Sacred Heart Parish 819 N. 16th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-Mail: [email protected] ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Francisco Ortega Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Erwin J. Friedl Retired Resident: Rev. Herbert Meyr Resident: Rev. Benedict Ezeoke Permanent Deacons: Mr. Mike Barnish; Mr. Ray Behrendt; Mr. Norberto Ojeda; Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez CHURCH RECTORY: 819 N. 16th Avenue Phone (708) 344-0757 Fax (708) 344-5906 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon & Wednesday 9:00am - 7:30pm Tues, Thurs & Friday 9:00am-5:00pm STAFF: JOSEPH AUGELLI, Parish Business Manager RANDY CERQUA, Director of Music MIKE CRUZ, Director of Buildings & Grounds ARNOLDO MARTINEZ, Director of Religious Education MARIA GALVIN & SUE KLAPUT Office Staff SCHOOL: 815 N. 16th Avenue Website: Phone (708) 681-0240 Fax (708) 681-0454 STAFF: MRS. BARBARA CICONTE Principal MRS. CHERYL MILITELLO Secretary MRS. JUANITA GUERRA Marketing CONVENT: 1503 Rice St. Franciscan Sisters Phone (708)344-6940 Franciscan Resource Center Phone (708)567-5083 Dominican Literacy Center Phone (708)338-0659 School Sisters of St. Francis Offices Phone (708)865-6990 MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart Parish is a family of believers rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ as professed by the Catholic Church. We open our lives to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that we may see all things in the light of Faith. We welcome all on our journey to the Kingdom of God. Sacred Heart nourishes the parish family through the ministries of Evangelization, Education, Sacramental Worship and Christian Service. We offer our time, talents and treasure as stewards of God’s Church. We call on each other’s support as we build God’s Kingdom. With our Lord’s help, we will live the Gospel values of Faith, Hope, Justice and Love. _________________________ SUNDAY MASSES: Sat. 5:00 pm, Sun. 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am; and 12:30 pm Spanish WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:00am HOLY DAYS: 8:00, 10:00am, and 7:00pm Bilingual (or as posted) CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:00-4:45pm; and Spanish 1st & 3rd Saturday 4:00-4:45pm Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 PARISH INFORMATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The first Friday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 7pm. Exposition at 12 Noon: Adoration until 7pm: Benediction at 7:00pm BAPTISMS: All Parents must register at the rectory for the Baptism and preparation class ahead of time. English Baptisms: Are on the 1st & 4th Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm.. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) Spanish Baptisms: Are on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm. The Baptismal preparation class is required for parents and godparents and is held on the Monday before Baptisms at 7:00pm in the rectory meeting room. (holidays excluded) WEDDINGS: Arrangements should be made at the rectory with a parish priest or deacon at least four months before the wedding. Normally weddings are for parishioners, but special situations will be considered. We recommend a Wedding Mass for practicing Catholics. We recommend a Wedding Ceremony for non-practicing Catholics or mixed religion couples. Both are valid marriages. A priest is necessary for a Wedding Mass. QUINCEANERA: To have a Quinceanera Mass, a candidate must have been Confirmed & received First Holy Communion. Others will have the Prayer Service & Blessing. A deacon can preside at a Prayer Service & Blessing. All Quinceaneras must be baptized as Catholic Christians. Arrangements must be made at the rectory with a priest or deacon at least two months before. FUNERALS: Arrangements can usually be made with the rectory office by the funeral director. We have the Book of Funeral Readings at the rectory for families who wish to look them over. A priest or deacon will usually attend the wake. SICK CALLS: If someone needs to be Anointed, please call the rectory when they are seriously ill. Don’t wait too long! If someone homebound wishes Holy Communion, please call the rectory. It will usually be brought by a Minister of Care. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish! Please register in the rectory office to be counted! CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you leave the parish or move to a new address, please notify the rectory as soon as possible PARISH FOOD PANTRY: Open Saturday’s 10am-11:30am. Patrons need to call the rectory by Thursday to reserve food PARISH ORGANIZATIONS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: President: Mike Barnish; VicePresident: Maria Galvin; Secretary: Cris Dorwart; Members: Joe Augelli, Lois Behrendt, Ray Behrendt, Randy Cerqua, Barbara Ciconte, Caroline Cruz, Don Klaput, Nancy Marella, Arnoldo Martinez, Norberto Ojeda, Barbara Richter, Eduardo & Maribel Rodriguez, Josephina Rodriquez, Sue Zupinski. FINANCE COUNCIL: MEMBERS: Pat Esposito, Salvatore LaMantia, Marissa Martinez, Joanne Pope, Mike Principe. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: PRESIDENT Donald Klaput WOMEN’S CLUB: PRESIDENT Barbara Richter HISPANIC MINISTRY: PRESIDENT Josephina Rodriguez SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD: PRESIDENT Colleen Kenost SCHOOL PTO: PRESIDENTS, Sue Golding & Teresa Collela WELCOME No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church… No matter what your current family or marital situation is…No matter what your past or present religious affiliation is…No matter what your personal history, age, back-ground, race or color is...No matter what your own self-image or esteem is. You are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved & Respected here at Sacred Heart Parish! SUNDAY, APRIL 26: 9:30am English CCD Parent Meeting (Upper Grade Hall) 11:00am English CCD Family Mass 11:15am Spanish CCD Parent Meeting (Upper Grade Hall) 2:00pm Hispanic Social (Dia del Nino) (Marian Hall) 2:30 English Baptisms (Church) MONDAY, APRIL 27 7:00pm English Bap. Prep. Class (Rectory) 7:00pm School Board Meeting (Teacher’s Lounge) TUESDAY, APRIL 28: 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (Upper Grade Hall) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29: 6:00pm Choir (Church) 7:00pm Finance Council Meeting (Rectory) THURSDAY, APRIL 30: 2:50-3:45pm Children’s Choir (Church) 6:30pm Communion Practice (Church) 7:00pm Multi Level Bridging Ceremony (Upper Grade Hall) FRIDAY, MAY 1: 12:00pm (Noon) - 7:00pm Adoration (Church) SATURDAY, MAY 2: 9:00am Tae Kwon Do (Upper Grade Hall) 10:00am School 1st Communion (Church) SUNDAY, MAY 3: 2:30pm English Baptisms (Church) WELCOME! BIENVENIDOS! We are delighted that you have come to celebrate with us. Please accept our warmest welcome, whether you are visitors, long time residents or are new to the parish and community. We are thankful to God for your presence with us. If you are not registered at Sacred Heart, or are a registered parishioner and need to make changes, such as a new address, telephone number, or are planning to move, please fill out the form below, drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Rectory office. Thank you. Estamos encantados que han venido a celebrar con nosotros. Por favor acepten nuestra bienvenida mas afectuosa, sean visitantes, residentes de mucho tiempo, o nuevos a la parroquia y comunidad. Estamos agredcedidos a Dios por su presencia con nosotros. Si no está registrado en Sagrado Corazón, o si necesita ser cambios a su registración, como una nueva dirección, numero de teléfono, o está planeando mudarse, por favor llene la forma abajo, deposítela en la canasta de colección, a regrésela a la oficina rectoría. Gracias. ---------------------------------------Name/ Nombre:______________________________ _ Address/Dirección: _____________________________________________ City/Ciudad, State/Estado, Zip/Código Postal: _____________________________________________ Telephone/Teléfono: ( )_____________________________________ [ ] New Parishioner/Parroquiano Nuevo [ ] New Address/Phone—Dirección/Telefono nueva [ ] Moving/ Mudanza [ ] Please remove/removerme D ear friends in Sacred Heart: On April 16th, the Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago John Manz celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation in our Parish. The 59 candidates (Sacred Heart School and Parish CCD program) received the Holy Spirit this year. Congratulations to all! Sacred Heart school is working really hard in order to provide to the children and their families an integral formation. Values and development of talents with an Academic Education is crucial in our world today. We believe that our children deserve a place where they can practice and live the values in our Catholic faith that they are receiving at home. We believe as well that our children in Melrose Park deserve the best education we can provide. Our teachers in Sacred Heart School have made the commitment to provide the best education for our children and the best support for their families. I’m inviting you to consider Sacred Heart School as the best option for you and your children. We know that the financial situation is hard for everyone but we can find a way to help you! Sacred Heart School has scholarship options available. If you have your children in a public school, this is the time for a better space for your child. Do not be afraid to make the best investment in your life… your children. Remember in the way they succeed in life, you also succeed with them. Stop by our Sacred Heart School office and receive all the information you need. We love our children and we want the best for them. I am sure you want the same! © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Peace to all Fr. Francisco Ortega. Administrator Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th. Our Mother’s Day Novena Cards are available at the church entrances. You can drop them in the collection baskets on Sunday or send them to the Rectory. What a beautiful way to remember all of our mother’s. Please come show your devotion to Mary Mother of God. Our School is having May Crowning on Friday, May 8th at 1:30pm, and our CCD school will have it on Sunday, May 10th at 10:15am in Marian Hall. Please join the school in saying the Rosary in Church on Wednesday’s May 6th, 20th & 27th at 1:45pm, and Monday, May 11th at 1:45pm. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed are Thou among Women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen BABY BOTTLE PROJECT This April & May, our Women’s Club will be hosting The Baby Bottle Project benefitting The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland. This non-profit organization directly assists mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, clothing & monetary provisions, prayer, and other aid. By God’s grace, The Women’s Centers have saved over 36,000 babies, and their mothers, from abortion since opening in 1984. Please take a Baby Bottle home with you from the rear of church, fill it with your spare change, and return it the weekend of May 16/17. This is a simple, but crucial fundraising effort for The Women’s Centers. Please note the Baby Bottles cost almost $1.00 per bottle and are recycled afterwards so please return upon completion of the project. Thank you for helping defend life and remember to keep all pro-life undertakings in your prayers. Operation Rice Bowl Collection This the last call for collecting Operation Rice Bowls! Please bring your Rice Bowls to place in the labeled receptacles at the Blessed Mother & St. Joseph shrines. Or, better yet, why not bring the money you collected to church in a zip lock bag or similar container & keep your Rice Bowl at home. That way you can put spare change in it all year long, & continue to help those in need. What a great “head start” that will be for next year’s campaign. Either way, please bring your Operation Rice Bowl offerings to church NOW. A big Thank You to everyone who participated in this Lenten activity. May God Bless You, as you have helped to bless the poor! Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Women’s Discernment Retreat Discover God’s plan for you Do you wonder what direction your life will take? Explore your calling and join single women ages 18-49 for a discernment weekend at St. Scholastica Monastery. When: May 1-3, 2015, Friday at 6pm to Sunday at 12 pm Where: St. Scholastica Monastery 7430 N. Ridge Blvd., Chicago, IL Details: Register: email [email protected] or call Sister Belinda at 773-338-7063 Mayslake Ministries Program Women’s Mother’s Day TeaMary Can You Hear Me? Join us for afternoon tea as we explore the ways in which Mary’s yes serves as an inspiration to us as she always points the way to her son, Jesus Christ. Come listen and reflect with this guided meditation on Mary, our Mother A wonderful introduction to our Mother’s Day weekend! DATE/TIME: Friday, 5-8-2015; 1-3:00pm LOCATION: Marriott Suites, 1500 Opus Pl., Downers Grove, IL COST: $40.00 REGISTER : 630-852-9000 Celebrate Mother’s Day with Bishop Francis J. Kane! Mother’s Day Mass for Expectant Mothers Sunday, May 10, 2015, 12:30 p.m. Holy Name Cathedral 735 N. State Street, Chicago Bishop Kane will give a Special Blessing to All Mothers, including those awaiting the birth of a child, and their unborn children! All are welcome! All expectant Mothers will receive a silk rose and a St. Gerard prayer card & medal as a keepsake. St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers. Sponsored by The Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago. For more information, call 312-534-5355. Brain Injury/Stroke Support Camp On May 2, 2015 Synapse House is having a Caregiver Boot Camp. Designed to provide support and information to caregivers for persons with brain injury or stroke. A variety of resources will be available . For more information about Synapse House or how to become a member or donor, please visit or call 877-932-1120. Triton College present 3rd Annual “A Step for Vets” Walk and Donation Drive. Saturday, May 2, 2015, 10am –1pm Free Registration. For Info. call 708-456-0300 x3130 Archbishop Blasé J. Cupich and The Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education invite you to VOICES FROM THE JOURNEY HOPES * DREAMS* COURAGE Save the Date Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:00pm-9:00pm Tickets $150 Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL Wine* Hors d’oeuvres *Awards *Live Auction Co-Chairs: John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe or contact Mark Goebel at 312-534-8383 All proceeds benefit the Office for Immigrant Affairs. New Building & Maintenance Fund Envelope Collection April 26th This weekend we will have our monthly second collection for our Building & Maintenance Fund. This will be used for the upkeep of our aging buildings that need many repairs, and also for special projects and improvements that we will announce. The collection is much needed to help offset our church’s growing financial deficit and keep our parish financially strong. This collection’s will go towards the re-tiling of the church side entrance terrazzo flooring that has been worn down and etched away from the salt. We are going to replace it with rubber tile. We are also looking to fix a sewer blockage and door replacement in the Com Ed Transformer room and boiler room of the East school/church building. Thank you for your support! COLLECTIONS FOR Total Sunday Collection April 19, 2015 Budgeted Sunday Collection Difference - net surplus or deficit Total Weekly Collection for Year Budgeted Weekly Collection for Year Difference for Year - net surplus or deficit $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,088 6,450 (1,362) 180,970 258,000 (77,030) Total Parishioner Envelopes: 203 envelopes received Total Children's Envelopes: 42 envelopes received Collection for Confirmation Mass $ 1,338 Thank you for your generous sacrifices for the support of Sacred Heart Parish! (Fiscal Year is July 1st, 2014 through June 30th, 2015) SACRED HEART SCHOOL SACRED HEART SCHOOL OPEN ENROLLMENT REGISTRACIONES ABIERTAS We are inviting you to Sacred Heart School for the OPEN ENROLLMENT school year 2015-2016 3 & 4 Year olds All Day Preschool Kindergarten to 8th grade Faith, moral, values, discipline and safe environment. Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation Differentiated Instruction Financial Aid (Scholarship) Forms Available Open House every day from 9:00am to Noon Sacred Heart Catholic School is the best investment for the future of your child. Please call the school for further information. Ask for Juanita 708 681-0240 815 N 16th Ave Melrose Park, Il Los invitamos a venir a la escuela del Sagrado Corazón para la REGISTRACION del año escolar 2015-2016 Preescolar de 3 y 4 años kindergarten a 8th grado Fe, morales, valores, disciplina y un ambiente seguro Atención individual en los salones de clase. Sacramentos de Reconciliación, Primera Comunión y Confirmación Proyectos de servicio Ayuda Financiera (Becas) Tenemos las Puertas Abiertas para que conozcas la escuela de 9:00am a 12:00pm todos los días La Escuela Católica del Sagrado Corazón es la mejor inversión para el futuro de sus hijos. Para más información puede llamar a la escuela Preguntar por Juanita 708 681-0240 815 N 16th Ave Melrose Park, Il You are invited to attend the Sacred Heart Parish Volunteer Appreciation Mass and Dinner (Adults Only) Saturday, May 16, 2015 5:00pm Mass followed by dinner in Marian Hall Respond by Sunday, May 10th. Please return bottom response form to Rectory or drop in Sunday Offertory basket. NAME:_________________________________________________________ ___________I WILL ATTEND ___________I WILL ATTEND WITH GUEST ___________I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Q ueridos El 16 de Abril, el Sr. Obispo Auxiliar de Chicago John Manz celebró el sacramento de la confirmación en nuestra Parroquia. Los 59 candidatos (de la escuela y el programa de Educación Religiosa) recibieron el Espíritu Santo este año. Felicidades a todos! La escuela del Sagrado Corazón está trabajando fuertemente para proporcionar a los niños y sus familias una formación integral. El desarrollo de valores y talentos junto con una educación académica es crucial en nuestro mundo de hoy. Creemos que nuestros niños merecen un lugar donde ellos pueden practicar y vivir los valores de nuestra fe católica que reciben en el hogar. Creemos también que nuestros niños en Melrose Park merecen la mejor educación que les podemos otorgar. Nuestros maestros en la escuela de Sacred Heart han hecho el compromiso de ofrecer la mejor educación para nuestros niños y la mejor ayuda para sus familias. Te invito a considerar la escuela de Sacred Heart como la mejor opción para ti y tus hijos. Sabemos que la situación económica es difícil para todos, pero podemos encontrar una manera de ayudarte! La escuela de Sacred Heart tiene becas disponibles. Si tú tienes tus niños en la escuela pública este es el tiempo para darles un mejor lugar a tus hijos. No tengas miedo de realizar la mejor inversión de tu vida… tus hijos! Recuerda que en la manera que ellos triunfan, tú también triunfas con ellos. Pasa a las oficinas de la escuela de Sacred Heart y recibe la información que necesitas. Amamos a nuestros niños y queremos lo mejor para ellos. Estoy seguro que tú deseas lo mismo. Paz y bien Fr. Francisco Ortega, Administrador INFORMACION PARROQUIAL ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El primer Viernes de cada mes de 12-7pm. Exposición a las 12pm; Adoración y Bendición a las 7pm. BAUTISMOS: Bautismos en Ingles: 1ro. & 4to. Domingo de cada mes a las 2:30 p.m. PLÁTICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos será el 4to. Lunes del mes a las 7:00pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. Bautismos en Español: 2do. y 4to. Sábado de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. PLATICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos es el 1ro. y 3er. Lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. MATRIMONIOS: Arreglos para la boda deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos cuatro meses con anticipación. Normalmente se hacen matrimonios para feligreses aunque se pueden considerar situaciones especiales. Les recomendamos un matrimonio con Misa a católicos practicantes. Recomendamos el rito matrimonial para católicos no practicantes o parejas mixtas de otras religiones. Las dos formas son matrimonios validos. El sacerdote es necesario para el matrimonio con misa. QUINCEANERA: Para tener una Misa, la candidata DEBE de haber sido confirmada & haber recibido la 1ra Comunión. Las demás, solo tendrán un servicio de oración & Bendición. Todas las quinceañeras deben ser bautizadas católicas cristianas. Arreglos deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono, mínimo con dos meses de anticipación. FUNERALES: Arreglos pueden hacerse con la oficina parroquial a través del director de la funeraria. Tenemos un libro con las lecturas para funerales para las familias que quieran mirarlas. Un sacerdote o diácono presidirá el funeral. LLAMADAS POR ENFERMEDAD: Si alguien necesita ser Ungido, favor de llamarnos a la rectoría cuando la persona esté enferma de seriedad. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Si alguien en nuestra área desea que se le lleve la Santa Comunión, llámenos a la rectoría, un ministro de enfermos será el encargado. NUEVOS FELIGRESES: ¡Bienvenidos al Sagrado Corazón! favor de inscribirse en la oficina en la rectoría para que podamos realmente contar con usted y viceversa. CANBIO DE DIRECCION: Si dejas nuestra parroquia o te mueves a otra dirección, notifícanos tan pronto como puedas a la rectoría. ALAZENA DE COMIDA PARROQUIAL: Se abre el sábado de 10-11:30am. Si necesita comida llámenos a la rectoría no después del jueves para prepararte tu comida de antemano. * Los miembros de las organizaciones parroquiales están enlistados en la página # 2. Celebra El Dia de las Madres con el Obispo John R. Manz! Misa del Dia de las Madres para Madres embarazadas Domingo 10 de Mayo del 2015, 5:30p.m. Parroquia de San Jose, 4821 S. Hermitage, Chicago, IL 60609 El Obispo John Manz dara un Bendicion Especial a todas las Madres, incluyendo a aquellas que estan esparando el nacimiento de sus bebes, Y por sus hijos no nacidos! Todos son Bienvenidos! Todas las Madres esperando bebe recibiran una rosa de seda, la oracion de San Gerardo, y una medulla como recuerdo. San Gerardo es el patron de la madres que estan embarazadas. Patrocinado por la Parroquia San Jose y la Oficina del Respeto a la Vida de la Arquidiocesis de Chicago. Para mas informacion llama al 312-534-5355. Rayond Balsitis, James Basich, Ray Belsley, Willow Breesawitz, Edward Brinck, Paul Calabrese, Nico Carbonara Filice, Anna Cascio, Lucille Cerra, Arocho Cisco, Rick Clohecy, Agnes Coco, Florence Curinka, Sharon Custardo, Gerald DalCerro, Diane Fahey, Edna Faillo, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Bob Fox, Bill Galvin, Lenn Gassmann, Tina Gregg, Henric Hauser, Nancy Houdek, Joey Ignash, Michael Karalis, Mary Ellen Krezel, Antonio Lemon, Timoteo Martinez, Lois Mathewson, Vern Meyerhofer, Diane Panico, Toni Perfetto, John Puccio, Linda Puccio, Hilario Ramirez, Lauren Rende, Diane Rohan, Agatha Scanio, Ralph Sorrentino, Connie Tramontana, Vikki Valentine, Ann Marie Wojcik… AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to health. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. If you or one of your loved ones wish to be included on or taken off the sick list each month, please call the Rectory at 344-0757. Jeanette Mangano Javier Chavez & Ma. Eugenia Ortuno III THE GLORY OF GOD... The glory of God is humanity fully alive. —St. Irenaeus CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in and the first out of church. Please TURN OFF cell phones before entering the Church for Mass or any other Liturgical service. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 4th Sunday of Easter SAT 5:00pm +Terry Barcal by Family +Joseph Gritenas-34 Year Anniversary by Agnes Malela 7:30 -Mass for the People 9:00 +Josephine Coco by Teresa Lucca 11:00 +Josephine Panicola by Augelli Family +Sarah Monreal by Ray & Erika Balsitis 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo MONDAY, APRIL 27 8:00 –In Thanksgiving by Toni Perfetto +Anne M. Caprini by Family TUESDAY, APRIL 28 8:00+Stanislava & Joseph Gritenas by Rakauskas Family -Regina & Vitas Bagdonas-For Healing by Elena Aniulis WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 St. Catherine of Siena 8:00 +Josef Unger by Wife -Fr. Friedl-For Healing by Parishioner THURSDAY, APRIL 30 8:00 +Josephine Coco by Ciconte Family -In Thanksgiving by Toni Perfetto FRIDAY, MAY 1 8:00 +Frank Angiulo by Family SATURDAY, MAY 2 St. Athanasius 8:00 -Dwayne Richter-Special Intention 5:00 +Ed Shuma by Wife +Josephine Coco by Bill & Maria Galvin SUNDAY, MAY 3 5th Sunday of Easter 7:30 +Joseph Militello by Angie Tomlin & Marc 9:00 +Deceased Members of Lucca Family by Family +Ann Lucchesi by Family 11:00 +Susan & Thomas DelRegno by Nina DelRegno -Special Intention from Rinaldi Family 12:30pm(Spanish) -Misa para el Pueblo CELEBRANT/LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE for Saturday/Sunday, May 2/3, 2015 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Josefina Bonilla - L Ambrocia Saucedo - L Israel Rosales - S Paola Tello - M Maria Galvin Linda Nelson School Student TBD CCD Student TBD Fran Valentine - W P. Cardaropoli - W Grace Marella - H Mike Carlini - H Sue Zupinski - W Sister Jan - W Susan Golding - W Lana Book - W John Lullo - H Barb Richter - H Fabrizia Felella - W Adelita Diane Trusco - W Armando Chris McGrail - H Lazara Dubroca - H Antonio Cruz Carlos Rodriguez Isabella Ramirez Amelia Rieger Kassy Alvarado John Golding Anthony Guerra Alyana Rodriguez Sam Lozano Antonio Mancha • Gaming • Party Room CUMBERLAND CHAPELS Funeral Home Elmwood Park, IL 60707 8300 W. Lawrence Ave. Norridge, IL 708-453-7065 708.456.8300 Family Owned and Operated Since 1985 Traditional Services, Cremations & Pre-Arrangements Available ANTHONY J. LUPO SR. • ANTHONY J. LUPO JR. PETER M. MARTINO • LOUIS A. MARTINO, JR. FREE 1621 Thatcher Avenue APPETIZER MARK’S QUALITY LANDSCAPING Specializing in Landscape Maintenance & Installation (708) 681-3384 With $20 Purchase & This Coupon Valid April only. 1 coupon per customer per visit. Local Melrose Park Florist 708-456-7890 THE CENTER FOR WOMEN NEW LOCATION AT WESTLAKE HOSP. PROF. BLDG. 1111 W. SUPERIOR STREET, SUITE 207, MELROSE PARK 708-343-2095 708-344-0808 Jean C. Alexandre, M.D. Saba F. Irshad, M.D. OB & Gyne - Board Certified Family Practice Board Certified Ismene Potakis, Physician Assistant Affiliated with: Westlake, Elmhurst & Gottlieb Hosps. Se Habla Español ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS LICENSED & BONDED 708-345-1344 TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO COMPLETO EN UN MISMO LUGAR: Established in 1893 MEDICINA INTERNA-TERAPIA FÍSICA LESIONES EN EL TRABAJO, ACCIDENTES AUTOMOVILÍSTICOS, LESIONES DEPORTIVAS, FÍSICO DE INMIGRACIÓN Meeting the Needs of Our Community with Dignity and Without Bias at the Most Reasonable Cost FUNERALS — PRE-NEEDS — CREMATIONS — INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS 2225 W. North Ave., Suite I, Melrose Park, IL 60160 RICHARD M. BACZAK, Funeral Director/Owner - Sarah Virelli P: (708) 345-8255 • 1600 Chicago Avenue • Melrose Park, IL 60160 (708) 344-0714 Dr. Anthony Martino, MD Dr. Beatriz Huertas-Rivera, MD Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 MELROSE an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA SELF STORAGE A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 3717 W. Lake Melrose Pk. 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