May 3, 2015 - St. John the Baptist

Seμ²on of the Re²u½rection!
Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015
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0S 233 Church Street.
Office 630-668-0918
• Winfield, IL 60190
Fax 630-668-1074
~ Our Mission Statement ~
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us
to proclaim: ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ - Behold the Lamb of God;
Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29
Welcome - Bienvenido
Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me;
and those who welcome me welcome the one
who sent me. (Mt 10:40) St. John the Baptist
Church wishes to welcome everyone to our
community as Jesus would. For information on
joining St. John’s, please call the parish office.
Parish Directory
Pastor/Párroco:.... Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Tomás
Associate Pastor:Fr. Tomy Chellakandathil CMI
Secretaries: Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides
………………….Ext 0 or 600…………………
Secretaria Hispana: ................................Ext 601
Director of Finance & Administration:
Deborah Birutis .............Ext 616
Business & Facilities Manager:
Aaron Simpson …….....Ext 603
Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose 630-653-1489
Música Español: María Marquez .. 562-6894
Religious Education:.............. Office: Ext 613
Director: Maureen Brennan .......... Ext 612
RCIA (Convert Preparation) ......... Ext 600
Adult Education & Youth Ministry:
Chris Strong………………...630-673-3982
Grade School: ......................... Office: Ext 618
Principal: Mickey Tovey .............. Ext 618
Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176
0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190
St Vincent de Paul Society ............... Ext 692
Mass Schedule
Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am
Misa en Español.................Domingo 1:30 pm
Weekday..M,T,Thu,F-7:30 am, Wed.-8a during
School Year & Sat. 8:30 am
Confessions: .......... Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Mary has a precise place
in the plan of salvation and a
special place within tradition
and devotion. She is seen as
having a singular dignity, and
receives a higher level of veneration than all other saints.
María tiene un lugar preciso
en el plan de salvación y un lugar
especial dentro de la tradición y
la devoción. Ella se ve como que
tiene una dignidad singular, y recibe un mayor nivel de veneración
que todos los otros santos.
There are four dogmas of
the Church that center on
the Blessed Virgin Mary. The
Dogmas of her Immaculate
Conception, of her Perpetual Virginity, of Mary as the
“Theotokos” - the Mother of
God, and of her Assumption
- form the basis of Mariology.
Hay cuatro dogmas de la
Iglesia que se centran en la
Santísima Virgen María. Los
dogmas de la Inmaculada Concepción, de su Virginidad Perpetua, de María como
“Theotokos” - la Madre de
Dios, y de su Asunción - forman la base de la Mariología.
Immaculate Conception of Mary
This dogma states that
Mary was conceived without
original sin (de fide). This
means that the conception of
Mary in her mother's womb
was without any stain of original sin and from the first moment of her existence, she
was preserved by God from
the lack of sanctifying grace
Inmaculada Concepción de María
Este dogma declara que
María fue concebida sin pecado
original (de fide). Esto significa
que la concepción de María en
la matriz de su madre era sin
ninguna mancha de pecado original y desde el primer momento de su existencia, ella
fue preservada por Dios desde
la falta de gracia que aflige a
that afflicts humankind, and that she was instead filled with divine grace.
The dogma of the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Mary by her mother, Saint Anne
and not the conception of Jesus. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception was defined by Pope Pius IX in
his constitution Ineffabilis Deus, on December 8, 1854. The dogmatic definition in Ineffabilis Deus (which is
Latin for "Ineffable God"), was made ex cathedra by the exercise of papal authority by Pope Pius IX. It
states that Mary possessed sanctifying grace from the first instant of her existence and by a special and
unique gift of God was free from the lack of grace caused by the original sin at the beginning of human history. In Fulgens Corona Pope Pius XII reaffirmed the concept by stating: "Who will dare to doubt that she,
who was purer than the angels and at all times pure, was at any moment, even for the briefest instant, not free from every stain of sin?" The definition in Ineffabilis Deus confirms the uniqueness of the
Immaculate Conception as a gift from God to Mary to allow her to become the stainless Mother of God.
Perpetual Virginity of Mary
This dogma states that Mary was a virgin before, during and after giving birth (de fide). This oldest
Marian doctrine, (also held by Lutheran, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox, and many other
Christians) affirms Mary's "real and perpetual virginity even in the act of giving birth to the Son of
God made Man." Thus, by the teaching of this dogma, the faithful believe that Mary was ever-Virgin
(Greek ἀειπάρθενος) for the whole of her life, making Jesus her only biological son, whose conception
and birth are held to be miraculous.
Virginity before birth - Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit without participation of any man (de fide). The
Greek term Aeiparthenos (i.e. "Ever Virgin") is attested from the early 4th century. The Catechism of
the Catholic Church includes the term Aeiparthenos and referring to the dogmatic constitution Lumen
Gentium states: "Christ's birth did not diminish his mother's virginal integrity but sanctified it."
Virginity during birth - Mary gave birth without losing her corporal virginity (de fide) and her corporal
integrity was not affected by giving birth. The Church insists that virginity during child birth is different from virginity of conception; Pope Pius XII stating in Mystici Corporis "Within her virginal womb
Christ our Lord already bore the exalted title of Head of the Church; in a marvelous birth she
brought Him forth as the source of all supernatural life".
Virginity after birth - Mary remained a virgin after giving birth (de fide). This belief of the Church was
questioned in its early years given scriptures say little about this, mentioning the brothers of Jesus,
but never "sons of Mary," suggesting to the patristical writers a broader family relationship.
Mary, the Mother of God
This dogma states that Mary is the mother of God (de fide). The term "Mother of God" appears within the
oldest known prayer to Mary, the Sub tuum praesidium, which dates to around 250 AD and states: "Under
thy protection we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God". This is reflected in the following statement in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church: "From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin has been honored
with the title of 'Mother of God,' to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and
needs." Early in the fifth century after the Church Fathers had found common ground on Mary's virginity
before, during and after giving birth, this was the first specifically Marian doctrine to be formally defined
by the Church. The definition Mother of God (in Greek:Theotokos) was formally affirmed at the Third
Ecumenical Council held at Ephesus in 431. This dogma is at the heart of all Marian Dogmas.
This dogma is inherently related to the Christological dogma of the divine and human natures of Jesus Christ.
Assumption of Mary
This dogma states that Mary was assumed into heaven with body and soul (de fide). The Catechism of
the Catholic Church states: "the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin,
when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory,
and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things." Pope Pius XII discussed the Assumption in Deiparae Virginis Mariae (1946) and declared in it a dogma in Munificentissimus Deus. Accounts of the
bodily assumption of Mary into heaven have circulated since at least the 5th century and by the 8th
century saints Andrew of Crete and John of Damascus had declared belief in it. The Book of Revelation
(12:1) has been interpreted as referring to it; with her coronation implying her previous bodily assumption to heaven. Before declaring the Assumption a dogma in Munificentissimus Deus in 1950, in the encyclical Deiparae Virginis Mariae (1946) Pope Pius XII obtained the opinion of Catholic bishops, and
based on their overwhelming support proceeded with the dogmatic definition.
la humanidad santificante, y que estaba en lugar lleno de divina gracia.
El dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción se refiere a la concepción de María por su madre, Santa Ana y
no la concepción de Jesús. El dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción fue definido por el Papa Pío IX en su
constitución Ineffabilis Deus, el 8 de diciembre de 1854. La definición dogmática en Ineffabilis Deus (que
en latín significa "Inefable Dios"), fue hecho ex cathedra por el ejercicio de autoridad papal por el Papa
Pío IX. Afirma que María poseía la gracia santificante desde el primer instante de su existencia y por un
regalo especial y único de Dios estaba libre de la falta de gracia causada por el pecado original en el comienzo de la historia humana. En Fulgens Corona Papa Pío XII reafirmó el concepto diciendo: "¿Quién se
atreverá a dudar de que ella, que era más pura que los ángeles y en todo momento puros, era en
cualquier momento, incluso por un breve instante, no está libre de toda mancha de pecado?" La definición en Ineffabilis Deus confirma la singularidad de la Inmaculada Concepción como un regalo de Dios a
María para que le permita convertirse en la Madre de Dios de acero.
Virginidad Perpetua de María
Este dogma declara que María fue virgen antes, durante y después del parto (de fide). Esta doctrina más
antigua Marian, afirma la "virginidad real y perpetua de María incluso en el acto de dar a luz al Hijo
de Dios hecho hombre." Así, mediante la enseñanza de este dogma, los fieles creen que María fue siempre
virgen (ἀειπάρθενος griego) para el conjunto de su vida, por lo que su único hijo biológico de Jesús, cuya
concepción y el nacimiento se celebran a ser milagroso.
La Virginidad antes del nacimiento - María concibió por el Espíritu Santo, sin la participación de
ningún hombre (de fide). El término griego Aeiparthenos (es decir, "Siempre Virgen") es atestiguado o de
principios del siglo 4. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica incluye el término Aeiparthenos y en referencia a
la constitución dogmática Lumen Gentium afirma: "el nacimiento de Cristo no disminuyó la integridad
virginal de su madre, pero lo santificó."
La Virginidad durante el parto - María dio a luz sin perder su virginidad corporal (de fide) y su integridad corporal no se vio afectada por dar a luz. La Iglesia insiste en que la virginidad durante el parto es diferente de la
virginidad de la concepción; El Papa Pío XII declarando en Mystici Corporis "Dentro de su seno virginal de
Cristo nuestro Señor ya tenía el título exaltado de Cabeza de la Iglesia, en un maravilloso nacimiento de
darlo a luz como la fuente de toda la vida sobrenatural".
La Virginidad después del nacimiento - María permaneció virgen después del parto (de fide). Esta creencia de la
Iglesia fue cuestionado en sus primeros años dados Escrituras dicen poco sobre esto, mencionando los hermanos
de Jesús, pero nunca "hijos de María", sugiriendo que los escritores patrístico una relación familiar más amplio.
María, la Madre de Dios
Este dogma declara que María es la Madre de Dios (de fide). La expresión "Madre de Dios" aparece dentro
de la oración más antigua conocida de María, el Sub tuum Praesidium, que data de alrededor del año 250,
y afirma: "Bajo tu protección nos refugiamos, Santa Madre de Dios". Esto se refleja en la siguiente declaración en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica: "Desde los tiempos más antiguos la Santísima Virgen ha
sido honrado con el título de 'Madre de Dios', a cuyo amparo los fieles suplicantes en todos sus peligros y necesidades." A principios del siglo quinto después de los Padres de la Iglesia habían encontrado un
terreno común sobre la virginidad de María antes, durante y después del parto, esta fue la primera doctrina específicamente mariano por definir formalmente por la Iglesia. La definición Madre de Dios (en griego:
Theotokos) se afirmó oficialmente en el Tercer Concilio Ecuménico celebrado en Éfeso en 431. Este dogma está intrínsecamente relacionada con el dogma Cristológico de las naturalezas divina y humana de
Este dogma está en el corazón de todos los dogmas Marianos.
La Asunción de María
Este dogma afirma que María fue elevada al cielo en cuerpo y alma (de fide). El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
afirma: "la Virgen Inmaculada, preservada inmune de toda mancha de pecado original, terminado el curso de su vida en la tierra, fue llevada en cuerpo y alma a la gloria celestial y enaltecida por Dios como
Reina del universo todas las cosas". El Papa Pío XII discutió la Asunción en Deiparae Virginis Mariae (1946) y
en lo declaró dogma en Munificentissimus Deus. Cuentas de la asunción corporal de María al cielo han circulado
desde al menos el siglo quinto y por los santos del siglo octavo Andrés de Creta y Juan de Damasco habían declarado creencia en ella. El libro del Apocalipsis (12: 1) se ha interpretado como una referencia a la misma; con
su coronación implicando su asunción corporal previo al cielo. Antes de declarar la Asunción un dogma en Munificentissimus Deus en 1950, en la encíclica Deiparae Virginis Mariae (1946) el Papa Pío XII obtuvo la opinión de
los obispos católicos, y en base a su apoyo abrumador procedió a la definición dogmática.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, May 2
8:30 a.m. † Edward Zeier (The Zeier Family)
Vigil for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
Our Sanctuary Lamps*
This Week Burn in Memory/Honor of:
Chapel–♥ For Confirmands
Church-† Ophelia Musni
5:00 p.m. † Stephanie Morey (Maryann Dusza & Family)
† Evelyn Kleinedler (Lita Sarlitto)
† Jack Miller (Maryann Dusza)
† Holy Souls in Purgatory (Anonymous)
† Beverly Spevak (Pam & Kim)
♥ Marilyn Lemak, Living (Mark & Linda Helminiak)
*If you would like to request a sanctuary lamp to
burn in memory of/in honor of a loved one, please contact the parish office. The cost is five dollars per week.
Sunday, May 3, The Fifth Sunday of Easter
8:45a-9:30a-Market Day-School Hall
11a-1p-Boy Scout Plant Pick-Up-Grassy Area-N. of Church
After 5p Mass-Family Fun Faire & Sleep-Out Saturday
Knights Pancake Breakfast-School Hall
10a-5p-The Food Fest of Cinco de Mayo-Sebahar Hall
2:30p-Girl Scouts-School Hall
6:30p-High School Youth Group-Youth Ministry Room
5p-7p-Girl Scouts-Youth Ministry Room
6p-Cub Scouts Den Meeting-Sodonna
7p-Baptismal Preparation Class-Parish Dining Room
7p-Boy Scout Troop Mtg.-School Hall
7p-9p-Spanish Mass-Chorus Practice-Youth Ministry Room
6:30p-CCW Gen. Mtg. & End of Year Dinner-Sebahar
6p-Cub Scouts Den Mtg.-Sodonna
6p-Cub Scouts Den Mtg.-Youth Ministry Room
7p-Adult Ed. Mtg-Parish Dining Room
7p-Boy Scout CPR Class-School Hall
8a-School Mass-May Crowning
9:30a-Cantor Practice
4:30p, 5:45p, 6:30p-Religious Education
5:45p-7p-St. John’s Spanish 1st Eucharist Practice-Church
7p-Adult Hispanic Formation for DuPage County-Sebahar
7p-Grief Ministry-Parish Dining Room
7:15p-St. Mary’s Confirmation Practice-Church
6p-10p-St. Mary’s Confirmation-Church
After St. Mary’s Confirmation-Reception in Sebahar
6p-Cub Scouts Den Meeting-School Hall
7p-AA-Sodonna Hall
7p-Guadalupanos-Youth Ministry Room
9:30a-Bible Study-Sebahar Hall
St. John’s School Golf Outing at Glendale Lakes
No School for SJB
7a-12p-WIA Pictures-Grassy Area & Sebahar
After 8:30a Mass-CCW May Crowning-Chapel
9a-Religious Education-School Hall
1p-St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive-Sodonna
SUNDAY, May 10
At 1:30p Mass-Spanish 1st Eucharist/Church, ReceptionSebahar
7:30 a.m. ♥† CCW Living, Deceased & Peace (CCW)
9:30 a.m. ♥† Knights of Columbus, Living & Deceased (K of C)
11:30 a.m. † For All the Parishioners of St. John’s
1:30 p.m. † John Vivoda (Joe & Kathy Kregul)
Monday, May 4
7:30 a.m. † Toni Lawrentz (Ron Lawrentz)
Tuesday, May 5
7:30 a.m. † Leon Gabriel (The Gabriel Family)
Wednesday, May 6
8:00 a.m. † Jon Passini (The Passini Family)
Thursday, May 7
7:30 a.m. † Stanley Zawislak (Lois & Chuck Kirk)
Friday, May 8*
7:30 a.m. † Fr. Tony Stockinger-Anniversary of Death (SJB)
Saturday, May 9
8:30 a.m. † Mary Periello (Fr. Tom Cargo)
Vigil for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
5:00 p.m. †♥ For All the Parishioners of St. John’s
Sunday, May 10, The Sixth Sunday of Easter
7:30 a.m. †♥ For the Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
9:30 a.m. †♥ For the Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
11:30 a.m. †♥ For the Parish Mother’s Day Intentions
1:30 p.m. †♥ Por las intenciones parroquiales del
Dia de las Madres
*There is no second Mass on Fridays at 8:30 a.m.
Confession Schedule/
Horario de
Saturday, May 23:30 p.m.-Fr. Tomy
Saturday, May 93:30 p.m.Fr. Tomy
Mass Celebrants for:
Saturday, May 9
5:00 pm– Fr. Tom
Sunday, May 10
7:30 am-Fr. Tomy
9:30 am-Fr. Tomy;
11:30 am-Fr. Tom;
1:30 pm/SpanishFr. Tom
This Week at St. John’s
Welcome to
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Tomãs Juan Olascoaga
Son of
Maria Espino y Carlo
Music Schedule - May
5p-Contemporary Ensemble;
7:30a-Classic Ensemble;
9:30a-Adult Choir;
11:30a-Cantor, Organ
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Cinco de Mayo
Thursday: National Day of Prayer
Readings for the Week
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:14, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps
145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:15; Jn 15:1-8
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:13, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:810, 12; Jn 15:12-17
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps
100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:1821
Acts 10:25-36, 34-35,
44-48; Ps 98:1-4;
1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn
4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17
or Jn 17:11b-19
Christianity is the spirit of Jesus
Christ at work in the world.
Easter Joy that Lasts (at least)
a Season!
I have always found it interesting how well we Catholics do Lent as a season. We
certainly have a sense of the expansiveness and gravity of Lent…that it is a serious
journey, a ponderous pilgrimage. And well we should, of course. This penitential
season is so core to the process of Paschal Mystery that we commemorate and that we
And yet, when it comes to Easter, it’s a one (day)-and-done mentality…certainly for
our society, and yes, also for many/most in the Church. Why? Why are we so quick
to move on? Why do we not do a better job of lifting up and maintaining a consciousness of joy that the Easter Season invites us to? Theologically, our approach doesn’t
make sense, not if we truly believe that God’s victory over sin and death is definitive.
Our faith assures us that the empty tomb is the last word in the salvation story. Simply
put, Lent is but a means. Easter is the end.
The ancient adage of the Church, lex orandi, lex credendi, teaches us that the “law of
praying is the law of believing”. The Church certainly prays with profound joy
throughout the Easter Season. (I always loved the phrase “It is with greater joy than
ever in this Easter Season…” in the old sacramentary.) Perhaps our law of praying…
and believing…can draw us into a manner of Christian living, an intentional and conscious living in and through the victory, which is far greater than our sin, expressed in
the Easter action of our God.
Let us take a page from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and live out the joy of the Gospel. I’ve heard it said that since Jesus’ Resurrection the world lives permanently in the
Easter Season. Indeed, perhaps we can endeavor to live in Easter joy 365. But as we
strive toward this permanent state of being, maybe we can all help our colleagues and
parishioners understand that Easter continues unabated to Pentecost. That it’s time to
sing, time to party…time to rest in the unqualified victory that is ours in Christ.
Want to be an evangelizer? Try saying “Happy Easter” to someone this week or next.
And when they say “You’re a little late, aren’t you?”, consider the door open to sharing some very Catholic, very good news!
~ submitted by Thomas S. Quinlan, Director, Religious Education Office, Roman
Catholic Diocese of Joliet
Over time, the crisis of last illness and the way the faithful met death
changed. In earliest times, a sickbed vigil was an occasion for the community
to gather and strengthen the dying person with assurances of love. A thousand
years ago, in part because of massive upheavals in society, a new emphasis on
individual repentance captured the imagination of millions. Death was to be
feared, because it was about judgment. The delights of heaven’s banquet
dimmed, since most people saw God’s just judgment and inevitable punishment intervening. If a community gathered at all, it was not to express faith in
the Resurrection, but to seek forgiveness for those who were powerless to help
themselves. The dead couldn’t improve their situation, but their loved ones, by
expressing sorrow for sin, could. Better yet, the clergy could, if they intervened in a timely fashion, provide the absolution needed for everyone to relax.
Ministry to the sick shifted away from a ministry of consolation toward a challenge to repent before it was too late.
As the sense grew that most people died with their work of repentance incomplete, the color black was reintroduced to funerals. It was the old pagan
way of expressing despair. No wonder they call this time in history the “Dark
Ages.” Many layers have had to be peeled away to reveal the deepest, most
positive expressions of our tradition of care for the dying.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Please pray for our sick
James Bestler
Bernie Briody
Brian Burke
Lisa Cicero
Kathy Connor
Jewel Ann Curtis
Bill & Toula Diamant
Joann Eggebrecht
William Ferdinand
Patrocinia Fernandez
Gregory Figiel
John Flanigan, Jr.
Kyle Freed
Dolores Gabriel
Gregory Garlt
Manuel Garza
Myrla Gonzales
Joe Grabowski
Dawn Grant
Destin Green
Jennifer Hammerschmidt
Bonnie Hansen
John Heitzler, Jr.
We Need YOU at our
Service Ministry Fairafter Masses,
Saturday, May 16
& Sunday, May 17
Sebahar Hall
“The closer we get to God, the easier it is to love one another because
we are all made in God’s Image.”
Please join us for our Ministry
Fair, Saturday, May 16 and
Sunday, May 17 in Sebahar
Hall, immediately following all
Masses. We will be showcasing
our Service Ministries which focus on serving the poor and
needy of our community. Stop by
to be inspired to contribute your
God-given time to serve as the
hands of Jesus in our community.
Catholics for Life
Keeping a Memory Alive
Knights of Columbus
Council of Catholic Women
Marian Park Assistance
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Transitional Housing
Vocations Ministry
Wish Tree
Joy Henczel
*Cara Herbener*
Yvona Janczy
Margarita Jimenez
Bill Johnson
David Kadolph
Brandon Karimi
Ken Kasnicka
Carter Kettner
Margaret Krisch
Gerry Krug
Korrin Kupris
Dolores LaBruyere
Riley Lambert
Rick LeBreux
John Lechowicz
Dolores Lewandowski
Nancy Liden
Bernie Madden
Beth Majerczyk
Ursula Makowijczuk
Mary Malone
John Maltese
Linda Marczewski
Jan Masters
Tommy Mathieu
Alex McCall
Ima’ya Curry McDonald
Goldena McGee
Mary Lu Mulcahy
Becky Neal
Johnny Neal
Maura Neuens
Eileen Tobin Newell
Alex Novak
Lesley (Tobin) Nygaard
Joan Pacer
Charlie Parisi
Josie Pasciak
Hector Perez
Bane Petrov
Cathy Enders Poss
Ian Prosser
Elly T. Ransum
Mary Rauch
Alicia Ricciardi
Cooper Rojas
Gertie Romero
Katherine Rose
Marvin Rothweil
Susan Rothweil
Lillian Salek
Sven Segerlund
John Shannon
Chuck Snail
Rosemary Sumang
Mary Tarchala
Virg Tobin
Jim Toman
Sheila Tomaszewski
Ed Underwood
Emily Vanco
Genevieve Welch
Lucy Zimmerman Wiltgen
Lexie Youngberg
*New this week
K of C’s Breakfast
Mother’s Day Special
Sunday, May 10
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
School Hall
All Mothers Receive a Complimentary Flower and Breakfast
The Knights provide over 65 million hours of donated volunteer
time across the U.S. each year, all for the betterment of our
Catholic faith communities.
Enjoy a menu that includes hot buttermilk pancakes, sausage
links, golden hash browns, country fresh eggs, apple or orange
juice, and fresh roasted coffee. Hungry?
Bring your mother or grandmother, invite some
friends, bring a group, support the parish, have a
cup of coffee on us.
Any and all second graders completing their First
Eucharist in May eat free, as well. Good will offerings kindly accepted.
Mother’s Day Mass Intention Cards-Available at MassMass Intention cards are available for any mother, living or deceased, whom you wish to have remembered
during the Masses on Mother’s Day. Each card has
two envelopes, one for a free-will donation which you
may turn in anytime this week at the parish office or
next weekend along with your Sunday offering, and the
he second envelope is for your personal Mass intention
card for the Mom in your life.
Vincent Cloos
Assistance Fund
Sacrificial Giving
We are ever grateful for your loving generosity and sharing in the Ministries
of Serving the Lord here at St. John the Baptist.
Parish Collections
Please help us meet our weekly needs of $26,209. Abram tithed (giving at
least 10%) as a symbol that he depended totally on God. Moses said tithing
was holy and an act of worship. David informed us that God owns everything
when he wrote that the earth and everything in it belongs to Him. Our tithe
is merely a way to recognize that. Each family should prayerfully discern
their own situation and understand that tithing is God’s plan for supporting
the church and the poor. We are ever grateful for your generosity and
sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St. John the Baptist.
March 29…………...$17,893.70
April 5……………….$17,822.25
Easter Envelopes….$35,155.39
April 12……………...$22,033.63
April 19……………...$19,024.96
2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Through 4/17/2015
The 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, “Extending God’s
Mercy,” is in full swing. If you are making monthly pledge payments, they should be made in the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach
our goal. Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 65% of
the additional funds received will be returned to the parish for
our use. (This is an increase of 5% over last year.)
If you haven’t yet contributed to the 2015 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal, would you consider answering Bishop Conlon’s
request and make a pledge?
Thank you in advance for your
Our parish has a Tuition Assistance Fund named in honor of our
beloved former pastor, Monsignor
Vincent Cloos, who loved dearly
our school and all the children who
attended. Families who qualify to
be recipients of funds for tuition
assistance must be parishioners of
St. John the Baptist Parish and attend church at St. John’s weekly.
Donations may be given in honor
of, or in memory of, a loved one,
and, from a donor or from
“anonymous.” Please indicate
your preferences concerning the
aforementioned when you make
your donation to the Monsignor
Vincent Cloos Tuition Assistance
Thank you to all those who have
contributed, including the most
recent donation received of
$4,200 from an anonymous donor.
In return, she only asks that we
pray for her elderly mother whose
health is failing.
Since its inception in 2013, St.
John’s has been blessed with generous donors giving over $15,000
in financial assistance to those in
need. If you’d like to learn more
about the scholarship fund for you
or for a needy family, please
Deborah Birutis, ext. 616; or
Father Tom Cargo, ext. 600.
Thank you.
From the Diocese of Joliet Office for
Human Dignity-If you have been searching for a way to respond to the persecution of Christians in Syria & Iraq, go to and/or to donate
online. Or, send your assistance to:
Catholic Relief Services, 228 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, Maryland, 212013443 or CNEWA, 1011 First Avenue,
New York, NY, 10022-4195.
~Submitted by Tom Garlitz, Director,
Office for Human Dignity, Catholic Diocese of Joliet,
[email protected]
Congratulations to
Beverly Brach,
Woman of the Year –2015
St. John’s
Council of Catholic Women
Beverly Brach, the CCW Woman
of the Year for 2015 has been a
long-time member of our parish.
In CCW, Beverly works at the
fund-raising events often in the
This & That booth and Garage
Sales, pricing, sorting, displaying
and selling the donated items.
She has been an ongoing board member as the Family and Community Services chair. She organizes the annual Thanksgiving Basket collection of food for a needy family, encouraging our CCW
members to donate items or money to the basket. Additionally, she helps with hospitality at many
Bev has always been very supportive to the Knights of Columbus, helping her husband Bill, the
Grand Knight, with many KC events and fund-raisers. She is also a regular volunteer at our annual
Parish Picnic, working the reception table, BINGO and sometimes the food and beverage area.
Bev has been a resident of Winfield for over 50 years. In her earlier years, she was on the Auxiliary for the Volunteer Fire Department, and organized events that helped support the Department
as well as bring the community together. She also was one of the founding organizers of Winfield’s
annual “Good Old Days.” As you may have surmised, with Bev involved in the community, she was
a member of the Winfield Junior Women’s Club, as well. When Beverly’s six children were in
school at Winfield Elementary, she was an active volunteer as well as the PTA president.
Beverly and her husband, Bill recently celebrated 65 years of marriage. She is the devoted mother
of six children, with 14 grandkids, 13 great-grandchildren and a great-great grandson is the latest
addition to her family.
Beverly was recognized along with women throughout the Joliet Diocese, at the Annual Women of
the Year Mass at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet on April 18th. Bishop Siegel was the presider and our Fr. Tomy concelebrated the Mass along with many priests from the diocese.
Bev will be crowning the Blessed Mother at the May Crowning after the 8:30 a.m. Mass this
Saturday, May 9, 2015.
Part of our music
ministry captured in
a picture! This picture was taken on a
recent Sunday at our
1:30 p.m. Spanish
Mass. Everyone is
invited to participate
in the music! Maria
de la Luz Marquez is
leading in song,
along with Kaitlyn.
Rosary Sports Boosters Hosts Plant Sale, Friday &
Saturday, May 8 & 9-Rosary Sports Boosters will be
hosting its annual Plant Sale on May 8-9 at Rosary
High School, 901 N. Edgelawn Drive, Aurora. The
sale is open Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday
from 7:30 a.m. to Noon.
Choose from a variety of hanging baskets, decorative bowls, bedding plants, perennials, annuals,
vegetables, and planters supplied by Schaefer’s
Greenhouse in Aurora.
Gift certificates are also available. Proceeds benefit Rosary’s athletic programs. For more information, visit
Dear Parishioners,
Our St. John the Baptist School’s
Children’s Annual Appeal is in full
swing. Through this fund, St. John’s
can offer financial assistance to
families so that no child is denied a
Catholic education. Additionally, we
have a constant need to upgrade our
school’s technology and improve
facilities; donations to the fund will
go toward these constant demands.
A generous donor has come forward
and will match, dollar for dollar,
contributions made up to $10,000.
This anonymous family would love
to see their God-given treasure go
even further with your donation to
the Appeal. Will you please consider
making a donation this year and get
us to our goal of $40,000?
When making donations, checks
should be made payable to the St.
John the Baptist Children’s Fund
Annual Appeal and can be placed in
the Sunday collection basket or
dropped off at the parish office.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
*Amount contributed to date
Bridge Communities is looking for
volunteers for
our Learning Resource Centers!
We need volunteers who have experience
working with kids and can help
out two evenings per month.
Please call Sharon Drucker at
630-618-8194 or e-mail :
sharon.drucker@bridgecommunit for details.
Do you have a supportive
family and a spare room available in your home? Invite an international student to stay with you next
school year! For the 2015-16 school year,
St. Francis High School seeks qualified
host families to provide a safe and nurturing home environment for international high school students attending our
school from abroad. For more information about this, please contact [email protected]. and an application.
18th Annual St. John the Baptist School
Wildcat Classic Golf & Gala-May 8, 2015
Save the Date!
Glendale Lakes Golf Course, Glendale Heights, Shotgun Start - 1:00 p.m.
$90 per Golfer on Course-Lunch & Dinner Included. Dinner Only-$50 per person
Benefitting St. John the Baptist Catholic School
For information or questions, contact: [email protected] or 630-660-4273
Visit our website at:
The Joliet Diocese is partnering with the University
of Notre Dame in an apprenticeship program named
ECHO. This program forms young leaders in the area
of catechetical leadership who desire to serve the
Church professionally.
Four parishes will each be hiring a graduate student
who will work with a variety of ministries at their assigned churches for the
next two years. St. John’s is blessed to be part of this program and will be
welcoming a student.
While working at the parishes, the apprentices are required to live in community together. To accomplish this, the Diocese is looking for a fourbedroom residence in the Naperville, Lisle, Winfield, or Warrenville area
that the Diocese could rent for little to no cost to accommodate the apprentices. They will each have a vehicle and will need parking for four cars.
If you know of someone that has a property available or would like more information, please contact David Spesia at [email protected] or
phone David at 815-221-6140.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
“Spare Change Saves Mothers and Babies”
Beginning on Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17,
the weekend after Mother’s Day, our parish Baby Bottles for Life will start. All donations will be sent to
Women’s Choice Services, which helps women facing
unplanned pregnancies choose life for their babies.
Baby bottles will be available in the narthex after all Masses. We ask
that each family take one and place it in a prominent place in your home
where each member of your family will have a chance to add spare
change to participate in building a culture of life. (Baby bottles will also
be available in the entryway to the parish offices in case you miss the
pick-up weekend.) Please return your donations in the baby bottles to
the parish before Masses on the weekend after Father’s Day, Saturday
and Sunday, June 27 and 28.
Parishioners at St. John the Baptist Parish have helped moms and babies
served by Woman's Choice Services since it was dedicated by Bishop
Joseph Imesch ten years ago. Since 2005, this pregnancy center has
helped 1,589 clients change their mind about abortion; that is 1,589 babies have been saved since opening their doors - and as many moms
(and many dads) have been saved from years of sorrow and regret. Their
program provides clients with spiritual, financial, material, and emotional support, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and consultations, focusing on the presentation of life and options available. They also offer
mothering programs and parent education groups, and have a Baby Boutique available to provide items such as diapers, baby clothing, car seats,
and grooming products. They also offer resource help for healing for
post-abortive women. (WCS help line is 630-261-9221; also in
Lombard at 630-261-9564; in Bolingbrook at 815-725-7732;
YOUR financial support through our parish's Baby Bottles for Life Program is making a great difference!
Thank You
Our Wonderful Volunteers!
Today, we are thanking the
following parishioners, a mother
and daughter, who
Teach Baptismal Preparation
Classes in Spanish
at our Church.
Gloria Guzman, the Mom
Gloria E. Guzman, the Daughter
They give our parish a Sunday
morning each month to educate
our new parents and godparents
who only speak Spanish. We are
so very grateful for
their time and talent!
2015 A Year of Service
Sponsored by
St. John the Baptist Parish
Family Fun
Faire &
Sleep Out
This Weekend!
May 2, 2015
$5.00 entrance fee
per family, food extra
The evening starts with
5:00 p.m. Mass
Then, come to Sebahar Hall for
Food & Chili, Games,
Face Painting
(ends at 9:00 p.m.)
Pancake Breakfast
by the Knights of
Columbus on
Sunday Morning
in School Hall
All Proceeds to benefit
Bridge Communities
A Year of Service OpportunitiesSponsored by St. John the Baptist Parish
As Catholic Christians we are compelled by Jesus to “be of service” to
others. As a Catholic Community we are encouraged to build community.
To accomplish this we thought we would try to offer “a service opportunity” per month. Here is an overview of the service opportunities:
May 2-Family Fun Faire & Sleep Out Saturday-details on previous page
In order for us to do these and other service projects, we need supplies. If
you see any of the following on sale and would like to contribute, we would
love to have your donations.
*Supplies needed:
 Still collecting school supplies & books for the Philippines
 Fiberfill and fleece for blankets
Our St. John’s
Ministry invites
everyone to...
The Food Fest of
Cinco de Mayo
Today! Sunday, May 3
Sebahar Hall
Come & enjoy
Mexican cuisine!
~Maureen Brennan, Religious Education Director
*Can be brought to the parish or religious education offices
Mark Your Calendar, Please, for:
Religious Education Registration
for the 2015-2016 calendar year
If you did not attend any of the three registration
sessions that were already held, registrations will be
accepted at the parish office finance department,
Tuesdays through Thursdays, 9a-4p, or by appointment, 630-668-0918, ext. 614.
Please note: For new students, please bring a copy of baptismal
certificate. Also, any outstanding Religious Education balances
must be paid in full prior to registration. Thank you.
Tenga en cuenta: Para los nuevos estudiantes, por favor traiga
una copia del certificado de bautismo. Además, los saldos de
Educación Religiosa pendientes deben ser pagados en su totalidad antes de la inscripción. Gracias.
Join Fr. Mark Jurzyk, pastor of Corpus Christi Church on a pilgrimage visiting
two shrines in Wisconsin, Saturday, May 9th, leaving Corpus Christi by
coach bus at 8:00a and returning to Corpus Christi at 8:00p. There are three
purposes for this pilgrimage: to honor Mother Mary on the day before Mothers’ Day; to learn about the Franciscan and Carmelite communities who
maintain the shrines during this Year of the Consecrated Life; and to enjoy
and appreciate the serenity and beauty of the shrines.
Cost for the entire trip including coach bus, lunch, and tips is $50. For more
information or to secure your reservation, call Corpus Christi office at:
Vacation Bible School
Coming to SJB!
Conquering Challenges
God’s Mighty Power!
Save these dates:
June 22-26, 2015
9:00 a.m. through Noon
$40.00 per child
Homeless Ministry
Please contact Rick Loechl if you can
help with PADS in Sebahar Hall any
block of time beginning Tuesday evenings through Wednesdays this summer.
We are always looking for a few more
friendly faces to help with this very
worthwhile & necessary ministry. Service hours can be earned.
Rick Loechl at 630-653-1710, or
[email protected]
Wedding Information
Getting married? Give us a ring! Please
contact one of the parish priests as soon
as you become engaged and at least six
months before the wedding date.
Catholics need to be attending
church every Sunday.
Youth Ministry
(High School)
For information, contact
Chris Strong at
[email protected]
All meetings are 6:30p-8p in
the Youth Ministry Center
above the garages at the parish
offices. Next regular meeting:
Tonight! Sunday, May 3
We are hosting
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at
St. John’s every
Thursday evening in Sodonna Hall
(basement of the parish offices),
from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more
information, Chris Strong, 630-6733982 or [email protected].
Parish Registration
New Parishioner Registrations are
held in Sebahar Hall (lower level of
the Church) generally following the
7:30 & 9:30 a.m. Masses. Upcoming
scheduled dates are as follows:
Sunday, May 17
Bulletin Advertiser
of the Week:
Paula Schatz
Realty Executives
Please support those who help us
finance our Bulletin through their
weekly advertisements!
Middle School Youth Group
Schedule We meet the first
Friday each month. Questions?
Jennipher Graf: [email protected], 630-659-4101.
Looking for a place for your
old palms? There is a basket
in the Church Narthex and in
the entryway to the parish
offices for your old palms.
Having Surgery?
Give one of our priests a call PRIOR to
your surgery, so that anointing can be
given at a time when you are less
stressed. Call the parish office at 630-6680918, ext. 600, and set a time to come in
BEFORE your surgery for anointing.
Hospital Visits
Our priests are available to make hospital visits. Because of HIPAA Laws the
Hospital does not notify churches
when parishioners are there. Please
notify the Saint John’s Parish Office
when a loved one is there giving us the
name and room number. We want to do
our best to minister to all hospitalized!
Parishioners who are homebound and
wish to receive communion, please call
the parish office at 630-668-0918, ext.
600, and we will pass your name to the
coordinator for Homebound Ministry.
Lost and Found
Please check the Lost and Found box in
the entry way to the parish office.
Bulletin Articles
Please Pray for
those who
defend our
those who serve
in Active Duty
Pvt James Luigi Akin
SRA Francis Beifuss
Captain John Berg
Sgt Melissa Brooker
Lt Deandra Carbone
CMR Nicholas Carbone
Pvt Timothy Conley
Captain Daniel Durbin
SA Dakota Enders
AF3C John L. Enders
LCPI Ciro Esquivel, Jr.
Pv2 Nicholas Gorman
Sgt Pamela Gray
A1C Seth Kelley
LCpl David Lawless
Lt Cmdr Matthew Luff
GSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A. Newell
ABHAA Sean Phillips
A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez
Sgt Ian Sarlitto
AN Michael Schieve
Captain Jim Smolucha
Captain Mike Smolucha
SPC Thomas Stanhope
ABHAA Robert Twohill
Submissions are due by noon on
Thurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday on
which you wish the article to appear.
(Holidays may change due dates for articles because of publishing demands).
Include the name and phone number of
the person submitting the article. Please
email as an attachment using Microsoft
Word or Publisher. Please do not include
article in the body of the email.
Email to: [email protected]
or [email protected].
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic, please call the parish office for information: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.
Pulpit Announcements
Visit Our Parish Website
Must be submitted with a contact name
and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tuesday prior to the Sunday you wish the
announcement made. The parish office
has final approval on all bulletin articles
and pulpit announcements.
Help Our School
Clip Box Tops!
Please drop off your clipped Box Tops
in the entryway to the parish office.
There is always a collection box there.
All profits are benefitting programs for
St. John the Baptist school. Questions,
contact Robin Hafertepe at:
[email protected] Thank you!
Relevant Radio is Talk Radio for
Catholic Life. Tune into 930AM or
950AM, or
Catholic Inquiry for:
Copy of the bulletin
Ministries Schedule
Prayers of the Faithful
If you or someone in your family is
sick and would like to be mentioned
in the Prayers of the Faithful, please
call the parish secretary at 630-6680918, ext. 600, to add your name to
the list.
Gluten Free Hosts
Anyone who needs a Gluten
Free host at Mass, please see
the priest beforehand.
for calendar of events pertaining
to Catholic family life!
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Mass
Eucharistic Adoration ~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - Wed 7:15 a.m. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents need to register and parents and godparents
need to attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics!
Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not set your reception date until you meet with a priest.
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Requisitos Sacramentales
Confesiones • los Sábados de las 3:30-4:30 pm
Bautizos • Las clases pre bautismales son requeridas antes de
fijar la fecha del Bautismo. Bautizos normalmente son el 4°
Domingo del Mes.
Bodas • Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo menos con
SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su
Celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Adoración del Santísimo los Martes 8 AM a Miércoles 7:15 AM
Sacramento de los Enfermos y Visitas de la Comunión
• Llame a la oficina
Quince Años y Presentaciones • Llame a la oficina para
hablar con la Secretaria Hispana. Las familias de las quinceañeras
necesitan ser miembros de la Parroquia y estar confirmadas.
Secretaria Hispana Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame el
Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a 2:00 PM, y Sábados 9:00 AM a
12:00 AM y Domingo 1 hora después de la Misa en español, a
extensión 601.