Application - Episcopal High School

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Spanish National Honor Society
Spring 2015 Application
The SHH was formally organized as the Spanish National Honor Society in 1953. The name
was changed to Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica in 1959. At present there are more than 2,000
national and international chapters of the SHH.
The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize high school achievement in
Spanish and Portuguese and to promote interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies.
MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY – The applicant must be at least a full time high school sophomore
student who:
1…is currently enrolled in a 3rd year or higher of Spanish at the high school level.
2…has an overall GPA of 3.7
3…has earned all grades of A or A- in Spanish classes and no more than one B+ in any one
Spanish class.
4. In addition to high academic achievement, applicant must have displayed good character and
citizenship as described below:
Character: Members of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica hold themselves to the highest
standard and always try to make the right decision. SHH members should exemplify
honorable moral characters. Infractions of the Honor Code or the Discipline Code of Conduct
may prohibit the acceptance of applicants or revoke the membership of current members.
We will look at the application essay and feedback from faculty in order to determine this.
Furthermore, SHH members are expected to participate in serving the community through
actively engaging in SHH projects, events, and meetings. Inactive involvement in SHH may
serve as grounds for dismissal from the organization.
In order to maintain their membership, students will….
Maintain good academic standing for the 2015-2016 school year
Attend all SHH monthly meetings
Be current in paying membership dues
Participate in SHH sponsored activities
Submit work to the publication ¡Albricias!
Fulfill all other requirements and duties of the society
Forms must be returned to A111
by 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15th.
NAME: ________________________________________________________
CURRENT OVERALL GPA: ________ (Send GPA Calculation Sheet to [email protected])
Spanish Class
Spanish Teacher
9 grade
10th grade
11th grade
DIRECTIONS: Please read the directions carefully. Complete all sections in ink.
Completion of this form does not guarantee selection.
TWO-PART ESSAY: Carefully develop a typed essay in 12 in. font, double-spaced in response to
the following two topics. Your essay will be evaluated for depth of your response, organization,
clarity, and effort. The essay is an important part of the evaluation process. The essay length should
be about 250 words IN SPANISH.
¿Por qué a usted le gusta estudiar la lengua española? ¿Qué planes tiene usted para usar
el español en el futuro? ¿Qué hace usted fuera de la clase para aumentar su dominio del
español y ser mejor estudiante?
PART TWO: ¿Qué ideas tiene usted para esta organización? Describa las ideas o planes que tiene para
promover el uso y aprendizaje del idioma castellano y la cultura hispana en la escuela y en
la comunidad.
HONOR/DISCIPLINE COUNCIL: Have you been before the Honor Council or Discipline
Council? _________ If yes, please explain what you learned (attach a separate sheet of
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________________