cómo ayudarle a su estudiante a prepararse Los padres de familia pueden ayudar a sus estudiantes a hacer la transición para el examen Smart Balanced haciendo cosas simples en casa que apoyen el trabajo que se realiza en el salón de clases. En las próximas semanas los directores de las es‐ cuelas enviarán a casa “sugerencias para tomar exámenes” en las siguientes semanas. Estas son algunas maneras de ayudar a su estudiante a tener éxito en el examen Smarter Balanced: Tomar exámenes de práctica – en el siguiente sitio web se pueden tomar los exámenes de práctica: http://‐tests Práctica de destreza de escritura en un teclado de computadora – Para estudiantes de educación primaria: Para estudiantes de educación secundaria: Mantener la perspectiva Es importante alentar a su estudiante para que se relaje y dé lo mejor de sí mismo. Los exámenes estatales proporcionan información al estado sobre como las escuelas ayudan a los estudiantes a lograr los estándares estatales y también proveen información a los maestros sobre cómo están los estudiantes aprendiendo. No obstante recuerden, el desempeño en el exa‐ men estatal solo, no refleja el nivel de crecimiento o logro general de un estudiante. Los exámenes estatales son importan‐ tes, pero son sólo uno de muchos puntos de datos que los maestros emplean para medir el aprendizaje del estudiante. Para más información Si le gustaría saber más sobre los exámenes Smarter Balanced, por favor visite el sitio web del Departamento de Educación de Oregon (Oregon Department of Education). What: Where: When: Who: Why: The 14th Annual AAYLC (African American Youth Leadership Conference) Chemeketa Community College, Salem, OR Friday, April 10, 2015 All Middle & High School Students from SalemKeizer School District To promote positive youth development in the African American youth and multicultural youth of African descent by: Raising awareness on how to achieve personal goals Emphasizing the value of education Empowering future leadership (responsibility) Establishing a sense of community Increasing personal self-esteem and affirm cultural awareness Students interested in attending may stop by the Guidance Office and pick up a registration packet. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Helvie at: [email protected] or 503-399-3224. Ms. Helvie will accompany the students on this trip, parent chaperones are needed as well. If you are interested in attending with your student, please fill out the district volunteer application now (if you haven't already) in order to be approved in time for the trip! Thank you! Student permission forms need to be turned into the Guidance office no later than Thursday, March 19th in order for us to meet the deadline. PARENT CONFERENCES March 18 & 19 Wednesday, March 18 Parent Conferences Regular School Day 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Conferences ———————————————————————- Thursday, March 19 Parent Conferences No school for Students 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. Conferences 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. Conferences 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Conferences Whiteaker Middle School Phone: 503-399-3224 Conferences will be held in the teachers’ classrooms. Please check in at the main entrance and pick up a school map. Be sure to bring your student’s progress report for reference. Progress reports will be mailed the week prior to conferences. Locate your child’s teachers and sign up for a 10-minute time slot. Students are welcome to attend. REMINDER: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS March 19th - March 27th Hoops for Heart is in full swing. If you would like to make a donation, please stop by the office and drop off cash or checks. Make checks payable to the American Heart Association. The last day to donate is March 5th. Enrichment Academy Volunteers The Enrichment Academy is looking for volunteers to share their talents and skills with students after school! If you would like more information, contact Mrs. Husseman at: [email protected] April (continued from page 1) 1 Spring Band Concert 7:00 p.m., Gym 2 Music Tour to Elementary feeder schools AVID 5th Grade Parent Night 6:00 p.m., Library 6 Current 6th & 7th Grade Forecasting packets handed out. 7 Band Festival @ Corban University, 9-1:30 p.m. 9 Concert Band @ Shasta Middle School Festival 84 p.m. 8th Grade Party Planning Meeting 6:30 p.m., Library 10 African Youth Leadership Conference 8:30-1 p.m., CCC School Dance 2:45-4:00 p.m. 14 Spring Session of Enrichment Academy begins Viva Voce, Adv. Festival @ North, 6:30 p.m. McNary Area Band Festival @ McNary, evening time TBD 16 Track meet vs. Waldo @ McNary HS, 4:00 p.m. (Whiteaker hosting) MS Orchestra Adjudications @ McKay, 5 p.m. 8th Grade Open House at McNary 6:00 p.m. 20 McNary here for 8th Grade Forecasting 20-24 Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Week 22 Band (symphonic) District festival @ Straub, all day 23 Take Your Child To Work Day Track meet vs. Houck @ North HS, 4:00 p.m. 24 ACDA Choir Festival at Marylhurst University, all day 27 ½ Grading Day – No School ½ Day Staff Development 29 McNary forecasting makeup day 30 Track meet vs. Straub @ McNary HS, 4:00 p.m. (Whiteaker Hosting)
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