脆弱市街地の改善-コミュニティを活かす - 東京大学グローバルCOE

Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Next Step to Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
The University of Tokyo
006 脆弱市街地の改善−コミュニティを活かす−
Improving Vulnerable Space
– Making Community Works
+ 城所哲夫(都市)、藤田香織(建築)、クアン・フイペン(国立台北工科大学)、ホアン・リカルド・メヒア(ポンティ
Shuichi Matsumura (Session Leader, Architecture, Text)
+Tetsuo Kidokoro(UT), Kaori Fujita (UT), Kuang-Hui Peng (National Taipei University of Technology),
Juan Ricardo Mejia (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), Laretna T Adishakti (Gadjah Mada
University), Tabea Bork (University of Cologne)
Prof. Shuichi MATSUMURA
Assoc. Prof. Tetsuo KIDOKORO
Prof. Kuang-Hui PRNG
Prof. Juan Ricardo MEJIA
Prof. Laretna T. ADISHAKTI
Mis. Tabea BORK
Assoc. Prof. Kaori FUJITA
Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Next Step to Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
The University of Tokyo
な脆弱性(住民の能力向上・発揮の機 会の不
インマクラダ(La Inmaculada)地区が対象で
cSUR では、
足等) から成るとして問題領域の拡がりが 特
ており、公共サービス施 設も学校 1 校のみと
次いで、 従 来行われてきた高コストの公共
ハウジング」と呼ばれる都市内居 住地区のイ
Botero 教授達の提案は、この地区の詳細な
十 分な敷 地確 保 が難しく続かなかったことが
現 状 分析 −交 通、 建 物用途、 建 物階 数、 住
ロジェクト、参加型のインドネシア KIP、コミュ
特に、 各国で様々な取組みが 行われ、 成 功・
ニティ・マネジメント型のタイ CODI 等の先進
− に基づいており、その内容が詳細に報告さ
れた。その上で、 Botero 教授達は、洪水危険
これらの経 験を相互に交流させ、一つの知識
体系を形成していくための場が十 分に用意さ
きるだけ近隣の空きスペースの利用や 低 層建
Kuang-Hui Peng 教授の報告(図 2)
具体的には、 2007 年 3 月に南米、 アジア、
Peng 教授からは、台湾における自然災害マ
最 後 に、 この 提 案 の 経 験 を踏まえ、 脆 弱
欧州の国々から、こうした脆弱市 街地の改善
ネジメントの展開について報告があった。 地
(Areas)、行動(Actions)の 3 要素が重要で
画家、 研 究者等に集まってもらい、 それぞれ
経緯が明らかにされ、2000 年以降は新法「災
告、 討 議してもらう場を設けた。 今回は、 こ
て、 6 名の方々から問題提 起や具体的な取 組
みの報告をして頂いた。 以下、 それぞれの報
復旧の 3 つのレベルについて、
Adishakti 教 授 か ら は、 様 々 な 文 化 遺
産・自 然 遺 産 を有 する歴 史 的 地 区 コタゲ デ
の立 案を行う仕 組みになっていることが報告
城所哲夫准教授の主旨説明(図 1)
Laretna T. Adishakti 教授の報告(図 4)
最後に、 今後 の課 題として、 実 践に当たる
Adishakti 教 授 達の取 組みは、 従 来の特別
cSUR の 城 所准 教 授 からは、
常駐スタッフの不足、 多様な組 織を巻き込み
な建物のみを保 存しようとする動きとは異な
の整 備、 そして経済的・技 術的なサポートの
て保 存活用するという、新しい時 代の文化遺
先ず、 世界 の 都 市人口の 1 / 3 がスラムと
Juan Ricardo Mejia Botero 教授の報告(図 3)
りも経済を活性化させることを目指して 20 年
Botero 教授からは、自ら関わった脆弱市街
という長 期にわたる計画が立てられ、 その中
地 改善 の 提 案について詳 細な報告があった。
にバティック等の地元 伝 統 工芸を支えてきた
図1 インドネシアにおけるコミュニティベースの脆弱市街地改善プロジェクト(K.I.P.)
図 2 台湾における自然災害マネジメントのシステム
Fig.1 Community Invovvement Approach, Kumpong Improvement Project(KIP) in Indonesia
Fig.2 The Natural Disaster Management System in Taiwan
Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Next Step to Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
The University of Tokyo
Adishakti 教授の所属する大学も参加すること
そ の 後、 19 世 紀 か ら の 大 規 模 な 震 災 と
を促 進し、そうした実践活動を通した専門家
そ の 度 に 行 わ れてきた 木 質 構 造 に 関 する 技
術、 法 規 制 の 変 化 の 過 程 が 概 観され、 その
中 で、 特 に 1948 年 の 福 井 地 震 後 の 1950
年 に 考 案 さ れ た「 壁 量 計 算 法 」 が 簡 易 で
Tabea Bork さんの報告(図 5)
実 効 性 の あ る 方 法 として 詳 細 に 紹 介 さ れ
た。 そ して 最 後 に、 藤 田 准 教 授 自 ら が 関
Bork さんからは、現在進行中の中国パール・
わった東 京の京島地区における密集する古い
リバー・デルタ(Pearl River Delta)での地域
研究の内容が「Villages in the city」というタ
Gist explanation of Assoc. Prof. Tetsuo
Kidokoro (Fig. 1)
この 研 究 仮 説 は 以下の 3 つから成っている。
From Assoc. Prof. Kidokoro of cSUR
原因を有するということ。 第二に、 社 会的な
W h i l e c o n t i n u i n g t h e exc h a n g e o f
research and education with specialists
from Asia and Latin America in the form
of “action studies,” we at cSUR have
come to realize that risk reduction during
disasters and infrastructure improvement to
residential areas within cities called “slums”
or “ informal housing ” are impor tant
themes in sustainable urban regeneration
common to many countries throughout
the world. In particular, various bouts are
taking place in each country and whether
or not the experiences of success or failure
are accumulated, these experiences are
being exchanged. With the recognition that
these places are not sufficiently prepared
to form a single knowledge system, we
launched the creation of such a place for
the international exchange of experiences.
In c o n c rete te r m s, ad m i n i s tr ato r s,
architects, urban planners, and researchers
が重要な課 題になる。 そして、 第三に、 構 造
思慮深く合わせ捉えた戦略が必 要になること
藤田香織准教授の報告(図 6)
「Vulnerability of Japa-
nese Timber Houses」 と題し、 日本 の 木 造
冒頭に、兵庫県南部地震(1995 年)、能登
半島地震(2007 年)等の被害の大きさ、そし
engaged in the improvement of such
vulnerable spaces gathered from countries
in Latin America, Asia and Europe, reported
on the problems in each of the countries
and the bouts aimed at their solution, and
created a place for discussion in March
2007. Now, centered on the content of the
presentations at that time, new viewpoints
have been added, and I can introduce
the actual bouts and topics raised by
six people. Below I would like to give a
summary of the content of each report.
there was an explanation of the gist of
this session called “ improvement of
vulnerable urban space – making use of the
community ” and of the overall picture of
the problem area.
First, in addition to recognizing that one
third of the world ʼ s urban population is
living in vulnerable areas called slums,
the vulnerability was specified as a broad
problem coming from material vulnerability
(risk during disasters, lack of infrastructure,
health problems, etc.), social vulnerability
(risk of eviction, poor access to all social
services, loss of cultural diversity, etc.) and
economic vulnerability (lack of improvement
in citizen abilities and exhibition
opportunities, etc.).
He next explained that the failure to
supply high-cost public housing in the
future and attempts at sites and services
that did not have sufficient site guarantees,
図 3 コロンビア、カルダス市における洪水危険地区の改善計画
図 4 インドネシア・コタゲデ地区における震災計画活性化の取り組み
Fig.3 Improvement of flood area in Caldas City in Colombia.
Fig.4 Reactivation project in earthquake disaster area in Kotagede
area in Indonesia.
Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Next Step to Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
The University of Tokyo
were difficult and prone to being halted.
He announced that an approach was
necessary in which the future community
was made the basis through introducing
ad va n c e d p ro j e c ts s u c h a s th e T h a i
CODI community management type, the
Indonesian KIP participatory type, and the
Pakistani Orangi Project self-help type.
Report by Prof. Kuang-Hui Peng (Fig. 2)
From Prof. Peng there was a repor t
on the development of natural disaster
m a n a g e m e nt i n Ta i wa n. H e c l a r i f i e d
the previous course of related policies
developed as a result of large disasters
such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods,
and landslides. He repor ted that af ter
2000, due to a new law called “ the law
of prevention of disasters and counterme asure s af te r be coming a v ictim, ”
policies and design drafts are being carried
out and the “prevention of disasters and
counter-measures after becoming a victim”
group has full responsibility at three levels:
1) lowering the risk of becoming a victim
through the application of hazard analysis
techniques, 2) preparing for disaster
through citizen participation and citizen selfhelp, and 3) restoration.
Finally, as a future task, he pointed to an
actual shortage of permanently stationed
staff, planning with the involvement of
various organizations, the consolidation in
a clearer format of laws and criteria, and
the importance of completing a layer of
economic and technological support.
Repor t by Prof. Juan Ricardo Mejia
Botero (Fig.3)
Report by Prof. Laretna T. Adishakti
(Fig. 4)
Fr o m P r o f. B o te r o, w e r e c e i v e d a
From Prof Adishakti there was a report on
detailed report about proposals for the
self-improvement of vulnerable places.
C o n c r e te l y, t h e s u b j e c t w a s t h e L a
Inmaculada district in Caldas city, located in
the Aburra Valley in Columbia. This district
is always exposed to the danger of floods,
and it also lacks public service facilities
aside from one school.
The proposals of Prof. Botero and others
are based on a detailed analysis of the
present conditions of the district-an analysis
of transportation, building use, number
of stories per building, residential density,
qualitative standard of the buildings, spaces
with room for construction, population
structure, residential area per personand its content was reported in detail. In
addition, Prof. Botero and others drafted
an immigration plan for citizens in flood
risk areas, but these characteristics were
located in the delicacy of the design
wherein they are made to move to places
with a low risk of becoming a disaster victim
through rebuilding low-rise houses and the
maximum use of neighboring open space in
order to maintain the community.
Finally, on the basis of an experiment with
this proposal, he pointed out three elements
-Actor s, A re as, and Actions-that are
important for the improvement of vulnerable
places and that plans of consensus building
will be major tasks from now on.
bouts with reactivation after an earthquake
in the historical district of Kotagede, which
has various cultural and natural assets.
The bout of Prof. Adishakti and others
differs from the traditional trend in which
there are only attempts to preserve special
buildings, and is characteristic of cultural
heritage management in a new era wherein
the lifestyles of ordinary people and the
place s where the se have developed,
moreover where the communit y itself
is the main constituent, are preser ved
and used. Concretely, this is not a shortterm revival plan. The plan extends over a
period of twenty years aimed at activating
the economy even more than prior to the
earthquake, and attempts to promote small
enterprises supporting the local traditional
crafts such as batik, and preservation of
cultural assets included in the proposal in
an integrated way. This proposal promotes
reinforced rebuilding and new uses for
traditional houses through the participation
of the university to which Prof. Adishakti is
connected. The education of citizens and
specialists through practical activities as
well as the raising of new funds are steadily
Report by Ms. Tabea Bork (Fig.5)
The content of a regional study currently
in progress in China's Pearl River Delta was
reported by Ms. Bork under the title “Villages
図 5 中国パールデルタ地区における不法移民と福祉政策の研究
図 6 地震に対する簡易診断としての壁量計算法
Fig.5 Research on Informal migrant communities and health
Fig.6 Wall amount method as simplified structural calculation for
strategies in urban villages of Pearl River Delta, China.
Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Next Step to Sustainable Urban Regeneration
in the city.”
Because the research has only been
initiated recently, this was an explanation of
one hypothesis of this study. The hypothesis
of this study is made up from the following
three elements. First, social vulnerability
is long term and has a structural cause.
Second, is a multi-faceted problem in which
thorough consideration is necessary both
socially and anthropologically. For example,
illegal immigration and health strategies
become an important task in this area.
Third, a strategy is necessary in which both
the structural problems and the capacities
that can actually be used are thoughtfully
and jointly grasped.
Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
The University of Tokyo
Report by Assoc. Prof. Kaori Fujita
(Fig. 6)
There was a report by Assoc. Prof. Fujita
on the topic of “ Vulnerability of Japanese
Timber Houses” and on the vulnerability of
Japanese wooden houses and methods for
the improvement of their efficiency.
First, after introducing a variety of data
on the extent of damage from the Kobe
Earthquake (2005) and the Noto Peninsula
Ear thquake (2007) and the damage to
wooden houses located there, she made
statistically clear the fact that effective
earthquake resistance reinforcement is
necessary for wooden houses existing in
Japan that do not have sufficient resistance
against the rather frequent earthquakes.
L a t e r, s h e g a v e a n o u t l i n e o f t h e
processes of change in technology and
laws concerning wooden construction
carried out on the occasion of large-scale
earthquakes since the nineteenth century,
and she gave a detailed introduction to
the “wall volume calculation law,” devised
in 1950 after the great Fukui Earthquake
of 1948, as a par ticularly simple and
efficient method. Finally, she reported on
the diagnostic results used for the wall
volume calculation of old wooden houses
crammed together in Tokyoʼ s Kyō shima
district, to which she is connected herself,
a nd s h e re p o r te d o n th e p rac ti c e of
seismic reinforcement based on scientific